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Thai Houses And Basements


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I've been looking at House construction sites in Thailand and notice that none of the houses that I've seen have basements. Here in the states almost every house has a basement of some sort. Any idea why Thai's don't use them?

Are they just useless to them or are they impratical?


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I've been looking at House construction sites in Thailand and notice that none of the houses that I've seen have basements. Here in the states almost every house has a basement of some sort. Any idea why Thai's don't use them?

Are they just useless to them or are they impratical?


the whole thinking is geared for houses on stilts to store the buffalos underneath the house and avoid flooding.

i dont think they would even dream of going under the house due to the prospect of flooding at some time

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Basement swimming pool ?

Water table is at ground level almost everywhere - but most hotels seem to have basements. Is it just that hotels and shopping malls have the money to spend on waterproofing such luxuries, whereas the average guy doesn't want his house to float away ?

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Also it is cheaper to build up rather than dig down.

Make one if you wish, I used to have one and they stay quite cool.

Whilst on the subject of house construction may I ask another question.

Why do thai front doors open outwards, UK and US doors always open inwards ?

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in California we don't built house with basements, not anymore that is

Why do thai front doors open outwards, UK and US doors always open inwards

open out is totally wrong, wrong concept no matter how you put it, the people that built their house with door open out doesn't know any better.

when door open inwards you're protecting other people, outwards meaning you want to bust someone nose :o

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  • 2 years later...

In the west basements a generally a lot cooler in the summertime.

You would think that the idea would be a big hit in a country like Thailand where the heat is oppressive.

There are a lot of places in Thailand that are higher up and have good drainage. I've just never heard of anyone building a basement in a house.

Of course it rains a lot more in Thailand than in the west.

Does anyone know a reason why basements wouldn't work in Thailand?

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Reasons as stated previously why there aren't basements:

High water table.

Quality of construction. How many small residential developers would you trust to make a water tight basement that includes a flood control system that can handle the downpours in rainy season? Most developers can't even handle wire molding!

Shifting ground.

Though, I always wanted a house built into the side of a mountain.


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House designs make sense for where they are .. for the most part

flooding is often a hugee issue here ... But also air flow is a major issue ... Imagine even in a dryISH basement the mold etc ...

No basements in New Orleans etc ...

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When our house was built it was about 1 meter above the ground. I decided to use that wasted space and had a basement dug so that we had two rooms-Small rec room with bathroom, and office. We used Xypex, a special waterproof cement from Canada. Expensive but very good and excellent service from the distributors. Our lot is surrounded by swamp on either side, and the basement is definately below the watertable. Two years now and no water entry. Only drawback is that on humid days the humidity tends to sink to the bottom. However, if it gets unpleasant I just turn on the AC. Since no sun reaches the rooms they cool very quickly and easily.

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Why do thai front doors open outwards, UK and US doors always open inwards

open out is totally wrong, wrong concept no matter how you put it, the people that built their house with door open out doesn't know any better.

when door open inwards you're protecting other people, outwards meaning you want to bust someone nose :o

Not sure how the door swinging fits in here. If Feng Shui or magic work for you fine, but I need rational explanations. For public buildings doors swinging out are often mandated by law as in the US. In the US this was the result of the Iroquois Theater fire (Chicago) in which hundreds died, many of them piled up behind doors that swung inwards and could be opened with panicky people pushing against them.

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Why do thai front doors open outwards, UK and US doors always open inwards

open out is totally wrong, wrong concept no matter how you put it, the people that built their house with door open out doesn't know any better.

when door open inwards you're protecting other people, outwards meaning you want to bust someone nose :o

Not sure how the door swinging fits in here. If Feng Shui or magic work for you fine, but I need rational explanations. For public buildings doors swinging out are often mandated by law as in the US. In the US this was the result of the Iroquois Theater fire (Chicago) in which hundreds died, many of them piled up behind doors that swung inwards and could be opened with panicky people pushing against them.

Suppose your front door (in the US for instance) opened outward. Further suppose that some not nice person rings your doorbell. You go to open the door and just as you turn the door knob the not nice person grabs the door knob on his(or her) side and yanks the door from your hand and pulls the door wide open....exposing you to assault. If the door opens inwards then if they push the door inward as you turn the knob then your body will be behind the door not only shielding you but also putting you in a position to force the door closed with your body.

Edited by chownah
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This thread is nearly 2 years old

Yes, and qualtrough built his basement two years ago!!! I guess that this proves that TV has the power to change people's lives!!!! And for the last two years I thought I was just wasting time!!! while all that time I have been helping people to change their lives....gosh, I'm all inspired!!!

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Suppose your front door (in the US for instance) opened outward. Further suppose that some not nice person rings your doorbell. You go to open the door and just as you turn the door knob the not nice person grabs the door knob on his(or her) side and yanks the door from your hand and pulls the door wide open....exposing you to assault. If the door opens inwards then if they push the door inward as you turn the knob then your body will be behind the door not only shielding you but also putting you in a position to force the door closed with your body.

That's one hypothesis, but I doubt that's why the doors in the west open inward. My hypothesis is that doors open inwards because if it were to snow heavily, there would be no way to open a door outward. Most Anglos that settled/invaded the world in the early days probably took this idea with them to the new world.

Like I stated... just a theory.

P.S. People should never open a door without first knowing who is on the other side. Consider getting a peephole or two placed in the door (one for adults, one for children).

Edited by Gumballl
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Hold your horses, there a minute, cowboy! Not ALL home doors open inward in the west. My $1200 metal trailer I lived in fer three years in Paducah, Kentucky, had metal doors that all opened out. :o

How d'ya reckon 'at? :D


Edited by toptuan
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My new Isaan duplex had an open-out front door---with a full 1-inch gap between the door and the tile floor. Yeah, you could see major daylight under the door. If, by your comment, you mean that Isaan construction warmly invites all reptilian critters inside, I would concur. The first morning, waking up, I stepped directly onto a frog on my bedroom floor (with barefeet, of course). :o

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Also it is cheaper to build up rather than dig down.

Make one if you wish, I used to have one and they stay quite cool.

Whilst on the subject of house construction may I ask another question.

Why do thai front doors open outwards, UK and US doors always open inwards ?

in California we don't built house with basements, not anymore that is
Why do thai front doors open outwards, UK and US doors always open inwards

open out is totally wrong, wrong concept no matter how you put it, the people that built their house with door open out doesn't know any better.

when door open inwards you're protecting other people, outwards meaning you want to bust someone nose :D

And I bet the hinges are on the outside where any thief can just pop the nails out and walk in. Mine are :D Gotta redo that... :o

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doors open out for fire safety. also if you have a screened door inside the main outer door, they can't both open out, or in really. basements: in cold climates, one needs a foundation dug below the frostline to prevent the structure from heaving around every season. also water pipes are more easily protected from freezing. depending on the area, a 1/2 basement, or a crawlspace may be all that is necessary, but in for a penny, a basement provides cool storage for food, canned goods etc, and a cool place in general in a hot summer as well as general storage. where there is a flood table problem, there adds a problem. even heavy rain can leak in if the walls are not properly waterproofed. most basements have a sump pump to expell reasonable amounts of leakage. in commonly flooding areas, a basement is nonesense. and as previously stated, if unnecessary structurally, it's cheaper to build up than to dig. a space under a house provides shaded living area, parking, shelter for animals, covered storage etc,etc.


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Doors that open outward also present a security risk in that the hinges and hinge pins are outside. A simple job to drive the hinge pins out with a hammer and screwdriver to gain access to the house.

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Hold your horses, there a minute, cowboy! Not ALL home doors open inward in the west. My $1200 metal trailer I lived in fer three years in Paducah, Kentucky, had metal doors that all opened out. :o

How d'ya reckon 'at? :D

It was probably made in Taiwan. :D:D

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