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Baht Bus Bottleneck From Jomtien To Pattaya During Peak Hours -- Worse Than Ever!


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the fault really is with new people coming here and not doing some research beforehand, you have the one visit wonders (never coming back) that are ripe to be ripped off and don't know any better - India - middle east - russia etc, then into the mix are the 2 week millionaire falangs throwing money around like it hurts to keep it in their pocket, there is a cycle going on here regarding tourism and there are very few Thais smart enough to see it - I'm seeing it already with 4000 baht bar fines in walking street - the business model is all wrong - it's like having a resturant charging for a comfy seat because nobodiy is eating

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Lets be honest. Someone in charge of enforcing the public transportation laws/contracts is not doing their job for some reason.

They couldn't care less about Pattaya, the tourists or the Thais making their living on tourist trade.

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Reducing the options for penny pinching cheapskates in tourist towns in an effort to make them either go away or spend more money is pretty common in the world.

Yeah lets be more like Phuket. Which yes, makes Pattaya look really good!

I was trying for satrical thank you .... On a more serious note Pattaya in many way reminds of of Daytona Beach many years ago and similar in the driection I think they want to go , Daytona used to have the beachside filled with the penny pinching low claass beer bars and fleabag hotels attracting the people you would expect ....... Over time they bulldozed pretty much all that stuff and replaced it with more affluent propertys and shops to the benefit of the City. My guess is that is the direction Pattaya is trying to go and wants to go for their benefit. It will take a long time but in even 10 years my guess would be this post will look pretty accurate. It happpens to the wealthy as well , the expression in the Vail Ski Restort is the billionares are kicking out the millionares.
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the fault really is with new people coming here and not doing some research beforehand, you have the one visit wonders (never coming back) that are ripe to be ripped off and don't know any better - India - middle east - russia etc, then into the mix are the 2 week millionaire falangs throwing money around like it hurts to keep it in their pocket, there is a cycle going on here regarding tourism and there are very few Thais smart enough to see it - I'm seeing it already with 4000 baht bar fines in walking street - the business model is all wrong - it's like having a resturant charging for a comfy seat because nobodiy is eating

Don't go completely OTT - that was 1 night in one upscale and very popular go-go - hardly counts as a trend as other venues are available.

However, the baht-bus 'problem' is a trend. I would say that during the busier times of the day, on 2nd road, you do have to wait for the 1 in 10 buses to be able to get aboard.

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It may come as as surprise but the baht bus system was one of my top 10 reasons to come to Pattaya as an infrequent visitor and now as a resident. When I was a tourist, being able to catch a quick ride along Buakhao for 10 baht was very attractive. You could ride along Beach Road and look out to the gulf or you could do an end-to-end Second Road run between beer bar complexes or ride out to Carrefour (Big C Extra).

Living here is a different story. I've been here for 7 months now near Big C Extra on Central Road. Getting a bus at night from Second Rd. to Soi Yume was totally predictable, with every baht bus making the turn onto Buakhao. If I was lucky enough to be standing on Central with another passenger, especially if she/he was Thai, a bus might head our way. I've had to walk that distance late evening or early morning 90% of the time. I won't take an overpriced 50-80 baht moto taxi for that 5-minute run.

I go to Jomtien a lot. Three baht buses there and two back. Too painful an experience so I bought a motorcycle and am (generally) happy I did, dangerous as it is. Although being a pedestrian is almost as risky.

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Unless you're a single male traveler, Pattaya doesn't get many family repeat visitors. Just like the rip-off gogo bars in Bangkok around Patpong, they operate knowing you will be there only once so they screw you every way possible. This is a Thai mindset that is most unfortunate and is costing them so much money and they are too dumb to realize it. Rob them, cheat them, beat them, kill them, it doesn't matter. They probably were never coming back anyway.

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Unless you're a single male traveler, Pattaya doesn't get many family repeat visitors. Just like the rip-off gogo bars in Bangkok around Patpong, they operate knowing you will be there only once so they screw you every way possible. This is a Thai mindset that is most unfortunate and is costing them so much money and they are too dumb to realize it. Rob them, cheat them, beat them, kill them, it doesn't matter. They probably were never coming back anyway.

exactly my point earlier, I'd say 80% of family travel here and conclude "been here done that" not for us, there are to many safe alternatives much more suited to a family holiday, this place is crime ridden drug riddent corrupt to the core guns everywhere and is getting worse by the month, the beaches are dirty the water is dirty, thais are becomming rude to the extreme - they don't want falangs here but try to tolerate us and it's wearing thin, for the first time in 9 years living here I don't feel safe

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It may come as as surprise but the baht bus system was one of my top 10 reasons to come to Pattaya as an infrequent visitor and now as a resident.........

I go to Jomtien a lot. Three baht buses there and two back. Too painful an experience so I bought a motorcycle and am (generally) happy I did, dangerous as it is.

The bahtbuses are also one reason why I prefer Pattaya over many other places.

But I chose my building quite deliberately with the bahtbus route in mind, so I can get to/from Pattaya/Jomtien on just one bahtbus (even Naklua in fact), or indeed go up to Tesco/Theprasit Night Market also on one bahtbus. And I am just a few minutes walk from both the beach and the bus station for the airport.

I also have a car which I use if I want to go somewhere off the main bahtbus routes (Wong Amat, dark side, etc). I wont get on a motorbike.

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OK, I am starting to notice a new unpleasant pattern on this route but it's too early to tell whether its a high season gambit and/or how ORGANIZED this campaign is between baht bus drivers. My hunch is it feels organized.

The last three times I went into town at night (it's easier to catch a bus much later after peak going to dinner hours), these three things happened. Notice the pattern:

1. As reported already after Pattaya Tai, driver aggressively starts banging and demanding remaining people to turn his bus into a charter.

2. Bus turns at Pattaya Tai. Everyone gets off. Most wanting a longer ride.

3. This is a new one. A relative of the driver, a MEAN looking and acting older lady is ON the back of the bus! Collecting fares! Demanding extra money. She is hassling people right and left. Demanding 20 baht for the 10 baht ride from everyone. A few Thai people are pushing back against her in Thai. Later some stunning Russian girls starting pushing back too. They KNEW the fare was 10 baht. I started supporting them (they spoke English). The Thai lady enforcer starts cursing at me, calling me a bad man, and I said some things back to her that were not so nice. The next stop she gets off and goes into the cab! Funny.

Do you see the pattern? I suspect the drivers are talking. They don't want to accept going after Pattaya Tai for the 10 baht fare. Will have to watch and see what happens and whether this bleeds into post high season.

I am not surprised drivers are pushing for more money. But like I said before, more money, how about more service?!?

BTW, in all my years riding our famous and notorious baht buses, this was the FIRST time I ever saw a fare collector / enforcer / intimidator riding in back with the passengers! I do not think that is going to be a trend. That's why I found the experience so fascinating and hilarious. From a profit point of view it's not a bad idea because most people were caving. But I still don't think that the practice will spread.

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You should have reported the old lady and driver to police, trying to scam passangers now, this is going to end bad sad.png

Report to police? A nice thought ... in THEORY. coffee1.gif

I did note the bus number and made sure the lady heard me say the bus number. She soon left the back of the truck. Of course complaining to the baht bus collective would be a joke too.

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I am not retired or a tourist in Pattaya. I work here but choose to use the "bath bus" for getting around in the city since I have a driver that picks me up for work. Having a car in Pattaya to get to Central or to Jomtien wouldn't be worth it for me since I live right on 2nd Rd. (Besides, it forces me to exercise and walk more.) There is an increasing problem of waving down a "public taxi" (meaning bath bus). The Russians and other groups will hire the baht bus privately. Many times I have been on a baht bus and then told to get off with 2-3 other passengers because Russians have waved down the public baht bus and negotiated a price to take them somewhere. The baht bus drivers certainly enjoy this peak season when they can take advantage of the market, then during slow season they'll complain about not enough business and will be happy to pick up passengers along the streets for 10 baht each. (They rent these pickups for about 400 baht a day and pay for the gas). A few years ago, the city had started a green and red line of "real" buses to pick up tourists from Jomtien area and downtown Pattaya but there wasn't enough business (and of course, the schedule for the various bus stops were never followed- so it was hit and miss). During peak season, Nov.-March, the city should get these public city busses runnning again. Like someone said in another forum, one of the positive things about Pattaya is the easy transportation system of "baht busses" (when they work properly).

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The bottom line is, the Mayor is in charge of enforcing all the laws in the municipality but lets the Police and the Transport Mafia run wild.

Sad, the Pattaya Baht Buses are taking a lesson from their thuggish brothers in Phuket.

The "get away with anything' business model.

Who you gonna call? The Pattaya Police, City Hall or Baht Bus management?blink.png

This kind of crap has really damaged Phuket.

Check the internet.

My god, the Baht Buses even blockaded the Sailors from a US Aircraft Carrier attempting to use alternative transport.

(The US Navy hired private vans after years of being scammed by the Baht Buses)

Instead of clearing the road.... Phuket authorities forced the US Navy to negotiate with these ripoff artists.

There has even been a parade of foreign Ambassadors making personal visits to the police chief there, imploring him to DO SOMETHING.

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Thats quite contradicting there Sir. Russians are bitching about the service and this english fellow is moaning about having to sit with them on the bus haha 10 loud russians and one westerner sitting there angrily surrounded by non-english speakers. Or else sitting with a gf in complete silence all the way to jomtien not a word. Whats worse than bitching is a complete communication lapse - couples are there but not a word of discussion going on and the bus takes like 20 min lol what strange people. sad guys.

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Weird high season stuff (as expected) is happening as usual at the "DaDa" queue, the place at South Pattaya road that people catch baht BUSES to Jomtien (for 10 baht). Tonight when I arrived there was a huge crowd of people, easily over 100, but an acute SHORTAGE of buses ready to pick up this sure thing fare bonanza. Surprise, surprise. The very same "lady" who was harassing riders (as reported above) was in the back of one of those few buses and she REFUSED the crowd. Instead she was only interested in "taxi" customers. I saw three others do the same as the congestion increased. Now, folks, this is just WRONG. That is an established BUS queue. Sure if there is no congestion and 30 buses waiting OF COURSE it's cool for buses to take charter business. But like I saw tonight, again, a totally disgusting lack of needed basic and expected SERVICE for the tourist masses.

I call it the "DaDa" queue because the "staff" down there seems to only use Russian these days. But hilariously the only Russian they know is:

Da Da (Yes Yes)




I don't think they even know how to say Nyet.

I should also sadly report because the "staff" does nothing to to enforce any kind of ORDER in the queues when it is madly congested, if you don't resort to acting like an aggressive pack animal, your politeness will be rewarded with masses of people jumping ahead of you to get on the very LIMITED bus seats.

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Have to get from Jomtien to town & back earlier in the day now.

One evening I took a bus from Dongtarn back to Chaiyapruk & got a seat before most of the Russian hordes , stupid paying to go the wrong way but works OK as long as you can get a space on a southbound bus.

Coming back is another story , I stupidly let my wife persuade me to stand with all the others at the school/Pattaya Tai , after getting bulldozed twice by the mass I walked (as usual) along the road past the school , 5 minutes later got a half full bus , maybe just lucky that time.

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The solution is simple. Report this situation to the authorities.......

There are plenty of empty or partially full Baht Busses headed to Jomtien from Pattaya that "for some reason" are not permitted to stop at the school to pick up.

I always catch a Baht Bus on Pattaya Thai, just up from the beach, before the stop light.

The drivers are grateful(but a bit nervous) about stealing passengers from the thugs at the school bus stop.

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It's a unfortunate situation no doubt about it.

However; as fluent English speakers we have the advantage with communication.

May I suggest that English speakers would be easily able to gather a group of people that all want to go A-B (example Jomtien Beach no stopping) and then negotiate a fare with a driver.

I believe there are set prices as indicated by a pricing structure sometimes pinned against the cab window.

You may balk but by grouping we gain power.

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It's a unfortunate situation no doubt about it.

However; as fluent English speakers we have the advantage with communication.

May I suggest that English speakers would be easily able to gather a group of people that all want to go A-B (example Jomtien Beach no stopping) and then negotiate a fare with a driver.

I believe there are set prices as indicated by a pricing structure sometimes pinned against the cab window.

You may balk but by grouping we gain power.


I'm talking about a random mob of people looking for a BUS going to DIFFERENT destinations along the expected BUS route.

Set prices for charters? NO!

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Seems like this situation has really gotten to you, Jingthing.

It's slightly paradoxical that the BHT10 coin we wish we could use now to get where we're going now is emblemed one side with control, and the obverse, creativity and discovery.

I think the people in control of the buses have no incentive to make this situation better for their customers. It would appear other peoples merit will only get you so far... and certainly not to Jomtien in high season laugh.png

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The "staff" overseeing the "Dada" queue I assume are working for the Baht bus collective.

So they have a boss.

Does the boss tell them not to try to handle congested situations?

What does anger me is the mentality of even ALLOWING drivers in the QUEUE area to take charters when there are hundreds of people waiting for a BUS.

Not only do they allow the charters, they facilitate and assist with the chartering, pushing off hopeful bus passengers.

So the "work" they were doing was actually not only not helpful to the congestion, it was hurtful.

What I saw last night was indeed extreme. A huge crowd. Just a few buses. And the buses mostly didn't want to take the passengers.

Where are the buses bosses?

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I found the same number on two other websites, jingthing. I have no idea if it's correct or if they speak English.

Banglamung District Baht Bus Cooperative: Tel: 038221271 / 038423554

edit: Why are you asking this ?I see you posted the same numbers in a previous thread

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I found the same number on two other websites, jingthing. I have no idea if it's correct or if they speak English.

Banglamung District Baht Bus Cooperative: Tel: 038221271 / 038423554

edit: Why are you asking this ?I see you posted the same numbers in a previous thread http://www.thaivisa....75#entry1135582

I wasn't asking for their phone number. I obviously know who their bosses are and it's quite clear where their interests lie, and its not in the comfort, convenience, and safety of the high season passengers. It's a monopoly clearly not interested in what a foreigner who isn't in their money stream would say. Complaining to the baht bus collective and/or city hall wouldn't do anything.

Since I think this is a hopeless situation and there is nothing that any foreigner or even a non-connected Thai could possibly do to improve the situation, perhaps you are wondering why I bother to post about these baht bus horror stories. I can't really answer that short of psychotherapy. Maybe it's cathartic.

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I think that wasting tourist's time would have the side effect of slowing down the velocity of their spending (i.e rate of cash outlay.)

In my experience it's easy to go over budget on a two week holiday. Obviously standing on the streets is very cheap !

If a group of business interests - with the above in mind - were to be concerned about this issue, then it could really impact the bhat bus collective / associates current practices, and even lead to a proper public transportation system for Pattaya.

edit: I wonder if tourists find it easier to get *into* commercial districts than than *out* and back to their hotel ?

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^ Good logic , unfortunately logic does not apply around here. About 4 years ago a full size city bus service tried to start up from Jomtien through Pattaya. There are still the large red bus stop signs around. It did not last long. Sabatage ? Back then I would trade all the 600 songthews for 60 full size city buses. Now with the traffic problem out of hand 60 full size city buses and the 600 songthews are required.

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The songtaew situation is definitely getting worse of late.

I start to get nervous now if I am the only one on the bus because three times recently when I was the only one the driver decided to alter the usual route which totally inconvenienced me.

Further more and more are only doing private hires.

I pity anyone living in Jomtien and regularly commuting to Pattya vis songtaew.

And with all the new condo project should they be completed and filled well it is going to be a nightmare.

I think it is a sign of the times. Pattaya has somehow reinvented itself as a mass tourism destination and those of us who have been in Patts for a long time may now need to reconsider our options.

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There is one thing I do which I am not suggesting anyone else do as well but I think it's a tiny act of communication about this ridiculous situation. Generally now if you see an empty bus they are NOT accepting bus passengers, they are only hustling for charter fares. Well, I know that well, but I wave down these "buses" anyway and see what happens. So they do the game of slowing down at the cab rather than at the back and look you in the eye to see if you are going to charter. Of course I'm not going to charter and they see that and move on. I think it sends a tiny message.

I am asking for feedback though here.

When they slow down and won't be a bus, what is a good verbal or non-verbal response to that?

Honestly, I kind of FEEL like giving them the finger but of course I don't do that.

But what would be a good thing to do or say to somewhat but "politely" amplify the tiny message being sent in those aborted transport encounters?

Don't even get me started about people who hijack already engaged buses as buses for their own charters. w00t.gif

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