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Info Please On Getting An Online Cambodian Tourist Visa

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When the first part of my double-entry Thai visa expires, I want to go to Cambodia this time (last year, I went to Malaysia, so a change would be nice and I know that it will cost me less money if I go to Cambodia, compared to Malaysia).

I don't mind going to the Cambodian Embassy if that is really necessary, but I have read on the Net that it is possible to get the visa online without having to go to the Embassy at all. Has anyone here done this ? Is it really straightforward ? By the way, I don't have a credit card so how can I make the payment for the online visa ?

Any info would be appreciated.


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I did online visa earlier this year. It cost $20 plus $5 for service charge. As lopburi3 says, you can get a van run to the border, but check that the visa cost is included. When I did my trip the van company stopped at a visa office just this side of the border, and was charging $40 for the visa. People weren't happy, but had no choice but to pay.

Edited by VisasPlus
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The choice is between getting a Cambodian visa on line (eVisa) or at the point of entry (visa on arrival). I suspect hardly anyone goes to a Cambodian embassy to get a normal tourist visa these days.

The eVisa is easy. It costs $5 more than applying on arrival, but you use up no pages of your expensive passport. Getting a visa on arrival loses one page to the Visa sticker and most of another page to in/out stamps.

If you want to use the eVisa option you need to apply a few days in advance of your trip, you need to have a recent digital photo of yourself (they don't seem to be too fussy about style or sizing in Cambodia either, which is refreshing) and you need to make sure you are using Phnom Penh airport, SR airport or one of the two main land border crossings for your entry into Cambodia. The link posted above shows which border crossings allow the eVisa to be presented going in and coming out.

Bon chance. Certainly worth a visit or few.

Edited by SantiSuk
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Thanks a lot. I have recently learned via this forum that I am able to extend both the entries of my double-entry tourist visa (I am on the first one now) at Bangkok Immigration (for 30 days at a time). So, that's what I will do when my visa expires at the end of this month. So, this will give me several extra weeks to decide on which country to go to for the visa run :) But, I think it will most probably be Cambodia.

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-Jem Jem-

No credit card, as far as I know, no On Line E-Visa.

Have to use up a page in Passport instead and make the Visa, with 20 Dollars and Photo at the border.(Airport)coffee1.gif

Thanks a lot. I'll do the visa-on-arrival thing, I guess.

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$20 is the official visa cost -which is what you will pay at Phnom Penh airport -unless you obtain an e-vias first.

At the land borders only the Aranyapathet/Poipet and Kok Kong crossings accept e-visas. Other border crossings provide visa on arrival, but are reluctant or outright refuse to accept $20, and invariably want payment in Thai baht.1000bt!

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If the purpose is getting a new visa for Thailand at the Thai Embassy in Phnom Penh, then I have to warn you that such operation takes at least 4 to 5 working days. We have tried the shortcut method to speed up the issue with some tea money but to no avail. So make sure you have enough days in Phnom Penh for obtaining your visa. It's not going to happen in just one day!

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Does anyone know if you can use a debit card for payment on the Cambodia online E- visa? I have a Thai Mastercard debit card but I can't get a regular credit card here. I have a few American credit cards but they charge a $10 foreign transaction fee which I just hate paying. Thanks in advance . wai2.gif

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Thanks a lot. I have recently learned via this forum that I am able to extend both the entries of my double-entry tourist visa (I am on the first one now) at Bangkok Immigration (for 30 days at a time). So, that's what I will do when my visa expires at the end of this month. So, this will give me several extra weeks to decide on which country to go to for the visa run smile.png But, I think it will most probably be Cambodia.

Thanks a lot. I have recently learned via this forum that I am able to extend both the entries of my double-entry tourist visa (I am on the first one now) at Bangkok Immigration (for 30 days at a time). So, that's what I will do when my visa expires at the end of this month. So, this will give me several extra weeks to decide on which country to go to for the visa run smile.png But, I think it will most probably be Cambodia.



I assume you have a double entry tourist visa then?

If that's the case, and you are still on your first or second 60 day entry of that visa you can extend that 60 day entry for another 30 days at your local immigration for a fee of 1900 Baht. No need to leave Thailand for that extension.

Now if you have done the 60 day entry and the first extension for a total of 90 days, then you need to do a "border run" to the nearest border to exit Thailand and then re-enter Thailand to activate the 2nd part of your double entry visa.

As was said there are visa run services who run vans from Bangkok or Pattaya who do this for a fee, Make sure they advertise that they will do the entire process including the Cambodian visa you need. I used a :border run" service from Bangkok before and it is about a 12 hour day trip from Bangkok to the Cambodian border by a 16 passenger air-conditioned mini-van, The fee for the service I used was about 2000 Baht which INCLUDED the Cambodian visa, We spent about 1 hour at the border, The visa run company collected our passports on arrival at the border and gave them back to us about 30 minutes later with a Cambodian visa in them. Be sure you have at least two free pages ....3 or 4 is better ,,,, for your Cambodian visa.

Then you have to exit Thailand yourself getting your Thai exit stamp. After that you enter Cambodia where they look at that new Cambodian visa and let you in,

After they let you in you walk to the exit queue line, exit Cambodia, and then re-enter Thailand which activates the 2nd half of your Thai double-entry visa,

Whole process takes may 15 minutes.

Now, IF you have used both entries on your double-entry visa, then you mist get a new visa from a Thai consulate OUTSIDE of Thailand in a neighboring country.

Currently Cambodia may take 4 days to process your visa ,,,, so you need to be prepared to spend at least 3 nights in a hotel if you need another visa from Cambodia. And again, you will need a Cambodian entrance visa if you go there,

Most Thai consulates in neighboring countries have a two day turn-around for visas, so expect to spend at least one night in that country while your visa is being processed.

Normally you turn in your passport with your visa application in the morning of the 1st day, and pick up your passport

with your new visa in the afternoon of the 2nd day at the Thai consulate.


P.S. Most EU countries .... but I'm not sure if all do .... are able to enter Malaysia FREE of charge on a visa.

That is you need a visa for Malaysia but it's free on entry.

Compare that to being required to PAY for a Cambodian visa,

However, the cost of a trip to Malaysia must also be added into the mix.

But Malaysia (take the relatively cheap air-conditioned 2nd class over night sleeper train from Bangkok to Penang) is an option to consider.

Get your next Thai visa in Penang....you will have 2 day service so you'll need a hotel

It's an option to consider.

Edited by IMA_FARANG
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