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What Things Make You Love Thailand


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This afternoon a bit before sunset - like most weekends - I went for a ride on the motosai. Through the rubber plantations, villages and up to the mountains. Lots of 'hellos' from the kids and smiles from others, had to to dodge the cows being driven back home, the mangy low dogs get a bit frisky when it cools down, the bugs smack you around the face a bit as the sun goes down. Lots of food being cooked at the local roadside stands makes me hungry.

Got back to to town so I went to have a quick beer at a friends place - very relaxed, a bit of discussion about Toxin, and some place someone ate last night - good but expensive 250bht for meal for two and beer!!

Now the missus is cooking up plates of wonderful food in the kitchen.

I'm going home soon and these are the things I am gonna miss.

And then I just had to nip down to the corner shop for some nam pla...the conversation with the teenage girl there had us both laughing but I managed to get the right stuff!!

Edited by Sporting Dog
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Well I think that everyone likes our money and if we are dumb enough to throw it away that is our fault.

Every where you go, you are going to find people that will take advantage of you but on a whole Thai people are honorable and care and would help you if you needed it. That is why I love thailand the people are beautiful and not just on the outside but on the inside. And even though most of them are poor they can still be happy.

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This afternoon a bit before sunset - like most weekends - I went for a ride on the motosai. Through the rubber plantations, villages and up to the mountains. Lots of 'hellos' from the kids and smiles from others, had to to dodge the cows being driven back home, the mangy low dogs get a bit frisky when it cools down, the bugs smack you around the face a bit as the sun goes down. Lots of food being cooked at the local roadside stands makes me hungry.

Got back to to town so I went to have a quick beer at a friends place - very relaxed, a bit of discussion about Toxin, and some place someone ate last night - good but expensive 250bht for meal for two and beer!!

Now the missus is cooking up plates of wonderful food in the kitchen.

I'm going home soon and these are the things I am gonna miss.

And then I just had to nip down to the corner shop for some nam pla...the conversation with the teenage girl there had us both laughing but I managed to get the right stuff!!

Chawp mak mak! :D You've just made me more homesick than I already am. :o:D

Edited by Tippaporn
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I like your answers.

For me there is something that draws me to it that i MUST go there atleast twice a year, i only just came back in Januiary and I will book for AUG and again in DEC.

i dont know what it is yet that makes me really love the place.

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........i think after all they r more happy then we foreigners with all our money...just my idea :o

I think you wrote that wrong. It should read:

........I think after all they are more happy with all our money than we foreigners are... :D

Sorry, this is off topic, but anyway...

I had two friends - they were Israelis, who ran a company (in Israel) we did business with. They were great friends and always laughing and joking. One day, one of them told me "when we set up the company it was ideal because he had the money and I had the experience - now four years later I have the money and he has the experience !". Cracked me up....

Edited by phibunmike
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Its not just the Thai people that are nice here

We all seem much nicer to each other too

Maybee it just rubs off on us :D

I have never met so many nice Foreigners, many of whom I have made hopefully lasting freindships with (well providing I pay them enough every month to be my freind) :D

Once I go back to my country of origin I just cant wait to get back here, I just can't stand it back there now, the country is falling apart, whilst this country may have its problems you can never take away the Thai spirit and genuine warmth that the majority of them exude

TP :o

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I don’t know where I read it. It was a story about a political upheaval a while back. The bar girl said we had revolution this morning now everything OK come in and have drink.

Children talking to their parents on a regular basis. Old people going out with young people to hear music.

The last concert I went to had whole families in attendance.

The almost complete lack of political correctness.

Everyone knowing all of the politicians are corrupt instead of pretending they are not.

When Sam Houston ran for election to be the President of Texas for a second term his rival ran on a platform that he didn’t get drunk till 2 PM while Houston was drunk by 11AM every day. It is that kind of spirit that makes Thailand special for me.

Farang women somehow think it is attractive to compete with men and point out their genetic and cultural shortcomings. I don’t think this will be much of an issue in the future. Western men will either acquiesce, rebel or move to Thailand where it is not an issue.

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I can't really put my finger on what makes this place special for me, guess it is like a good stew, it just has the right ingredients in the right amounts to meet my tastes.

A little shabby but also a little clean and modern

A little unorganized but things seem to get done

A little seedy but also a little glamorous

Tough but soft

Friendly but impersonal

Erotic but innocent

Exotic but down to earth

Chaotic and busy but slow paced

The food, The culture,Buddhism, The Climate, The Beaches, The Mountains, The location in Asia, The affordability.

All the above are true but they would all become irrelevent without the main reason.............

It's the Thai people that i love the most.

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Too much to list but overall, I like the higher standard of living in Thailand compared to the States. And at the same time, cost of living is lot cheaper. If the prices go up, I'll move to another affordable country to live.

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