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Comparing a 3000+ pound pickup truck with a speeding bullet! You're a comedian right! You didn't see this pickup truck!!!!!!!!!Where you blindfolded or just not paying attention?

The pickup truck was parked at the side of the road facing the same way as me along with about 20 others, yes i saw them all but didn't expect this one or any other to pull out in front of me, the entrance to my condo building is two one way roads with island in between, people park trucks cars bikes buses on both sides of each one way street, this was not even out on the main road, it's the driveway to my condo, this lady was moving from a parked position in a line of many cars/pickups it was not from a side street, she did not indicate she was pulling out she just did it right in front of me I had nowhere to go with cars and bikes parked on both sides, it had darkened windows so it was impossible to see if there was even a driver in it, it just looked parked like all the rest until it moved, like is said about 15 feet in front of me. Maybe you thought this was from a side road or something, it wasn't.

This does sound like an unavoidable accident. They happen, I've had them( I've dropped a bike on several occasions,sand or ice were contributing factors for a couple of them, I've been hit by a car once, didn't go down though), riding is a continuous exercise in accident avoidance. Riding a big sport bike requires high levels of skill I think. I've previously owned an FJ1200 and a ZX11 so I know a little about it. Part of my reasons for sticking to riding little honda waves. They move slower and do less damage if you go down.

I was lusting over a new BMW GS1200 today. What a beauty! But the 925,000.00 baht price tag cooled my heels fast.

Anyway Gnarknes sorry about riding you. I hope all works out and you recover completely from your injuries.

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Assume that you were wearing your crash helmet :o ...yeah

I would assume that you were wearing a recognised brand of crash helmet which at lease will convince your insurance company that you are a responsible biker and maybe assist in your claim...good luck... :D

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Assume that you were wearing your crash helmet :o ...yeah

I would assume that you were wearing a recognised brand of crash helmet which at lease will convince your insurance company that you are a responsible biker and maybe assist in your claim...good luck... :D

I actually never ride my bike without helmet, although I would say that this little trip was like going down the driveway of you own house or to the bottom of the street and back, I never actually went out to the main road. There 's a message there somewhere.

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I've been hit by a car once, didn't go down though), riding is a continuous exercise in accident avoidance. Riding a big sport bike requires high levels of skill I think....Part of my reasons for sticking to riding little honda waves. They move slower and do less damage if you go down.

I ride a little honda wave. The little honda putts along the shoulder at a slower speed just like the rest of the 5,000 motorbikes in town. I do keep up to speed with the rest of the motorbikes, while the bigger vehicles typically scream by us with just centimenters to spare, sometimes. In three years I've been hit 4 times by others (another motorbike, a pick-up truck, a bus, and a dumptruck). All from behind. Miraculously, I escaped with minor injuries, although my motorbike has seen up to 10,000 Baht in damage, accumulatively. All this, despite the fact I watch my rearview mirrors more than I watch in front of me (not a good idea, either).

I finally have convinced myself that if I got a BIG BIKE, then I could get right out in the traffic lane with the rest of those BIG predators, keep up to speed with them, and not be such a vulnerable side-swipe or bumper-car target on the shoulder.

My argument make sense? Now you're giving me second thoughts. :o

Edited by toptuan
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Getting back on the topic ... a few months ago, I was on Samui riding my Firestorm (Honda 1000cc). I've been riding bikes on and off 30 years and coz I'm still around, I consider myself to be a fairly decent rider. Anyway, I'm riding back to the ferry port at Nathon this Sunday afternoon and this local 2 legged bovine on a Honda Dream, as happened to OP, just pulled straight out in front of me without looking.

Result I hit her - she goes flying, my wife goes flying and I get airborne too. I only had a short flight due to being abruptly stopped by a concrete lampost. :D

Wifey is ok with just a couple of scratches, the idiot that pulled out in front of me broke her arm (she wasn't wearing helmet etc) and had a slight concussion. Me, unconscious, collapsed lungs, broken shoulder/13 ribs/hand and end up in ICU. Total bill for the hospital was over B400,000 and my bike which was more or less written off was worth around the B200,000 mark. So, because of one piece of carelessness by someone else I'm over 600grand out of pocket! :o:D

I'm not complaining (now) - in fact, I look back and laugh about it and have put it down to one of lifes experiences. I could have pursued compensation from her through the courts but knew it would be more than likely a long losing battle, so I moved on with my life.

An expensive lesson, yes, but it's just reinforced my opinion that a lot of people should not be allowed to control a machine on a public road. :D

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A crowd gathered and warned me not to call the police as it would unnecessarily complicate things. After the stories I had heard, I agreed. Everyone understood that she hit me from behind, and several witnesses were in the group. Then followed an impromptu kangaroo court in which I was instructed to pay the girl who hit me 500 baht.

Reminds me of an incident a friend of mine and I were involved in. We were at Karon beach on a side-soi that had aa number of beer bars and small hotels on it. As we were walking back to our bikes there was a commotion and a girl (age 12 or so) flew past us on a Honda Dream and hit the first in a line of motorcycles. It was like a chain of dominoes- one hitting another then another then hitting my friend's rented 400cc Honda at the end of the chain. The thing came down hard, breaking the mirror, cracking the fairing, and scraping up the exhaust.

The inevitable crowd gathered, including some girls from the nearby beer bars. One of the older wenches helpfully suggested that the farang will take care of everything- my friend speaks Thai and when he heard that he gave her a look of death which shut her up quickly.

A man in brown showed up and (believe it or not) quickly and efficiently sussed the situation out. He asked my friend to call the rental person and have him come to the scene with another bike which he did. Once the guy arrived the policeman said we could go as we weren't the cause of the problem.

The whole process took no more than about 20 minutes and renewed my faith in the BIBs.

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well the lady came to tghe police station and told the biggest load of lies I've heard in a long time, she said she didn't pull out, so I asked her how I had accident on a straight quiet road, she then proceeded to make up a story about a delivery truck being parked across the road which I tried to go round but failed...........there was no truck across the road, I then asked her if there was a truck how was she able to drive away....she just said nothing, lucky I have several witnesses that saw everything including the fact that there was no truck.

Before leaving I said to her......you know you have done wrong, why are you lying, why don't you just admit you made a mistake and contact your insurance, do the honourable thing. What a piece shit she is, I guess I didn't expect anything else from a ******, I am taking this to court no matter what, too many people saw this happening, I will have my day.

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well the lady came to tghe police station and told the biggest load of lies I've heard in a long time, she said she didn't pull out, so I asked her how I had accident on a straight quiet road, she then proceeded to make up a story about a delivery truck being parked across the road which I tried to go round but failed...........there was no truck across the road, I then asked her if there was a truck how was she able to drive away....she just said nothing, lucky I have several witnesses that saw everything including the fact that there was no truck.

Before leaving I said to her......you know you have done wrong, why are you lying, why don't you just admit you made a mistake and contact your insurance, do the honourable thing. What a piece shit she is, I guess I didn't expect anything else from a ******, I am taking this to court no matter what, too many people saw this happening, I will have my day.


As a fellow motorcyclist I understand how you must feel mate, but dont get totally obsessed with revenge.

The only winner might end up being the lawyer (& police?)

Why waste even more time & money - you dont need a life of agro like that in Thailand.

So stop trying to be a farang in farang country. Fix your bike up, get on with riding & enjoying life...

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well the lady came to tghe police station and told the biggest load of lies I've heard in a long time, she said she didn't pull out, so I asked her how I had accident on a straight quiet road, she then proceeded to make up a story about a delivery truck being parked across the road which I tried to go round but failed...........there was no truck across the road, I then asked her if there was a truck how was she able to drive away....she just said nothing, lucky I have several witnesses that saw everything including the fact that there was no truck.

Before leaving I said to her......you know you have done wrong, why are you lying, why don't you just admit you made a mistake and contact your insurance, do the honourable thing. What a piece shit she is, I guess I didn't expect anything else from a ******, I am taking this to court no matter what, too many people saw this happening, I will have my day.


As a fellow motorcyclist I understand how you must feel mate, but dont get totally obsessed with revenge.

The only winner might end up being the lawyer (& police?)

Why waste even more time & money - you dont need a life of agro like that in Thailand.

So stop trying to be a farang in farang country. Fix your bike up, get on with riding & enjoying life...

I understand what you are saying but I don't take 40,000 baht lightly and I detest dishonest people, if I have a strong case under advismement from my solicitor and if they are willing to adopt a no win no fee service I will persue I may persue regardless.

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Motorcyclists are all candidates for the darwin award.

Mankind already invented the "Car".

It is not longer necessary to sit unprotected on 2 wheels powered by motors stronger than a horse or even 240 of them, fighting the force of gravity, just for covering the distance between A and B :o .

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I understand what you are saying but I don't take 40,000 baht lightly and I detest dishonest people, if I have a strong case under advismement from my solicitor and if they are willing to adopt a no win no fee service I will persue I may persue regardless.

I doubt you will find any solicitor willing to go on this basis. And even if you win, I said it before, you might win, you will have to pay the solicitor's fee by yourself.

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I understand what you are saying but I don't take 40,000 baht lightly and I detest dishonest people, if I have a strong case under advismement from my solicitor and if they are willing to adopt a no win no fee service I will persue I may persue regardless.

I doubt you will find any solicitor willing to go on this basis. And even if you win, I said it before, you might win, you will have to pay the solicitor's fee by yourself.

are you saying that I cannot claim legal fee from this lady if I win ?

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I understand that there is a court tariff for maximum legal fees, which is far below what solicitors charge.

The few cases I had to bring to court, over the years in business, however, have been supported by my legal insurance who in turn decided that it would not be worthwhile to fight for solicitors' fees.

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Sorry for the accident mate........ Usually it's the same old story where us bikers are concerned..... The problem you have is all too common ..... even here in the UK ......... You just have to hope things go well for you ......... persue the claim by all means and you may get lucky.........in the meantime try to accept it's probably one of those times you just have to try to chalk up to experience...... I had a similar thing years ago in the uk......... A pint of milk in the air vent on a hot summers day was my revenge :o ........... petty I know but made me feel better....

Good luck

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well the lady came to tghe police station and told the biggest load of lies I've heard in a long time, she said she didn't pull out, so I asked her how I had accident on a straight quiet road, she then proceeded to make up a story about a delivery truck being parked across the road which I tried to go round but failed...........there was no truck across the road, I then asked her if there was a truck how was she able to drive away....she just said nothing, lucky I have several witnesses that saw everything including the fact that there was no truck.

Before leaving I said to her......you know you have done wrong, why are you lying, why don't you just admit you made a mistake and contact your insurance, do the honourable thing. What a piece shit she is, I guess I didn't expect anything else from a ******, I am taking this to court no matter what, too many people saw this happening, I will have my day.

Go for it gharknes dont be a mushroom like so many on this board stand up for what is right you may ended up forking out more money so what make the ****** pay for what she did

I wonder if some posters would change there tune if you where driving a car and not a bike

as for patex or what ever his name is that said why ride a bike in this day and age I guess we should stop using pushbikes and horses too you sad pooring person

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Go for it gharknes dont be a mushroom like so many on this board stand up for what is right you may ended up forking out more money so what make the ****** pay for what she did

I wonder if some posters would change there tune if you where driving a car and not a bike

Agreed, there seems to be a small brained attitude from some motorists in Thailand about bikes

I've seen some seriously bad driving in thailand by old farang's that would probably have their licence revoked at home because they are unfit to drive both physically and mentally, I also know a guy who admits he tries to run motorbikes off the road when driving his car, how phucking sad is that.

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...as for patex or what ever his name is that said why ride a bike in this day and age I guess we should stop using pushbikes and horses too you sad pooring person
As I said, darwin award... :o:D:D

I think the german lady is very lucky she is lying to me and not someone that might seek justice outside of court, she walks a very dangerous path.

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...as for patex or what ever his name is that said why ride a bike in this day and age I guess we should stop using pushbikes and horses too you sad pooring person
As I said, darwin award... :D:D:D

I think the german lady is very lucky she is lying to me and not someone that might seek justice outside of court, she walks a very dangerous path.

In Germany we are very careful with comments like this. If the wrong people observe an attitude like this you loose all your driving licences until you have proofen your maturity as a responsible motorist :D . This can take you easily up to 2 years, besides from the thousands of Euros :D .

Back to darwin award, I know, many people enjoy riding a motorbike or can't afford a car... but your common sense must tell you it is dangerous to life :o.


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...as for patex or what ever his name is that said why ride a bike in this day and age I guess we should stop using pushbikes and horses too you sad pooring person
As I said, darwin award... :D:D:D

I think the german lady is very lucky she is lying to me and not someone that might seek justice outside of court, she walks a very dangerous path.

In Germany we are very careful with comments like this. If the wrong people observe an attitude like this you loose all your driving licences until you have proofen your maturity as a responsible motorist :D . This can take you easily up to 2 years, besides from the thousands of Euros :D .

Back to darwin award, I know, many people enjoy riding a motorbike or can't afford a car... but your common sense must tell you it is dangerous to life :o.


So is merely living dangerous to life, I have been fortunate living to a ripe old age and never ever shied away from things that OTHER people term dangerous. So hopefully I won't die of boredom.

There is no doubt riding a powerful motorcyle is more dangerous that riding (or being stuck in traffic) in a Toyota Altis (see what I mean by boring) But I have been riding one in Thailand for over a decade, and I use a bike nearly every day and not yet hit the ground, other than on a track. My riding skills are merely OK but my survival skills are great. I have a car but only use it to transport my children. Each day as I fly past all the clowns enjoying their safety in their going no-where cars I shout, THANK CHRIST FOR MOTORBIKES.

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...as for patex or what ever his name is that said why ride a bike in this day and age I guess we should stop using pushbikes and horses too you sad pooring person
As I said, darwin award... :D:D:D

I think the german lady is very lucky she is lying to me and not someone that might seek justice outside of court, she walks a very dangerous path.

In Germany we are very careful with comments like this. If the wrong people observe an attitude like this you loose all your driving licences until you have proofen your maturity as a responsible motorist :D . This can take you easily up to 2 years, besides from the thousands of Euros :D .

Back to darwin award, I know, many people enjoy riding a motorbike or can't afford a car... but your common sense must tell you it is dangerous to life :o.


Patex <deleted> are you going on about, my bike probably cost more than your current 4 wheel transpor, as for my comments in previous post, I said nothing wrong, I pointed out that this lady is lucky I am a law respecting person and not someone that would get very personal about being lied too, very simple to understand, oh she is also going to produce a witness that will lie also. She is doing all this for what, she made a mistake why not admit it and tell insurance to sort it out, wouldn't that be much easier and honourable instead of being a fatn german lieing bitch that she is turning out to be, this lady owns a reaturant in Nakula that is named after her first name. Very rerspectful business woman eh, hardly expected much else from a ******

Quite simply this lady has no honour or respect for anyone or anything, that is seriously bad, I wonder how her customers would react.

As for, me - only today 8 days later am i able to get up from bed unaided because of my injuries and this lady's stupidity

Mr Patex, you don't happen to be into cofee do you ?

Edited by gharknes
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this lady owns a reaturant in Nakula that is named after her first name. Very rerspectful business woman eh, hardly expected much else from a ******

I'd be tempted to put an ad in the mail advertising free beer on a friday nite........ That'l keep her busy.....

Either that or make it known to the bikers around the id of the car and her......

I know your an ex cop so the above is not gonna be your style ....... so good luck

Patex is just one of those people who just don't get what individual freedom and life is all about. How sad to have a boring, safe and sanitised life ...........

it's better to burn out than fade away.............

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Kasi it's pretty poor that you feel you need to take the piss from someones misfortune, perhaps the same will happen to you some day and well see how the mightly fall, it is obvious you don't really have a clue, maye when i am well enough you can come talk about it face to face


Face to face...ummm. Are you insinuating you can prove your point better with perhaps some physical intimidation? You assume many things. I'll leave the obvious unsaid.

My point throughout this protracted thread is you need to be responsible for your own actions.(You have failed to take responsibility for yourself)

If you can't do that go home and cry about it with your mates at your favorite pub. About how horrible Thailand has treated you!

Give it a rest... as the further you proceed the more ridiculous you reveal yourself to be. :o:D

Kasim, lay off and give Gkarknes a break!

This a fellow expat we're talking about here who's suffered from what I (and others) believe is a foolish driver pulling out without looking and CAUSING an accident! This is hardly a low-life expat up to no good. He has a 50K repair bill plus 2 other bikes and is wounded.

Therefore he now requests council, advice and guidance on open forum TV. Of this he is getting next to nothing but a lot of dismissal veiled accusation, provacation and a condescending attitude, namely from you Kasim (V)!.

Just because TIT and we're foreigners here etc doesn't make it a foregone conclusion that we must suffer all and sundry because we are not thai.

Its about time expats in this country/TV start pulling together a bit more and showing solidarity towards each other in times of need.

Right now this 'Tough luck I had it happen to me, walk away' doesn't cut any ice.

Someone, somewhere on this forum knows who did this and needs to step forward and act as intermediatry between both parties so an agreement can be reached between both parties.

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Kasi it's pretty poor that you feel you need to take the piss from someones misfortune, perhaps the same will happen to you some day and well see how the mightly fall, it is obvious you don't really have a clue, maye when i am well enough you can come talk about it face to face


Face to face...ummm. Are you insinuating you can prove your point better with perhaps some physical intimidation? You assume many things. I'll leave the obvious unsaid.

My point throughout this protracted thread is you need to be responsible for your own actions.(You have failed to take responsibility for yourself)

If you can't do that go home and cry about it with your mates at your favorite pub. About how horrible Thailand has treated you!

Give it a rest... as the further you proceed the more ridiculous you reveal yourself to be. :o:D

Kasim, lay off and give Gkarknes a break!

This a fellow expat we're talking about here who's suffered from what I (and others) believe is a foolish driver pulling out without looking and CAUSING an accident! This is hardly a low-life expat up to no good. He has a 50K repair bill plus 2 other bikes and is wounded.

Therefore he now requests council, advice and guidance on open forum TV. Of this he is getting next to nothing but a lot of dismissal veiled accusation, provacation and a condescending attitude, namely from you Kasim (V)!.

Just because TIT and we're foreigners here etc doesn't make it a foregone conclusion that we must suffer all and sundry because we are not thai.

Its about time expats in this country/TV start pulling together a bit more and showing solidarity towards each other in times of need.

Right now this 'Tough luck I had it happen to me, walk away' doesn't cut any ice.

Someone, somewhere on this forum knows who did this and needs to step forward and act as intermediatry between both parties so an agreement can be reached between both parties.

well said, and i believe you are right and I also know who it is, why he wants to side and support this POS is beyobnd me except perhaps they are both from the same ilk and perhaps same country, maybe this person will have the oportunity to lie to my face tomorrow in the police station.

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Kasi it's pretty poor that you feel you need to take the piss from someones misfortune, perhaps the same will happen to you some day and well see how the mightly fall, it is obvious you don't really have a clue, maye when i am well enough you can come talk about it face to face


Face to face...ummm. Are you insinuating you can prove your point better with perhaps some physical intimidation? You assume many things. I'll leave the obvious unsaid.

My point throughout this protracted thread is you need to be responsible for your own actions.(You have failed to take responsibility for yourself)

If you can't do that go home and cry about it with your mates at your favorite pub. About how horrible Thailand has treated you!

Give it a rest... as the further you proceed the more ridiculous you reveal yourself to be. :o:D

Kasim, lay off and give Gkarknes a break!

This a fellow expat we're talking about here who's suffered from what I (and others) believe is a foolish driver pulling out without looking and CAUSING an accident! This is hardly a low-life expat up to no good. He has a 50K repair bill plus 2 other bikes and is wounded.

Therefore he now requests council, advice and guidance on open forum TV. Of this he is getting next to nothing but a lot of dismissal veiled accusation, provacation and a condescending attitude, namely from you Kasim (V)!.

Just because TIT and we're foreigners here etc doesn't make it a foregone conclusion that we must suffer all and sundry because we are not thai.

Its about time expats in this country/TV start pulling together a bit more and showing solidarity towards each other in times of need.

Right now this 'Tough luck I had it happen to me, walk away' doesn't cut any ice.

Someone, somewhere on this forum knows who did this and needs to step forward and act as intermediatry between both parties so an agreement can be reached between both parties.

well said, and i believe you are right and I also know who it is, why he wants to side and support this POS is beyobnd me except perhaps they are both from the same ilk and perhaps same country, maybe this person will have the oportunity to lie to my face tomorrow in the police station.

gnarknes: Is it SOP for you to spit in the face of someone who apologizes to you. Says a bit about yourself doesn't it?

No matter how you cut it given the circumstances establishing culpability for the driver of the PU will be difficult if not impossible. It's a bitter pill. But that's life sometimes. Better move on.

If you find yourself unable perhaps there is help for you.

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I think the german lady is very lucky she is lying to me and not someone that might seek justice outside of court, she walks a very dangerous path.
...Back to darwin award, I know, many people enjoy riding a motorbike or can't afford a car... but your common sense must tell you it is dangerous to life :o.


Patex <deleted> are you going on about, my bike probably cost more than your current 4 wheel transpor, as for my comments in previous post, I said nothing wrong, I pointed out that this lady is lucky I am a law respecting person and not someone that would get very personal about being lied too, very simple to understand, oh she is also going to produce a witness that will lie also. She is doing all this for what, she made a mistake why not admit it and tell insurance to sort it out, wouldn't that be much easier and honourable instead of being a fatn german lieing bitch that she is turning out to be, this lady owns a reaturant in Nakula that is named after her first name. Very rerspectful business woman eh, hardly expected much else from a ******

Quite simply this lady has no honour or respect for anyone or anything, that is seriously bad, I wonder how her customers would react.

As for, me - only today 8 days later am i able to get up from bed unaided because of my injuries and this lady's stupidity

Mr Patex, you don't happen to be into cofee do you ?


No need to Mister me, as I said in my very first response to your accident, I feel really sorry for your pain, damage and the injustice you have to experience!

But writing the lady is walking a very dangerous path isn't that nice :D . Also jumping on that part of my post that doesn't fits to you only to <deleted> me hurts my feelings.

Calm down, relax, anger can lead to a heart-attack (no joke!).

Maybe you want me to call the german lady and try to appeal to her conscience in her mother's language?

Sincerly, Patex

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I think the german lady is very lucky she is lying to me and not someone that might seek justice outside of court, she walks a very dangerous path.
...Back to darwin award, I know, many people enjoy riding a motorbike or can't afford a car... but your common sense must tell you it is dangerous to life :o.


Patex <deleted> are you going on about, my bike probably cost more than your current 4 wheel transpor, as for my comments in previous post, I said nothing wrong, I pointed out that this lady is lucky I am a law respecting person and not someone that would get very personal about being lied too, very simple to understand, oh she is also going to produce a witness that will lie also. She is doing all this for what, she made a mistake why not admit it and tell insurance to sort it out, wouldn't that be much easier and honourable instead of being a fatn german lieing bitch that she is turning out to be, this lady owns a reaturant in Nakula that is named after her first name. Very rerspectful business woman eh, hardly expected much else from a ******

Quite simply this lady has no honour or respect for anyone or anything, that is seriously bad, I wonder how her customers would react.

As for, me - only today 8 days later am i able to get up from bed unaided because of my injuries and this lady's stupidity

Mr Patex, you don't happen to be into cofee do you ?


No need to Mister me, as I said in my very first response to your accident, I feel really sorry for your pain, damage and the injustice you have to experience!

But writing the lady is walking a very dangerous path isn't that nice :D . Also jumping on that part of my post that doesn't fits to you only to <deleted> me hurts my feelings.

Calm down, relax, anger can lead to a heart-attack (no joke!).

Maybe you want me to call the german lady and try to appeal to her conscience in her mother's language?

Sincerly, Patex

OK yes very dangerous path can be taken wrong way but...

Maybe you want me to call the german lady and try to appeal to her conscience in her mother's language?

Now we are making progress, Patex if possible please can you go about contacting the German woman and appealing to her better nature. It may be all it takes... Otherwise this matter will drag on and on if we allow it to. Right now there are two camps - the hard-liners and the liberals who go with the flow, theres no way of us agreeing on who is to blame. I personally fully support Gharkness but others support the German lady fair enough. Now the woman in question is being summoned to court on the matter and with luck an agreement will be reached that will see Gharkness vindicated and compensated. Time will tell... Until then everyone just chill out, cool our heels and await the verdict. Good luck Gharkness.

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I think the german lady is very lucky she is lying to me and not someone that might seek justice outside of court, she walks a very dangerous path

Amen......... your a better man than I would be in that situation............ seen too many friends injured/killed to be cool when someones lying like that........

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