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What Things Make You Love Thailand


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Hi all,

Just want to know what has been your best moments in Thailand and what has made you love the place. We get enough negative comments how Thailand is this or that and not moving forward etc, i want to hear some positive things about it now.

Share some experiences, tours, parties or whatever comes to mind

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Share some experiences, tours, parties or whatever comes to mind

Tours? How old are you? Do you go on these tours? Personally i can travel on my own and dont need someone to hold my hand. But i must add i have had many great times here and continue to do so.Parties? Can never remember but i know i always have a great time. :D:D I must also add. I was lucky enough to meet my wife here. So its all good. cant complain.

OK. Time for another beer. :D:o:D

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Im in my mid 20 and yes i do go on tours.

Scuba diving tours (as i dont have my own boat or equiptment) kayaking tours, hilltribe tours (i doubt they will let me sleep there if i just rocked up)

Whats wrong with going on tours??

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........i think after all they r more happy then we foreigners with all our money...just my idea :o

I think you wrote that wrong. It should read:

........I think after all they are more happy with all our money than we foreigners are... :D

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My first visit was unforgetable, my first impressions was a run down country with a few bargains (after watching kickboxer 1000 times) but wwent i went to Phuket and the phi phi island i thought it was absolutely paradise. It blew away my expectations like nothing else.

I was planning to live on phi phi don and open up a resort just a few months before the tsunami, now my gf refuses to live there with me because she thinks she will see ghosts or something..

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Having no expectations upon my first trip over, and having very little interest in Asia beforehand, I ended that trip with the most magical feeling I've ever experienced. Ten months later I realized the dream of moving to Thailand permanently.

Number One was the people. Friendly, laid back, beautiful, exotic, polite, smiling, cheerful, giving.

Number Two was the people, as was Number Three.

Beyond that was the beauty of the land, the excitement of a vastly diffent culture to explore, the incredible gastronomical adventure day in and day out, and the inexpensive lifestyle.

If I had to enumerate all the things I love about Thailand in the specific, with experiences to boot, I'd be writing for quite a long while. Suffice it to say that the magic has never ended, has not been subdued in the least, and never will. At least for me.

A most sincere :o to my hosts.

Edited by Tippaporn
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Im in my mid 20 and yes i do go on tours.

Scuba diving tours (as i dont have my own boat or equiptment) kayaking tours, hilltribe tours (i doubt they will let me sleep there if i just rocked up)

Whats wrong with going on tours??

There's absolutley nothing wrong with tours, it's your choice how you wish to experience things!

OP, so many things I love about Thailand. When I first visited it was just another place, I have been very well travelled. Thailand just had something different. It has an atmosphere, wonderful people, great food, cultural differences. I have never returned to a place so much. I also plan to retire there.

Also remember, regarding negative posts, everywhere has good and bad, the good is what you make it.

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liscensing laws


petty rip offs

organised government

dual pricing


but seriously

thailand is thailand and the people are fun and it rubs off on you and makes you feel good,

they still have a very strong sense of family which i personally like [ most of the time],

i can be left alone and not harrassed for taxes extra ni contrbutions council rip off tax extra vat

a moutain of paperwork just to get any sort of appointments, the never ending forest of advertising coming through our door daily and on and on.

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> Im in my mid 20 and yes i do go on tours.

> Scuba diving tours (as i dont have my own boat or equiptment) kayaking

> tours, hilltribe tours (i doubt they will let me sleep there if i just rocked up)

Sure they would. They do for me anyway. :o



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> Im in my mid 20 and yes i do go on tours.

> Scuba diving tours (as i dont have my own boat or equiptment) kayaking

> tours, hilltribe tours (i doubt they will let me sleep there if i just rocked up)

Sure they would. They do for me anyway. :o



well i never tried, 4 hour hike up the mountain, i would be pissed if they said no and walk 4 hours back down it again :D

Unless i hang at the bar and try my chances with the local girls :D

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The first thing is that I HATE to be cold. The only place I ever want to see ice again is in my glass.

The second thing is that I love the attitude of the Thai people. NEVER worry about tomorrow, just enjoy today.

The third thing is that I was able to retire comfortably here long before I could have retired in the US.

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I love just about everything about this country, there is very little that makes me unhappy here (apart from the continual rain in Samui). I love the drive to work and all the funny things you see that make you smile, I love the way everything is available. The street food, cheap fresh fruit, cheap beer. I also like the way you never quite know whats going to happen and where you might end up of an evening when out with Thai friends.

I like the random conversations I have with Thai's using my limited Thai. And I like the way people stare and marvel when you eat real Thai food and order it in Thai, like you are one of a kind.

Im going to miss Thailand alot :o

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Bangkok: How multi-cultural it is, how completely entertaining it is. I'm originally from US, lived in New York City and thought that was the greatest place in the world. Eventually a 3-month business trip to Sydney, and fell in love with that city. But Bangkok....... different, exotic, romantic, surprising, challenging, you're always having to change your plans and you don't mind, the food, the women, the weather, it's completely foreign and different. Not sure if you can live anyplace else after living here.

The other day a Sikh on a Segway (those 2-wheeled standing rider thingers) raced passed me and i had to smile and shake my head....

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I love just about everything about this country, there is very little that makes me unhappy here (apart from the continual rain in Samui). I love the drive to work and all the funny things you see that make you smile, I love the way everything is available. The street food, cheap fresh fruit, cheap beer. I also like the way you never quite know whats going to happen and where you might end up of an evening when out with Thai friends.

I like the random conversations I have with Thai's using my limited Thai. And I like the way people stare and marvel when you eat real Thai food and order it in Thai, like you are one of a kind.

Im going to miss Thailand alot :o

Hi Soph, does this mean you are planning to leave? I hope not! :D

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For several years I had been fortunate enough to travel quite extensively. Some places I went to I loved, some I liked a lot, others less so. The only long-haul places I wanted to revisit were San Francisco (9 times) and Cape Town (only once), although the short haul places (Rome, Paris, Ireland etc) are easy weekend breaks. There are still many places I have yet to see, and look forward to doing so.

I first came to LOS on a holiday in 2000. The day I got back to the UK I booked the next trip. I have been back 16 times since then, have bought a house, bought a little bit of land and am building a house so I can move over permanently. Nowhere have I ever been bitten by a place: the people, culture, climate and general way of life make me feel at home.

I like the polite and peaceful nature of Thais, and I am looking forward to leaving the status-symbol culture that the UK has become. I know it exists in LOS (perhaps even more so in some ways) but the style suits me just fine.

I like the pace of life of Phuket, where it is busy enough not to be bored but not busy enough to be a London/Bangkok/New York.

I am not blind to the shortcomings of the land and its people, but that's the thing about real love: it's unconditional and accepts them warts and all. I just hope they accept me in the same way.

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I can't really put my finger on what makes this place special for me, guess it is like a good stew, it just has the right ingredients in the right amounts to meet my tastes.

A little shabby but also a little clean and modern

A little unorganized but things seem to get done

A little seedy but also a little glamorous

Tough but soft

Friendly but impersonal

Erotic but innocent

Exotic but down to earth

Chaotic and busy but slow paced

This is my fourth country to live in and have traveled to many others. I am pretty settled down here and it looks like this is going to be my home from now on, good or bad.

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I am not blind to the shortcomings of the land and its people, but that's the thing about real love: it's unconditional and accepts them warts and all. I just hope they accept me in the same way.

Quote of the week in my book, sadman. :o

I can't really put my finger on what makes this place special for me, guess it is like a good stew, it just has the right ingredients in the right amounts to meet my tastes.

A little shabby but also a little clean and modern

A little unorganized but things seem to get done

A little seedy but also a little glamorous

Tough but soft

Friendly but impersonal

Erotic but innocent

Exotic but down to earth

Chaotic and busy but slow paced

This is my fourth country to live in and have traveled to many others. I am pretty settled down here and it looks like this is going to be my home from now on, good or bad.

Part of the above reminds me of a quote from what I thought was a great movie, City Of Ghosts. James Caan had bought an old, rundown, former governer's mansion in Cambodia and was proudly showing Matt Dillon and Stellan Skarsgård around his expansive dump. Skarsgård sardonically quipped that the place needed a paint job. James Caan's classic reply, "Hey, the whole country could use a paint job, but that's part of it's charm."

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the girls

the welcoming Thai people

the interaction with locals (not only in :D way)

the relaxed view on life

the beaches

the food

the weather

the cheap booze

the other farang you meet

the nightlife

the haggling

the look of jealousy when your mates see your photos

the fact every day you'll see or do something you cant at home

the isolation from the UK and the &lt;deleted&gt; that goes with it

etc etc etc

even the corruption is interesting!!!! :o

Im like a kid in disneyland, my eyes light up the moment I land in BKK :D and im almost in tears in the departure lounge :D. Leaving doesnt seem to get any easier!!!

Edited by game4shame
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... 'cos its the dogs boll**ks.

Have been to a lot of countries and none come close to LOS. Its difficult to put your finger on exactly why (though some of the posts above are admirable attempts). For me its those moments when I'm wandering around town and just look around and see something very Thai (like a pick up truck full of glorious red Rambutan's when they are in season) and think - wow - I live here. :o

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Where else?

Can You See So Much

with people who don't agonize over every little thing.

Yeah, Thai's are not perfect. Nobody is. But they sure beat the heck out of most of the rest of the world.

I guess it must be a combination of geography, historical chance, the right religion, and an attitude toward life that I'll always aspire to but never achieve.

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Where else?

Can You See So Much

with people who don't agonize over every little thing.

Yeah, Thai's are not perfect. Nobody is. But they sure beat the heck out of most of the rest of the world.

I guess it must be a combination of geography, historical chance, the right religion, and an attitude toward life that I'll always aspire to but never achieve.

Used to be the pleasure in the 60.s of walking into a village in isaan and be treated like royalty for a week,when don muang airport only had half a dozen taxi.s and todays thailand with all its little faults and quirks, smiling faces, the pleasures of Lhao kao and Somtam peht and forgetting to put the bogroll in the fridge for the hot bum that you know is sure to follow :o who can honestly say that the thai experience has not changed their outlook on life and you see or learn something new everyday, whether the old or the new thailand it will always be our first choice. Nignoy
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For me I think it is a combination of things,

My main thing is the lack of whining by people that only have themselves to blame for their predicament.

I really can never understand Thailands detractors who still have a choice to stay or to leave, no matter what you say, I will never understand this phenomina.

If I never liked a place, and I had a choice, I would be on the next plane out if I was not happy.

I mean why wake up in the morning feeling bitter and twisted, just get yourself together and get the fawk out, it's quite simple.

Problem is, Farang like to think they are important , they should look at their own countries first, see how important they are, see how much influence they have over their own Governments,.

In fact, I am ...............Oh #%#%, you Pions would'nt even understand.

Carry on. :o

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Where else?

Can You See So Much

with people who don't agonize over every little thing.

Yeah, Thai's are not perfect. Nobody is. But they sure beat the heck out of most of the rest of the world.

I guess it must be a combination of geography, historical chance, the right religion, and an attitude toward life that I'll always aspire to but never achieve.


Great photos, thanks for sharing

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Hi all,

Just want to know what has been your best moments in Thailand and what has made you love the place. We get enough negative comments how Thailand is this or that and not moving forward etc, i want to hear some positive things about it now.

Share some experiences, tours, parties or whatever comes to mind

1) the People {yes, that definitely includes the ladies}

2) the culture

3) the beaches

4) the beaches

5) the food

6) the smells -remembering the smells is what causes me to think of LOS when away.

7) the rich vibrant life, sanuk vita

8) Buddhism

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