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American Expat Found Dead In Nong Khai Home


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American Expat found Dead in Nong Khai Home

By Staff Reporter

NONG KHAI: -- A 63 year old American Expat is reported to have been found dead in his home near Nong Khai.

The man, identified to the press only as “Ronnie” was discovered by his ex wife as she visited the home he occupies alone this week.

Police, who were called to the scene, found the body on the stairs and initial medical reports indicate that he had been dead for up to 10 days prior to discovery.

The house showed no signs of break in and investigators think that he either fell down the stairs, after tripping, or had a heart attack.

The man was last seen by local pals on the 28th of December when [more...]

Full story: http://www.pattaya10...-khai-thailand/

--Pattaya 103 FM 2013-01-08


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Dead over NYE how desperately sad?

Problem is we all move here for a better life but in doing so for the most part lose feeling part of a community.

R.I.P Ronnie.


There are still plenty of places in Thailand where one definitely feels a sense of community. Saying that, I've noticed for all the years I've been here, that the sense of community is falling by the wayside.

If one looks at other countries, the same trend has been around for some time. Cities being the worst for lack of community / neighborly...

RIP Ronnie...

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If one looks at other countries, the same trend has been around for some time. Cities being the worst for lack of community / neighborly...

I feel for the 'older' guys who come over and move up country guess that must be pretty hard at times.

Its been over 10 years since I have been in the UK and I dare say things are, as you say the same there.....

Edited by Para
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RIP "Ronnie", at least you were able to live the dream for a while.


Not being missed for 10 days, and then only by his ex. Not sure what dream you are talking about. Seems the man had no mates. I hope I never end up in this way. Sad, really.

Course, I really didn't know him so maybe he was doing just what he wanted, and that's enough IMO.

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Sad that someone dies alone and missing for 10 days over the time of the year when we are normally in closest contact with our family.

It is sad. But please look at European or American bigger cities. In some cases they only find out that somebody died, because the post box is full, or a bad smell coming out of the apartment/room.

Rest in Peace, Ronnie, hope you've lived your life.-=-wai2.gif

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Dead over NYE how desperately sad?

Problem is we all move here for a better life but in doing so for the most part lose feeling part of a community.

R.I.P Ronnie.


There are still plenty of places in Thailand where one definitely feels a sense of community. Saying that, I've noticed for all the years I've been here, that the sense of community is falling by the wayside.

If one looks at other countries, the same trend has been around for some time. Cities being the worst for lack of community / neighborly...

RIP Ronnie...

Where might that be? I haven't found one yet. Many people think they are a part of a community but the community is only friendly as long as your money holds out.

Ronnie, I hope you time here was happy before the end.

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I can't speak of any of the countries in Europe; however, after spending 6 years in Thailand and with a GF and kids most of the time, I couldn't wait to leave. I completely get what Para is saying. I was in Para's position of not being able to come back due to not having a job and not affording to leave the one I had in Thailand. It was 2 years of prospecting and waiting out the crappy economy until I got an awesome company to hire me over Skype. The job is in a beach community just north of San Diego, California. I was very concerned about the cost of living, the SoCal culture, and the possibility that America had changed so much I'd be very disappointed and regretting the move back when I got here (I hadn't visited in that 6 yrs).

Well, unbelievable, the people, weather, streets (I bike to work), beaches, cleanliness, business attitudes, far cheaper rents and food than I ever expected, sense of community, endless activities, parks, nightlife, big name entertainment, dozens and dozens of microbrews, beach runs, endless mountain biking trails out my front door, 2 hours to snowboarding, 30+ year old California women that make 30+ year old Thai women (assuming you get married and don't spend your entire remaining life chasing lowlife bar girls) look like soi dog meat, and on and on and on.

Everyday when I ride my bike to work (and I'm 59) I am so thankful that I don't have to be on edge ready to die dodging the crazy F'n drivers in Thailand. I went to a popular outdoor sports store and bought mtn running shoes. I wore them for 3 months about 40 times, but I bought them half-size too small. I went to buy a second pair and the guy said to bring the first ones back, no questions guarantee of satisfaction. He said if I had wore them for a year or even longer, it would be the same. Now try and find that kind of business in Thailand. When I went through immigration flying into LAX, the immigration police chatted with me and sincerely welcomed me back when I mentioned I had been gone a long time. Get that at immigration in Thailand. When my Issan fiance (we are applying for a Fiance visa right now to get her and the kids to eventually be US citizens) goes to Robinson's makeup counter, she can't even get waited on (I make six-figures and she shows it). In the US, she will be equal to everyone else and my kids won't have to grow up with the kind of F'd up prejudice found in Thailand.

If I was rich, I'd pay for Para to live her just so he could get out as I did. I can't image the kind of crap hole all of the rest of you came from to think Thailand is an up tick. Now, if you come from a really messed up country (fortunately, despite its problems, the US ain't one), then I feel sorry for you too. But if your home country is not messed up, I can't imagine you staying in Thailand for any reason than cheap kittie(synonym), and if that's it, then you are the kind of person who probably doesn't care about community or quality of life anyhow.

gohmer that's a kind and sincere post but I am currently a Monk here (through choice) with a job waiting for me in London when I go back next year. I guess after so long here I will really see things in a different light when returning home just as you have. Sure I came from a crap hole back home but at least it was my crap hole!

Had to laugh at the trainers story nothing like a goof old Thai guarantee is there?

Thank you again.

With metta.

Edited by Para
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In order to be part of the community, you must first want to be part of it. That means assimilating, participating, contributing, socialising. If you build fences around yourself and your house, have strict rules as to whom can visit and when, don't expect the community to accept and welcome you.

This is not in direct response to the deceased - just a general comment about being a foreigner in a foreign land.

This is some deep stuff - I'm glad I saw it before I stepped in it!

As one ages one's community often dissolves; friends and family move, change and/or die off. Life, like an old love, wrinkles and becomes unfamiliar as well as uninteresting; probably so that when it's our turn to check out, we don't regret leaving.

I hope the gentleman's exit was painless.

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You said it bother. I did retire in Thailand with my Thai wife in March 2012. I purchased a car that was a two month wait renting a car until it arrived. I cought a bacteria flesh eating infection two weeks in the hospital plus surgery. The finance company would not take back the car unless i had owned it for two years? In the meantime a motorbike hit my car and I had to repir it before I sold it for a $10,000 loss. I payed for schooling for my child and stayed until her term was completed and everyone there was questioning why I refured to stay until the end of the year. I arrived in March 2012 and stayed five months (that was five months too long) with the humid weather, I could not wait to get home. All in all it cost me about $30,000 but , I am home again and don;t have to drive in that mess. I am glad i did not get into that home buying mess. I also, don't have to see older forgieners men playing with young Thai boys. Pattaya is the only one sin city of several in Thailand. If you are and older gent and want a young beautiful girl and drink youself to death, this is the place for you,

And Yes, Thailand has beautiful beaches and I will return but only for my wifes family once a year for one month. RIP Ronnie!!!

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