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Plan To Dissolve Top Courts And Key Govt Agencies Shows Thai Govt's ' True Intent'


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This is the route to another coup, and the reason behind the last.

It is well known Thanksin does NOT know when to stop and has

an ego of monumental proportions that must constantly be fed.

This is not about the poor getting a leg up or "Red Democracy".

This is about clan power and the ambitions for revenge and

power accumulation and use of one liege lord and his clique,

to displace the old guard, for their own profits.

Sure they use new means, but to the same old face making ends.

I doubt there will be another coup soon and when Asean begins the likelyhood would seem to be even more remote.

Still the PAD want a war with Cambodia.

Well you perhaps hope it is the route to another coup.

However it all seems quite sensible to me.

Make all senators elected. Good move.

Remove the powers invested in the coup appointed constitutional court to ban political parties.

Imagine in USA Democrats and Obama being banned from office because their Chicago mayor was accused of serious corruption.

This is the current position in Thailand really.

Remove the right for frivolous attempts to seek to unseat the government by groups such as the PAD bypassing the Attorney generals office which decides the efficacy of such complaints.

Clip the wings of un-elected quangos such as the National Anti-corruption group.

What happened to the 15 billion baht they claimed was smuggled into Hong Kong?

It was news to the Hong Kong authorities.

against the government.?

That's right. Unfounded allegations. Smear campaigns essentially.

Your implication of a hoped for coup is quite erroneous and rather insulting.

Pad will essentially be irrelevant, it's shot it's wad if not it's noise makers.

But if you imagine that ASEAN Membership will have any more effect on a

coup to stop clan graft run amok, is any more effective than on the

Cambo/Thai border dispute and violence, then you are being overly hopeful yourself.

If the source of the constitution court is a bugaboo then make it official NOW,

not demote it in it's powers just because you disapprove of it's source.

It is rather long past the creation date to decry it's founding fathers provenance.

"Clipping the wings" of anti-corruption groups that investigate and produce reports

taken seriously by the AG and public is diametrically opposed to reigning in graft,

and corruption. To do so is an insult to thinking peoples intelligence, and produces

the exact opposite effect than what the public needs and desires.

As to 15 million baht being smuggled into Hong Kong... and Honk Kong not knowing..

HA! Of course they wouldn't know it WAS SMUGGLED...Duh.

That is the point, to make it INVISIBLE to authorities; on all sides.

A nice pant-load of sound bites and denigrations of points of logic about how to

move Thailand forward for the Thai people and not the vested interests,

but to no point. In the end, naught but a pant-load.

Edited by animatic
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]This remark is not constructive. The democrats and Yellow Shirts have repeatedly stated that Thailand is too immature to be a democracy. That of course is rubbish. Why? When the USA's constitution was written and adopted there were only nine states. Thailand's so called loyalists say that they prefer a succession of military dictatorships. Like some of your peers you seem to want Thailand to have an eternity of conflict and confusion. The current government appears to be analyzing the anomalies of the current constitution in order that Thailand can adopt a constitution that allows fair, secure and credible government. Whichever party is in power. For myself I would like to see a perpetual Constitution that is so sound it will never need more than occasional amendment as with the constitution of the USA. Add to that a Bill of Rights for the people underlining Thailand's commitment to human rights and Thai citizen will be safe from the malfeasance of the few.

Thailand's so called loyalists say that they prefer a succession of military dictatorships

Who's said that?

The current government appears to be analyzing the anomalies of the current constitution in order that Thailand can adopt a constitution that allows fair, secure and credible government.

dam_n, we see things differently lol. No . . . they are attempting to remove a large proportion of the checks and balances that are needed to keep Govt in check so that big brother can come back and put his sticky little fingers in the public coffers again.

For myself I would like to see a perpetual Constitution that is so sound it will never need more than occasional amendment as with the constitution of the USA. Add to that a Bill of Rights for the people underlining Thailand's commitment to human rights and Thai citizen will be safe from the malfeasance of the few.

On this one I agree wholeheartedly, I'm just sure that this is not what the current Govt has in mind.

For the record there were 13 Colonies that became the original 13 states.

The colonies were: Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut,Massachusetts Bay, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, and Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.

Ratifications as "sovereign state in Confederation" between, December 7, 1787 and May 29, 1790


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Actually not only should the courts be dissolved, the judges should stand trial. One has to look only to the cover up after the Youtube scandal in which is clearly shown how corrupt and self serving the judges and the establishment is. The Nation is happy to serve as a puppet for the establishment and Thai newspapers in general should be read as you would do with tweets and blogs. It is biased and serves the interest of the rich families owning the newspapers.

Nailed it in a paragraph. I believed and have said many times, this Gov is going to dismantle the system that has held back Thailand from being a truly great nation and economic power. The rice boys , the courts, the senate and without doubt the media is going to get a going over because its all one sided, TV and newspapers. No reconcilliation , tried that and it never worked. Bleat on about removing 'checks and balances' because thats not what they are attacking. get them lazy arsed generals out the Senate and stop Prem picking em with his secret phone calls. Times are looking rosey > Keep it up Thaksin ...too damm clever for them all

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At last we are starting to see the true intention of the Thaksin puppet government and its pursuit of unbridled power for the Thaksin family and their brown nosing acolytes.An out and out despotic dictatorship is the ultimate aim.

There are many frightening parallels with other dictatorships and their ultimate enslavement of nations and its peoples, notably the rise to power of a despotic xenophobic dictator in the early part of the last century which ultimately embroiled the world in a 5 year war. More locally and indeed recently Pol Pots ideology comes to mind and Hun Sens ideology too

How long now before the Thai people have to start to fear the knock on the door in the middle of the night, an increase in mysterious deaths and disappearances and the ghosts of Pol Pot and his regimes terror tactics come to walk among and haunt Thailand and its peoples ?

Destroying the nations judicial system and any opposition voices by hook or by crook has been bubbling under the surface for some considerable length of time. Now these policies are at the forefront of the P.T.P. puppet regime as they feel they have the strength to carry such policies through without any opposition as the forcing of the charter changes will allow the wholesale rape and subsequent destruction and the death of civil rights and the legal system and the Thai people. Of course the removal of the legitimate checks and balances now in place which act as a brake no matter how weak those checks and balances are at the moment are vital to the puppet master and his aims.

Remove those checks and balances and we have a runaway train of the abuse of power, nepotism, wholesale corruption and a country mired in a quagmire of terror, misery and fear much like the scenes in Zimbabwe at the moment and indeed reminiscent of the scenario in Cambodia courtesy of Pol Pot, and not too far removed from the current regime of Hun Sen

We have already seen Thaksin supporting civil disorder both financially and also heard his exhortations telling and encouraging the Red Shirt movement to support him (Thaksin) in his fight to return to Thailand, Turbulent times clearly are ahead for this country and it's people, it is nearing to becoming make or break time for what little democracy exists here at the moment.

The time is coming when there will I think be a reason and an occasion for the military to step in yet again in the not too distant future and I fear it will be a bloody battle as the only way Thaksin and his acolytes will go is as we have seen in the not too distant past is by inciting civil disorder.

Body counts cost Thaksin nothing worry wise or financially in his thirst for ultimate power, the wealth and riches awaiting him if he succeeds will go to him and Thailand and the Thai people will be the carcass that Thaksin and his fellow vultures and maggots will bloat themselves on.

As I have already said, ''Turbulent times lie ahead for Thailand and its peoples.''

One of the best and most insightful posts I have seen on Thai Visa.

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I've got to straight out admit that I'm lost and ignorant on all of this simply because all I can see is the corruption, and greed part.

as for constitutions, courts, laws, I did not know that this even existed in this country

what is Thailand its not a dictator ship or democracy or communist. ????

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect App

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I've got to straight out admit that I'm lost and ignorant on all of this simply because all I can see is the corruption, and greed part.

as for constitutions, courts, laws, I did not know that this even existed in this country

what is Thailand its not a dictator ship or democracy or communist. ????

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect App

Let me introduce you to THE family

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I've seen pictures of Yingluck flirting with Obama

Have you... what about the pictures of Yingluck flirting with Arisman... seen them?

No doubt commander bucholze will bring them forth, but quick.....

Please can we see them again ??

She is quite fetching.

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Right. So reverting back to an illegitimate government stemming from a military junta responsible for endless coups is what you call democracy? I now understand your definition of democracy. You're the one being naïve (note how I avoid insulting others, unlike what you've done) if you don't realize the courts' political bias (have you seen the recent ruling of the Constitutional Court regarding article 112? If not here's a link: www.constitutionalcourt.or.th/office/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_download&gid=105&Itemid=4〈=th )

@Disinto - have you changed your name again or started a new profile?

Haven't heard from RIGHTEOUS or what ever his name is in quite a while ... Ummmmm...1zgarz5.gif ... Related in anyway ?whistling.gif

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No matter what, the dissolution of ALL the different departments that hold the checks and balances - no matter how small or apparently insignificant, is an incredibly dangerous move - and to contemplate such a thing, is to court disaster and massive uncontrolled corruption.

The Thaksin administration was responsible for huge and costly corruption resulting in Thailand losing money that then would eventually turn up in a certain Thai/Chinese pocket. Money laundering via Myanmar and many other overseas locations, ensured the wealth of the uppermost levels of government and their friends.

Removal of even the most basic levels of checks and balances, opens the door...or to put it more crudely...BOHICA (bend over, here it comes again)...

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Sophon let the cat out of the bag with this one, revealing the true intentions of Pheua Thai to emasculate all checks and balances and turn Thailand into a dictatorship run by the Shinawats.

Awaken all Thais, rise above the clouds and fight the evil !

This remark is not constructive. The democrats and Yellow Shirts have repeatedly stated that Thailand is too immature to be a democracy. That of course is rubbish. Why? When the USA's constitution was written and adopted there were only nine states. Thailand's so called loyalists say that they prefer a succession of military dictatorships. Like some of your peers you seem to want Thailand to have an eternity of conflict and confusion. The current government appears to be analyzing the anomalies of the current constitution in order that Thailand can adopt a constitution that allows fair, secure and credible government. Whichever party is in power. For myself I would like to see a perpetual Constitution that is so sound it will never need more than occasional amendment as with the constitution of the USA. Add to that a Bill of Rights for the people underlining Thailand's commitment to human rights and Thai citizen will be safe from the malfeasance of the few.

No constitution or law is sound if those willing to break it fear nothing.

There are thousands of laws in Thailand ranging from encroachment to traffic that are broken every day because of weak enforcement.

Corruption is endemic in Thailand and independent checks and balances are an essential tool for maintaining a fair democracy. Checks with teeth.

This proposal from Pheua Thai will only benefit politicians, the people get nothing- even worse, corruption will spiral, ensuring a coup to follow.

If one was talking tinkering with constitutional law in the top 10 or 12 world democracies then there would not be many issues as the underlying base is there - ie an intelligent middle class with morals and values. But this is Thailand where corruption is epidemic and increasing; where governement agencies and law enforcement is brought and controlled by political mafia families; and where major factions inside and sided to the ruling party have openly stated that the mandate they have from the people by way of an election win gives them the right to do what they want including placing themselves above the law; and that the country is fronted by a clone and run by a convicted criminal in Dubai. Its not democracy that Thaksin is after. Its populist totalitarism. Its amazing that people from established democracies on this forum cannot see past this Thaksin bullcrap given his past record from 2000 until 2006.

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Sophon let the cat out of the bag with this one, revealing the true intentions of Pheua Thai to emasculate all checks and balances and turn Thailand into a dictatorship run by the Shinawats.

Awaken all Thais, rise above the clouds and fight the evil !

No constitution or law is sound if those willing to break it fear nothing.

There are thousands of laws in Thailand ranging from encroachment to traffic that are broken every day because of weak enforcement.

Corruption is endemic in Thailand and independent checks and balances are an essential tool for maintaining a fair democracy. Checks with teeth.

This proposal from Pheua Thai will only benefit politicians, the people get nothing- even worse, corruption will spiral, ensuring a coup to follow.

If not a coup, and I hope there is not, it will at least lead to serious trouble and the possibility of a return to violence in the streets.

The OP:

- Senate to comprise 200 seats from direct voting

Is a blatant attempt to turn back the clock and a return to the Senate which was supposed to be a non-partisan ideal of the 1997 Constitution that never materialized as it was soon set siege upon by the Thaksin machine early.

Within just a few years after this early warning article, the "non-partisan" Senate was in Thaksin and Thai Rak Thai's pocket.

It reads as a prophecy from nearly a decade ago.


July 15, 2003

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has made no secret of his frustration with certain factions in the Senate whose independent stands often clash with his political agenda. It's no surprise then that Thaksin has spared no effort to infiltrate the senior legislative body with the ultimate aim of making it a political ally.

With the House of Representatives and the bureaucracy under the complete control of Thaksin's ruling Thai Rak Thai Party, the Senate along with other independent agencies set up under the Constitution offered the only glimmer of hope that the power of the executive branch would not be exercised unchecked. But it was only a matter of time before they all began to fall under political influence . . . one after another.

Though the Senate has no direct political power, it has the constitutional duty to appoint members of the various independent agencies, such as the Anti-Corruption Commission, the Election Commission and the Constitution Court. It's no wonder then, that politicians want to have a Senate they can control. Preoccupied with his own political agenda, Thaksin has very little interest in what will eventually become of the hard-won political reform culminating in the 1997 charter.



Perhaps the 2007 version of the Senate being mixed elected/appointed isn't the full answer... but we dam_n well already know that a return to the Thaksin Kleptocracy of a decade ago is not the way forward.


Edited by Buchholz
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Sophon let the cat out of the bag with this one, revealing the true intentions of Pheua Thai to emasculate all checks and balances and turn Thailand into a dictatorship run by the Shinawats.

Awaken all Thais, rise above the clouds and fight the evil !

No constitution or law is sound if those willing to break it fear nothing.

There are thousands of laws in Thailand ranging from encroachment to traffic that are broken every day because of weak enforcement.

Corruption is endemic in Thailand and independent checks and balances are an essential tool for maintaining a fair democracy. Checks with teeth.

This proposal from Pheua Thai will only benefit politicians, the people get nothing- even worse, corruption will spiral, ensuring a coup to follow.

If not a coup, and I hope there is not, it will at least lead to serious trouble and the possibility of a return to violence in the streets.

The OP:

- Senate to comprise 200 seats from direct voting

Is a blatant attempt to turn back the clock and a return to the Senate which was supposed to be a non-partisan ideal of the 1997 Constitution that never materialized as it was soon set siege upon by the Thaksin machine early.

Within just a few years after this early warning article, the "non-partisan" Senate was in Thaksin and Thai Rak Thai's pocket.

It reads as a prophecy from nearly a decade ago.


July 15, 2003

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has made no secret of his frustration with certain factions in the Senate whose independent stands often clash with his political agenda. It's no surprise then that Thaksin has spared no effort to infiltrate the senior legislative body with the ultimate aim of making it a political ally.

With the House of Representatives and the bureaucracy under the complete control of Thaksin's ruling Thai Rak Thai Party, the Senate along with other independent agencies set up under the Constitution offered the only glimmer of hope that the power of the executive branch would not be exercised unchecked. But it was only a matter of time before they all began to fall under political influence . . . one after another.

Though the Senate has no direct political power, it has the constitutional duty to appoint members of the various independent agencies, such as the Anti-Corruption Commission, the Election Commission and the Constitution Court. It's no wonder then, that politicians want to have a Senate they can control. Preoccupied with his own political agenda, Thaksin has very little interest in what will eventually become of the hard-won political reform culminating in the 1997 charter.



Perhaps the 2007 version of the Senate being mixed elected/appointed isn't the full answer... but we dam_n well already know that a return to the Thaksin Kleptocracy of a decade ago is not the way forward.


Correct, and we know what it eventually lead to.

Four score and twenty coups ago, this nation was brought forth for...

etc etc

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Sophon let the cat out of the bag with this one, revealing the true intentions of Pheua Thai to emasculate all checks and balances and turn Thailand into a dictatorship run by the Shinawats.

Awaken all Thais, rise above the clouds and fight the evil !

This looks similar to the constitution of former president J. R. Jayawardena which completely ruined Sri :Lanka up to today. Ever since we did not have had any democracy. Since then we have massive rampant corruption from head of state to ministers to MPs to heads of departments. They are all henchmen of the top. People are ruled by fear psychosis by decade long unresolved disappearances to stop freedom of expression, unlimited military and police control of freedom of people,government sponsored thuggery, unlimited criminal activities including murder to cover up politicians criminal activities, ruthless robbery of national treasures and fearless thundering lies to cover up it all at the parliament and in front of people. Recently our president with the help of the Chinese government siphoned out public wealth in to his personal accounts in China through useless multii-million dollar projects. One such thing is the bogus satellite project. Your present prime minister is a thundering liar like all those we had since JR.

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So PTP have finally admitted their ultimate aim is not Democracy,it's a good old fashioned Dictatorship/Dynasty.Who would have guessed it? sick.gif

Watch out for Cable Thai Holdings gaining the franchise for the TV rights to the Premier League. Thaksin's lawyer, Wichai, is the owner and they plan to dominate cable TV in Thailand.

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