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Oh...well !

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Hi again all

let me make it clear

1. I'm sorry if I have made someone/s angry by posting my story....I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart.....but think this way, can anyone imagin why would I be rude to the one who have all the right to grant me the visa, while I need this visa so that I can be with my love one?

2. I am a gunuine applicant

3. as I understand,you dont need to be together all 24 months to be qualified to apply for this type of visa as says in the Diplomatic Service Procedure - Entry Clearance Volume 1 , under topic number 13.13, that Period apart would be acceptable for good reason such as work commitments...

4. please tell me if I'm wrong at any point.

for those who support my post...thank you all.....

for those who think that Thai trying to use English but have a broken English and make joke out of them....I would say ashame on you.....can you chose where to be born?......


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Yes you are right in that you do not have to be actually physically together the whole 24 months. I believe separations of up to 6 months are acceptable as long as you can show reasonable cause why this is so...e.g. other half has a full time job in the UK which he/she is unable to leave . It has been accepted that visitors visas can be used to build up time together , so for example you could ask for a 6 month vv to go to the UK and your other half can then travel back to Thailand with you . You should make it clear when applying that this is your intention.


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Amrin, in your original thread, Scouse posted:-

For reasons upon which I'm not allowed to expand, I have good reason to doubt the authenticity of the OP. However, I invite the OP to contact me by PM, and, if needs be, I will address the question by that means.
May I suggest that you take him up on that offer?

If unsure how to send a him PM, go to Scouse's profile and then click on "Send a personal message."

If you genuinely want answers, then I am sure that you will do this.

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Hi again all

for those who support my post...thank you all.....

for those who think that Thai trying to use English but have a broken English and make joke out of them....I would say ashame on you.....can you chose where to be born?......


yes it's sad that you will be suspected of being a fraud unless you can prove yourself innocent. ~You used a question mark in the correct place so that's bound to go against you. Some here are more suspicious than immigration officers.

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This is a forum every bit as useful as the information appearing on the boards displayed elsewhere on Thaivisa.com chiefly because of the contributions made by notable posters who offer practical advice based upon a sound interpretation of the respective immigration rules. It is a voluntary service provided free of charge and in the spirit of the tradition of public service unfettered by material gain or the need for personal recognition. Hundreds have benefited safe in the knowledge that the information supplied is untainted by considerations other than the altruistic. A distinguishing strength of this service is the impartiality of the advice given and its sincerity. Quite simply, there is nothing quite like it and for many it has proven to be a lifeline.

It is obvious therefore that it is not a venue for the mischievous to make their mark nor is it a suitable place for the mentally deficient, the profoundly stupid, the plain psychotic or simply the disaffected whose self perceived worth is as diminished as their impoverished intellect.

I'm not sure in which category Amrin fits and quite frankly I do not care since that persona is every bit as spurious as the others preceding it over the past few days.

Thai3, Amrin( gosh, that rhetoric and ...... echo someone else's rhythmn) at al. whither now?

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This is a forum every bit as useful as the information appearing on the boards displayed elsewhere on Thaivisa.com chiefly because of the contributions made by notable posters who offer practical advice based upon a sound interpretation of the respective immigration rules. It is a voluntary service provided free of charge and in the spirit of the tradition of public service unfettered by material gain or the need for personal recognition. Hundreds have benefited safe in the knowledge that the information supplied is untainted by considerations other than the altruistic. A distinguishing strength of this service is the impartiality of the advice given and its sincerity. Quite simply, there is nothing quite like it and for many it has proven to be a lifeline.

It is obvious therefore that it is not a venue for the mischievous to make their mark nor is it a suitable place for the mentally deficient, the profoundly stupid, the plain psychotic or simply the disaffected whose self perceived worth is as diminished as their impoverished intellect.

I'm not sure in which category Amrin fits and quite frankly I do not care since that persona is every bit as spurious as the others preceding it over the past few days.

Thai3, Amrin( gosh, that rhetoric and ...... echo someone else's rhythmn) at al. whither now?

Best post i have read in here for days :o

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I'm not sure in which category Amrin fits and quite frankly I do not care since that persona is every bit as spurious as the others preceding it over the past few days.

Thai3, Amrin( gosh, that rhetoric and ...... echo someone else's rhythmn) at al. whither now?

Ra ra ra, you sound like a bloody cheerleader and only seem to post to bash people questioning the self appointed wise ones. Everyone is entitled to ask questions, propose improvements to the system or just let off steam. It's not a place where people come to worship and bow down to people who do, yes I agree, give a useful service.

I do wish people would stop questioning the genuiness of posters, it's not clever and any fool can say ooh this one's english is too good or this one sounds like so and so. I don't know who this Amrin is but I am sure the scouser would be only too pleased to reveal his location.

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I don't know who this Amrin is but I am sure the scouser would be only too pleased to reveal his location.
I'm guessing at Leicester!

Next trip (next month - I hope at f#cking last!) - I will see if I can get the G/f / Missus to post some questions in "her" written English.

If I am in a good mood I may add a translation :o ..........if I am in a bad mood I will ask her to reply in Silomfan's thread :D:D

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I don't know who this Amrin is but I am sure the scouser would be only too pleased to reveal his location.
I'm guessing at Leicester!

wrong as usual, why don't you ask your mate?? I received an email from the poster saying how upset he was at the reaction to his post by the 'board mafia' and that he would not be posting again, can't say I blame him. Go on then ask your mate where the post originated and do try not to be so racist to thai posters in future.

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Guest endure
I don't know who this Amrin is but I am sure the scouser would be only too pleased to reveal his location.
I'm guessing at Leicester!

wrong as usual, why don't you ask your mate?? I received an email from the poster saying how upset he was at the reaction to his post by the 'board mafia' and that he would not be posting again, can't say I blame him. Go on then ask your mate where the post originated and do try not to be so racist to thai posters in future.

He? Him? His? According to Amrin's own post she's a Thai woman:

Hi all

I'm a Thai woman wanting to share my bad experience with the ECO in UK Embassy Bangkok just on 22nd. Feb’06....I'm working in BKK as a tour guide, my boyfriend is English and we are in same age (31) been together for 2 years. I joined him in England ,after he had to return home, with visitor visa in 2004 then again in 2005...I had no problem in granting the visa as I have travelled to EU countries and US before.

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To put the matter to bed, the post originated from a proxy. I have a distrust of people who use proxies to post on TV. Members' IP numbers can only be seen and resolved by mods and admin who, I assure you, would not misuse this information.


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He? Him? His? According to Amrin's own post she's a Thai woman:

Yes that's right, as it's usually men posting here I forgot. Anyway the message to me sounded genuine enough to me, but then there's no convincing some. Sometimes people at work have to use proxy servers to get round restricted sites :o..

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Yes that's right, as it's usually men posting here I forgot. Anyway the message to me sounded genuine enough to me, but then there's no convincing some.
If you did receive such a message then forgetting that it came from a woman is unbelievable. One can only draw two conclusions.


You are so sexist that you cannot believe any woman, let alone a Thai woman, could be intelligent enough to send an e-mail.


You made it up, and in you're usual sloppy fashion didn't research enough first.

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OK... people.....

I meant to not post anything on this board again but as such immature some of you people are,has made me.

Let's stop talking crap, then try to forget about this poster....and I will forget you too.

GU22 : I have PM thai3,so what?.....not because he thinks he's sexiest or some rubish you said but I think he is mature enough to listen to others.....

I exist but the reason you cant locate me is because of my work making me be outside the office

and it's more convinient to just pop in the internet cafe....hope it's clear enough.

good bye

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Yes that's right, as it's usually men posting here I forgot. Anyway the message to me sounded genuine enough to me, but then there's no convincing some.

If you did receive such a message then forgetting that it came from a woman is unbelievable. One can only draw two conclusions.


You are so sexist that you cannot believe any woman, let alone a Thai woman, could be intelligent enough to send an e-mail.


You made it up, and in you're usual sloppy fashion didn't research enough first.

By displaying your usual pedantic idiocy again you just dig yourself a bigger hole. If you read the thread you will see I never doubted it was a thai woman merely forgot the gender, not quite the same as a smartarse racist who doubts any claiming to be thai because he thinks he is so sharp to always be able to tell the difference.

I think the lady says it all, beleive her or not, if not better to have some manners and keep quiet for a change.

I don't think you will ever beleive anyone unless they start typing in thai, at least that way you could never comment on the post!

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Yes that's right, as it's usually men posting here I forgot. Anyway the message to me sounded genuine enough to me, but then there's no convincing some.

If you did receive such a message then forgetting that it came from a woman is unbelievable. One can only draw two conclusions.


You are so sexist that you cannot believe any woman, let alone a Thai woman, could be intelligent enough to send an e-mail.


You made it up, and in you're usual sloppy fashion didn't research enough first.

By displaying your usual pedantic idiocy again you just dig yourself a bigger hole. If you read the thread you will see I never doubted it was a thai woman merely forgot the gender, not quite the same as a smartarse racist who doubts any claiming to be thai because he thinks he is so sharp to always be able to tell the difference.

I think the lady says it all, beleive her or not, if not better to have some manners and keep quiet for a change.

I don't think you will ever beleive anyone unless they start typing in thai, at least that way you could never comment on the post!

Evidently, you have been driven mad by circumstances beyond your control.

You really must seek professional advice now otherwise what tenuous link with reality you have been able to maintain may be lost forever.

Do yourself a favour and get that help.Think of your record collection man!

PS. Amrin doesn't exist.

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