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Pulled Over?!


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This was my first time being pulled over in thailand so forgive my youthful exuberance. I was driving on loi kroh (my bad) going to the iron bridge. Ahead about 50 meters I spied groups of thais and farangs pulled over. I quickly put on my helmet and drove through, it was all good or so I thought. As I proceeded to the iron bridge, I instinctively went straight, oblivious to right turn only sign (right turn only? I think not). This time I did not see the mass of officers on the other side signaling me to join the group pulled over. I smiled and considered riding right through, which I really think i could have pulled off, but years of classical conditioning forced me too veer to right. I smiled and pretended that I could not understand the officers english, hoping that his patience would tire and I would be on my way. License? ummm. Passport? At my place. I had a rental agreement which coincidenatlly I was traveling to pay. The second officer, who spoke good english, said I would have to go to the office and pay 500 baht! Ok, now i am really not feeling this. He tellsme he will give my rental agreement back when I pay the 500. I have visions in my mind of long lines and hours and hours of bureaucracy. I actually have things to do today. It could be days before I get my rental agreement back, if at all. Wait, I could "pay" right now, I think to myself. I have never done that before. I get this idea as the officer is drawing arcane maps as to where I will spend the rest of my day paying 500 baht. "Can I pay right now" as I take 100 baht out of my pocket. No can not. More map drawing ensues. At this point, i am ready to give the guy 500 right now just so I do not have to go to the office. After explaining I do not where he is talking about (which really was true), finally he says "200 baht". I gladly pay happy to extricate myself from the situation. Umm, lesson learned. Dot your i's and cross your t's and do not do the crime if you can not do the time.........

P.S. - If the thai cia is reading the above post, it is fictional account posted by some bored farang. Everyone is aware things like this do not happen........

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Never been in a situation like this before, but isn't this also called bribery? :D

You missed out the word corruption Gulliver :o The words go hand in hand!

Unfortunatley I had to spend the last 24 hours or so in Chaing Mai Ram Hospital and from my balcony I could see loads of MIB's awaiting their prey.

It was astonishing to see what was happening. As soon as the Motorci riders with no helmets spotted them they were doing U turns and coming BACK into the traffic going the other way.

I must have witnessed about 20 riders doing this in 30 minutes, talk about dangerous! :D

If they are gonna do this they should be well out of site so that riders cannot see them before its too late to evade them. Certainly won't be YOUR FAULT if you smash into one of these idiots, but if you are in a car or truck, WE could end up paying

Others were tring to make themselves look small but that didn't work, about 3 passengers without helmets jumped off the bikes in the middle of the road, I am really surprised I did not witness an accident, but glad I did not :D

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[ the word corruption Gulliver :whistling

Yep...and as long as Non Thai-Westeners-Foreigners -farangs...or what ever you want to call yourself.. who should know better....keep going along with it then the country has NO CHANCE :D ...right :o

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[ the word corruption Gulliver :whistling

Yep...and as long as Non Thai-Westeners-Foreigners -farangs...or what ever you want to call yourself.. who should know better....keep going along with it then the country has NO CHANCE :D ...right :o

Would it make ANY difference if every non-Thai insisted on being treated with the full force of Thai law? Of course it wouldn't. Change will come only when the Thai people decide that they want change.

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[ the word corruption Gulliver :whistling

Yep...and as long as Non Thai-Westeners-Foreigners -farangs...or what ever you want to call yourself.. who should know better....keep going along with it then the country has NO CHANCE :D ...right :o

Would it make ANY difference if every non-Thai insisted on being treated with the full force of Thai law? Of course it wouldn't. Change will come only when the Thai people decide that they want change.

Why should I be so stupid as to insist on getting the full force of the law, if it pains me? :D

Edited by Ajarn
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> you are talking about at Chang Klan rd. (night bizarre), then, yes,

> there was a sign there, last I saw

Not only is there a sign, it's also a VERY VERY obvious one, and driving straight through is VERY dangerous at that spot. I've done it a couple of times, but just as often I consider it just too dangerous and take a right and then cut back either through the parking lot of that McDonalds mall building, or through Anusarn market.

You can't claim ignorance on this one.. :o You got what you deserved. :D (Could have haggled a bit more and pay like 50-100 baht.. and speak Thai next time if you can. Much better in negotiating anything, including traffic fines. It's really no different from negotiating paying anything else in Thailand: Speaking Thai IS better!

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^ I was very aware of the right turn only sign. I was only oblivious in the de facto sense. My brain was aware it was an illegal turn, but the habit of going straight (after checking carefully) is just too strong. Did I get what I deserved? Well, maybe. I was trying to play the nieve farang, i.e. I can speak no thai, I can barely speak english. However in this instance, the police were playing a strong hand. I am not sure you could have gone down to 50 baht. I played my 100 baht strong, but they were not feeling me. A bit like poker really, you have to play each hand differently and with the same hand you will have a different result each time.........

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Why should I be so stupid as to insist on getting the full force of the law, if it pains me? :o

May be I am stupid, but still think that corruption is wrong even if it is so common here. Otherwise I see it as a lack of integrity to critsice the politicians and government about it.

I think it is wrong, too, but I'm no fool, either. :D

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At that exact intersection (the McD's) , daytime (1pm or so). I'm on scooter, got a Thai on my right, in front, behind, all going straight, none wearing helmets. I go through the intersection with them, just seemed easier. I'm relatively new to CM so I didn't know the intersection, plan ahead. Thai cop across the way waves only me over , starts writing me up. My TGF starts with the diplomacy which she is usually great at, he's not having any. She gets fed up and the diplomacy and goes into giving him a ration of shit, which I was fine with, he being a stone-faced prick, plus I get the dual-pricing policy (the helmetless Thais fly by, I get the ticket). Anyway, for good measure to show my GF who's boss, he adds "no license to drive" to the ticket. We go right to the station, my TGF talks to the old guy taking cash, cans the "no license" deal and knocks the ticket down to 200. I'll own up to being in the wrong, just the obvious two-tier treatment pissed me off.

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I'll own up to being in the wrong, just the obvious two-tier treatment pissed me off.

Did you actually expect that cop to pull everyone over at the same time, and then wait their turn? :o

I've seen the boys wave over a crop of people before.

BTW, is it kosher to ride a scooter through the Tha Pae Gate? Farangs, I mean. I see the Thais do it all the time during the day, and I go up and around and do the U-turn. No big deal if I have to do that, just checking.

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I'll own up to being in the wrong, just the obvious two-tier treatment pissed me off.

Did you actually expect that cop to pull everyone over at the same time, and then wait their turn? :o

I've seen the boys wave over a crop of people before.

BTW, is it kosher to ride a scooter through the Tha Pae Gate? Farangs, I mean. I see the Thais do it all the time during the day, and I go up and around and do the U-turn. No big deal if I have to do that, just checking.

Only when there is an officer to deal with each one, right? :D

Yes, I've also seen many people driving through the gate. I have no idea if it is legal.

Probably more now since they've cut out the cross-over near the police booth.

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Wear a helmet, obey the basic rules of the road and carry a valid license. Otherwise, be prepared to pay a fine here or there. What is so difficult to understand?

If you ran through a red light in the UK or the US it would be a lot of money, an increase in insurance rates and maybe classes.

I see many farangs driving Thai style. If caught, you have the option of going to the station. If you don't like the customs or concider it corruption insist on going to the station.

I concider the whole legal system corrupt, created by a bunch of goons to perpetuate their wallets. Do you think the legal system in the UK or US is fair and justified?

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^ Agreed I broke the rules, and I was reprimanded and paid up in this strictly fictional account (hehe). I was merely being respectful of local custom by ignoring a majority of traffic laws unless it suits me to obey them. I would not want offend anyone.

Moralizing on the internet really does crack me me up. A click away is 9 types of rabbit porn and people are railing against the scourge that is traffic stop corruption.

Gulliver kind sir (is it gulliver's khaosan or gulliver's sukhumvit? both extremely classy venues), that you would possibly infer that I would resort to what you call "bribery" by my character in this story is absolutely ridiculous. My behavior is beyond reproach as I am a guest in this fine country. For this baseless assumption I fine you the amount of, ummm, 200 baht. How convienent. Please remit payment to my thaivisa paypal account promptly.......

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^ Agreed I broke the rules, and I was reprimanded and paid up in this strictly fictional account (hehe). I was merely being respectful of local custom by ignoring a majority of traffic laws unless it suits me to obey them. I would not want offend anyone.

Moralizing on the internet really does crack me me up. A click away is 9 types of rabbit porn and people are railing against the scourge that is traffic stop corruption.

Gulliver kind sir (is it gulliver's khaosan or gulliver's sukhumvit? both extremely classy venues), that you would possibly infer that I would resort to what you call "bribery" by my character in this story is absolutely ridiculous. My behavior is beyond reproach as I am a guest in this fine country. For this baseless assumption I fine you the amount of, ummm, 200 baht. How convienent. Please remit payment to my thaivisa paypal account promptly.......

My comment was not targeted against you personally, and I apologize if it appeared that way to you. However, I think it is still wrong whether we call it "local custom" or something else. This is just my opinion.


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Last year I parked just before Mac'D and one cop locked my mbike with a big chain :D

Fortunately I found him not far from the bike. He told me I had yo go to the police station, pay the fine, come back, find him and finally he would have released my mbike. :D

Gee, I didn't even know where the Police station was...

Well , listen up, he gave me a ride to the PS, waited for me to pay the fine, and took me back to my bike.

He didn't ask for a satang, was very friendly but formal at the same time.


In my country? The best help you'd receive is: yeah yeah I don't give a rat, your problem , next time take a walk.

The best part of it was the look of the people watching a Thai cop with a big white smiling monkey as a

passenger. :D:D:D

Another time in Samui , I had my helmet locked in the basket. They stopped me and I told them , Oh sorry I forgot the key at the rongrem, cannot use it (lololol...) A couple of chuckles. They let me go


Last time I made a U turn on Huay Kaew, stopped,

400 bath to police station

I give you 200 bath now k?

Hmmmm, K

Oky doky , here you are.

######, keep the money low, can't u see I'm pretending to write you a fine?

uuuh... doh... sorry, me not used to corrupt.. ahem I mean, the Thay way.

Bye bye



Now? I don't even stop. Really, you just keep going :D

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