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Baht Bus Bottleneck From Jomtien To Pattaya During Peak Hours -- Worse Than Ever!


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It's going to get a lot worse soon as well when they finish the new condos they are building at the top of the hill. The Axis 400 condos, the Grande Caribbean 1,000 condos, Treetops 300 condos. There must be thousands of condos now in a 2 km stretch of road between Jomtien and Pratamnack Hill. In peak times it's quicker for me to walk into town.

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It's going to get a lot worse soon as well when they finish the new condos they are building at the top of the hill. The Axis 400 condos, the Grande Caribbean 1,000 condos, Treetops 300 condos. There must be thousands of condos now in a 2 km stretch of road between Jomtien and Pratamnack Hill. In peak times it's quicker for me to walk into town.

It is worse than that. What about the 20 or so mega condo projects being started in Jomtien on Second road and Beach road right down to the new Reflections Towers at the south end. If all these projects get completed not only will the road access to Pattaya be impossible and any hope of catching a baht bus - what about the water situation that is already lacking?

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Don't off duty police run the tutuks in the most lucrative spots?

They want to pack the bus past the safety limit for personal profits and force others to charter at inflated rates....or stand there is the hot sun...up to you...

There is no real shortage of tuktuks. Just a shortage of ethics, morality & respect for visitors.

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I certainly feel sorry for those using the "public transit" in high season. But it was getting so bad before that -- late November, early December -- that I finally decided to get a motorcycle. Since then I have passed many an overstuffed baht bus from Pattaya to Jomtien. And I did notice empty buses/chartered half-full buses heading back to Pattaya. It didn't make any sense, until you figured out why. Poor tourists.

A similar greed factor plays out at the Tuesday/Friday Buakhao market. Baht buses depart the Pattaya South lineup full and leave those of us waiting for a pickup along the route passing up two, three, four buses until an empty one comes along. But sometimes the empty ones bypass you.

I got sick of this BS and bought a bike, which cuts my Pattaya-Jomtien trips from 45 minutes to 15-20, but using a different route. And it gives me great pleasure to pass moto taxi lineups for want of customers -- 50 to 60 baht for a trip. Stupid fares, compared to Bangkok,

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It's not only between Jomtien and Pattaya vv, but also in Pattaya:

Tried to take a bahtbus from Holiday Inn to Soi 13 off Beach Road.

The first 8 or 9 buses stopped, but when I made an attempt to step into the back without submitting my destination, the driver drove off!!

Number 9 or 10 actually stopped and acted as "public transport".

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It's not only between Jomtien and Pattaya vv, but also in Pattaya:

Tried to take a bahtbus from Holiday Inn to Soi 13 off Beach Road.

The first 8 or 9 buses stopped, but when I made an attempt to step into the back without submitting my destination, the driver drove off!!

Number 9 or 10 actually stopped and acted as "public transport".

exactly my experience on 2nd road, getting more like phuket every day

Like I've said before - if they reduced their numbers by 50% they might actually make a living instead of causing traffic jams

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Agree 100%. There are large numbers of condo developments being built in Jomtien and on Pratumnak. Perhaps someone could compile an e-mail list of the condo developers and then organise a campaign to make them aware that a lack of public transport will harm their sales. Money is the only thing that talks in Pattaya and there's serious money involved in the condo industry.

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It's not only between Jomtien and Pattaya vv, but also in Pattaya:

Tried to take a bahtbus from Holiday Inn to Soi 13 off Beach Road.

The first 8 or 9 buses stopped, but when I made an attempt to step into the back without submitting my destination, the driver drove off!!

Number 9 or 10 actually stopped and acted as "public transport".

exactly my experience on 2nd road, getting more like phuket every day

Like I've said before - if they reduced their numbers by 50% they might actually make a living instead of causing traffic jams

Regarding my OP, the issue is not about there being too many or too few baht buses. The issue is about a MASSIVE UNDERSUPPLY of open SEATS for BUS riding during peak hours. There was a massive OVERSUPPLY of seats for taxi charter riding. I really think the logical solution is to make the baht buses BE buses all the time, with official predictable routes, and install a full blown Bangkok style taxi meter fleet for charters. It can't happen here because of the STRUCTURE of the baht bus/taxi system here. Yes God forbid, that could mean raising the baht bus fare to 15 baht, it would be worth it if you knew the bus was going to stick to a defined route and FINISH the route. 15 baht is problem, change-wise, so sell tokens!

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this practise is spreading to other parts - even 2nd road, they will drive around empty looking for groups of dark skined tourists who must be paying way over the odds cos they don't know any better

yes it is the same regarding " services " along Pattaya Klang ( Big C Extra ) . very frustrating

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I am also noticing an increase in aggressive behavior from Jomtien after passing Pattaya South Road if the passengers numbers becomes sparse then. For example, banging on the window and aggressively trying to force the bus riders into charter fares. They know this is wrong but high season greed again. The riders boarded as a bus and they have the right to expect a bus service then. Of course it is nothing new for SOMETIMES such buses to turn at Pattaya Tai or simply go left on a soi just after Pattaya Tai when riders hoped to go much further north. In those cases, you've just got to pay your 10 and get another bus.

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10B is perfectly sufficient as a fare and it certainly does not need increasing. A full bahtbus going from Jomtien/Pattaya will be getting anything up to 150B or more per trip which is perfectly adequate.

I caught a bus from Jomtien to Pattaya the other evening without any waiting, though I admit that at this time of year I avoid going to Pattaya in the evening as I dont like the very long tailbacks along Second Road.

It anything needs doing it would just be to stop drivers from taking charter jobs along the main routes. Not easy to see how that can be put in place though, if people are stupid enough to ask them to do it in the first place.

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Trying to use this service during peak evening hours almost EVERY night I can assure you my report reflects the reality. Obviously you can randomly get lucky and it also depends on where you try to pick up a bus. It wouldn't be that bad if the drivers only took charters who requested a charter. The much bigger problem is the large number of empty charter seeking buses passing by scores of hopeful BUS passengers. In a normal city, this would be front page news and there would be pressure for a solution. OK, I realize nobody expected a normal city moving here. But I think the TOURISTS expected some kind of reasonable PUBLIC transport.

The reason I mentioned a fare increase is because this behavior is motivated by greed so I think a fare increase could be OK for drivers and riders IF the buses started to BEHAVE like buses consistently. Actually picking up passengers, sticking to a set published route, and FINISHING the route. Yes this would need enforcement with consequences for violations, like any normal city with a public transport service sanctioned by the CITY. The suggestion is in the context of a taxi meter system handling the needed charter business. While we're at it: THIRD ROAD really needs baht BUS service. Get real now, the baht bus fare can't be 10 baht eternally. I say if it is going to go up someday, and of course it will, OFFER US MORE!

Not expecting ANY of these potential REAL solutions because I know better than most what the reasons are behind the current transport offerings. Being hopeful in this city for real solutions is pure folly. That said, I think it would humane to offer a TEMPORARY high season BIG BUS service (would probably need POLICE to ride along to deal with the enraged baht bus drivers, that's how it is) to serve these hundreds or thousands of tourists who are being inconvenienced every day. Don't expect that either, but at least that wouldn't radically alter the permanent status quo which refuses to be altered.

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one thing we really don't need is those crazy baht bus drivers on 3rd road, glad they mostly stick to beach road 2nd road loop

They are charters there. There is no bus service on that road. I am talking about basic service, a small number of buses, so you could hope to catch one within 10 minutes. Not the level of service as the tourist areas.
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They should get rid of them all and start a real bus service with a reasonable amount of buses, set routes and 24/7 service. of course this will never happen in pattaya ...

I think that's worth discussion which would happen in a normal city.

However, I don't think it is that simple.

This is a beach resort city in the tropics and the baht buses when they function well can be a fun experience for tourists. Also the Pattaya baht buses are connected with the touristic image of the city, perhaps like San Francisco cable cars. It's academic anyway. We're stuck with this system.

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I assume that the way the baht busses are operated are regulated in the license agreement between the baht bus cooperative and Pattaya city hall.

This agreement will cover the rates the baht busses are allowed to charge and most likely also regulates where and how they should operate.

I’m pretty sure that what is going on now is a clear violation of this agreement and Pattaya City Hall should clear this up before we end up with the same system they have in Phuket. But with so much on their "should do" list I doubt anything will ever be done.

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Trying to use this service during peak evening hours almost EVERY night I can assure you my report reflects the reality.

I dont disbelieve you. As I said, I specifically avoid going to Pattaya early evenings at this time of year due to the long tail-backs. But that one evening when I did go, I had no trouble getting a ride. Maybe I'm just hansum.

If the Russians started bitching about the bahtbus service and the charter price problem in their press and media at home (as they are currently bitching about street violence) that might encourage Pattaya City Hall to do something to improve things.

I think a bus would be a rather dull solution, and ugly too. The little remaining seaside ambiance here needs to be preserved.

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Leave it to a Liberal to want to "make" and "force" independant bisnessmen to do things, and take away their Freedom to do as they please, because it doesn't suit their needs.

I don't think riding the bhat bus is on the list of top ten reasons people come to Pattaya ! LOL

i don't think anyone who is not renteing the entire thing as a limo finds it fun.

If riding the bus was actually one of the fun things to do they would need to find better entertainment not improve the bus.

Riding the bus as a fun activity in Pattaya ! ROFL

I imagine some dork telling is friend ..... Hey lets not go to the beach or the tittie bar today , let's ride in the back of a hot , overcrouded , dirty, pickup truck with strangers, it will be really fun. w00t.gif

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I think in a tourist city such as Pattaya you are always going to get the expats giving off about the tourist "scams" we all get caught up in it one way or another, baht bus drivers trying it on - MB taxi's trying it on - bars trying it on, you just gota keep your brain engaged and with a little local savy and being polite with the odd thai word thrown in - it works out, I just got home from a night out and I was quoted 70baht on initial contact (they will try it on) for MB taxi and ended with the fair price of 30 baht with 10baht tip - you need to ask first

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