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- A couple was Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve and the whole city was filled with shoppers who were doing last minute purchases.

Walking through the mall and looking at all the windows the woman suddenly looked astonished aside to discover that her husband was no lomger around.

She knew she still had much to do and was very angry.

She rummaged in her purse searching for her cell phone. When she had found that she called her husband and asked him

where he left off anyway.

Her husband calmly replied, "Honey, do you remember that jewelry store where we were five years ago and you totally fell in love with that diamond necklace that we were unfortunately not able to pay.

But I told you then that I would consider to buy it one day. "

The eyes of the woman filled with tears, she began to cry softly and as she tried to suppress a sob

she whispered: "Yes, that jewelry store I remember definitely".

"Well," he says, "I sit in the bar next to the store"

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