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Gang Stages Shootout In Bangkok Hospital


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I think may be because the gun is too easy to find in Bangkok .

Even in the hospital from my own experience

1. the patient came to the hospital he bring his gun this time no accident happen

2. The worker in hospital bring gun whil working ( I don't know why ? ) finally he shot himself accidentally !

May be hospital is not the safe place as people think any more .

I have worked in hospitals, and believe me they are never safe. 90,000 die a year from hospital based infections in the US. And even more (much more) die from drug reactions, and these are the properly prescribed ones. So the chance of dying from medical care is 1000 times more likely then being shot I bet.

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I think may be because the gun is too easy to find in Bangkok .

Even in the hospital from my own experience

1. the patient came to the hospital he bring his gun this time no accident happen

2. The worker in hospital bring gun whil working ( I don't know why ? ) finally he shot himself accidentally !

May be hospital is not the safe place as people think any more .

I have worked in hospitals, and believe me they are never safe. 90,000 die a year from hospital based infections in the US. And even more (much more) die from drug reactions, and these are the properly prescribed ones. So the chance of dying from medical care is 1000 times more likely then being shot I bet.

Not bad. As you know in the US there is a saying "if you are not sick when you go to a hospital you will be when you leave, that is if you leave".
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My goodness are the red shirts invading hospitals once again?

Congratulations, you win the award for the most tenuous link to the red shirts from an unrelated article, and to manage it within one post is truly special.

Not really. The reds' actions set a precedent as no-one was punished for it. That would seem to make invading hospitals ok/

Nice example to set to da yoof,

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I think may be because the gun is too easy to find in Bangkok .

Even in the hospital from my own experience

1. the patient came to the hospital he bring his gun this time no accident happen

2. The worker in hospital bring gun whil working ( I don't know why ? ) finally he shot himself accidentally !

May be hospital is not the safe place as people think any more .

Correct , and it has a great deal to do with it . Its shocking seeing the attitudes in Thailand follow that of the Wonderful ..

US of A ... Where people as the question ( quite seriously ) ..Why didn't they turn and shoot the Batman Movie killer ?? lol lol ..

Absolutely wonderful Logic !! ALL guns , should be outlawed , there are way too many individuals with Guns in Thailand and the situation needs to be cleaned up quickly . There is no reason for any individual to be carrying a Gun on the streets of Bangkok , Or taking a Gun to work in the Hospital . Get Rid of the guns and you straight away get rid of 90 % of the Problem . Far Too many Guns .

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Please stick to the news story, not a broad debate about gun control. Off topic posts will be removed without further comment.

Again.... Bangkok hospital shooting is the topic. Not gun control in the US, not Japan invading the UK (I wish I was making this up). Stick to the news story.

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Please stick to the news story, not a broad debate about gun control. Off topic posts will be removed without further comment.

Again.... Bangkok hospital shooting is the topic. Not gun control in the US, not Japan invading the UK (I wish I was making this up). Stick to the news story.

Unfortunately, the quality of the source i.e. the striking absence of

  • detailed reporting [e.g. what did exactly happen?],
  • adequate background information [e.g. what are current or planned legislations?],
  • and sufficient linking to wider current affairs context [e.g. what similar events have recently occurred?]

appears to leave posters struggling with maintaining a focus.

Edited by Morakot
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Technically, a shootout is between two or more people firing at one another.

Hmmm, so what do we call this then? Perhaps a safari? giggle.gif

Perhaps the shooters who entered the hospital in Bangkok were wearing this type of T-shirt. Or maybe Thai hospital staff will all in the future be attired in such a way as a consequence of this event... sad.png


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My goodness are the red shirts invading hospitals once again?

Congratulations, you win the award for the most tenuous link to the red shirts from an unrelated article, and to manage it within one post is truly special.

Not really. The reds' actions set a precedent as no-one was punished for it.

Agree. The previous time terrorists took over a hospital here they were all killed by Thai special forces..

Edited by plopmeister
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I think may be because the gun is too easy to find in Bangkok .

Even in the hospital from my own experience

1. the patient came to the hospital he bring his gun this time no accident happen

2. The worker in hospital bring gun whil working ( I don't know why ? ) finally he shot himself accidentally !

May be hospital is not the safe place as people think any more .

I have worked in hospitals, and believe me they are never safe. 90,000 die a year from hospital based infections in the US. And even more (much more) die from drug reactions, and these are the properly prescribed ones. So the chance of dying from medical care is 1000 times more likely then being shot I bet.

But not if some thug is pointing a gun at you - at that time the odds dramatically reverse direction. As for these cretins charging in and shooting up a hospital - well where was security and the police?

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I think may be because the gun is too easy to find in Bangkok .

Even in the hospital from my own experience

1. the patient came to the hospital he bring his gun this time no accident happen

2. The worker in hospital bring gun whil working ( I don't know why ? ) finally he shot himself accidentally !

May be hospital is not the safe place as people think any more .

I have worked in hospitals, and believe me they are never safe. 90,000 die a year from hospital based infections in the US. And even more (much more) die from drug reactions, and these are the properly prescribed ones. So the chance of dying from medical care is 1000 times more likely then being shot I bet.

But not if some thug is pointing a gun at you - at that time the odds dramatically reverse direction. As for these cretins charging in and shooting up a hospital - well where was security and the police?

Under the BEDs LOL whistling.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifw00t.gif

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Well, you've got give em credit, they're in the right place for medical treatment, no waiting for an Ambulance, no waiting five hrs in out patients , bang bang, before you can say son of a gun your on the operating table, pity you were only delivering the milk for the Maternity ward. cheesy.gif

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In reply to the original post.....

Geez these Thai kids really need to learn how to shoot! Missed him twice?! Once as he lay in a hospital? Don't these kids have to do mandatory military time? Who teaches them marksmanship anyhow?

My ex brother in law (a decorated Thai Police Officer) cannot shoot worth beans either! At less than 15 feet (3 meters) he missed a target by 1-2 feet with his Smith and Wesson revolver. I thought the sights of his revolver were off. I asked if I could try. I missed the target by less than 1 inch (2.5cm) at the same distance. The target was a bottle cap. He later asked for shooting lessons!

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I don't mind if everyone carries a gun .....just as long as there's a very comprehensive and stringent IQ test before you're allowed any bullets . Should be sufficient to rule out a few of those for who think it's necessary ,

Would being a member of MENSA qualify?

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I don't mind if everyone carries a gun .....just as long as there's a very comprehensive and stringent IQ test before you're allowed any bullets . Should be sufficient to rule out a few of those for who think it's necessary ,

I don't think that would work out too well. Because then most of the BiB would have to walk around with an empty clip too.


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My goodness are the red shirts invading hospitals once again?

I missed the red shirt shirt bit, I thought the were members of a bikie gang who were in conflict with another gang. Anyway carrying on like this in a hospital is ludicrous and I hope they are tracked down very swiftly before innocent people get hurt. Edited by chooka
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I think may be because the gun is too easy to find in Bangkok .

Even in the hospital from my own experience

1. the patient came to the hospital he bring his gun this time no accident happen

2. The worker in hospital bring gun whil working ( I don't know why ? ) finally he shot himself accidentally !

May be hospital is not the safe place as people think any more .

I have worked in hospitals, and believe me they are never safe. 90,000 die a year from hospital based infections in the US. And even more (much more) die from drug reactions, and these are the properly prescribed ones. So the chance of dying from medical care is 1000 times more likely then being shot I bet.

But not if some thug is pointing a gun at you - at that time the odds dramatically reverse direction. As for these cretins charging in and shooting up a hospital - well where was security and the police?

Security in hospitals aren't armed so you couldn't really expect the lone security gaurd who opens the front door for you to attempt to restrain a gang of gun carrying thugs. If security had any sense they would be under the counter with everyone else. They are more of a deterent than a response force. Sure they will deal with argumentive people and the like but that is about it until the police arrive.

Edited by chooka
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There is a simple solution to this problem, that Thailand faces with it's youth. It is called the legal hammer. It is employed in Singapore, and China. In Singapore if one is caught with an unlicensed handgun, you are given the death penalty. And they have one of the lowest rates of homicide in the world, per capita. It works. In Thailand these goombahs hooligan youths commit these offenses, because they have no fear of what has to be considered one of the poorest police forces on the planet. So, you start spending money on law enforcement, which is long overdue in the LOS. And then you work on the anemic judiciary. And then you have far less of these wanton crimes by simple minded teenagers, who know nothing about anything. A shooting in a hospital. Where is that going to lead if nothing is done about it? Where is the limit to the ridiculousness of this behavior? Who is discussing the absentee parenthood problem?

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Are we in Bangkok ? Thailand ? the land of smiles ? I guess the smile is gone since a very long time .

Yup. Land of smiles. I have never been anyplace where a smile is friendlier or can do more for a person. Crime and violence are everywhere. Nobody ever said that this country is without it. You want utopia then you were born on the wrong planet buddy.thumbsup.gif

Of course there is violence in other countries- but they don't portray them selves as kind, gentle, smiling folk.

Land of Smiles? OK, cool- walk the walk if you talk the talk :)

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My goodness are the red shirts invading hospitals once again?

Congratulations, you win the award for the most tenuous link to the red shirts from an unrelated article, and to manage it within one post is truly special.

Wow thanks I really appreciate the recognition. After all it was quite easy really. The article having the words gang, entering hospital and Bangkok. In my seventeen years here this is only the second time I can recall this happening. So you see it wasn't hard at all.

Dude! It is not recognition, it is sarcasm! *duh! By the way, I think you have spent too much time in Thailand, trust me they are not going to give you a seniority medal! hahaha...Rather they think you are getting stale here! Take a breather, travel out for a few months or years!
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