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Soldier's Brutal Accounts Of Iraq Situation

the gentleman

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wow Huski I think the idiot warned you that he might look...


Hey (ahem) "Gent" -

Hasn't this gone on far enough?? Aren't you coming awfully close to violating the posted Forum Rules about personally flaming an individual? I realize that you and G-P have been doing the old back and forth for a while, but why not just give it a rest huh?

Just in case you haven't read it, here's a snip from the posted forum rules:

"8. Members may not post items or statements which are designed, in the view of one or more Administrators, to personally attack another member for that members views. (No flaming or flame wars)."

Why not back off a little huh? Chill out a little there dude....


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Well, maybe that's a good thing...

I won't discuss this any more than just to say this: I think I know who was the instigator in this little flame war. And I think it's time for everyone to chill out and realize there are people from all over the world on this forum, and that includes Americans. Like I've said many times before, I've gotten sick of constantly reading all negative stuff about my country, my military, my president, etc. I don't necessarily agree with all the decisions that are made here in the U.S., but I thank G-P for at least standing up to those who constantly want to taunt, ridicule and belittle his country.

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In case you don't know Membrane, G-P and the Gent have been sent to an inactive post for the next 5 days.

The only reason "The Gent" has not been censored thus far for his bad behavior is his nationality. The ###### & the gent carry the same passport.

Butterfly was "run off" for much less serious offenses than those committed by this Bruce who calls himself "The Gentleman"... :o

Boon Mee

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In Butterfly's defence, 95 % of what he wrote was fairly well reasoned, but he did fly off the handle in the other 5 %, which eventually earned him a red card, after several yellows. A bit harsh sitting in the locker room for 30 days, and it looks like he's now taken up with a new club, (or possibly come back with a new disguise and new jersey? :o ).

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