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Dozens Killed, Over 1,000 Injured In Egypt Protests - Un


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The US cannot support a coup so one consequence is that US financial aid will be suspended, at least until new elections are held. The Egyptian economy is a basket case as it is so it will only get worse.

At least the military installed as interim president Adly Mansour, chief justice of the Constitutional Court and the favorite of the ordinary Tamarod protest movement of the middle class masses. Mansour's popularity will enable the US to become more involved on the side of the Egyptian middle class.

However, Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri's brother, Mohamed al-Zawahiri, has vowed to bring a new terrorism to Egypt. Up to 300 Muslim Brotherehood leaders are being rounded up but the Brotherhood will probably turn out en masse to cause chaos that will lead to violence. The army is going to have to start shooting them in the streets.

One could foresee this when the original Arab Spring mass protests began and resulted in Mubarek being tossed out. The Brotherhood was highly organized while the middle class protesters went home, resulting in the Brotherhood winning the elections. The US didn't have much choice except to support "democracy" as it was in Egypt at the time.

The army will have to do something to limit the Brotherhood's participation in the new election, or have reason to believe enough of the middle class will turn out this time to overcome the Brotherhood's vote. The perfect outcome is the Brotherhood being in the new government but as the minority opposition, which is a challenge to engineer.

The alternative is a campaign of terrorist violence by the Salafist radicals, al Qaeda and other extreme Muslim groups, which may occur anyway now that the Brotherhood has been tossed out of government.

Washington is quietly in favor of the army while publically supporting the middle class Tamarod movement, and opposes radical Muslim violence, all of which position Washington well at this point and going forward. Turkey needs to put its weight behind the Tamarod middle class movement too.

The Salafists are one of the few groups in Egypt that have behaved morally. Yes, they are not fit to govern and the ramifications would be disastrous, but stop painting whatever boogeyman you are against today as devils incarnate. You're not an Egyptian are you? Frankly, it is none of your business.

Well, I guess I feel told off.

Unless of course I don't feel told off.

This isn't about me.

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Hopefully the word 'democratization' can be buried now, along with the Muslim brotherhood. There seems to be a neo-lib belief that if you organize elections then democracy will somehow emerge from the primordial soup, but I think this is due to a failure to understand the fact that people are not the same, from birth they absorb cultural memes from everyone and everything they encounter. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a former Muslim born in Somalia explained in a recent interview how there is no culture of democracy in the middle east and a head count merely leads to persecution of all minorities by the religious majority, there are no human rights, no freedom of speech. Compromise is seem as a sign of weakness.

So the army reasserts control, well great. The economy has collapsed under Morsi, Coptic Christians have been raped, murdered, forced to convert. There is a rape epidemic as hinted at in the O.P. Sinai is now a hotbed of Al-Qaeda linked fanatics. At least the secular tyrant model limits fallout into surrounding Countries and is no worse, probably better, for human rights. Now to find a surviving member of the Gadaffi clan to reinstate and forget fanciful notions of democratization imho.

Edit: Mods, I give a link to the interview, please delete if too O.T, but I think it is central to the social changes going on in the Arab street.


Edited by Steely Dan
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The Salafists are one of the few groups in Egypt that have behaved morally. Yes, they are not fit to govern and the ramifications would be disastrous, but stop painting whatever boogeyman you are against today as devils incarnate. You're not an Egyptian are you? Frankly, it is none of your business.

Well, I guess I feel told off.

Unless of course I don't feel told off.

This isn't about me.

Geeze P

How can you listen to such rubbish? blink.png

Dont even respond to that crap.

I know you know that they are just trying to get under your skin,


PS if you ignore them, They really get pissed. whistling.gif

Its kinda funny watching them squirm as you constantly ig em tongue.png

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