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Hesitating Deputy Premier Chalerm Decides To Make Southern Trip


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Hesitating deputy premier decides to make southern trip

By Digital Media


BANGKOK, Dec 13 – Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubumrung today admitted anxiety over his latest assignment to fight against the southern insurgency, saying he would have turned down the job if Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra had informed him before the appointment.

“I will make an inspection trip to the South now that my fear (of the southern violence) has subsided. I was initially concerned but I feel less anxious since the prime minister officially instructed me to do the job. I won’t tell you why I was afraid,” he said.

Mr Chalerm, who was appointed director of the Operations Centre on Strategic Policy and Solutions to Problems in Southern Provinces, said the government is determined to solve the southern problems and it has so far fared better than the previous government under the Democrat Party.

“We have not failed as claimed by some people,” he insisted.

Citing insufficient manpower to cope with the southern crisis, the deputy premier said he has instructed the governors of five southern provinces to assign more peacekeeping personnel to subdistrict and village leaders since they know their neighbourhoods best.

In his new capacity as director of the operations centre, Mr Chalerm said he will evaluate the authorities’ performance every six months, and the situation every 24 hours in order to improve regular operations without having to restructure the centre.

He said he will also invite Democrat MP Tavorn Senniam to seek advice and exchange information on resolutions to southern problems as well as hold talks with high-level people in the field.

The southern violence has worsened and hundreds of state-run schools are closed again following a spate of attacks, many fatal, against teachers, civilians and government personnel in the past few weeks. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2012-12-13

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the government is determined to solve the southern problems and it has so far fared better than the previous government under the Democrat Party.

Based on what measurements?

There´s no terrorism going on in the Southern provinces. He said it so it must be true.

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"Citing insufficient manpower to cope with the southern crisis" I do not think it is insufficient manpower but insufficient brain power! What about the thousands of Thai army soldiers who are just hanging out at various army bases throughout Thailand who just seem to be bored to death?

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CHARLERM: should go DISGUISED as a SUBSTITUTE and make the rounds at each School for at least 3 months; lets see if he is as good Dodging Bullets and Bombs as he is doing any other work. coffee1.gif

What A BLOWHARD and a perfect example of the PETER PRINCIPAL all the way up and down the Line.

Edited by jerrysteve
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Go on Chalerm, take your physcho son as your minder you've nothing to fear you're always bragging you know all the answers.

Put your money where your mouth is .The size of your mouth should indeed guarantee a sizable ante.

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“I will make an inspection trip to the South now that my fear (of the southern violence) has subsided. I was initially concerned but I feel less anxious since the prime minister officially instructed me to do the job. I won’t tell you why I was afraid,” he said.


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“I will make an inspection trip to the South now that my fear (of the southern violence) has subsided. I was initially concerned but I feel less anxious since the prime minister officially instructed me to do the job. I won’t tell you why I was afraid,” he said

Afraid, of course he's afraid.. just like his far away buddy was.. he's afraid there's a piece of lead out there with his name written on it.

That's why Thaksin headed west & Chalerm has avoided going south, so far..

But with things looking out of control & not making good international PR Yingluk has pulled rank & told him to get his fat arse down there & do something more than making fancy speeches from behind a safe desk, unlike the teachers & students who have to face death from behind theirs !!

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If they are doing better than the previous Democrat-led government - why ask Democrats of advice?

Because they have absolutely no idea how to handle the present chaotic situation down south let alone offer anyway of improving it. By superficially involving 'the other side' they can argue that abject failure is not their own fault as they were in fact working with the Dems.

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Another coward just like his paymaster

He is in place to serve the people of Thailand but he is too scared to

He knows he has nothing to gain and nothing to offer by going south.

He know his party PTP are not on the always welcome list

He is still trying to figure out how 2 + 2 = 4

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Anxiety due to his addiction to alcohol i think,no meeting muslims without his favourite cough syrup

And isn't SHE ... our wonderful PM whose name I am not allowed to mispell but cannot write it without mispelling it as my fingers just can't do it correctly ( due to severe arthritis ... humm.. sorry ) ... Anyway wasn't she suppose to go there today with what's his name who I am also not allowed to mispell ... to SURVEY THE AREA ... Oye all so hopeless .. and .. sorry can't find an appropriate word for their lamelessness .... Despicable all together is all I can manage right now ... sick.gif

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Can any of the Red apologists come on here and perhaps suggest a defence for this man who holds a position of deputy Prime Minister? He is afraid, yet he sends policemen there, soldiers there and makes Government workers stay down there on the posting from hell. What a great example of totally crass, inept leadership.He said if he knew the PM was going to ask him to do this he never would have taken the job, well lets hope the PM now sees he is totally unfit for the job. Perhaps everyone should send him white feathers!

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“I will make an inspection trip to the South now that my fear (of the southern violence) has subsided. I was initially concerned but I feel less anxious since the prime minister officially instructed me to do the job. I won’t tell you why I was afraid,” he said.


That was the point where I quit reading the article and threw up.

The man is obviously dumber than he thinks every one else is.

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