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######..i Miss Thailand!


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I just registered cause I found this site and im just goin to share my story a little bit.

Well, I was born in Thailand (I"m Thai and part Hawaiian) and my parents and I moved to New York (US) when I was 7. I visited Thailand for the first time in like 9 years last summer. It was amazing. I saw my grandparents for the first time, my uncles/cousins. We aren't that close now since we haven't seen one another for quite sometime. When I was there, I felt like I was home..know what I mean? They were my people, I didn't feel different like I do here sometimes. The Thai girls were lookin at me and came up and talk to me, I mean..there were a few here but not as many there, and I had so much more confident in Thailand cause I knew everyone was the same as me. I really wish I could live in Thailand but my parents really want me to finish college here so I can have a bright future. I don't know though, I really want to go to school in Thailand for a year or something to experience what could of been. I been thinking about that lately. I'm not living bad at all here, I face racism here and there but I have good friends, good parents, nice neighborhood but sometimes I wonder what it would be like if I lived there. What do you think I should do? Anyone relate to this? About the same story?

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Hi there,

It was very sweet to hear that you want to come back home in Thailand to learn about your country. Look this up


The international exchange student is the way to go. I joined AFS in 1995 to Venezuela and my sister joined in 2000 to USA. We both have great experience.

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Thanks but I'm not really into the student-exchange program thing. I don't really want to learn about it, I just want to stay there again. It wouldn't feel right if I just went back for a year while my parents are in the US. I would feel guilty since they work hard here and tried really hard to get us here in the first place.

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You'll have plenty of time to visit Thailand later, and it will remain a great place for a long time to come, so don't worry. As for school, bear in mind that rules here are very different from the West.

The people I know who went on exchange progams to high school here (all together four people, two European, one American, one Canadian) had to face physical punishment if their hair length wasn't up to declared standards, for example. Questioning your teachers, even if you can prove that they are wrong, is not appreciated.

None of them were turned off Thailand by these experiences though, because the good news is that you'll find great friends wherever you are in this country. :o

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Thanks but I'm not really into the student-exchange program thing. I don't really want to learn about it, I just want to stay there again. It wouldn't feel right if I just went back for a year while my parents are in the US. I would feel guilty since they work hard here and tried really hard to get us here in the first place.

doing the "exchange student" thing doesn't have to mean that you come here and sit in special classes learning about Thailand for a year.

Check out what exchange programmes your university has with Thai universities. Odds are you will be able to do one year in a normal Thai university doing normal classes and getting the credits for your US degree.

That way you can get the best of both worlds, a US degree and an some time in Thailand to see if you really like it. Your parents probably wont mind this option either.

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:o I understand how you feel about not fitting in. I am not sure where you are living CA, SF and LA Asians do fit in. It is quite common to see Asian and others dating and being friends. No one looks at you strange.

You parents are correct staying in school in the US would be much more advantages for your future. However I am not an expert. Most Thai I know who come to study in the US already have a Undergrad from BKK and go for a masters or second undergrad.

I am not sure how good your Thai is, I would fear that you would not be able to do incredibly well in a Thai only class. All Though you could go to Tomasat B.E program or Cula has an English program.

Depending on the college and degree program . You could attempt to get an internship in the summers here. Or just come for the summer. It will be cheaper than stay at home and a heck of a lot more fun.

Some facts that you should know. The average college grad with only one degree makes about 20,000 baht a month. Most of my friends have two or even three degrees and they still make around 40,000 baht.

Come to Thailand when you are ready, you will enjoy it more. We all dream of being someplace else. To quote a quote "The grass is always greener some place else."

Good luck


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I don't know though, I really want to go to school in Thailand for a year or something to experience what could of been.
then you siad
Thanks but I'm not really into the student-exchange program thing. I don't really want to learn about it, I just want to stay there again.


It wouldn't feel right if I just went back for a year

Boy, first get your mind back together and think about what you really want!

Those replies seem confused somehow.

Why dont you list what you really want and what you have to concern in the list then we could help ya by providing more info and possibilities base on our experience and option available in Thailand.

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Guest IT Manager

And maybe stick your head into the chatroom now and again talk to people living here. Sunday PM is usually fun, around 2PM Thai time

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Candy is right.. but let me temper it a little bit. Not sure how old you are but I woulds say 17 give or take a year.

Don't stress out on Thailand it is not going anywhere. No matter how much you want to come here wait until you are ready!!!!

Thailand can be like a hot date. If you move to quickly she'll slap you face and leave. Or if she is to quick and willing you have a great time, then go home and have a rash.

My advice to you would be to go in to some chat rooms and talk to other thais to find out what they think. My guss is they would say stay there and come back after school.

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Aight, thanks for the advice guys. I'm 16..almost right on the dot there. I live in NY, not alot of Asians where I live unlike Cali or Hawaii or in the city.

I know I sound a little confused in some of the things I say but bare with me. I'm not too interested in Student Exchange Programs, I wouldn't want to live with strangers for a whole year. If I go there, I rather at least stay with family members or preferly have my parents there too. I don't think my pareents would want me to stay with people I don't know neither. Thanks though, I'll checkout the chatrooms time to time.

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I hear that I am from Rochester although I have not been there since you were born. I'm only 33 so its been a while. If you don't want to leave the east coast for school apply to NYC schools there are a lot of Thai there too. More importantly Asians from what you said you just want to fit in. The bigger city's offer that. If Thai is your main goal NYC, SF, LA and think Huston have large Thai populations.

I know a lot of people who do student exchange programs and had a great time. Almost the best way to get to know a different area of the world.

The problem with going with your parents is you never leave your comfort zone. If you really want know what Thai is like you need to live with a Thai family. It might be a little scary at first. However every adult I know who has done it said it was one of the best experiences in there lives.

Ask you school consoler about it. Being 16 you might be able to do it as in high school. Really be able to be a kid in Thailand. It would be so much fun. It would also be great for your college applications. Even if its only for a semester.

Oh not sure if you are going to college. Here in Thailand you need a degree to be a trainer at a gym. It is so important here if you want to work and live.

Good luck.


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I want to go to college, I'm thinking the University of Hawaii if I can get in. Thai schools are definately different from the west, I know. You have uniforms, you have to cut your hair, can't goof off that much there. I was in a Thai school or a couple of years before I moved to New York, I was always in the middle of the spanking and ear twisting..for some reason :o . I don't think, I might just finish education here then depends on what happens, I might go back to visit or just live there.

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Friend of mine - now working in Thailand - has Thai mother and American father.

Completed his tertiary education in US, then returned to work for his mother here in Thailand. Has also had very attractive offers of work from other companies due to his US qualifications. Iagine what he could ask for if he had decent UK degree !

But it is far better to go that route than to come to Thailand, graduate here, then find you prefer the US. The job offers will not be flying to you in the same way.

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And on top of everything else that has been said for finishing school in america,,

If you come to Thailand for even one year of schooling,and then return to the USA,you will be a long way behind the class there, My wife is a Thai school teacher and I have spent some time at her school and I really don't know how they get by with running the school system the way that they do here,But then I guess that explaines why Thailand is rated way behind all the other school systems in Asia and the advanced nations of the world, So I would say to go to school there and after you have finished your education,then come to Thailand.

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