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All joking aside, fellows^. Just a quick farm report:

This morning another pond was emptied. One guy was fishing with 2 rods and he managed quite well.thumbsup.gif

The other guy stayed behind alone last night to take care of the water pump. Only with a dirty hammock and a bottle of lao kao to spend the night while the water slowly fled into the cornfield.


Cleverly all the fish who didn't make it and died pre-maturely were selected from the bunch and used in a great tomyamplah made on spot. Another farm lesson learned: Nothing goes to waste.


Hey DAL,

Perhaps it is time you changed your profile picture to an image of a Mountain Dew bottle. It seems you are becoming synonymous with said bottle! thumbsup.gif

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Slightly off topic I suppose but I couldn't think where else to put then thought Shaggy would appreciate this.

What a lovely video Ron,thanks for sharing it.Nature is truly wondrous and it never ceases to amaze me.

It kinda of made me think back to what I saw at Sriracha Tiger Zoo back in 2006 when I saw a sow suckling two tiger

cubs as well as her own babies and in the next enclosure there was a tigress with a litter of piglets.

I'm sure I took some photos of them....will have to try and dig them out.

Anyway,how about a rice field for now?

It's certainly amazing what nature can do like in another video I posted elsewhere yesterday.

If animals can do this why can't many humans be the same.

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This hen must have been behind the door when marbles were being handled out.Virtually no cover but has survived 2 rain storms and it is only 1 metre from a narrow road where some times vehicles have to go off the road to be able to pass.



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Burning of the cane.............sorry folks,wasn't sure If I should of posted this one because I know it makes such a problem for many people.


I'm told that in Australia that they are now turning away from this as it actually affects the quality of the sugar

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Burning of the cane.............sorry folks,wasn't sure If I should of posted this one because I know it makes such a problem for many people.

Nice capture Shaggy , I don't recall seeing that photo , but then I don't recall having breakfast either xshock1.gif.pagespeed.ic.Q3XOm0fuQs.png

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Shot taken back in 2007 Farm near to Loei

I have no idea the species of tree


Is it not a vine Goompa ?.... opens up with purple flowers that look like a brides dress Grows like crazy, They call is "Elephant Ears"... (maybe leaves just look the same?) blink.pngwink.png

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Shot taken back in 2007 Farm near to Loei

I have no idea the species of tree


Is it not a vine Goompa ?.... opens up with purple flowers that look like a brides dress Grows like crazy, They call is "Elephant Ears"... (maybe leaves just look the same?) blink.pngwink.png

Flowers like this? took a bit of searching, and had to resize it down! facepalm.gif


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Hello All, you mean this Goompa?


Thanks rice that's the one mate ,the tree has a few thorns on it as well if I remember ,


Me thinks there might be two plants growing together there??? xunsure.png.pagespeed.ic.E7Vo3qsmeC.png That vine has a tendency to grow everywhere if left unchecked... Rice555's plant has different foliage, but it could be that the plant is hiding in vine?

Conclusive reply pending further inquires! whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pntongue.png

Edited by samuijimmy
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