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Everyone accepts and expects different things, personally I expect good or a decent service for the things I pay for, I am not bothered about playing golf so lucky for me I don't have to and never would accept the poor service you receive playing golf in this country!! each to there own! Four left or in the caddies case yawn "now where did that ball go"! Lol


Ah thanks for caring Mr Bird, so nice to know there are people that do care, happy golfing, there is a tear in my eye!! Ha ha you see by caring for others you have provided a good service!!


@ Dogpoo.....I agree with your thoughts wholeheartedly.

I've been playing golf for over 40 years and only in the last couple of years I've lived here in LOS I have had the experience of caddies.

At first it was a novelty.....but soon wore thin for the reasons you have mentioned. I am more than happy to look after my own game and leave the caddies back at the clubhouse.



@ Dogpoo.....I agree with your thoughts wholeheartedly.

I've been playing golf for over 40 years and only in the last couple of years I've lived here in LOS I have had the experience of caddies.

At first it was a novelty.....but soon wore thin for the reasons you have mentioned. I am more than happy to look after my own game and leave the caddies back at the clubhouse.


It would seem that many many people put up with bad service in this country, god you are paying a fortune to play golf here, why would anyone stand for these people being lazy, hungry, tired and just put up with it!! these people ruin the whole golfing experience, from the minute you hit the first ball they lag behind, talk on the phone and in many cases eat there food whilst you are way ahead of them, grow some balls and dismiss these people, demand a replacement, until people do this the caddie services in this country will continue to get worse!! of course there are some good caddies who actually realize that by doing a good job they will be tipped accordingly and in many cases be reserved by the same people time and time again!! thank god golf is not important to me because if it were I would be very fed up instead I am a happy chappie!! Lol


I asked you a question(larrybird, which you have yet to answer, why do you accept poor service? do you feel sorry for these caddies? All of these caddies are capable of earning a decent living but many choose to be lazy and utterly useless, the reason for this is because many golfers do not complain and accept the service they are given, mostly poor in my experience!! it's mostly the golf clubs fault, they employ these people and give them no training, the golf clubs do not care! All they care about is getting your green fee, yet another example of poor customer service!!


There just 3 rules in caddying

Turn Up

Keep Up

Shut Up.

The rest you work out for yourself they are not pros so dont ask them.

There are markers on the course for 150 and 100 yds

so step off the distance yourself.

They are usually to the center of the green.

If they are just outright bad at doing the basics then complain.

Otherwise cut em some slack.


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  • 2 months later...

Our caddie problem has been a bit different in that it is my daughter who plays junior tournament golf around Thailand and must use one of the club's caddies each time she plays. She played as a 6 year old and continues today at 12. The caddies are particularly bad for kids because the caddies will not yield to the kids judgement and become very distracting for the player. We have had two different penalties for caddie errors. We play so many different courses, getting a regular is difficult.

We must constantly reinforce the need to make her own decisions regarding distances, club selection and correct rule. Seriously, the caddies are worthless and we over tip. We started out tipping 500 and have cut it down to 300. We initially felt the caddie had to work extra hard to handle a youngster. That has not proven to be the case, it turns out they are far more useless than with an adult player.

I am sure there are a few who are competent but in general, they are as dumb as rocks and really detract from any enjoyment the game might otherwise offer. Problem is, IMO they refuse to accept that they know very little about the game and as in many situations, seem to know it all. For a youngster, that is a disaster waiting to happen.

To be perfectly honest, I dont particularly give a <deleted> about caddies, but I do recognise your specific case as being a bit of an issue. On the other hand, I believe playing golf is one of the best schools in life, and given the problems your daughter has to face, this could could be a lesson she'll benefit from later in life. On the other hand, I cant think of a better way to spend my time than developing my daughters social and personal skills as well as her golf without interference from a useless caddie. So if the caddies were optional, I'd play without one.

My advice is to support your daughter as she develops the abilities to cope with outside agents like a useless caddie - mental strength and the ability to be cool and strong in every situation is useful not only on the golf course. Personally, if I played a round of golf with a child and I started complaining about the caddie or let the child know that the caddie was <deleted> (it would never happen); I would feel like a complete idiot afterwards.

I'm confident most of us play golf because its fun, and nothing else. As long as we don't rely on the price money to provide for our family we should just enjoy the game. If the caddie is useless, why bother? The only thing that's going to happen is that you'll spoil your round.

Golf is a game. And considering the environment - you're playing golf in a beautiful country and fantastic climate - I find it hard to believe someone would want to spoil this by blaming a caddie for their own mistakes, because at the end of the day the ball ends up exactly where you put it, and nowhere else.

I am confident most of us knows this, and this what you need to teach your daughter.


  • 4 weeks later...

I know this is an old thread but it never ceases to amaze me how many people whinge and whine about golf in Thailand, its the same on many websites i look at.

Ive lived in bangkok for over a year play golf once or twice a week, mostly a different course each time.

I feel thoroughly priveleged to be able to play the courses here that are truly some of the best courses in the world, and so cheap too. I just dont think there are any bad courses here, just good courses, great courses and truly outstanding courses

It completely amazes me what people whinge about.... bad caddies - gave me the wrong yardage / read my put wrong / couldnt keep up, greens were too slow, starter was rude, showers too hot, showers too cold, clubhouse old, food was rubbish, play was too slow.... the list of woes is endless.

Yes you have to have a caddy here (we all know why they do it), personally if i had to choose i probably wouldnt have one either but ive kind of got used to someone pulling my bag and i quite like it, very occasionally they are quite nice to look at too.

I ended up hating golf in the uk, boring overpriced courses and the weather was usually terrible, so i gave up playing until i came to thailand.

All you people that whinge and moan about golf in thailand should maybe take a leaf out of my book, but i kind of think you are the type of people that expect to be treated like royalty as soon as you arrive at a golf course and go through life just looking and waiting for the next thing to complain about.

My advice, either give up or get over it... NOBODY CARES

  • Like 2

It's an old thread which nobody cares about except you!! This thread is about bad service which I and many others will not tolerate, if the forced upon caddies in this country provided a decent service there would be no need for complaints, this thread is also about expensive golf on Phuket coupled with bad service, if you are happy to play golf and receive bad service that is up to you, the golf courses in Thailand do not give a stuff about providing a golfing experience you will never forget they are only interested in the check bin!! Come to Phuket and experience the very high green fees and the bad service and lets see if you still have the same thought!!


Yet again it amazes me how many people except bad service that you receive in this country, you wouldn't go to a restaurant and put up with bad service so why would you put up with it on a golf course, I have had many enjoyable rounds of golf here but generally the experience is poor, if you have to play golf or golf is the only thing you have to occupy your time then you have to except the treatment you receive, golf is not everything to me so I can choose not to play, I much prefer watching the pros on the box!! Enjoy your golf but have the balls to complain when your golfing experience is not as expected!!

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Last year I and a few friends played Black mountain(Hui Hin, a golfing experience we will not forget, we were met by smiling staff, the booking in was a pleasure, the green fee was reasonable, the course was pristine in every way, we ordered breakfast which arrived quickly and was hot!! the caddies were acceptable, if this course can provide service of this level there is no reason why every other course in Thailand can not do the same!! we will be returning to this course again!!

  • Like 1

How can a perfectionist possibly be happy living in Thailand?

I am reminded of the old saying..."My worst day on the golf course is better than my best day at work."


How can a perfectionist possibly be happy living in Thailand?

I am reminded of the old saying..."My worst day on the golf course is better than my best day at work."

Never been called that before, cheers!! Your quote is very true providing you receive good service as a paying customer!! playing golf is not everything so I am in a position to except poor service or not accept poor service, for most people 5000฿ for golf is incredibly expensive so you want the best experience possible, if I play that is what I expect, if I don't receive good service I will not go return, they don't care and I don't care!!


Nobody on this planet is happy with bad service, bad service is everywhere and it will remain everywhere because the majority are scared to complain, happy I am in the minority!! Fourrrrr!!


It's an old thread which nobody cares about except you!! This thread is about bad service which I and many others will not tolerate, if the forced upon caddies in this country provided a decent service there would be no need for complaints, this thread is also about expensive golf on Phuket coupled with bad service, if you are happy to play golf and receive bad service that is up to you, the golf courses in Thailand do not give a stuff about providing a golfing experience you will never forget they are only interested in the check bin!! Come to Phuket and experience the very high green fees and the bad service and lets see if you still have the same thought!!

Not once have i ever received bad service on a golf course in thailand, not once, and ive played an awful lot of golf. I get EXACTLY what i pay for everytime, sometimes more but always what i pay for. You clearly expect too much, and until you accept that fact you are going to whinge and moan and whine and stress yourself out about these things that really arent important.

Enjoy your golf and most importantly BE NICE YOURSELF, because i think thats possibly the real problem here. If you do that people might just be nice back and give you a better service in return.

Trust me it works.


Although I am not a golfer, I did invite a mate who is a mad keen golfer to come for a golfing weekend. This was due to me believing the hype about golf holidays here in Pattaya, about how fabulous they are etc etc. my mate is based in Singapore, has been there for 5 years now. He said Thailand is not the golfing destination it once was...apparently, they to go Indonesia and Malaysia these days. He said Thailand golf reputation is terrible with untrained caddies, bad management at courses, lack of English and getting expensive on top of all of that.

I wonder TAT is aware of the developing bad reputation in the region.


If your expectations are rock bottom then I believe you when you say you have never received bad service, it's people like you that encourage in particular these so called caddies to behave like they do!!


Although I am not a golfer, I did invite a mate who is a mad keen golfer to come for a golfing weekend. This was due to me believing the hype about golf holidays here in Pattaya, about how fabulous they are etc etc. my mate is based in Singapore, has been there for 5 years now. He said Thailand is not the golfing destination it once was...apparently, they to go Indonesia and Malaysia these days. He said Thailand golf reputation is terrible with untrained caddies, bad management at courses, lack of English and getting expensive on top of all of that.

I wonder TAT is aware of the developing bad reputation in the region.

Exactly right, management at golf courses here are geared up to taking your money, untrained caddies are one example as to how these people think about golfers here, no one complains because they are scared and don't want to rock the boat, I have had a great experience here but it was not on Phuket!! One day people will realize that excepting bad service is not the thing to do, if golf is everything to a person then there is nothing to do but play and except being treated as a fool!!


Lets try and end this thread, if you pay to play golf you will be given a caddie, if that caddie then talks on her phone, eats her food, flashes her or his eyes at you, lags behind without a care in the world, he or she is treating you like a fool and dis-respecting you, he or she is doing that because they know the majority of golfers have absolutely no backbone and will not complain, instead golfers except what is happening because this is Thailand and this is what happens, get a life, develop some awareness of how you are being treated and do something about it!!


Lets try and end this thread, if you pay to play golf you will be given a caddie, if that caddie then talks on her phone, eats her food, flashes her or his eyes at you, lags behind without a care in the world, he or she is treating you like a fool and dis-respecting you, he or she is doing that because they know the majority of golfers have absolutely no backbone and will not complain, instead golfers except what is happening because this is Thailand and this is what happens, get a life, develop some awareness of how you are being treated and do something about it!!



If your expectations are rock bottom then I believe you when you say you have never received bad service, it's people like you that encourage in particular these so called caddies to behave like they do!!

Ok, ill end this with the following bit of advice.

Ive never received bad service on a golf course and yet you however always seem to receive bad service.

Therefore just follow my tips for a better golfing experience....

Don't expect too much, always be extremely polite and friendly, don't get stressed..... 3 simple tips.

As far as the caddies go, you have to understand this is 2013 and you are paying a caddy what is the equivalent of little more than £1 an hour to slog around in extreme heat and humidity pulling your golf bag. Now if you expect anymore than the most basic level of service for this then you most probably would have been better suited to living in one of America's southern states in the 17th century. Seriously you have to get real.

I know you will probably say 'oh but there's the tip to consider' , well although the tip is expected it is not mandatory and i know of people who never tip. If you follow this route be prepared to be extremely unpopular at Golf Courses. However based on your views and comments on this thread i think that ship has probably already sailed.

Carry on as you are if you wish , and so will i. I just think i will be the happier of the 2 of us, and life is too short not to be happy



If your expectations are rock bottom then I believe you when you say you have never received bad service, it's people like you that encourage in particular these so called caddies to behave like they do!!

Ok, ill end this with the following bit of advice.

Ive never received bad service on a golf course and yet you however always seem to receive bad service.

Therefore just follow my tips for a better golfing experience....

Don't expect too much, always be extremely polite and friendly, don't get stressed..... 3 simple tips.

As far as the caddies go, you have to understand this is 2013 and you are paying a caddy what is the equivalent of little more than £1 an hour to slog around in extreme heat and humidity pulling your golf bag. Now if you expect anymore than the most basic level of service for this then you most probably would have been better suited to living in one of America's southern states in the 17th century. Seriously you have to get real.

I know you will probably say 'oh but there's the tip to consider' , well although the tip is expected it is not mandatory and i know of people who never tip. If you follow this route be prepared to be extremely unpopular at Golf Courses. However based on your views and comments on this thread i think that ship has probably already sailed.

Carry on as you are if you wish , and so will i. I just think i will be the happier of the 2 of us, and life is too short not to be happy


Again thank you for your contribution, I do not play golf any longer and I am very happy!! I will play again but not on Phuket!! Lets agree to disagree!! happy golfing to you!!


I profusely apologize to all the hard working caddies in Thailand, personally I do not like the fact I have to have a caddie, I want the choice, as this is not possible I choose not to play the game here!! Happy golfing to all!!

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