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Village Violence

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MobilecontentYou could sit in the front of my house and if you didn't see 5 or 10 guys ride by with rifles slung over there shoulders or sat out the back and didn't hear gun shots you would think that something was wrong.

These are jungle people and live off the jungle, plus rice, guns are part of life.

It's the others who carry AK47s, traffic drugs over the border They the one you have to worry about.

Well I don't worry about them, armed with my pocket knife am no threat. The days where they took western hostages for ransom have gone.

My problem are with the junkie Thais, live in jungle villages, cheap drugs, but have access to real firepower, M16s and AKs plus 11 mil Chinese hand guns. Lucky for me they got not hit the side of the rubber sheds or afford the the ammo to switch to fully auto.

Who cares, last real job was max security prison and most of the people I had to deal with wanted to kill me. Jim

I get your point Jim. I don't worry about the farmers that shot rats, birds etc with their rifles. They are harmless and I know most of them as they are either from our village or from nearby villages. I worry more about the Yaba addicts and we have a few in our area who just got released out of prison for a house break-in and a gold snatcher.

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Be smart and try to think on their level. Let the victim decide the course of action, if money is taken as compensation everyone is happy, your mate gets some cash, the police get their cut, the assailants get away with it. One thing worth doing, regardless of the outcome, is getting the incident and names recorded in the police records. This can count for a lot in terms of future employment prospects.


Be smart and try to think on their level. Let the victim decide the course of action, if money is taken as compensation everyone is happy, your mate gets some cash, the police get their cut, the assailants get away with it. One thing worth doing, regardless of the outcome, is getting the incident and names recorded in the police records. This can count for a lot in terms of future employment prospects.

Thanks for the advice.

The police now have photos of the injuries and hopefully issued a receipt for them.

I told them to get one before handing them over. They also gave the police the biz card of a lawyer even though they have not employed him yet. In addition they are trying to get photocopies of his medical records.

They may take more notice now who knows. It will most likely work out as a financial deal but one problem with that is that one of the bads guys lives in our village which is only about 150 strong.

If he stays put my friend will not be able to restrain himself once he his well again. According to MIL there is lots of head scratching going on as to how to resolve things.


All the guys involved are farm workers but my mate runs his own team and has a tractor plus trailers etc and is always in work so is doing well.

One of the reasons I like and admire him is that in the last few years he has really turned his life around. He doesn't drink except for the odd beer and is reliable in his work so gets lots of it from all around the area.



The reason I asked is because colleagues and management of the company where somebody worked would rally around him. As he is self-employed, this is not the case and so not relevant.


Few days ago a Thai friend of mine in our village was attacked late at night in his home by 4 guys who beat the shit out of him with clubs. The reasons were trivial and just amounted to his wife getting into an argument over 100Baht"

Reading through the thread shows that you need some advice how to live. Your message to have an armed guy to protect you sukcs.

You're asking for advice and trying to give others your thoughts? Insane. Full Stop.


I made the mistake and thought I had some Thai friends. Always trying to help when there were problems in the village. I personally don't think it was just about 100 baht and the loss of face.

I'd helped a high tourist police cop a lot, he called me his best friend. When I needed him, he'd been to busy to even listen to me.

Cops in this place of the earth help the guy who's paying more, friends are not often that what you think they are by Western standards.

Frankly said, I wouldn't get involved in your friend's problems, as they'll see you as an enemy as well. It's really down to who you know.

First instance will be that cops will try to make a financial settlement, but only if your friend wants to.

Haven't met Thais who really wanted to ask cops to help them, so let them do it the Thai way.

Most Thais here with some influence do not take foreigners serious.Not even bar girls give us a higher status than a water buffalo.

Keep your nose out and good luck.--wai2.gif

I hear this kind of contradictory message so much. It all about who you know. Then in the next breath your best Thai friend has let you down.

So it is not about who you know but now about who has the money. I wish people would make their minds up.

I find those that say it is impossible to have a genuine relationship with a Thai to be rather sad. Your bargirls may look down on you but is that because you knew no one or had no money?

For me I find that wherever you are in the world there are good and bad aspects but generalisations about nationalities are usually insulting and untrue.

For me everyone is an individual and should be respected as such. Having said that I don't make friends easily. As I said in another post human beings the world over are not a very nice species when opportunities to take advantage of others present themselves. Hows that for an over generalisation? smile.png

"For me everyone is an individual and should be respected as such."

Could you please start and see yourself as an individual? Then you'll still have to earn your respect. But not with a guy having a gun to protect your arse.

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Few days ago a Thai friend of mine in our village was attacked late at night in his home by 4 guys who beat the shit out of him with clubs. The reasons were trivial and just amounted to his wife getting into an argument over 100Baht"

Reading through the thread shows that you need some advice how to live. Your message to have an armed guy to protect you sukcs.

You're asking for advice and trying to give others your thoughts? Insane. Full Stop.

I think you missed post #53 where I point out I did not invite the gunman in or let him stay.

Not sure what thoughts you think I have been giving to others so please explain the insanity.


Do you really think that someone from the village of 150 people will come to Bangkok to find you?

I doubt it.

Either pay money to the Police to do something about it or forget about it.

Taking the law into your own hands in someone else's country especially Thailand is insane.

I am pretty sure I know where that will end. Thai wins again!


Do you really think that someone from the village of 150 people will come to Bangkok to find you?

I doubt it.

Either pay money to the Police to do something about it or forget about it.

Taking the law into your own hands in someone else's country especially Thailand is insane.

I am pretty sure I know where that will end. Thai wins again!

I think you have been reading a different thread or have an extremely vivid imagination as your comments are totally irrelevant.

How on earth did you get the idea I was concerned about anyone coming to Bangkok?

Where does it say anywhere anything about taking the law into my own hands?

As for Thais winning again the thread is about them fighting each other!

Try reading it properly and you may understand

I will be home over the New Year and have a wonderful and peaceful time.


Do you really think that someone from the village of 150 people will come to Bangkok to find you?

I doubt it.

Either pay money to the Police to do something about it or forget about it.

Taking the law into your own hands in someone else's country especially Thailand is insane.

I am pretty sure I know where that will end. Thai wins again!

I think you have been reading a different thread or have an extremely vivid imagination as your comments are totally irrelevant.

How on earth did you get the idea I was concerned about anyone coming to Bangkok?

Where does it say anywhere anything about taking the law into my own hands?

As for Thais winning again the thread is about them fighting each other!

Try reading it properly and you may understand

I will be home over the New Year and have a wonderful and peaceful time.

Somo, please be aware that this is my last post i EVER write to you. You did it again. Noddy's trying to give you his ideas and you're acting like he wouldn't know what he's doing?

Your wife's family take it seriously, you at least had an armed guy in Bangkok and now you'll go back and have a wonderful and peaceful time?

I am currently in Bangkok and already have an armed guard at my house. Bit over the top I feel as there is no obvious link to me and only my 78 year old MIL + crazy alcholic BIL there. My wifes family are however taking it seriously. Will find out more over the New Year


The 3 points he made are nonsense as I pointed out. He was not offering advice just criticising without even grasping the situation.

The armed guy was at my house in Chayapoum not Bangkok! Plus I have repeatedly pointed out that he turned up uninvited to look after MIL. I will be more than pleased not to have to reply to any more nonsense but will set the record straight if needs be.


Seems Somo wants to go in the witness box from his above post, and as Sirchai pointed out, and then was refuted by Somo about the armed guard??

This is getting tense,,

OK Somo, 1st Question,

Why did your friend [victim] not want you to visit him in hospital?

and im sure there are many more to come from other posters,,


Five days ago our baby son was born and we all decided their will be no booze for visitors. One visitor dropped by totally drunk and insisted that we bring the bottles out. Our little Shizhou started barking as she is very protective of strangers coming by and shouting around. My in-laws will normally ignore those people but when the stranger started beating up my Shizhou, I exploded and kicked him out of the house. Now my in-laws are worried because I kicked him out in front of many onlookers and he lost face. I am not worried at all but limits have to be set.


"leave thais to thais",i agree

reminds me of some areas in south of italy or albania where "trivial reasons" can bring bloody fights for years

especially in albania male members of the family(young,old,living out of albania,it does not matter) are targets and goin to die without a reason;some dont even know the relative who started the feud;children live an housing life and never see the sun,if they go out of the door they are goin to be killed



Somo: "All the guys involved are farm workers but my mate runs his own team and has a tractor plus trailers etc and is always in work so is doing well."

Well having read through all 3 pages, this would be my observation: I live in a semi-rural area and it seems that one guy with a big Kubota tractor has the tractor services monopoly for at least a 1 km radius so maybe this has something more to do with your mate's tractor business than insults delivered by his wife.


Somo: "All the guys involved are farm workers but my mate runs his own team and has a tractor plus trailers etc and is always in work so is doing well."

Well having read through all 3 pages, this would be my observation: I live in a semi-rural area and it seems that one guy with a big Kubota tractor has the tractor services monopoly for at least a 1 km radius so maybe this has something more to do with your mate's tractor business than insults delivered by his wife.

Quite possibly jealousy played a part yes. There are plenty of tractors around but lots of them go back to the dealer after a year when payments cannot be made.

My mate has made his work when many were expecting/hoping he would be just like all the others and fail. These people have known each other from birth so when one has something others don't there is jealousy.

Having said that I think his wife's mouth really triggered it. That combined with a history of some sort.


He suggested we not go specially to see him so I was not seen to be involved. I have said all along I would stay in the background as I cannot make a difference by actively getting involved. I can only offer advice which is why I started this thread (to get it myself from those who may have experience of this sort of thing).

Having said that he will be home soon so will see him at the new year and he will be welcome in my house.


Somo: "All the guys involved are farm workers but my mate runs his own team and has a tractor plus trailers etc and is always in work so is doing well."

Well having read through all 3 pages, this would be my observation: I live in a semi-rural area and it seems that one guy with a big Kubota tractor has the tractor services monopoly for at least a 1 km radius so maybe this has something more to do with your mate's tractor business than insults delivered by his wife.

Quite possibly jealousy played a part yes. There are plenty of tractors around but lots of them go back to the dealer after a year when payments cannot be made.

My mate has made his work when many were expecting/hoping he would be just like all the others and fail. These people have known each other from birth so when one has something others don't there is jealousy.

Having said that I think his wife's mouth really triggered it. That combined with a history of some sort.


He suggested we not go specially to see him so I was not seen to be involved. I have said all along I would stay in the background as I cannot make a difference by actively getting involved. I can only offer advice which is why I started this thread (to get it myself from those who may have experience of this sort of thing).

Having said that he will be home soon so will see him at the new year and he will be welcome in my house.

I am currently in Bangkok and already have an armed guard at my house. Bit over the top I feel as there is no obvious link to me and only my 78 year old MIL + crazy alcholic BIL there. My wifes family are however taking it seriously. Will find out more over the New Year

Wish you a very Happy New Year. Don't forget to buy your BIL a drink or two.laugh.png


Well Kuhn Somo you are there on the scene and I obviously am not -- but, if I had to deal with persons who would put someone they had known all their lives in the hospital with serious injuries solely because of that person's wife's verbal transgressions, I think I would start looking for a new place in Thailand to call home.


I would probably keep out of it but...... The devil in me would want to get involved and I would pay for justice to take place. Who cares we live we die. Have fun doing so.


I would probably keep out of it but...... The devil in me would want to get involved and I would pay for justice to take place. Who cares we live we die. Have fun doing so.

nice epitaph

I would probably keep out of it but...... The devil in me would want to get involved and I would pay for justice to take place. Who cares we live we die. Have fun doing so.

You live in the Isle of Mann, not likely to see any AK tooting bad guys.

Have to laugh some of the time, had visitors, ex army, police and the alleged hard men who are not going to give an inch to some little Thais. See a few guys with rifles slung over their shoulder, then they can't get into their cars fast enough to get back to a city.

If you want to get involved, outside of the system, in the end it may will be up close and personal. People carry guns and people die, as said in another thread. Last year the border army recover 6 bodies near here and it's a big jungle out there.

Their rules not ours. Jim


Somo, thanks for your reply,,

I think the fella must of upset some people with his successful agri buisness, or undercut there rates or something like that, not a 100bht note, perhaps a bad-mouthing mrs yes,

So the poor sod took a beating, Hes going to heal and be home soon, Perhaps he meet with the other local tractor boys and organise a bit of sub-contracting for them, that way the work is shared and your mate makes a little money and doesnt get anymore beatings,

If the above is the case, then i think that would be the best advice you could offer him,,

Good Luck, & Happy New Year,


Somo, thanks for your reply,,

I think the fella must of upset some people with his successful agri buisness, or undercut there rates or something like that, not a 100bht note, perhaps a bad-mouthing mrs yes,

So the poor sod took a beating, Hes going to heal and be home soon, Perhaps he meet with the other local tractor boys and organise a bit of sub-contracting for them, that way the work is shared and your mate makes a little money and doesnt get anymore beatings,

If the above is the case, then i think that would be the best advice you could offer him,,

Good Luck, & Happy New Year,

Sometimes shit happens, been shot, stabbed, chained in a chair and beaten, renal detachments, more stitches than a a tailor would do in a month. That's life, move on, build a bridge and get ovr it.

OP not your problem, move on, or you will just have bad dreams and sit in the gun fighters chair [ back to the wall, watching the door ]

That goes for all, if it is not your wife and kids you are fighting for, step away, not worth dying or living in fear for.

Sorry on my 7th beer and ranting a bit. Jim


Sorry on my 7th beer and ranting a bit. Jim

I trust thats 7 long necks there Jim, otherwise we might think you were a pommie pooftah that couldnt handle 7 schooners or midis or whatever they call them in Melbourne these days.


Sorry on my 7th beer and ranting a bit. Jim

I trust thats 7 long necks there Jim, otherwise we might think you were a pommie pooftah that couldnt handle 7 schooners or midis or whatever they call them in Melbourne these days.

Yes real bottles not stubbies or cans. Think the sun burns my brain at times. Out hand watering coconuts for 4 or 5 hours,. First 3 long necks don't touch the sides, wife brings some food, but by then I am in the mood for drinking and post some drunken things.

On number 6 now, but ate early. It's a hard life. Jim


Quote JimC: "That goes for all, if it is not your wife and kids you are fighting for, step away, not worth dying or living in fear for."

For anyone not living in his country of citizenship, even if it is your wife and kids, just quickly get them and yourself the h-ll out of there.

If you really want to fight, maybe you can join the French Foreign Legion.

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Well the end result is a 50k sorry payment plus the one bad guy who lived in our village has suddenly got a job in Bangkok.

According to the gossip the lawyers card and photos helped get a more realistic financial settlement and an outright death threat resulted in the job. Not a bad result, money and a bit of face saving.

The victim was a guest at my house frequently over the last week. The day before I returned to BKK we were offered 15 rai of land to rent + we are now able to clear land adjacent to ours and grow cassava on about another 6 rai. We have been angling for permission to do this for a few years. According to MIL there are mysterious forces at work that have produced this new year luck!


Kuhn Somo -- I hope all has worked out to your and your friend's satisfaction and the 50K is cash-in-hand and not just a promissory note.

Still, it would be my personal discretion to not want to live in a place where death threats real or imagined determine the outcome of a typical day-to-day predicament.

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