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Marriage Visa On English Teacher Salary

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To work you need a WP.

You need 40,000baht per month for a marriage extension, if you work at a school then get a Non Immigrant B visa or extension, as teachers are not subject to the same rules as others who work. But for marriage visa/extension everyone is the same.

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You need 40,000baht per month for a marriage extension,

Isn't there a second option of having a certain amount of dosh in a Thai bank account? 800,000 baht?

That would be 400,000 Baht in the case of marriage.

OK. Must be thinking of retirement visa.

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I was told that teachers had some kind of leeway with their salary.

I rocked up at immigration last year, showing a salary of 38,000bht, and was shown the door. Luckily I also had the lump sum deposited just in case.

were you working for an agency?

It used to be that teachers had this bit of luck, but am sure it was only if employed directly by the school.

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For employment extension of stay you would not have to meet nationality pay requirements (there is no 40k/400k system for employment). But for Thai wife extension the requirement is 40k income of 400k in bank two months regardless of your employment or not. I suspect you applied for Thai wife extension so 38k would not meet that requirement.

For visa (90 day stays) there is no set requirement.

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I was told that teachers had some kind of leeway with their salary.

I rocked up at immigration last year, showing a salary of 38,000bht, and was shown the door. Luckily I also had the lump sum deposited just in case.

If you are working, why would you need a marriage visa? Thought the marriage visa was for people not working.

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Surely the application can be made under National Police Order 777/2551 Cases 2.6 or 2.7 depending on whether the teacher is working for a state or private school.

As I understand it both of these categories are free from the 40,000 THB/400,000 THB in the bank requirement as required with a Case 2.18 Thai Spouse Extension.

Not sure how this would be done if employed through an agency though.

Edited by digitalchromakey
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He would need to have the work permit first, as that makes him legal, and have tax declared.

With his workpermit saying teacher one should no have a problem getting an extension of stay as a teacher. Not sure how they will go about the teaching license or waiver, whch is another item that might be required, depending on the kind of school.

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I was answering the question of the OP, deusbelli, " do you have to have a work permit first". (To be honest, I mist you answered his question already. Making my answer redundent).

Always confusing when two people ask questions in the same thread.

Yes, jaiyenyen applied for based on marriage.

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"were you working for an agency?

It used to be that teachers had this bit of luck, but am sure it was only if employed directly by the school."

If the job is 'teacher', why would it matter?


Because some agencies are not actually registered, and the officers have probably never heard of the agency, I must say that it is not all agencies.

How many times do you read on here about companies that promise the correct visa and a Work permit and never deliver.

Edited by beano2274
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The marriage extension would not end if employment ended so for some a better choice - needless to say maybe not for others.

But it would not be renewed, if your marriage ended or you could no longer produce your spouse at Immigration. Perhaps the poster needs to assess whether the job or the marriage are likely to have the best longevity in deciding which visa to go for. Most people in secure jobs and married to Thais opt for a NON-Imm B visa because their companies do the paperwork for it and they don't need to make the missus take a day off work once a year to help them renew their visa. It depends on your circumstances.

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I was told that teachers had some kind of leeway with their salary.

I rocked up at immigration last year, showing a salary of 38,000bht, and was shown the door. Luckily I also had the lump sum deposited just in case.

If you are working, why would you need a marriage visa? Thought the marriage visa was for people not working.

It's better to have the marriage visa like I did a few years ago. It's easier when changing jobs - no need to leave the country.

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The marriage extension would not end if employment ended so for some a better choice - needless to say maybe not for others.

But it would not be renewed, if your marriage ended or you could no longer produce your spouse at Immigration. Perhaps the poster needs to assess whether the job or the marriage are likely to have the best longevity in deciding which visa to go for. Most people in secure jobs and married to Thais opt for a NON-Imm B visa because their companies do the paperwork for it and they don't need to make the missus take a day off work once a year to help them renew their visa. It depends on your circumstances.

If your marriage ended - duh

produce a spouse annually - not a requirement

If and when I ever decide to teach, I will do so on a non O "marriage visa". Teaching is quite different than other jobs. Employers are often very sketchy. Agencies, even schools. You could lose your job or have to walk away for a myriad of reasons.

I think that for teachers, "marriage visa" is far better option. In the end, when you have to leave and leave you shall - your life is not in turmoil. You are not left scrambling out of the country or in-country for any old job to procure visa so you can return to your wife/family.

In fact, how many times have we read B visa holders loding jobs and scrambling and hassles...

I disagree with your premise. Further, if most do it - that means it is perceived by most, to be most beneficial for them.

No way do I see it beneficial for me.

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When on an extension based on marriage, your Thai spouse must accompany you eevry year for a new extension.

As Mario says, each new extension based on marriage requires the Wife to be present. If getting a visa in another country then letter from wife, copy of her ID Card, copy of her Tambien Baan and also the Marriage Certificate in original and copy.

Edited by beano2274
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