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Obama Sworn In For Second Term During Low-Key Ceremony


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Obama sworn in for second term during low-key ceremony < br />

2013-01-21 07:03:36 GMT+7 (ICT)

WASHINGTON, D.C. (BNO NEWS) -- U.S. President Barack Obama on Sunday took the oath of office for his second term during a small and low-key ceremony at the White House in Washington, D.C. Both Obama and Vice President Joe Biden will repeat their oaths on Monday during a public inauguration ceremony.

Only about a dozen people attended the administration of the oath of office which took place in the Blue Room, which is one of the oval rooms and the formal reception room in the White House. The event began at approximately 11:55 a.m. Eastern time and lasted just over a minute.

The U.S. Constitution requires that both Biden and Obama are sworn in before noon local time on January 20, when the presidential term expires and a new one begins. Biden earlier took the oath of office during a small ceremony with friends and family at his official residence at the United States Naval Observatory in the U.S. capital.

Unlike Biden's swearing-in, which took place at 8:15 a.m. Eastern time, Obama's inauguration by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts was broadcast live on television. Roberts was first to enter the Blue Room, followed by Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, and their two daughters Sasha and Malia.

Both men recited the oath carefully and resolutely without any hint of trouble. During the first inauguration in January 2009, both Roberts and Obama made several mistakes as they recited the oath, leading to public discussion whether Obama should retake the oath and say it as outlined in the U.S. Constitution. A second oath ceremony took place the following day at the White House.

But there were no mistakes during Sunday's ceremony, and Obama hugged his wife and daughters after taking the oath of office. Although not visible on camera, a dozen family members of the Obamas were seated in the Blue Room and clapped after Obama was sworn in for his second term. Also attending was Justice Roberts' wife Jane.

At the end of the 35-word oath, Roberts said "Congratulations, Mr. President" as they shook hands. Obama replied, saying: "Thank you, Mr. Chief Justice. Thank you so much." Both men seemed warm, but formal, with no hint of animosity even though then-Senator Obama voted against confirming Roberts as Chief Justice in 2005.

Obama told Michelle "Thank you, sweetie" after she congratulated him. Sasha was also caught on microphone, telling her father he did a "good job." "I did it," Obama told her. "You didn't mess up," Sasha responded, apparently referring to the mistakes he made during the 2009 inauguration.

The bible used during the ceremony was the First Lady's Family Bible, which was held by Michelle during Sunday's inauguration. According to the Presidential Inaugural Committee, the bible was a gift from the First Lady's father, Fraser Robinson III, to his mother, LaVaughn Delores Robinson, on Mother's Day in 1958.

Both Biden and Obama will repeat their oaths on Monday during a public inauguration ceremony which takes place at the U.S. Capitol. District of Columbia's Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency estimates between 500,000 and 700,000 people will attend the public inauguration.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2013-01-21

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The self titled greatest nation on earth, and Obama is the best they can come up with as a leader. I understand why it is low key.

First of all, I think he is a great, charismatic guy and seems to have a heart, where others have a wallet!

But more important: with the Republican Party in their actual state (i.e. a cauldron for extremists from the right with a bunch of wacko ideas and ACTUALLY being the party who wants to take all the rights away...except for the right to own a closet full of guns!)...I don't see anybody who could even touch him!

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The self titled greatest nation on earth, and Obama is the best they can come up with as a leader. I understand why it is low key.

First of all, I think he is a great, charismatic guy and seems to have a heart, where others have a wallet!

But more important: with the Republican Party in their actual state (i.e. a cauldron for extremists from the right with a bunch of wacko ideas and ACTUALLY being the party who wants to take all the rights away...except for the right to own a closet full of guns!)...I don't see anybody who could even touch him!

And just exactly which rights is it, that the Republicans want to take away?

Well....a womans right to decide what happens to her body.

A gay persons right to be happy and live with the person of choice in a chosen way (eg marriage).

Some voters rights (unless they pass a certain test).

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The self titled greatest nation on earth, and Obama is the best they can come up with as a leader. I understand why it is low key.

First of all, I think he is a great, charismatic guy and seems to have a heart, where others have a wallet!

But more important: with the Republican Party in their actual state (i.e. a cauldron for extremists from the right with a bunch of wacko ideas and ACTUALLY being the party who wants to take all the rights away...except for the right to own a closet full of guns!)...I don't see anybody who could even touch him!

And just exactly which rights is it, that the Republicans want to take away?

Well....a womans right to decide what happens to her body.

A gay persons right to be happy and live with the person of choice in a chosen way (eg marriage).

Some voters rights (unless they pass a certain test).

Gee, that's funny, none of those things happened under President Bush. And no, voters don't have to pass a test, they just have to have proof of their identitiy, if that's good enough for gun owners, why not voters.

Edited by beechguy
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I know, you guys really don't like it...but there are numerous conservatives, tea- baggers and Republicans are much more hard-core on these issues, that you are.

What about all the guys (lead by Vice- President candidate Paul Ryan) who take pride in being "pro- life" and even want to outrule abortion in the case of rape (and even incest!)?

You personally may not like it, but there are guys in the conservative movement, who were talking about "literacy"- tests for voters...especially latinos!

And I don't give a hoot, what you BELIEVE about health- care, but is is the RIGHT THING to do.

And who told you about the curious case, that is raises taxes?

Oh well...don't bother.

Just go on youtube and look up people like Michelle Bachman, Sarah Pailin, Sharon Angle, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich...oh ...you know...just some of your top- candidates.

Never heard of them?

I doubt!

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I know, you guys really don't like it...but there are numerous conservatives, tea- baggers and Republicans are much more hard-core on these issues, that you are.

What about all the guys (lead by Vice- President candidate Paul Ryan) who take pride in being "pro- life" and even want to outrule abortion in the case of rape (and even incest!)?

You personally may not like it, but there are guys in the conservative movement, who were talking about "literacy"- tests for voters...especially latinos!

And I don't give a hoot, what you BELIEVE about health- care, but is is the RIGHT THING to do.

And who told you about the curious case, that is raises taxes?

Oh well...don't bother.

Just go on youtube and look up people like Michelle Bachman, Sarah Pailin, Sharon Angle, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich...oh ...you know...just some of your top- candidates.

Never heard of them?

I doubt!

About health care, I would suggest you follow your own advice, and do a bit of research yourself. For Obama and Hillary, do you think we could work out a trade?

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I know, you guys really don't like it...but there are numerous conservatives, tea- baggers and Republicans are much more hard-core on these issues, that you are.

What about all the guys (lead by Vice- President candidate Paul Ryan) who take pride in being "pro- life" and even want to outrule abortion in the case of rape (and even incest!)?

You personally may not like it, but there are guys in the conservative movement, who were talking about "literacy"- tests for voters...especially latinos!

And I don't give a hoot, what you BELIEVE about health- care, but is is the RIGHT THING to do.

And who told you about the curious case, that is raises taxes?

Oh well...don't bother.

Just go on youtube and look up people like Michelle Bachman, Sarah Pailin, Sharon Angle, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich...oh ...you know...just some of your top- candidates.

Never heard of them?

I doubt!

I am not certain what you mean by "outrule" so may I presume you mean to "rule out"? Ryan doesn't way to "rule out" abortions in the cases of rape and incest. Ryan wants to make those two, along with danger to the mother's health, as the only legitimate reasons for abortions.

I know of nobody that is proposing "literacy" tests as a condition for voting. Many citizens think voting in the US should be done in the English language so perhaps that is where you are confused. Literacy tests would be unfair since it would largely wipe out the Democratic Party. Besides that SCOTUS has already deemed literacy tests as unconstitutional.

Obamacare is an entirely different subject. Perhaps it is the right thing for Germany but not the right thing for the US, at least in its present form.

Edited by chuckd
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I know, you guys really don't like it...but there are numerous conservatives, tea- baggers and Republicans are much more hard-core on these issues, that you are.

What about all the guys (lead by Vice- President candidate Paul Ryan) who take pride in being "pro- life" and even want to outrule abortion in the case of rape (and even incest!)?

You personally may not like it, but there are guys in the conservative movement, who were talking about "literacy"- tests for voters...especially latinos!

And I don't give a hoot, what you BELIEVE about health- care, but is is the RIGHT THING to do.

And who told you about the curious case, that is raises taxes?

Oh well...don't bother.

Just go on youtube and look up people like Michelle Bachman, Sarah Pailin, Sharon Angle, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich...oh ...you know...just some of your top- candidates.

Never heard of them?

I doubt!

I am not certain what you mean by "outrule" so may I presume you mean to "rule out"? Ryan doesn't way to "rule out" abortions in the cases of rape and incest. Ryan wants to make those two, along with danger to the mother's health, as the only legitimate reasons for abortions.

I know of nobody that is proposing "literacy" tests as a condition for voting. Many citizens think voting in the US should be done in the English language so perhaps that is where you are confused. Literacy tests would be unfair since it would largely wipe out the Democratic Party. Besides that SCOTUS has already deemed literacy tests as unconstitutional.

Obamacare is an entirely different subject. Perhaps it is the right thing for Germany but not the right thing for the US, at least in its present form.

Ryan commented on a question about abortion and the exceptions of rape and incest, that "I am very proud of my pro-life record" and he says there would be no exceptions for any kind of perception. And he is not the only one in his party.

The fact that you have not heard about it, does not mean that nobody said it!

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Congratulations to our FABULOUS and ICONIC Hawaiian-American president! We really dodged a bullet with that Romney character, who didn't even have the civility to show up at our presidents inauguration (an American tradition for the LOSER to do so). Yes he needs a second term. As they say: It Gets Better.

The MAJORITY of Americans support our fine President Obama and if some foreigners ask, is that the best we can do, we'd say, are you tripping, he's the best we have done in decades! I could understand asking that silly question about W. Bush when even his own brother Jeb is clearly much better and even his Mom and Pop thought so too!

Edited by Jingthing
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Any comments on the other points and names?


thought so!

Why do I need to go on YouTube? I know who they are.

Currently none of them hold official positions in either the Republican Party or any federal or state elective office.

What's your point..except that you don't personally like their ideas?

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Congratulations to our FABULOUS and ICONIC Hawaiian-American president! We really dodged a bullet with that Romney character, who didn't even have the civility to show up at our presidents inauguration (an American tradition for the LOSER to do so). Yes he needs a second term. As they say: It Gets Better.

The MAJORITY of Americans support our fine President Obama and if some foreigners ask, is that the best we can do, we'd say, are you tripping, he's the best we have done in decades! I could understand asking that silly question about W. Bush when even his own brother Jeb is clearly much better and even his Mom and Pop thought so too!

Weren't you the guy bitching because Romney showed up at the Whitehouse for lunch?

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Congratulations to our FABULOUS and ICONIC Hawaiian-American president! We really dodged a bullet with that Romney character, who didn't even have the civility to show up at our presidents inauguration (an American tradition for the LOSER to do so). Yes he needs a second term. As they say: It Gets Better.

The MAJORITY of Americans support our fine President Obama and if some foreigners ask, is that the best we can do, we'd say, are you tripping, he's the best we have done in decades! I could understand asking that silly question about W. Bush when even his own brother Jeb is clearly much better and even his Mom and Pop thought so too!

Weren't you the guy bitching because Romney showed up at the Whitehouse for lunch?

No I was objecting to Obama inviting him to discuss issues. There is nothing to discuss with Romney about POLICIES because he holds no office and has been unemployed for many years. The second he lost, he became 100 percent irrelevant to the republican party. The inauguration is different. It is a day of celebration of democracy and it is an established American tradition for the loser to show up to embody that. I think it reveals a lot about Romney's character that he didn't show up. Edited by Jingthing
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Any comments on the other points and names?


thought so!

Again, I suggest you follow your own advice and do more research, how about checking up on some of the Democrats, Reid, Pelosi, Barney Frank, etc, and see how the U.S. got 5 trillion more in debt, etc.

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Congratulations to our FABULOUS and ICONIC Hawaiian-American president! We really dodged a bullet with that Romney character, who didn't even have the civility to show up at our presidents inauguration (an American tradition for the LOSER to do so). Yes he needs a second term. As they say: It Gets Better.

The MAJORITY of Americans support our fine President Obama and if some foreigners ask, is that the best we can do, we'd say, are you tripping, he's the best we have done in decades! I could understand asking that silly question about W. Bush when even his own brother Jeb is clearly much better and even his Mom and Pop thought so too!

Weren't you the guy bitching because Romney showed up at the Whitehouse for lunch?

No I was objecting to Obama inviting him to discuss issues. There is nothing to discuss with Romney about POLICIES because he holds no office and has been unemployed for many years. The second he lost, he became 100 percent irrelevant to the republican party. The inauguration is different. It is a day of celebration of democracy and it is an established American tradition for the loser to show up to embody that. I think it reveals a lot about Romney's character that he didn't show up.

But unfortunately, Obama did.

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Congratulations to our FABULOUS and ICONIC Hawaiian-American president! We really dodged a bullet with that Romney character, who didn't even have the civility to show up at our presidents inauguration (an American tradition for the LOSER to do so). Yes he needs a second term. As they say: It Gets Better.

The MAJORITY of Americans support our fine President Obama and if some foreigners ask, is that the best we can do, we'd say, are you tripping, he's the best we have done in decades! I could understand asking that silly question about W. Bush when even his own brother Jeb is clearly much better and even his Mom and Pop thought so too!

Weren't you the guy bitching because Romney showed up at the Whitehouse for lunch?

No I was objecting to Obama inviting him to discuss issues. There is nothing to discuss with Romney about POLICIES because he holds no office and has been unemployed for many years. The second he lost, he became 100 percent irrelevant to the republican party. The inauguration is different. It is a day of celebration of democracy and it is an established American tradition for the loser to show up to embody that. I think it reveals a lot about Romney's character that he didn't show up.

But unfortunately, Obama did.

Yes he did. It's no secret nothing of any value happened in that meeting and it is no secret that Romney and Obama totally DETEST each other on a deep personal level. Nothing wrong with that, but Romney should have STILL followed the custom on inauguration day. I think it's a disgusting snub.
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Congratulations to our FABULOUS and ICONIC Hawaiian-American president! We really dodged a bullet with that Romney character, who didn't even have the civility to show up at our presidents inauguration (an American tradition for the LOSER to do so). Yes he needs a second term. As they say: It Gets Better.

The MAJORITY of Americans support our fine President Obama and if some foreigners ask, is that the best we can do, we'd say, are you tripping, he's the best we have done in decades! I could understand asking that silly question about W. Bush when even his own brother Jeb is clearly much better and even his Mom and Pop thought so too!

Yes,let's celebrate the crowning of the Sugar Daddy in Chief. This term another 20 million on food stamps, extend unemployment bennies another 99 weeks and, oh yes, another $4000 drop in yearly a salaries. Time to rejoice our savior!

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You are dodging on everything, don't you?

Yes, they all hold currently no...whatever...

They have been and are still members of the Republican Party. They have been running for office as VP or Govenor or for seats in the senat etc.

But it's okay: again, your side cherry picks.

You only hear what you want to hear and see what you want to see.

When anyone mentiones that Obama got Bin Laden,it was due to the excellent work the CIA did under Bush.

But when it comes to the deficit...please, don't mention the colossal deficit building under Bush with tax- cuts for the rich, 2 unjustified wars, secret prisons in Europe etc etc etc.!


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Congratulations to our FABULOUS and ICONIC Hawaiian-American president! We really dodged a bullet with that Romney character, who didn't even have the civility to show up at our presidents inauguration (an American tradition for the LOSER to do so). Yes he needs a second term. As they say: It Gets Better.

The MAJORITY of Americans support our fine President Obama and if some foreigners ask, is that the best we can do, we'd say, are you tripping, he's the best we have done in decades! I could understand asking that silly question about W. Bush when even his own brother Jeb is clearly much better and even his Mom and Pop thought so too!

Yes,let's celebrate the crowning of the Sugar Daddy in Chief. This term another 20 million on food stamps, extend unemployment bennies another 99 weeks and, oh yes, another $4000 drop in yearly a salaries. Time to rejoice our savior!

Are you Rush Limbaughs personal penpal?

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You are dodging on everything, don't you?

Yes, they all hold currently no...whatever...

They have been and are still members of the Republican Party. They have been running for office as VP or Govenor or for seats in the senat etc.

But it's okay: again, your side cherry picks.

You only hear what you want to hear and see what you want to see.

When anyone mentiones that Obama got Bin Laden,it was due to the excellent work the CIA did under Bush.

But when it comes to the deficit...please, don't mention the colossal deficit building under Bush with tax- cuts for the rich, 2 unjustified wars, secret prisons in Europe etc etc etc.!


So if it was wrong for Bush to runup a deficit, how is adding 5 trillion more right?

Anyway, if you don't think we take you seriously, maybe reconsider what you write in your posts.cheesy.gif

Edited by beechguy
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You are dodging on everything, don't you?

Yes, they all hold currently no...whatever...

They have been and are still members of the Republican Party. They have been running for office as VP or Govenor or for seats in the senat etc.

But it's okay: again, your side cherry picks.

You only hear what you want to hear and see what you want to see.

When anyone mentiones that Obama got Bin Laden,it was due to the excellent work the CIA did under Bush.

But when it comes to the deficit...please, don't mention the colossal deficit building under Bush with tax- cuts for the rich, 2 unjustified wars, secret prisons in Europe etc etc etc.!


Now you are going from the ridiculous to the desperate.

Millions of people fall into the category of being members of the Republican Party and hundreds of thousands have run for public office. Again, what's your point? Talk about cherry picking....

I never mentioned the deficit but, since you brought it up...

The national debt under Bush went from $5.6 Trillion to $10.7 Trillion. An increase of $5.1 Trillion in EIGHT years.

The national debt under Obama has grown from $10.7 Trillion to $16.4 Trillion. An increase of $5.7 Trillion in FOUR years.

You can do the math yourself to determine which administration added more deficit spending to the debt.

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America is certainly a very politically divided country.

But there is one thing I think all Americans CAN agree on.

There a faction of Americans that really, really, really does NOT like Obama.

And they are very vocal about it. coffee1.gif

Edited by Jingthing
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