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I need to get the main drive shaft balanced. I am told there is a work shop in Chonburi city that does it, but I dont know the name, address or phone number.

Any members here that know of a place that I can get it done.

The BMW dealer says I must buy a new drive shaft which is total B/S.

Thanks in advance for any info.


Thanks Transam, Yes the uni joints have been replaced. I wish I could find the workshop that can balance the drive shaft.


I've refitted them in the distant hard up for cash past without balancing the drive shaft....maybe I got lucky! Then Holdens and Aussie Fords are tough beasts.


jesse, please tell us, now you have new universal joints fitted, does your car "vibrate" or does it feel normal?

Is it a one piece prop shaft or a 2 piece with a center bearing? most 2 piece propshafts have an "idiot spline" which will only go together one way, ensuring correct alignment, some props dont!!!

I have never heard of props needing to be re-balanced after a new UJ is fitted, perhaps only if the small tack welded on steel balance strip falls off.


jesse, please tell us, now you have new universal joints fitted, does your car "vibrate" or does it feel normal?

Is it a one piece prop shaft or a 2 piece with a center bearing? most 2 piece propshafts have an "idiot spline" which will only go together one way, ensuring correct alignment, some props dont!!!

I have never heard of props needing to be re-balanced after a new UJ is fitted, perhaps only if the small tack welded on steel balance strip falls off.

If one takes a prop shaft to a prop and drive shat refurbisher it is standard procedure to balance the thing. Every prop l have had refurbished required a few grams of metal, watched them do it. My Pontiac developed a vibration and there was nothing wrong with the UJ's, stuck on the machine to find it had a slight twist (race stuff), sooo, had it re-tubed.

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