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Victims In Delhi Rape Case Are To Blame, Defendants' Lawyer Says


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I don't normally advocate this kind of thing, but I think that the lawyer Manohar Lal Sharma should be raped. He should be kidnapped in the back of a bus and sodomized with a metal pipe, and then afterwards someone should say to him that respectable men in India just do not get raped.

Also, I don't think that people realize how skewed the sex ratios are in India (where there are abortion of female fetuses):


It's 914 females to 1000 males. So there's 86 men out of 1000 that there's no female match for.

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I don't normally advocate this kind of thing, but I think that the lawyer Manohar Lal Sharma should be raped. He should be kidnapped in the back of a bus and sodomized with a metal pipe, and then afterwards someone should say to him that respectable men in India just do not get raped.

Also, I don't think that people realize how skewed the sex ratios are in India (where there are abortion of female fetuses):


It's 914 females to 1000 males. So there's 86 men out of 1000 that there's no female match for.

I regretfully agree. I despise lawyers that cross the line and that cannot win being honorable. I have several I am up against at this moment . . .

New defense, other than the unmarried girl deserved it for being out with her boyfirend to see a movie defense:


Sadly, one cannot never really be sure what the truth is regarding torture and confessions in these parts of the world. Don't they have the boyfriend as an eye witness though?

Edited by F430murci
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And is there any wonder why India is the dregs of society of a modern world.

India is a nice place to visit. Crimes like this happen somewhere else too.

That guy is a defense lawyer, what do you expect him to do?

did anyone read the full article?

it ends with:

"These people are just seeking revenge," Sharma said. "They are not seeking justice. A defendant has a right to a lawyer, this is a basic principle of a modern society."

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And is there any wonder why India is the dregs of society of a modern world.

India is a nice place to visit. Crimes like this happen somewhere else too.

That guy is a defense lawyer, what do you expect him to do?

did anyone read the full article?

it ends with:

"These people are just seeking revenge," Sharma said. "They are not seeking justice. A defendant has a right to a lawyer, this is a basic principle of a modern society."

Claiming that police work and procedure in India is lacking is acceptable, so is being concerned about mob rule.

The right for legal representation does not entail the legal advisor laying the blame on the victim in such a callus manner.

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And is there any wonder why India is the dregs of society of a modern world.

India is a nice place to visit. Crimes like this happen somewhere else too.

That guy is a defense lawyer, what do you expect him to do?

did anyone read the full article?

it ends with:

"These people are just seeking revenge," Sharma said. "They are not seeking justice. A defendant has a right to a lawyer, this is a basic principle of a modern society."

Claiming that police work and procedure in India is lacking is acceptable, so is being concerned about mob rule.

The right for legal representation does not entail the legal advisor laying the blame on the victim in such a callus manner.

And so seems India bashing acceptable or posting fantasies how the lawyer should be raped with metal bars or hurt in other violent ways plus one the sideline just type your line of hate and prejudice towards Muslims and Iran and the Kongo to the topic.

thanks for your concerns.

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He's a defense lawyer, his job is to defend using the tools at his disposal, which is sexism.

Sexism and violence from hatred of women is pervasive in all cultures,

In western culture I'dlike to seea new era for women by not calling young , yet fully grown women "girls" which diminishes them and IMO is a sign of, and contributes to the problem.

Language is everything.


I don't know if India has laws against hate speech but the words of this lawyer can actually be classifed as hate speech !

Shocking !

Up until recently, I had thought that India was ahead of most Middle Eastern countries, regarding women's rights. I guess I had thought wrongly.

It's one man's (the lawyer) view, not all of India's. I think you'll find the majority of Indians are appalled at his comments.

Are they? There are protests - many of them, some turning violent unfortunately. But this is far from a majority of Indians.

The culture is archaic regarding women. Female foetuses are aborted in their thousands every day. It is a very patriarchical society. Women are traded - kidnapped, shipped to another part of the country for an unmarried male to buy. The skew in the male-female percentages of the population is getting worse.

The country requires a major re-education program to change the mindset as well as the tradition of the female's family paying a dowry to the male - one of the main reasons that female babies are unwanted.

However we mustn't forget that a Thai politician made similar remarks about the girl who was raped in Krabi.

Edited by MacChine
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And is there any wonder why India is the dregs of society of a modern world.

India is a nice place to visit. Crimes like this happen somewhere else too.

That guy is a defense lawyer, what do you expect him to do?

did anyone read the full article?

it ends with:

"These people are just seeking revenge," Sharma said. "They are not seeking justice. A defendant has a right to a lawyer, this is a basic principle of a modern society."

Claiming that police work and procedure in India is lacking is acceptable, so is being concerned about mob rule.

The right for legal representation does not entail the legal advisor laying the blame on the victim in such a callus manner.

And so seems India bashing acceptable or posting fantasies how the lawyer should be raped with metal bars or hurt in other violent ways plus one the sideline just type your line of hate and prejudice towards Muslims and Iran and the Kongo to the topic.

thanks for your concerns.

I believe non of my posts on this topic contained India bashing or references to Iran, Islam, Kongo or whatever.

While I don't hold with the attitudes prevalent in such posts, can't say that they have much bearing on the way the defense lawyer chose to express his views. A wee bit of a difference between what some anonymous poster says on a foreign forum and a what is being said in front of national and international media. One does not make the other right, nor do they even out.

The defendants should have legal representation, said legal representation doesn't not have to be offensive. If Sharma would have stuck with talk about defendants rights, faulty investigation procedure and a possible media/mob effect on trial outcome - it would probably wouldn't have caused such outrage, Could actually have been more helpful for his clients.

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He's a defense lawyer, his job is to defend using the tools at his disposal, which is sexism.

So the best defense he could come up with is...yes, my clients raped and murdered that girl but it wasn't really their fault because she "was asking for it". From the back of what cereal box did he cut his law degree?

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He's a defense lawyer, his job is to defend using the tools at his disposal, which is sexism.

So the best defense he could come up with is...yes, my clients raped and murdered that girl but it wasn't really their fault because she "was asking for it". From the back of what cereal box did he cut his law degree?

On this we can agree. The guy is a scum and such public statements would likely be scrutinized in US under catch all ethical rule of "conduct unbecoming if a lawyer." any lawyer having to resort to such tactics is weak and not honorable. I would rather look back on my life and believe that I not only served my clients well, but that I was honorable in my profession in so doing.

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He's a defense lawyer, his job is to defend using the tools at his disposal, which is sexism.

So the best defense he could come up with is...yes, my clients raped and murdered that girl but it wasn't really their fault because she "was asking for it". From the back of what cereal box did he cut his law degree?

On this we can agree. The guy is a scum and such public statements would likely be scrutinized in US under catch all ethical rule of "conduct unbecoming if a lawyer." any lawyer having to resort to such tactics is weak and not honorable. I would rather look back on my life and believe that I not only served my clients well, but that I was honorable in my profession in so doing.

But it isn't the USA, and this scum piece of <deleted> can say it, and unfortunately it reflects the common attitude in a backwards country. Our morals mean nothing to these societies.

totster :)

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