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Arrested For Singing The Wrong Songs At North Pattaya Country Music Concert


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A ******* in a bar whilst having a beer is OK but singing '' Oh Danny Boy'' could get you in the slammer. coffee1.gif

I'm fairly sure 'Danny Boy' is too old for copyright so you should be OK with that. I think the police may have arrested this guy for singing country and western, which should be an arrestable offence in every country. Blues Brothers quote...."We have both kinds here. Country....and Western!"

There's also a big upside to this story which no one has spotted yet. If singing copyrighted music in public is an offence then......very soon the police will sieze and destroy every karaoke machine in Thailand. Excellent !

Wish they would.crazy.gif
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Certifiably NUTS! Of course, in the USA famous artists sing the songs of others all of the time (form of admiration). Dylan does it, Clapton does it, Mayer does it.....on and on. Copyright laws only enter into the equation w/ regard to recordings (as far as I know).

But when Dylan, Clapton, etc. do it they also pay a licensing fee. It's standard in the music business.
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Certifiably NUTS! Of course, in the USA famous artists sing the songs of others all of the time (form of admiration). Dylan does it, Clapton does it, Mayer does it.....on and on. Copyright laws only enter into the equation w/ regard to recordings (as far as I know).

But when Dylan, Clapton, etc. do it they also pay a licensing fee. It's standard in the music business.

Of course they don't!!!!!! Its NOT standard at all! PRS or ASCAP collect the fees

I'm amazed at the misinformation re copyright law spouted on this forum from those who profess to know!

Has anyone here actually ever been in music biz ?????

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Certifiably NUTS! Of course, in the USA famous artists sing the songs of others all of the time (form of admiration). Dylan does it, Clapton does it, Mayer does it.....on and on. Copyright laws only enter into the equation w/ regard to recordings (as far as I know).

But when Dylan, Clapton, etc. do it they also pay a licensing fee. It's standard in the music business.

Of course they don't!!!!!! Its NOT standard at all! PRS or ASCAP collect the fees

I'm amazed at the misinformation re copyright law spouted on this forum from those who profess to know!

Has anyone here actually ever been in music biz ?????

Why are we spending so much time discussing how this works in places such as the US, UK and Oz?

As I pointed out previously, although it might look similar to those markets on the surface, the dynamics underneath are quite different.

One thing copyright owners/holders are able to do (which to varying degrees is much harder to do in the other markets mentioned) is withhold permission for live performance of their controlled works.

This has been common practise with Thai compositions for many years - particularly those controlled by GMM-Grammy and to a lesser extent RS. I'm not sure what goes on in the Luk Thung area, but probably similar.

Let's keep to Thailand or say nothing. But, I must admit if you talk with Thai people directly involved with this, they are often as confused as most of the posters here.

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Has anyone here actually ever been in music biz ?????

Yep, got shafted.

I guess you were an artist. Stiffed on royalties ! Not Uncommona,,,

In one...... mind you, the guy who wrote "The lion sleeps tonight" was paid originally the princely sum of One Pound!

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Has anyone here actually ever been in music biz ?????

Yep, got shafted.

I guess you were an artist. Stiffed on royalties ! Not Uncommona,,,

In one...... mind you, the guy who wrote "The lion sleeps tonight" was paid originally the princely sum of One Pound!

Isn't that song a S.African original picked up in the US?? Prewar I think. many songwriters in 50s handed over all their copyrights for a few dollars cash......The courts wont allow this anymore. I hope you werent stiffed by Sony!!! I'm having problems there myself!!

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