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U.s. Secretary Of State Clinton Faints, Suffers Concussion


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I bet they are doing it just to get a rise out of the Fox news psychos and to anger people like you.

Yeah, that's a great way to do it, we don't like our diplomats being murdered, denied aid and having it covered up by a narcissist concerned only with keeping his job. It's safe to say most Americans don't look at the assassination of our Ambassador and 3 other Americans as "sh*t happens".

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I bet they are doing it just to get a rise out of the Fox news psychos and to anger people like you.

Yeah, that's a great way to do it, we don't like our diplomats being murdered, denied aid and having it covered up by a narcissist concerned only with keeping his job. It's safe to say most Americans don't look at the assassination of our Ambassador and 3 other Americans as "sh*t happens".

It's also safe to say that only Fox News viewers and other diehard right wing nutters think it was a conspiracy by Obama and Clinton.

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I bet they are doing it just to get a rise out of the Fox news psychos and to anger people like you.

Yeah, that's a great way to do it, we don't like our diplomats being murdered, denied aid and having it covered up by a narcissist concerned only with keeping his job. It's safe to say most Americans don't look at the assassination of our Ambassador and 3 other Americans as "sh*t happens".

It's also safe to say that only Fox News viewers and other diehard right wing nutters think it was a conspiracy by Obama and Clinton.

So guns don't kill people nor do the people pulling the trigger . . .

I would rather these guys help Mathew Moneymaker find bigfoot. Time better spent.

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> What motivates you to engage in such cruel character assassination as to intimate that she doesn't care?

No motivation involved, just watch Fox News and they'll tell you just how evil everyone not affiliated with the GOP (and Fox) are, and concoct some great stories that are obviously true. Then you can go out and repeated it to all and sundry, and people may get the impression you have actually formulated an opinion.

No brain or sense required.

Problems arise when talking with someone with actual knowledge. This is where the parrots fall apart, and they're thinking "dam_n, I should have memorized more of what they were saying."

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I imagine all you people that think there is some dark conspiracy against Hillary must also believe she REALLY didn't know where the Rose Law Firm billing records were for over two years.

She is merely just another politician and is highly unlikely to gain Sainthood anytime in the future.

(Off-topic link deleted)*

Edited by Scott
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So guns don't kill people nor do the people pulling the trigger . . .

I would rather these guys help Mathew Moneymaker find bigfoot. Time better spent.

Can we say "Non sequitur", or did you simply post on the wrong thread?

I wonder if she was a victim of Europe's latest Norovirus, which seems to be having quite an impact, albeit not a fatal one.


Clinton backed out of a trip to North Africa and the Persian Gulf on Monday because she was sick. She caught the virus during a recent visit to Europe.

The former first lady is known for her grueling travel schedule and is the most traveled secretary of state, having visited 112 countries while in the job.


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So guns don't kill people nor do the people pulling the trigger . . .

I would rather these guys help Mathew Moneymaker find bigfoot. Time better spent.

Can we say "Non sequitur", or did you simply post on the wrong thread?

I wonder if she was a victim of Europe's latest Norovirus, which seems to be having quite an impact, albeit not a fatal one.


Clinton backed out of a trip to North Africa and the Persian Gulf on Monday because she was sick. She caught the virus during a recent visit to Europe.

The former first lady is known for her grueling travel schedule and is the most traveled secretary of state, having visited 112 countries while in the job.


Sorry for ambiguity. Some that argue guns don't kill in one thread are here in this thread urging that Obama and Hillary are somehow responsible for these deaths so it seems, when convenient for these individuals, neither the weapons nor those pulling the trigger are responsible here. Point is sone try and use any situation possible to support partisan politics. Just not very well made point.

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So guns don't kill people nor do the people pulling the trigger . . .

I would rather these guys help Mathew Moneymaker find bigfoot. Time better spent.

Can we say "Non sequitur", or did you simply post on the wrong thread?

I wonder if she was a victim of Europe's latest Norovirus, which seems to be having quite an impact, albeit not a fatal one.


Clinton backed out of a trip to North Africa and the Persian Gulf on Monday because she was sick. She caught the virus during a recent visit to Europe.

The former first lady is known for her grueling travel schedule and is the most traveled secretary of state, having visited 112 countries while in the job.


Sorry for ambiguity. Some that argue guns don't kill in one thread are here in this thread urging that Obama and Hillary are somehow responsible for these deaths so it seems, when convenient for these individuals, neither the weapons nor those pulling the trigger are responsible here. Point is sone try and use any situation possible to support partisan politics. Just not very well made point.

Guns, RPGs and mortars were used to kill the four Americans. You must have forgotten that Libya is a war zone, and therein lies the problem with the Obama administration.

The Ambassador should never have been permitted to travel to Benghazi on 9/11 to a consulate that consisted of a concrete block building with only a perimeter wall for security. I place the blame for this directly on the shoulders of Hillary Clinton and I think she should answer questions to explain her reasoning behind this inaction.

The attempted cover-up and lack of response out of the White House needs some explanation as well but Obama will claim executive privilege and waltz away from questioning.

This is at least as bad as Watergate and we all know what happened there. If you want some semblance of transparency in government, there is no better place to start than an existing cover-up...and that is Benghazi.

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The Ambassador should never have been permitted to travel to Benghazi on 9/11 to a consulate that consisted of a concrete block building with only a perimeter wall for security. I place the blame for this directly on the shoulders of Hillary Clinton and I think she should answer questions to explain her reasoning behind this inaction.

The attempted cover-up and lack of response out of the White House needs some explanation as well but Obama will claim executive privilege and waltz away from questioning.

This is at least as bad as Watergate and we all know what happened there. If you want some semblance of transparency in government, there is no better place to start than an existing cover-up...and that is Benghazi.

I reckon it was a CIA op gone wrong. Petraeus has gone because the US never wants to admit all the filth it gets up to that's supposed to be top secret.

So I doubt you'll ever get an answer.

I doubt Hillary vomiting and falling over has any bearing on this.

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Can we say "Non sequitur", or did you simply post on the wrong thread?

I wonder if she was a victim of Europe's latest Norovirus, which seems to be having quite an impact, albeit not a fatal one.


Clinton backed out of a trip to North Africa and the Persian Gulf on Monday because she was sick. She caught the virus during a recent visit to Europe.

The former first lady is known for her grueling travel schedule and is the most traveled secretary of state, having visited 112 countries while in the job.


Sorry for ambiguity. Some that argue guns don't kill in one thread are here in this thread urging that Obama and Hillary are somehow responsible for these deaths so it seems, when convenient for these individuals, neither the weapons nor those pulling the trigger are responsible here. Point is sone try and use any situation possible to support partisan politics. Just not very well made point.

Guns, RPGs and mortars were used to kill the four Americans. You must have forgotten that Libya is a war zone, and therein lies the problem with the Obama administration.

The Ambassador should never have been permitted to travel to Benghazi on 9/11 to a consulate that consisted of a concrete block building with only a perimeter wall for security. I place the blame for this directly on the shoulders of Hillary Clinton and I think she should answer questions to explain her reasoning behind this inaction.

The attempted cover-up and lack of response out of the White House needs some explanation as well but Obama will claim executive privilege and waltz away from questioning.

This is at least as bad as Watergate and we all know what happened there. If you want some semblance of transparency in government, there is no better place to start than an existing cover-up...and that is Benghazi.

Watergate. Haha. This is all Monday morning quarterback, bitter beer faced, partisan politic bs. This is like a car accident vicim saying "if I knew that guy was going to run a red light, I would have left five minutes earlier." National security issues are not purview of public. You certainly are not on a need to know basis. The world is very dangerous over there and the ambassador surely knew better than anyone the climate there and what was prudent at that time. I would say move on your guy lost, but it is certainly your right to be obcessive and stay in inner turmoil over the actions of the current administration. Partisan politics are a wonderful, but blinding, occurence all over the world. Fact is, Fox news is just taking years off your life getting all worked up over stuff that is somewhat imaginary and completely out of your control.

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Ah, but being bad it is not the tittilating whip that you get, but the bolt of lightening. Discussions about what posters say in other threads really isn't germane to this one.

Please stay on topic.

Bolt of lightening....sounds like a KKK remedy!

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The report is in today. Systematic failures in the State Department and poor leadership from the top.





WASHINGTON (AP) -- An independent panel charged with investigating the deadly Sept. 11 attack in Libya that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans has concluded that systematic management and leadership failures at the State Department led to "grossly" inadequate security at the mission in Benghazi.

"Systematic failures and leadership and management deficiencies at senior levels within two bureaus of the State Department resulted in a Special Mission security posture that was inadequate for Benghazi and grossly inadequate to deal with the attack that took place," the panel said.


Edited by chuckd
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Doesn't sound like Hillary has too much to worry about. From the report:

The report singled out the Bureau of Diplomatic Security and the Bureau of Near East Affairs for criticism, saying there appeared to be a lack of co-operation and confusion over protection at the mission in Benghazi, a city in eastern Libya that was relatively lawless after the revolution that toppled Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi.

Despite those failures, the Accountability Review Board found that no individual officials ignored or violated their duties and recommended no disciplinary action for now. But it also said poor performance by senior managers should be grounds for disciplinary recommendations in the future.

The only question is, does it go high enough up the food chain for the Sec. of State to be considered a "senior manager"?

This story is going to blow away in the wind.

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err.... Did two consecutive posts by mods only two posts up get missed somehow? Come on guys you have more than enough threads to gripe on. This one does actually have a topic and its not Libya.

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I bet they are doing it just to get a rise out of the Fox news psychos and to anger people like you.

Yeah, that's a great way to do it, we don't like our diplomats being murdered, denied aid and having it covered up by a narcissist concerned only with keeping his job. It's safe to say most Americans don't look at the assassination of our Ambassador and 3 other Americans as "sh*t happens".

Denied aid? First time I heared of this. Got a reliable source? So far I believed most people must agree that your extremely busy foreign minister, who visited as stated above 112 countries in less than 4 years, simply can't know the whereabouts of every single one of hundreds of American ambassadors and consuls 24/7. We all believe in personal responsibility, and not the nanny state, so if Mr Stevens best informed on what was going on in Libya travels with insufficient protection, that's his call.

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I bet they are doing it just to get a rise out of the Fox news psychos and to anger people like you.

Yeah, that's a great way to do it, we don't like our diplomats being murdered, denied aid and having it covered up by a narcissist concerned only with keeping his job. It's safe to say most Americans don't look at the assassination of our Ambassador and 3 other Americans as "sh*t happens".

Denied aid? First time I heared of this. Got a reliable source? So far I believed most people must agree that your extremely busy foreign minister, who visited as stated above 112 countries in less than 4 years, simply can't know the whereabouts of every single one of hundreds of American ambassadors and consuls 24/7. We all believe in personal responsibility, and not the nanny state, so if Mr Stevens best informed on what was going on in Libya travels with insufficient protection, that's his call.

The US has no Foreign Minister. Are you sure you are on the correct thread?

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I believe Foreign Minister = Secretary of State.

Haha, it's called not letting details, facts or substance over form get into the way of the conspiracy da jour.

Must be miserable sitting around stewing over all of the government oppression and unchecked US government conspiracies keeping the little man down, . . . or someone down I suppose, in the US.

Edited by F430murci
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I believe Foreign Minister = Secretary of State.

Haha, it's called not letting details, facts or substance over form get into the way of the conspiracy da jour.

Must be miserable sitting around stewing over all of the government oppression and unchecked US government conspiracies keeping the little man down, . . . or someone down I suppose, in the US.

You liberals seem to be the ones stewing over keeping the little man down. You're the ones trying to tax the rich out of existence.

What does bother me is somebody posting about the US and not even knowing the title of the person they are posting about. Next thing you know he will be calling Obama the King...or Queen.


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I believe Foreign Minister = Secretary of State.

Haha, it's called not letting details, facts or substance over form get into the way of the conspiracy da jour.

Must be miserable sitting around stewing over all of the government oppression and unchecked US government conspiracies keeping the little man down, . . . or someone down I suppose, in the US.

You liberals seem to be the ones stewing over keeping the little man down. You're the ones trying to tax the rich out of existence.

What does bother me is somebody posting about the US and not even knowing the title of the person they are posting about. Next thing you know he will be calling Obama the King...or Queen.


Surely not Queen? whistling.gif

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Former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton "You know, every foreign service officer in every foreign ministry in the world knows the phrase I am about to use. When you don't want to go to a meeting or conference, or an event, you have a 'diplomatic illness,' Bolton told Van Susteren. "And this is a diplomatic illness to beat the band."

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I believe Foreign Minister = Secretary of State.

Haha, it's called not letting details, facts or substance over form get into the way of the conspiracy da jour.

Must be miserable sitting around stewing over all of the government oppression and unchecked US government conspiracies keeping the little man down, . . . or someone down I suppose, in the US.

You liberals seem to be the ones stewing over keeping the little man down. You're the ones trying to tax the rich out of existence.

What does bother me is somebody posting about the US and not even knowing the title of the person they are posting about. Next thing you know he will be calling Obama the King...or Queen.


Haha, the rich is not the little man and the tax issue potentially impacts me probably worse than anyone participating in this thread.

"You liberals" is a little broad. I am typically conservative except on issues of abortion and I guess gun control which should be a bipartisan issue based on common sense. Bush and his administration did me in on Republican party based largely on financial and mortgage crisis issues to which I am somewhat an insider.

I didn't care for either candidate so I didn't vote for someone I didn't believe in just to align with a party.

My current stance is simply disagreement with you conspiracy guys running around bad mouthing the country or those in power simply because you are not getting your way or you are afraid of losing something. Too much selfishness and entitlement in the US.

I also think we should stay the hell out of national security issues. There are many checks and balances and the government is doing what they perceive best which will not and should not be always be predicated upon popularity. Hard to believe you guys go on and on about this given all of the controversies surrounding Bush and national security issues.

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Former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton "You know, every foreign service officer in every foreign ministry in the world knows the phrase I am about to use. When you don't want to go to a meeting or conference, or an event, you have a 'diplomatic illness,' Bolton told Van Susteren. "And this is a diplomatic illness to beat the band."


Quoting Fox News? I thought we'd got past that.


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This story is going to blow away in the wind.

Yep, the only way to keep this in the news is to capture one of the attackers and put a pair of underwear on his head.

I thought they'd already got one - in Tunisia? Not sure about the undies though.

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I believe Foreign Minister = Secretary of State.

Haha, it's called not letting details, facts or substance over form get into the way of the conspiracy da jour.

Must be miserable sitting around stewing over all of the government oppression and unchecked US government conspiracies keeping the little man down, . . . or someone down I suppose, in the US.

You liberals seem to be the ones stewing over keeping the little man down. You're the ones trying to tax the rich out of existence.

What does bother me is somebody posting about the US and not even knowing the title of the person they are posting about. Next thing you know he will be calling Obama the King...or Queen.


I know. I also knew someone would clutch at this straw because you have nothing meaningful to say on the issue, let alone provide evidence for a conspiracy. wink.png

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