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Got Done Drink Driving On Sunday Night


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4 cans in 4 hours would put you wqay past the 0.005 limit. You were drunk. I hope you do not do it again.

I wish I could get drunk on 4 cans in 4 hours.

How much alcohol,does the body throw out in 4 hours?

As a rule of thumb, an average person can eliminate 0.5 oz (15 ml) of alcohol per hour. So, it would take approximately one hour to eliminate the alcohol from a 12 oz (355 ml) can of beer.

The BAC increases when the body absorbs alcohol faster than it can eliminate it. So, because the body can only eliminate about one dose of alcohol per hour, drinking several drinks in an hour will increase your BAC much more than having one drink over a period of an hour or more.


Edited by I Like Thai
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When he used broken English, you should have gone to French

Worked for me once (helmet checkpoint). He got frustrated trying to be understood and finally waived me through.

I once had one at a road block in Pak chong greeting me in German. I just told him, don't take it that way officer, and off I was. biggrin.png
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think some of you are not that bright and miss the point totally which is kind of strange. Is this place full of halfwits or what?

I tend to think that a lot too, how many times does it have to be mentioned the first machine is only an indicator of alcohol in the system, not a measured reading, yet you have people onto you about drunk driving. The law says you can drive with a reading of upto 0.04999999 after that you are in the <deleted>. This surely looks like a case of MIB looking for pocket money.

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I think 'Impulse' is on the right track. Yes, I'm cynical, but it's all fine and good to argue about the test and the results when the next step could be: and you were speeding, and you ran that red light, and you clipped the police bike, and you resisted arrest, and you went for the cop's gun, etc. etc. We have all these witnesses, you know. You think a jail cell is bad? How about a hospital bed or a shallow grave? You can argue whatever you like. You can even be 100% right. It doesn't mean you can win, though. Sometimes you have to lick your wounds.

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With the Holidays upon us I would like to share a personal experience with my friends about drinking and driving.

As you may know some of us have been known to have brushes with the authorities from time to time on the way home after a "social session" out with friends. Well two days ago I was out for an evening with friends and had several cocktails followed by some rather nice red wine. Feeling jolly I still had the sense to know that I may be slightly over the limit. That's when I did something that I've never done before - I took a cab home.

Sure enough on the way home there was a police road block but since it was a cab they waved it past. I arrived home safely without incident. This was a real surprise as I had never driven a cab before, I don't know where I got it and now that it's in my garage I don't know what to do with it.

Thanks for my morning laugh.

This has been a good topic, even with the insults, in that it is a reminder of what MIGHT happen on any given night if we drink and drive... even if it is just a little bit. There is always the chance of police extortion when traveling in Thailand. It is better not to let your guard down and be extra careful in what you do.

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In Canada, 4 beers in 4 hours would definitely be over the limit

Again, it depends greatly on the person's size and metabolism, and there is no uniform blood alcohol limit among Canadian provinces, where the legal limit varies from 50 to 80mg.

Technical correction. In Canada the BAC for "new" drivers is zero.

Nine of the 13 provinces and territories impose administrative licence suspensions on drinking drivers at 0.05 or lower. The shortest period is now 24 hours. Drivers in many provinces (e.g. in Ontario) with a BAC of 0.05 will receive a three-day licence suspension for a first offence. This is something that would benefit Thailand, Just get the person with the unsafe BAC off the road. the loss of fines might not go over well with the BiB, but they could make it up with the kickbacks from the towing and impounding of vehicles.

In respect to the OP. count your blessings it was only 2000B. You learnt your lesson, and hopefully you will use a taxi next time. It's just not worth the grief.

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The moment that 3rd goal went in for Man Utd we all knew the police would be out in force - the smart money was on a home win for Man City -

In other words, be aware of your surroundings and don't drink and bribe er drive on big game days...

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All these changes to the law, however well meant, will achieve precisely nothing until someone actually enforces it.

I'm pretty sure the current law doesn't say if you get caught drink driving you pay 2000 THB then drive off again. If you get caught while your licence is suspended for drink driving, then what? Oh no, another 200 THB.

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if i was nabbed drunk driving and a bib said 40k and drive away i'd be handing him 20k and very happy to keep my licence. But i must remember to get some hiso business cards to flash around.

Thais pay 300-500. The official fine is usually 3000 in court. And you do not lose your licence the first time. ;-)

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If it was one of the yellow breath test sticks they are a setup. There is a button for fail - red and another button for pass - green. After you hand over the cash and blow again he'll push the button for a pass - green and you are on your way biggrin.png

Not so. I have been already tested twice or thrice with those devices (I never drink and drive) and I always sounded green and was saluted away. Just do not drink when driving!

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Here's an interesting calculator. I don't know the OP's weight, but assuming he is 81kg or so (180lbs), 4 beers in about 4 hours would equate to .02 BAC.


If the law is .05 here, the OP was clearly under the limit.

A few nonsense and rude posts have been removed from view. Please show some respect to the OP. Thanks so much for sharing your experience.

This is an interesting calculator! For this US state, .08 is the BAC limit and at 200lbs body weight, it says I can drink 5 beers in an hour and still be under the limit by .01!

Or for Thailand, 3 beers in an hour and only at .04!

If I gain 20lbs weight, I can increase this to 4 beers in an hour and be at the limit.

Is the limit of .05 the maximum limit that is still legal, or is that where it becomes illegal?

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If it was one of the yellow breath test sticks they are a setup. There is a button for fail - red and another button for pass - green. After you hand over the cash and blow again he'll push the button for a pass - green and you are on your way biggrin.png

Not so. I have been already tested twice or thrice with those devices (I never drink and drive) and I always sounded green and was saluted away. Just do not drink when driving!

There is some manual pass/green button on them. It's the only explanation for failing and then passing 1 minute later after handing over some cash.

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If you blow into a breathaliser having consumed 1 mouthful of alcohol or garggled with mouthwash very recently you can give a positive test. A blood test would have shown the OP to be way, way under the legal limit.

Just the police making easy money again.

Good post by the OP for highlighting how the police operate.

For the record i've had 6 large Chang and passed the test, my trick was to have a quick hit on a cig wich diffuses the test.

For the record drugs carn't be compared to drink, that's why there is no "hang em high brigade".

i dont want to be a smartasse mate but a drag on a ciggy does not nor does blowing smoke into tht breatho i have put them to the test in allways shape and form.I have to blow in a breatho every morning and we have breathos on hand and we have had drinks and experimented with all kinds of liquids fruits lollies breath mints ect not a lot works believe me were looking. Edited by Thailand2012
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If you blow into a breathaliser having consumed 1 mouthful of alcohol or garggled with mouthwash very recently you can give a positive test. A blood test would have shown the OP to be way, way under the legal limit.

Just the police making easy money again.

Good post by the OP for highlighting how the police operate.

For the record i've had 6 large Chang and passed the test, my trick was to have a quick hit on a cig wich diffuses the test.

For the record drugs carn't be compared to drink, that's why there is no "hang em high brigade".

i dont want to be a smartasse mate but a drag on a ciggy does not nor does blowing smoke into tht breatho i have put them to the test in allways shape and form.I have to blow in a breatho every morning and we have breathos on hand and we have had drinks and experimented with all kinds of liquids fruits lollies breath mints ect not a lot works believe me were looking.

correct he is talking through his bottom on the cigarette myth....the root of this myth is a follows:

blowing cigarette smoke in certain BAC detectors damages the sensor to the point it is inoperable...this doesnt "diffuse the test" or con the machine or you come up with a negative reading when in reality you are positive....the machine just doesnt give a reading...its broken...and most coppers know this trick anyway...they will just wait a little longer and test you with another unit....

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If you blow into a breathaliser having consumed 1 mouthful of alcohol or garggled with mouthwash very recently you can give a positive test. A blood test would have shown the OP to be way, way under the legal limit.

Just the police making easy money again.

Good post by the OP for highlighting how the police operate.

For the record i've had 6 large Chang and passed the test, my trick was to have a quick hit on a cig wich diffuses the test.

For the record drugs carn't be compared to drink, that's why there is no "hang em high brigade".

i dont want to be a smartasse mate but a drag on a ciggy does not nor does blowing smoke into tht breatho i have put them to the test in allways shape and form.I have to blow in a breatho every morning and we have breathos on hand and we have had drinks and experimented with all kinds of liquids fruits lollies breath mints ect not a lot works believe me were looking.

correct he is talking through his bottom on the cigarette myth....the root of this myth is a follows:

blowing cigarette smoke in certain BAC detectors damages the sensor to the point it is inoperable...this doesnt "diffuse the test" or con the machine or you come up with a negative reading when in reality you are positive....the machine just doesnt give a reading...its broken...and most coppers know this trick anyway...they will just wait a little longer and test you with another unit....

So the Chittychang guy has zero credibility on this topic. I figured that much.

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If you blow into a breathaliser having consumed 1 mouthful of alcohol or garggled with mouthwash very recently you can give a positive test. A blood test would have shown the OP to be way, way under the legal limit.

Just the police making easy money again.

Good post by the OP for highlighting how the police operate.

For the record i've had 6 large Chang and passed the test, my trick was to have a quick hit on a cig wich diffuses the test.

For the record drugs carn't be compared to drink, that's why there is no "hang em high brigade".

i dont want to be a smartasse mate but a drag on a ciggy does not nor does blowing smoke into tht breatho i have put them to the test in allways shape and form.I have to blow in a breatho every morning and we have breathos on hand and we have had drinks and experimented with all kinds of liquids fruits lollies breath mints ect not a lot works believe me were looking.

correct he is talking through his bottom on the cigarette myth....the root of this myth is a follows:

blowing cigarette smoke in certain BAC detectors damages the sensor to the point it is inoperable...this doesnt "diffuse the test" or con the machine or you come up with a negative reading when in reality you are positive....the machine just doesnt give a reading...its broken...and most coppers know this trick anyway...they will just wait a little longer and test you with another unit....

So the Chittychang guy has zero credibility on this topic. I figured that much.

As for credibility the proof is in the pudding.

I have had first hand experience of passing the breathaliser not once but three times.

However, i am a reformed character now and have not drunk drove for several years.

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As for credibility the proof is in the pudding.

I have had first hand experience of passing the breathaliser not once but three times.

However, i am a reformed character now and have not drunk drove for several years.

think you are still talking through your bottom....I have personally "broken" 2 BAC sensor/units after smoking cigarettes in the last 10 years, as a BAC test is common for O&G guys before they get on a helicopter, so I have see first hand what happens...you dont get a reading and the one they have comes you with an "error" message....there is now a sign up in the heliport which says, "please dont smoke cigarettes 20-30 minutes before taking the BAC...cos you keep breaking our kit"

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