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baan farang, in the lamyai

Hello Bluetongue and welcome.

Thank you for taking the time and effort to share your photo with us.

Those Lamyai trees are looking nice and full.

The trees growing on the mountain caught my attention,could you tell me what is growing between the trees?

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@ villagefalang

Once again you have blessed us with some magnificent photos.

I do have a question for you,I know that you have lived in Thailand for a long time and see the wonderful scenery everyday.

Do you still marvel at the beauty of your surrounding,to me it is almost breathtaking but I wonder for someone that sees it everyday.....

Do you feel the same or do you take it for granted after so long?

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An amazing lady 85 years old and still fit and strong,

Sorry that the photos are a little out of focus,to tell you the truth I was in awe of her and didn't even bother looking at my settings.

She acknowledged your awing, Shaggy.

She is way ahead of us...wai.gif

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I assure you I am still moved by the view from my house, as much as I was when we first moved in. Getting out on the trails on my mt. bike takes it to another level. Sometimes it almost feels like the hair on my neck is standing up. Hopefully my love for my surroundings shows in my pictures.
The same goes for my wife after sixteen years. I learned long ago how important it is to keep the feelings alive and I work on reinforcing those neural pathways. It can be hard with all the distractions of modern life but I feel we have more control than we sometimes believe.
They used to call it the power of positive thought and now it has evolved into the study of neural plasticity. I believe we choose to a great extent, whether we live under a cloud of darkness or in the light of day.

There is as a lot of power in these words and in your pics as well, villagefalanglaugh.png . Sometimes a little bit cloudyrolleyes.gif , but most of the times sharp as a razor.

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Hello Shaggy, between the trees in that photo is bamboo

Here's a photo from 180 degrees different, fruitful country thisattachicon.gifIMGP1885.JPG

Looks wonderful where you are Bluetongue,mountains either side of you.

Can I ask where in Thailand it is?

You may. I'm in Chantaburi north and west of the city though by about 100k. These "mountains" are all over the place here, they are more like hills, really. But out of my bedroom and kitchen windows I can see Khao Soi Dao which is nearly 6000 ft. Almost always draped in cloud especially at this time but I'll try and get a shot on a clear day. I don't know whether Soi Dao means "necklace of stars" or "reach for the stars" but its pretty big. In the meantime here's a shot from further away including a plot of first timers and the cheese and kissespost-87221-0-68370500-1378538279_thumb.j
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@ Ron

Nice couple of photos there mate.

I really like the second one of the guy's landing their fish.

Was the fish caught with a cast net of gill net?

They were caught in a cast net during a fishing competition at a place called Tron.I have more photo's I'll go through and post a couple more.

Edited by Ron19
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Hello Shaggy, between the trees in that photo is bamboo

Here's a photo from 180 degrees different, fruitful country thisattachicon.gifIMGP1885.JPG

Looks wonderful where you are Bluetongue,mountains either side of you.

Can I ask where in Thailand it is?

You may. I'm in Chantaburi north and west of the city though by about 100k. These "mountains" are all over the place here, they are more like hills, really. But out of my bedroom and kitchen windows I can see Khao Soi Dao which is nearly 6000 ft. Almost always draped in cloud especially at this time but I'll try and get a shot on a clear day. I don't know whether Soi Dao means "necklace of stars" or "reach for the stars" but its pretty big. In the meantime here's a shot from further away including a plot of first timers and the cheese and kissesattachicon.gif01072012 010.JPG

Many thanks for your reply Bluetongue.

I had never heard of Khao Soi Dao before so I did a little Googling............Wow,turns out you've got the Khao Khitchacut National Park on your doorstep..........Awesome !!!

Me and the family will be over in Klaen (Rayong) at the back end of the year visiting my good lady's family and then all of us will be traveling back up to ours to celebrate New Year.

After seeing your photos and the one on Google,we will be setting off early so we can spend some time admiring the beauty around Soi Dao.

Thanks also for your great photo..........I take it that's the Missus and not a new type of crop (cheese and kisses)

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