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Thailand Needs Urgent Action On Human Trafficking


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Thailand needs urgent action on human trafficking

By Digital Media


BANGKOK, Dec 20 – Thai frozen food operators today called on the Foreign Ministry to take immediate action, especially on human trafficking, to unlock Thailand from being designated by the United States Department of State on its Tier 2 Watch List.

Deputy Prime Minister/Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakkul said the business operators are concerned that Thailand may be included on the Tier 3 Watch List next year – a move that will severely affect Thailand’s shrimp and seafood exports.

The representatives from the Thai Frozen Food Association and Thai Food Processors Association said the US 2010 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report puts Thailand on its Tier 2 Watch List for the second year, adding that the designation for Tier 3 will compel Thailand to restrictions on exports including shrimp and tuna.

Mr Surapong said Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has assigned Deputy Premier Chalerm Yubumrung to lead an ad-hoc committee to solve the problem while he heads a monitoring committee on anti-human trafficking.

A British non-governmental writer has released a report on [the] human trafficking situation in Thailand which was incorrect. The two associations invited the writer to witness the real situation but he declined.

"The NGO person did not really visit the seafood factories but merely passed by in his car. It was during a school holiday when workers took their children to factories and the footage was shown in such a way that children were hired to work,” the foreign ministry said.

Mr Surapong said he will invite the US ambassador and related officials to make a field visit to the factories so that they understand that the situation is not as reported.

He added that Thailand had provided its latest update to the US last month and a new report will be submitted in February. He said the premier stressed in the cabinet meeting Tuesday that she wanted to see a concrete solution within 45 days.

The Foreign Ministry’s ad-hoc committee on the issue, headed by director general of the American and Pacific Department Sek Wannamethi, will hold the first meeting next Wednesday, he said.

Somsak Panitatyasai, chairman of the Thai Shrimp Association, said earlier that Thailand’s export outlook will worsen if it is on Tier 3 Watch List and that higher duties could be applied to Thai exports if Europe excludes Thailand from the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) which provides duty-free entry for Thai exports. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2012-12-20

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The involved agencies should read the HRW report about how people from Myanmar, working in Thailand , are dealt with from all sides of the Thai society. In one word disgusting, like people 3rd class. Police and others rape, torture, kill and extort money from them. In some provinces they are not even allowed to own a mobile phone, even it is against all Thai laws (for example Surat Thani) . I hope that the US take the matter really serious and punish Thailanfd severely for the rampant violations of human rights of foreign workers in Th.

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This in my eyes is a plea for a cover up to take place. In other words more tea money please and the problem will just go away before the next "organised" visit of this NGO person.

The use of imported labor especially from Burma has been going on for many years and these companies who have been making big bucks for years on the back of this slave labor have no wish to see their profits go out the door nor have any inclination to stop the practice.

Edited by Squigy
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Mr Surapong said Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has assigned Deputy Premier Chalerm Yubumrung to lead an ad-hoc committee to solve the problem while he heads a monitoring committee on anti-human trafficking.

Ahh. Mister Chalerm " I can fix everything in 3 months" got yet another mission.cheesy.gif
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"The NGO person did not really visit the seafood factories but merely passed by in his car. It was during a school holiday when workers took their children to factories and the footage was shown in such a way that children were hired to work,” the foreign ministry said.

Of course this gentleman has got it totally wrong, he has made an inaccurate report which he submitted to the American department & they acted on it without further investigation as to it's accuracy ??

Give Chalerm time to clean up a little bit, keep the kids out the way for a day or two & invite the assessors over for a pre-arranged visit.

Not a problem..

Is their anything that Thailand doesn't actually traffic ?

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These guys are unbelievable. The only thing they are willing to admit is that some foreigners must have gotten the wrong impression and this is very sad for the seafood exporters. If western countries had gotten a thorough insight into the trafficking and human rights situation in Thailand, the country would have been blacklisted to an extent that nobody would be allowed to import anything whatsoever from this country.

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"The NGO person did not really visit the seafood factories but merely passed by in his car. It was during a school holiday when workers took their children to factories and the footage was shown in such a way that children were hired to work,” the foreign ministry said.

Mr Surapong said he will invite the US ambassador and related officials to make a field visit to the factories so that they understand that the situation is not as reported.

great. the best place for a kid to be during holiday time is in a fish factory. freezing cold, knives and cutting implements everywhere, and I am sure having kids in the line does wonders for the hygiene regimen.

Mr Surapong said he will invite the US ambassador and related officials to make a field visit to the factories so that they understand that the situation is not as reporte

All at random of course.....

Edited by Thai at Heart
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