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Bankrupt France Set To Save £600M - By Turning Off The Lights


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Bankrupt France set to save £600m - by turning off the lights

Employment secretary previously admitted country was 'totally bankrupt'

Non-residential buildings must switch off lights after the last worker leaves

Exterior and shop window lighting must be turned off by 1am



PARIS: -- The ‘bankrupt’ French government yesterday set out a law forcing all non-residential buildings to turn off their lights at night in a bid to save £600million a year.

From July 1, interior lights will have to be turned off within an hour of the last person leaving the premises, while all exterior lights and shop fronts will have to be plunged into darkness by 1am.

The new law, which is also aimed at cutting back on CO2 emissions, comes just days after a senior member of President Francois Hollande’s Socialist government said the country was ‘totally bankrupt’.

Full story: http://www.dailymail...ing-lights.html

-- Daily Mail 2013-01-31


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france, same as other regional countries, import massivly the east european gangsters, african (economic) refugees, give them a house and social welfare, without ever contributed one euro or baht to the system...

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The strongest european country has ONLY a debt of 90% of his income.So in the end of the year they are left with only 10% to run their country,so that's

why they all have to lend money monthly ! Is this bankrupt? No! Still 10% left ! Greese ,Spain,Italy,Portugal....are over 100% in debt ! (upto 135%,125%.....)

These countries are virtual bankrupt. But no big deal ......lets just ignore it ....print some more paper money ................coffee1.gif

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Bankrupt, the shamed politicians will have to wear burkas to disguise themselves, oops they made it illegal :)

I bet the criminals will be please, no lights on in business premises at night, an invitation or what !

They could always sell the country and buy cheap land, say in Siberia or Mongolia ? allegedly France would be a decent tourist destination if you take away the French :)

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This is what you get with tax the rich to fund social security, eventually those who can,leave, and the system implodes under the weight of social welfare payments and open borders boosting immigration.

Edited by Steely Dan
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The EEC was always a hairbrained Liberal Nightmare scheme in the first place,and a potentially expensive disaster waiting to happen.

It was originally supposed to be a meeting of countries as trading partners only! And not sold by Politicians (who lied)to the Europeans as designed to take on all the Bankrupt Nations into the Club, (the united states of europe) and one day expect them as good Citizens to start paying into the system?

The reality is: they joined for the EEC handouts,just like their Countrymen who spread through europe,in search of handouts,paid for by the financially bouyant nations.

The ridiculous part is that they and their Country paid nothing into the system,but sucked out as much they could,when it came to paying their way,it was the plea "Sorry have no money" (now where have we heard that before)?

So after Bankruptcys from Portugal,Italy,Spain & Greece,and demands and street rioting,to further pour Billions of Euros into their hopeless Countries,to keep them afloat,the rot has set in.and is now dragging the richer countries down,with them.

Now France (A founder member) that has been propping up the unstable Nations for years, with equal help from Germany and the UK by pouring an endless supply of money into this financial suicide idea of a United Europe,has finally hit rock bottom and empty treasuries,the UK is hanging on by a whisker to avoid AAA derating!

So £600 M saving,by turning off the lights is a Proverbial P**S in the Ocean.Staving off the potential total collapse of Europe,will take much more than normal housekeeping cutbacks.

And on top of these problems, waiting in the wings to join the EEC this year are 3 more basically Poor, Bankrupt Countries, waiting to dive in and claim their handouts,and a total upgrade of their run down Countries,at the expense of other Nations, namely: Turkey,Rumania,and Bulgaria!...........for some the gravy train rolls on,but it will not be too many years before it hits the buffers! and ends in a total breakdown!

Small wonder the British people want a Referendum to leave this nightmare,(as polls suggest the outright majority would vote to leave the EEC)

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The strongest european country has ONLY a debt of 90% of his income.So in the end of the year they are left with only 10% to run their country,so that's

why they all have to lend money monthly ! Is this bankrupt? No! Still 10% left ! Greese ,Spain,Italy,Portugal....are over 100% in debt ! (upto 135%,125%.....)

These countries are virtual bankrupt. But no big deal ......lets just ignore it ....print some more paper money ................coffee1.gif

The "strongest European country" - certainly not France.

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Cannot bode well for the rest of Europe, if one its stronger economies has imploded......

Also perhaps a lesson for America, with tax and spend policies having bankruptcy

as the final end game.

Yes - it's very worrying. France has implemented a lot of social policies over the years - the 35 hour week, high social expenditure etc. Ignoring the social arguments for this, the financial implications in a severe, long cycle recession sparked by a financial and asset devaluing crisis can be seen.

Interesting that the US and UK are now getting involved in Mali along with French forces. Cameron had clearly stated UK forces would not be on the ground, now some are going. Maybe using the old politicians trick of keeping public attention focused away from the "real" issues at home.

UK is in poorer shape than thought and there seems some dviergence of opinion in Germany on both the country's and the Euros recovery from reports I've recently read.

Everyone keeps looking to the US for leadership and some kind of magic formula. But the Obama government seems to offer the same - higher taxes mentality.

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