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I find myself becoming more and more frustrated by the plethera of really stupid ,often corrupt,rules and laws in Thailand. It seems that everything one wants to do is governed by some moronic rule designed by an idiotic meglomaniac with the whole purpose of frustrating your effort and raising revenue or at least the opportunity for a corrupt payment .

These range from laws which say I cannot buy a beer from a convenience store next door to a gas station, but can buy it from any one of ten others within 500metres....... always providing I buy it between 11 am and 1pm etc......... and the way Police seem to have carte blanch to price Justice to "whatever the traffic will bear",with no consideration of right or wrong .

Frankly there must be millions of examples of laws and rules that seriously need fixing. I am considering collating a collection of these in book form. I would appreciate your input . Thanks


Well yes i think a bit on the same lines but it equals out in the end ( They do need to increase their wages somehow )

But if i was in a foriegen country iw ould have gone through alot more drama at a greater cos

EG : Basic 200 bht fine = $100 Falang county + points (lose to many no license )


An old 19th century law, still in force, prohibits the staring at of a female rice labourers ankles.

Fine of 5 satang or 2 cockerals and/or beheading in case of repeat offenders.

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It's illegal to rape a woman by impersonating her lover ........ only if she is married ! ...... Oops thats a Law in America that was just used to overturn a verdict of a man who snuck into a womans house and raped her....... and got off because she was not married to the person he was impersonating !

It's illegal to walk your Crocodile in public on Sunday in Alabama !

My persoinal favorite ...... Their was a time when showing dead people cut from stern to stem or blown into 20 peices with their head cut off was not given a second thought as being obscene, but somehow the most beautifull girl in the world and her exposed vagina was demmed to obscene to photograph. Even Hugh Hefener who no doubt didn't agree didn't have the nerve to do it ....... Larry Flint a great american Hero !


I would love to see one rule in particular change and that is the rule that a foreigner here cannot get direct loans from financial institutions without a work permit. An English teacher making 30,000 B per month has a work permit, can get various loans, BUT they could lose their job tomorrow. On the other hand, a retiree, like myself who has guaranteed income for the rest of my life cannot get a simple car loan. On a similar thread a few years ago, some genius replied.."just pay cash"... This crazy rule has no reasoning behind it IMHO and restricts their own banking/business opportunities by ruling out a large portion of potential customers / income. And by the way, my wife is a Filipina so we are both highly restricted as to what we can accomplish here. If anyone can make sense of this law I am always open to hear other perspectives, but for me it lacks any reason whatsoever...


Politicians really do not have enough to do, so they try to justify their existence by writing silly laws. It's the same in every country. At least here in Thailand, many laws are enforced very selectively, so they do have some purpose. Police get a lot of tea money from people breaking these silly laws that are only enforced when the police need money.

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Here is one I understand but find a little strange .......... Cheating on your wife is only grounds for divorce in Thailand IF you have sex in her bed with the other woman.

I understand how that makes it a little harder for the woman but fail to understand why doing it someplace else is not legal grounds for divorce.


There are many examples of lets say strange laws / interpretations. As to the beer ban between 14:00 and 17:00, you can actually buy 10 liters or more. It's save ....

besides all the traffic laws, which are top of my list, also the Banking rules are something else. Example, if we go with our kids piggy bank and want it to be credited into their accounts, we pay a 5% coin deposit fee...

my other pet peeve is the 150 Bhat bank fee forforeign card use at ATM's. No other country I visited has that.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Politicians really do not have enough to do, so they try to justify their existence by writing silly laws. It's the same in every country. At least here in Thailand, many laws are enforced very selectively, so they do have some purpose. Police get a lot of tea money from people breaking these silly laws that are only enforced when the police need money.

As it apply to bizzare laws I disagree ..... most laws that seem bizzare today are VERY old and at one time seemed to make sence and were just never taken off the books.

Laws every place are enforced selectivly to some extent ...... why is it everyone knows where the crack house is including the cops but it still operates ? Selective enforcement


There are many examples of lets say strange laws / interpretations. As to the beer ban between 14:00 and 17:00, you can actually buy 10 liters or more. It's save ....

besides all the traffic laws, which are top of my list, also the Banking rules are something else. Example, if we go with our kids piggy bank and want it to be credited into their accounts, we pay a 5% coin deposit fee...

my other pet peeve is the 150 Bhat bank fee forforeign card use at ATM's. No other country I visited has that.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Virtually EVERY bank in the US charges a fee if your card is not from their bank ..... not just from other countries but from US banks as well .......... another poor example of how Thailand is different

I would love to see one rule in particular change and that is the rule that a foreigner here cannot get direct loans from financial institutions without a work permit. An English teacher making 30,000 B per month has a work permit, can get various loans, BUT they could lose their job tomorrow. On the other hand, a retiree, like myself who has guaranteed income for the rest of my life cannot get a simple car loan. On a similar thread a few years ago, some genius replied.."just pay cash"... This crazy rule has no reasoning behind it IMHO and restricts their own banking/business opportunities by ruling out a large portion of potential customers / income. And by the way, my wife is a Filipina so we are both highly restricted as to what we can accomplish here. If anyone can make sense of this law I am always open to hear other perspectives, but for me it lacks any reason whatsoever...

In response to your little rant...biggrin.png

The law you are referring to doesnt exist, so have can't it be changed, what you are referring to is a banks own lending criteria, not a law...

As a retiree this is nothing stopping you from getting a car loan and in most cases an English teacher with a WP on THB 30,000/m will not be granted a any form of loan either...

Financing your first car in Thailand will require a Thai guarantor in 98% of cases irrespective of whether you have a WP or not.

When I got my first car in Thailand, I needed one, even though I was on a WP and earned significantly more than THB 30k/m

The only form of loan which you will not get from a Thai institution in your own name is a mortage to finance a house, and this makes perfect sense, seeing as you are not allowed to own the land the house is built on, but saying this, there is nothing stopping you from co-signing a mortage on behalf of a Thai national

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We're needing more trolls on Thaivisa.....we've got a real shortage.


A troll a day keeps boredom away....

There are many examples of lets say strange laws / interpretations. As to the beer ban between 14:00 and 17:00, you can actually buy 10 liters or more. It's save ....

besides all the traffic laws, which are top of my list, also the Banking rules are something else. Example, if we go with our kids piggy bank and want it to be credited into their accounts, we pay a 5% coin deposit fee...

my other pet peeve is the 150 Bhat bank fee forforeign card use at ATM's. No other country I visited has that.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Try visiting more countries.... Charges at ATMs are very common in many countries


We're needing more trolls on Thaivisa.....we've got a real shortage.


A troll a day keeps boredom away....

There are many examples of lets say strange laws / interpretations. As to the beer ban between 14:00 and 17:00, you can actually buy 10 liters or more. It's save ....

besides all the traffic laws, which are top of my list, also the Banking rules are something else. Example, if we go with our kids piggy bank and want it to be credited into their accounts, we pay a 5% coin deposit fee...

my other pet peeve is the 150 Bhat bank fee forforeign card use at ATM's. No other country I visited has that.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Try visiting more countries.... Charges at ATMs are very common in many countries

Universal, I thought, for foreign cards.



I suggest a look at this, and a moment of relaxation;


My friend took me up to the mountain and we looked down upon Hua Hin. No need for worries.

All the silly rules melt away when I let myself enjoy the delights of the peaceful city.

It is where the beautiful upscale people live. (Well okay, where a lot of really old foreigners live, but I think that's fine as they make me look young and hansum. I even ate for the first time in my life at a Sizzler. What a nice place with a wonderful salad bar. No rules apply for Sizzler except to arrive with a healthy appetite.)

  • Like 1

I would love to see one rule in particular change and that is the rule that a foreigner here cannot get direct loans from financial institutions without a work permit. An English teacher making 30,000 B per month has a work permit, can get various loans, BUT they could lose their job tomorrow. On the other hand, a retiree, like myself who has guaranteed income for the rest of my life cannot get a simple car loan. On a similar thread a few years ago, some genius replied.."just pay cash"... This crazy rule has no reasoning behind it IMHO and restricts their own banking/business opportunities by ruling out a large portion of potential customers / income. And by the way, my wife is a Filipina so we are both highly restricted as to what we can accomplish here. If anyone can make sense of this law I am always open to hear other perspectives, but for me it lacks any reason whatsoever...

In response to your little rant...biggrin.png

The law you are referring to doesnt exist, so have can't it be changed, what you are referring to is a banks own lending criteria, not a law...

As a retiree this is nothing stopping you from getting a car loan and in most cases an English teacher with a WP on THB 30,000/m will not be granted a any form of loan either...

Financing your first car in Thailand will require a Thai guarantor in 98% of cases irrespective of whether you have a WP or not.

When I got my first car in Thailand, I needed one, even though I was on a WP and earned significantly more than THB 30k/m

The only form of loan which you will not get from a Thai institution in your own name is a mortage to finance a house, and this makes perfect sense, seeing as you are not allowed to own the land the house is built on, but saying this, there is nothing stopping you from co-signing a mortage on behalf of a Thai national

Exactly, the wife and i have a mortgage. Very easy to get as well.


Every country has silly laws.

In the UK, for example, until changes to the Sunday trading laws a few years ago it was legal to buy a pornographic magazine on a Sunday, but illegal to buy a bible!


For every stoopid and dumb rule here theres an equally stoopid and dumb solution.

I do not miss what equate to 500baht parking fee for 1 hour or $300 traffic infringement fine back home. I say leave Thailand the way it is, why try and change it?? thumbsup.gif

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Every country has silly laws.

In the UK, for example, until changes to the Sunday trading laws a few years ago it was legal to buy a pornographic magazine on a Sunday, but illegal to buy a bible!

A classic example of if it ain't broke, don't fix it..........

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Ok, I got it. But these charges are normal bank charges, that appear on your statement. Nowhere I know the machine tells you there will be 150 baht additional. Plus of course your home bank charges you for use in foreign country or other institution.

Anyway, no big deal, use my Kbank card now.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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