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You obtain from a District Office - it is the ledger entry of your Thai marriage and if marriage is recent they will be able to print from data base - if more than 7 years or so it may not be in data base and have to be obtained from original marriage recording District Office.

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A bit cryptic, but I think you mean the Khor rhor 2 form for an extension based on marriage to a Thai national.

The K.R. 2 form is the entry into the Thai marriage register. For a marriage not older than a year or 11 you should be able to get it from any amphur in thailand, for a price of 20 to 50 baht.

For older marriages it might require a trip to the amphur where you got married.

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I got one from my local amphur where i was married the other day.

Seems immigration dont communicate within departments as lady at counter said,why you need,you have original marrage paper,same thing.

Not good enough now it sppears,more paper work and running around costs.

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