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I heard a rumor that the police are becoming more strict for people who overstay, even just one day. I have heard that sometimes they stop the mini-buses, look for these people, then take them away somewhere?! Then some are blacklisted.. Is this true? A new idiotic rule for Thailand now? If so, talk about incredible stupid things to do. And I thought closing at 1:00am was moronic!

Hopefully, this is not happening.. :o

I heard a rumor that the police are becoming more strict for people who overstay, even just one day. I have heard that sometimes they stop the mini-buses, look for these people, then take them away somewhere?! Then some are blacklisted.. Is this true? A new idiotic rule for Thailand now? If so, talk about incredible stupid things to do. And I thought closing at 1:00am was moronic!

Hopefully, this is not happening.. :o

It's simple....


Those who do are idiotic ... :D

totster :D


I heard a rumor that the police are becoming more strict for people who overstay, even just one day. I have heard that sometimes they stop the mini-buses, look for these people, then take them away somewhere?! Then some are blacklisted.. Is this true? A new idiotic rule for Thailand now? If so, talk about incredible stupid things to do. And I thought closing at 1:00am was moronic!

Hopefully, this is not happening.. :D

It's simple....


Those who do are idiotic ... :D

totster :D



Hey up Magic ! if you think people here are moronic for establishing their own laws

according to their wishes - in their country, then the simple solution for you

is don't bother coming here ....................you have been amazing sets standards !


I heard a rumor that the police are becoming more strict for people who overstay, even just one day. I have heard that sometimes they stop the mini-buses, look for these people, then take them away somewhere?! Then some are blacklisted.. Is this true? A new idiotic rule for Thailand now? If so, talk about incredible stupid things to do. And I thought closing at 1:00am was moronic!

Hopefully, this is not happening.. :D

It's simple....


Those who do are idiotic ... :D

totster :D


Thirded :D


Again Rule No1 is . DO NOT OVERSTAY.

You have plenty of possiblities to get out of the country in a legal way.

Timely is in your own interest.

I have not heard that Police is stopping any car's/vehicles/minibuses or coaches on their way to the border(TheRanong incident was bad luck).

It is not easy to get blacklisted,for Overstay the chances are remote, but why take chances?

Get to the border timely and no worries, even the borderrun's to Cambodia are not so bad these days,as long as you go to BanLaem.


I heard a rumor that the police are becoming more strict for people who overstay, even just one day. I have heard that sometimes they stop the mini-buses, look for these people, then take them away somewhere?! Then some are blacklisted.. Is this true? A new idiotic rule for Thailand now? If so, talk about incredible stupid things to do. And I thought closing at 1:00am was moronic!

Hopefully, this is not happening.. :D

It's simple....


Those who do are idiotic ... :D

totster :D


Thirded :D

lol :D


If you are caught, sent to IDC and then deported back to your own country, you can jump on the next plane back to Thailand quite legally. You will not be black-listed.

If you are caught, sent to IDC and then deported back to your own country, you can jump on the next plane back to Thailand quite legally. You will not be black-listed.

is that an iron clad guarantee ? LOL

:o I always try not to overstay, but sometimes it happens with 1 or 2 days due to illness, flights, etc. I also don't think the danger is too great for being blacklisted unless you disserve it.. But, when you start hearing horror stories it makes you jumpy..
:o I always try not to overstay, but sometimes it happens with 1 or 2 days due to illness, flights, etc. I also don't think the danger is too great for being blacklisted unless you disserve it.. But, when you start hearing horror stories it makes you jumpy..

You MUST know a day or so in advance... you can go down to the IMmgration people (dtor mor) if you are in BKK and get an extension of 10 days. That way, you don't have to do the pointless visa run.

I think systematic overstayers should be blacklisted. They are in other countries.


If you are caught, sent to IDC and then deported back to your own country, you can jump on the next plane back to Thailand quite legally. You will not be black-listed.

is that an iron clad guarantee ? LOL

Dont think I will test this one...... :o


If you are caught, sent to IDC and then deported back to your own country, you can jump on the next plane back to Thailand quite legally. You will not be black-listed.

is that an iron clad guarantee ? LOL

Dont think I will test this one...... :D

I knew that you were smart Rinrada :o

I heard a rumor that the police are becoming more strict for people who overstay, even just one day. I have heard that sometimes they stop the mini-buses, look for these people, then take them away somewhere?! Then some are blacklisted.. Is this true? A new idiotic rule for Thailand now? If so, talk about incredible stupid things to do. And I thought closing at 1:00am was moronic!

Hopefully, this is not happening.. :o

This is for you.

1. Those having no genuine and valid passport or document that can be used in lieu of a passport; or those having a genuine and valid passport or document for use in lieu of a passport without a visa issued by Royal Thai Embassies or consulates in foreign countries or by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Exceptions are aliens for whom no visa is required in certain special instances.

2. Those who have no appropriate means of earning a living once they have entered the Kingdom.

3. Those who, having entered the Kingdom to take up employment as laborers or practice other forms of manual work that require no special skill or training, or who violate the Alien Employment Act.

4. Those who are mentally unstable or who suffer from any of the diseases proscribed in the Ministerial Regulations. ©

5. Those who have not been vaccinated against smallpox or inoculated or undergone any other medical treatment for protection against contagious diseases, and have refused to have such vaccinations administered by the Immigration Bureau doctor.

6. Those who have been imprisoned by the judgment of a Thai court or by a lawful injunction, or by the judgment of the court of a foreign country, except when the penalty is for a petty offence or negligence or is specifically cited as an exception in the Ministerial Regulations.

7. Those who have exhibited behavior which would indicate possible danger to the public or the likelihood of their being a public nuisance, a threat to the peace or safety of the public, or the security of the public or the nation, including those under warrant of arrest by competent officials of foreign governments.

8. Those for whom there is reason to believe that entrance into the Kingdom is for the purpose of being involved in prostitution, the trading of women or children, drug smuggling or other activities that are contrary to public morality.

9. Those having no money or bond as prescribed by the Minister under Section 14. (d)

10. Those categorized as persona non grata by the Minister under Section 16. (e)

11. Those who have been deported by either the Government of Thailand or that of another foreign country; those who have been sent out of the Kingdom by competent officials at the expense of the Government of Thailand unless the Minister makes an exemption on an individual, special-case basis.

c Leprosy, infectious tuberculosis, chronic elephantiasis, drug addiction, tertiary syphilis. d Reference: announcement of the Ministry of Interior, dated 8 May B.E. 2543 (A.D.2000).

(1) At least of 10,000 baht for a holder of a transit visa or "visa not required" category and visa on arrival (at least of 20,000 baht for a family).

(2) At least of 20,000 baht for a holder of a tourist visa or non-immigrant visa (at least of 40,000 baht for a family).

In instances where, for reasons of national welfare or the safeguarding of the public peace, culture, morality or welfare, or when the Minister considers it improper to allow any foreigner or group of foreigners to enter the Kingdom, the Minister shall have the power to exclude the said foreigner or group of foreigners from entering the Kingdom.


In cases of persons prohibited by the Ministry under Section 16 (foreigners who have been imprisoned for criminal offences involving work in professions or occupations that are prohibited by law, with exception made for minor offences, or offences committed through negligence), the Immigration Bureau will submit their names and histories to the Minister of Interior for a decision concerning the possible prohibition of the person or persons concerned from entering the Kingdom.

No time limitations apply in cases of persona non grata status, so that in cases where a person who is prohibited from entering the kingdom has died, his or her children may encounter problems upon attempting to enter the country, should they share a common name. In such cases, the full name and date of birth of the applicant must be checked.



If you take care of each rumors ,you‘ll became mad before to get old.

Anyway I wish to say some words to all them, that to set up, as a judge, and in peremptory way they maintain: “You must not overstay”

Not ever the overstay is a choice.

Sometimes may happen that someone may became overstayer for due to, that not depends by his will.

I very happy to know that the fortune is always on your side . But sometimes the fortune can changes and then, I hope and I wish to you, that you’ll never be in the unfortunate situation to became an overstayer .

Bye bye….

If you take care of each rumors ,you‘ll became mad before to get old.

Anyway I wish to say some words to all them, that to set up, as a judge, and in peremptory way they maintain: “You must not overstay”

Not ever the overstay is a choice.

Sometimes may happen that someone may became overstayer for due to, that not depends by his will.

I very happy to know that the fortune is always on your side . But sometimes the fortune can changes and then, I hope and I wish to you, that you’ll never be in the unfortunate situation to became an overstayer .

Got to disagree............overstay is always a choice be it by negligence or purposefully.

Even if you are incapcitated and cannot travel Immigration will listen to your case and help where possible.............providing you have evidence to support your incapacity.

Furthermore i would suggest from the tone of the original poster that if he is "pulled" off a minibus while on overstay he would only have himself to blame for it.


If you take care of each rumors ,you‘ll became mad before to get old.

Anyway I wish to say some words to all them, that to set up, as a judge, and in peremptory way they maintain: “You must not overstay”

Not ever the overstay is a choice.

Sometimes may happen that someone may became overstayer for due to, that not depends by his will.

I very happy to know that the fortune is always on your side . But sometimes the fortune can changes and then, I hope and I wish to you, that you’ll never be in the unfortunate situation to became an overstayer .

Got to disagree............overstay is always a choice be it by negligence or purposefully.

Even if you are incapcitated and cannot travel Immigration will listen to your case and help where possible.............providing you have evidence to support your incapacity.

Surely! I never said that you must not go to the immigration in the case you are on overstay,and/or in the case you foresee to be on overstay.

But I just said that the overstay could happen to everybody.

Do you agree about that?

Furthermore i would suggest from the tone of the original poster that if he is "pulled" off a minibus while on overstay he would only have himself to blame for it.


Surely! I never said that you must not go to the immigration in the case you are on overstay,and/or in the case you foresee to be on overstay.

But I just said that the overstay could happen to everybody.

Do you agree about that?

Sorry but i do not see things the same way as you.

All it takes is a bit a forward planning..............in the 8 years i have lived in Thailand i have never overstayed by even 1 day..............i am off to Singapore tommorow on my 3 month run and have already booked my June and September trips to coincide with when my next 3 month runs will be due.

As i say it only takes a bit of forward planning.

Other than medical reasons (which i mentioned in my previous posts) i just cannot see any excuse for overstay................maybe you could give me an example where overstay could happen?

BTW...........reason ive booked my next 2 runs well in advance is that i got free tickets with AirAsia when they had their recent promotion on. :o


Hi, sorry if I interrupt this friendly conversation, I am agree with thaiflyer1 when he says that overstay should be avoided in any case and I always do follow this rule, BTW there are actually one reason which can force you to overstay, which happen me in past, someone stole or maybe I lost my passport (not sure because it was a strange circumstance), and few days later I should left Thailand according with my entry stamp, I immediately report the fact to the local police Station, then to immigration and finally to my Embassy, to which I actually order a new Passport, well the entire process force me to overstay 20 days, and actually I've found a very kind Immigration officer at Phuket Airport who help me out pretty much.

That is my story, I don't think I can be condemned because it was really the only possible solution also according with the immigration.

It is my conviction that this can be the only motivation to overstay, nothing else.


Siriam after you had been to Immigration were you giving any letter by them explaining your situation (incase you were stopped by the police for any reason) and a date stamp of any kind ? ...........just curious.

Also when you were issued with a new passport was a permission to stay stamp put into it by Immigration and if so was it the original date you had in your lost passport or did they give you a few days to depart the country? ...........and did you have overstay to pay?


Q: Siriam after you had been to Immigration were you giving any letter by them explaining your situation (incase you were stopped by the police for any reason) and a date stamp of any kind ? ...........just curious.

A: No, they told me that the report of the local police department attesting that I lost my passport was a sufficient document to be shown in case of request.

Q: Also when you were issued with a new passport was a permission to stay stamp put into it by Immigration and if so was it the original date you had in your lost passport or did they give you a few days to depart the country? ...........and did you have overstay to pay?

A: Once I've got the passport from my Embassey, as I told 20 days later because they were waiting for a "Non impediment to" from my hometown, I immediately went to Phuket Immigration with my virgin passport, unfortunately they said that there were nothing they can do for me because the last border I crossed was Ranong, the only advice received by one officer there was trying to go to the Airport, which was actually the best option for me because I wanted to go to Singapore to get a new Visa.

So I went there where I've found an Officer, a really kind person, who called personally the Immigration Office in Ranong asking them all the details about my last Visa run, later on he wrote down by pen on my passport all the details acquired, I paid the overstay and left Thailand to Singapore, those justification written by the Immigration officer basically replaced the TM card.

In addition of what I've already said, I tried to solicit my passport every single day calling my Embassey, remarking to them that I was aware that being overstay in this country is illegal and punishable with the arrest in case they catch you before you get at the border, they just told me to do not be so concerned about.

I was concerned anyway and once I've got my new Passport I've done my best to solve the situation in the best way possible and according to the law,

BTW from that day I am taking care of my Passport as never before in my life!


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