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I have a boat (fast/big engine) on Chao Praya.

I am running into some problems registering it.

It turns out that my particular type of boat (longtail) can only have engines

with maximum 4 cylinders and 125 kW output (roughly 170 hp) as long as the boat

is shorter than 10 meters.

(Mine is 8.9 meters)

This requirement fits badly with my engine, 8 cylinders and about 270 horsepowers.

I have a plan for solving this, will extend the tail of the boat with 1.15 meters of spoilers

in order to make the surveyor happy when he comes for measuring the next time.

I have a Thai captain's licence for quite large yachts, so that is OK.

But, in order to register and get a Tabian Ruua in my name I also need an Engineer Licence.

My understanding is that this is a relatively simple licence, it sort of documents that the holder

is able to carry out normal maintenance on the engine.

Now, I have managed to get hold of an Engineer Class 2 licence.

Was not happy when I saw that this licence is limited to engines of 125 or below kilo Watts.

Would anybody know anything about the requirements for obtaining an Engineer Class 1 licence?

And, would a Class 1 licence be good enough for 270 horspowers and 8 cylinders?

(yes, I know that the Marine Dept can answer this, but I feel that I have already visited Marine Dept

quite a few times,

and would prefer to keep a low profile there until I have things under more control.)


I don't know about the license,but to extend the length of the boat the easiest way, just add 1+ m bowsprit....you can put some dragon,or somethin' like that ornament for the looks...wink.png



talked that over with the chaps that built the boat,

I suggested something along those lines.

But was cut short. The immediately said that it would be much easier to add something

to the stern, some spiler like stuff.

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