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Injured American Pit Bull Terrier “Terrorizes” East Pattaya Village

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if you never owned one, i suggest you do not speak on subjects you do not have a clue about.

It is the most loyal and loving animal,it is strong and powerful and when in the wrong hands can be turned into a weapon.

It is the best guard dog for the house while best nanny for the kids.

Sorry, I don't believe you.

Than ask "Cesar Millan", the Dog whisperer, look his shows in True Move in Thailand easy to spot on National Geographic,

many times the two Pit Bulls of Cesar in the picture and therapy! thumbsup.gif

Look my Posting above.


The dogs been going around biting people, lets hope its put down.

You can give most the strays a good kick to fend them off, but not a pitbull.

Owners of these kind of dogs are generally <deleted> the world over.

My standard serving of canned Purina, with a rat-poison chaser, has never served me wrong...disgusting creatures pit-bulls

Disgusting the dogs? Some owners maybe who teach them wrong or not at all.

But, I read "disgusting" posts from the, "usual suspects"! sick.gif

I just lost my small, 4 month young, very pretty and nice Pudel-Thai-Mix to a freely as it seems placed Rat Poison in the small rural Isaan Village!

Was very unpleasant, for me and my 5 year young son to see the dying mess! His last dying pee running threw my hands!

Yes, -DISGUSTING-! Who placed it at the wrong place! bah.gif

Very sorry for your loss... That's a horrible way to go for any loved pet... Or any animal.

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RIP, hope the assailants get dealt with by police sad.png

The dogs been going around biting people, lets hope its put down.

You can give most the strays a good kick to fend them off, but not a pitbull.

Owners of these kind of dogs are generally <deleted> the world over.

My standard serving of canned Purina, with a rat-poison chaser, has never served me wrong...disgusting creatures pit-bulls

if you never owned one, i suggest you do not speak on subjects you do not have a clue about.

It is the most loyal and loving animal,it is strong and powerful and when in the wrong hands can be turned into a weapon.

It is the best guard dog for the house while best nanny for the kids.

Helllooooooo ..... you do know where you are don't you? - Goodness me... "..do not speak on subjects you do not have a clue about...".

This is Thaivisa isn't it?

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American Pit Bulls and Staffordshire Bulll Terrriers are not the same thing....no comparison..

You mean the fact they are from the same lineage, the fact they look the almost identical apart from size, the fact they can both lock their jaw


Fair comment, lets just agree they have extremely powerful jaws.

I saw a Staff bite into a Jack Russell the other year the Jack Russells owner lifted it into the air with the Staff still biting into it, there were people kicking xxxx into the Staff and still it wouldnt let go ... well not until the Jack Russell had died .... And if that was a kid it went for they wouldn't have stood a chance.

Maybe the cant lock their jaw but once they bite it'll take something to get them to let go.

But these dogs were initially bred for violence so its whats to be expected.


There are a lot of misconceptions about pitbulls in general, and their owners as well.

This is unfortunately due to the fact that many people do not know how to raise a pitbull, or any dog for that matter, correctly.

I remember the first speculation came when dog fighters would use pitbulls in the ring obviously due to their lockjaw, strength, speed, cunning, and intelligence.

With the media hype over pitbull incidents all over the world, they fail to mention the cocker spaniel attacks, golden retriever attacks, and mutt attacks, which are

way more frequent, and often just as deadly. It is really sad that most of these attacks are not recorded, but when a pitbull attacks someone, it is reported on the news

and blown out of proportion.

Any large breed dog can kill a child, senior citizen, or another animal. The locking jaw is what really scares people about pitbulls, but they

forget that any feral breed of dog that isn't raised correctly will probably not behave and has a good chance of attacking, doing just as much damage

if not, more than lockjaw.

Pitbulls are naturally very good with humans. They are one of the most affectionate breed of dog and love to play due to their high energy. They need a lot of attention and love.

They can be protective and feral so they may have issues with other animals, but not often if you raise them from a young age while introducing them to a good number of other animals.

Unfortunately, most owners are negligent humans, who lock their pitbulls in a cage because of their high energy. Leave them there for hours, and do not train them, nor show them enough affection.

The dog will have very little social skills and will basically be broken from being anywhere near a domestic setting due to the lack of interaction and love. This is the true problem.

I am sure everyone can appreciate such a strong and beautiful animal, while others may fear it. I love my pitbull very much. He was raised to be a good dog, and that he definitely is, whether it be to me, strangers,

or other animals, he will always show love. They're also much better than having a pet hyena.

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American Pit Bulls and Staffordshire Bulll Terrriers are not the same thing....no comparison..

You mean the fact they are from the same lineage, the fact they look the almost identical apart from size, the fact they can both lock their jaw


Fair comment, lets just agree they have extremely powerful jaws.

I saw a Staff bite into a Jack Russell the other year the Jack Russells owner lifted it into the air with the Staff still biting into it, there were people kicking xxxx into the Staff and still it wouldnt let go ... well not until the Jack Russell had died .... And if that was a kid it went for they wouldn't have stood a chance.

Maybe the cant lock their jaw but once they bite it'll take something to get them to let go.

But these dogs were initially bred for violence so its whats to be expected.


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One more time - you might not like pitbulls or their owners but you will not threaten them with violence. If you do you will be suspended.

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In my Moo Baan their is an English guy who has one of these dogs and lets it roam around on its own, there are sometimes young children paying as well. I spoke to him and said why not take it for walks with a lead, told me to p#*s off and threatened me. I want to kill it & as as I dread the day I hear a child screaming - what would you do lemoncake?

best kill all the dogs as pitbulls are well down on the biting league, why do people always use same old same old child attacks, well I guess its an emotional statement based on ignorance of statistics. Guess you think you are better than the English guy, but you want to kill a dog for walking about not bothering anything.

by the way who are the kids "paying" has to be the BIB for sure.

So you believe it's perfectly OK for this dog to roam around unsupervised when children are playing; completely disagree. Who knows what would provoke it to attack children, but the owner should supervise his dog, called being a responsible owner. From memory two children have been attacked in the past year in Pattaya. I would assume due to the very large unsupervised dog population their would be a lot more unreported attacks. From a post above the stats show this breed is second in reported attacks.

Two dogs have been poisoned in the last few months (assume by Thais) as the owners have let their dogs roam unattended, killed some cats, roosters & defecated everywhere - dogs had Western owners. What do you expect going to happen when owners, when asked to do so, will not take any action to manage their dogs .

Childish to pick up a typo.

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The pit bull breed should be eradicated.............

That goes for a few people I could,but won't ,name.

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RIP, hope the assailants get dealt with by police sad.png

The dogs been going around biting people, lets hope its put down.

You can give most the strays a good kick to fend them off, but not a pitbull.

Owners of these kind of dogs are generally <deleted> the world over.

My standard serving of canned Purina, with a rat-poison chaser, has never served me wrong...disgusting creatures pit-bulls

Yes, If I was bitten by a dog I would seek revenge, against the dog, not it's owner, but I would hesitate about using poison as I would not like to take the chance of poisoning an innocent dog.

What a dog daddy was! Iam not a 100% fan of Cesar's methods from training my dogs but the basic principles are spot on! Look at 2 of my babies, real "baby killers" ha ha!


you should have put a warning sign before posting such an explicit materialbiggrin.png


American Pit Bulls and Staffordshire Bulll Terrriers are not the same thing....no comparison..

You mean the fact they are from the same lineage, the fact they look the almost identical apart from size, the fact they can both lock their jaw


Fair comment, lets just agree they have extremely powerful jaws.

I saw a Staff bite into a Jack Russell the other year the Jack Russells owner lifted it into the air with the Staff still biting into it, there were people kicking xxxx into the Staff and still it wouldnt let go ... well not until the Jack Russell had died .... And if that was a kid it went for they wouldn't have stood a chance.

Maybe the cant lock their jaw but once they bite it'll take something to get them to let go.

But these dogs were initially bred for violence so its whats to be expected.

educate yourself a little about the breed. breed was not bred for violence, but was later trained to be.

i saw an elephant stamp a mouse, so i guess all elephants are mouse killers nowrolleyes.gif

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The <deleted> who owned this dog should be put down at the same time,i was at the market a few weeks ago when a heavilly tatood guy was there with his wife and two kids buying one ,what a w---er!!!

Heavily tattoo'd and a Staff, he must have a complex about how tough he looks.

What's tough about tattoos? Or shaving their heads, or growing facial hair? I think you will find the toughest guys are the ones who look normal and never cause any trouble.

News in the UK today, all dogs to be micro chipped by 2016, it will be a criminal offense not to have a dog chipped.

Just waiting for the boneheads to start shouting that they will not have their dogs chipped.

Personally I like to see a law that says you must have a breeders license to keep a un-neutered bitch, also making all breeders responsible for registering, vaccinating and chipping of all puppies before selling.

I would too, but again TIT, it's not only the BIB who like their tea money. Where that's concerned this country will never change, it is too deeply ingrained, as the people who make the laws will never do anything that affects their tea money.

Anyone know what hospital he was taken? would love to give him home and proper Vet Care( will take him to my Vet, who i know is good)

I feel really sorry for the dog. If he had a good, loving owner it would not have happened. I want to help. too. Now I'm praying for this sad creature..

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In my Moo Baan their is an English guy who has one of these dogs and lets it roam around on its own, there are sometimes young children paying as well. I spoke to him and said why not take it for walks with a lead, told me to p#*s off and threatened me. I want to kill it & as as I dread the day I hear a child screaming - what would you do lemoncake?

I know what I would do, I would go to the nearest BIB, take a bottle of whiskey for him, I think you get my drift.
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I admit I am not a big fan of Pit bulls or Staffys - there are other dogs I prefer like the Thai ridgeback and the good old kelpie but that is my personal choice, but a big part of the problem with Pit bulls is the way their image is promoted, not as kid loving good dogs but as ferocious breed of dog.

There are a percentage of owners who use the image just to menace other people and to instil fear or false respect. And often it is together with the tatts and steroids that make people associate a pit-bull with aggression, but that aggression is more from the attitude of the owner than the dog itself.. Unfortunately you can't have two public perceptions of the one dog. Either they are good gentle faithful dogs which, from testimony here, I would believe they are, or they are ferocious killers that make little boys into men when they are accompanied by a pit-bull. What is the right image ?

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Its not the dogs that are bad, but bad owners, I took in 2 abandoned pit bulls and they were great friendly dogs. that dogs wounds would have healed in a week or so. What happened to the cannot kill bit? try getting a vet to put down a dying dog, cannot Bhudda etc, but will run you up a nice bill of course.

As for attacks on humans well heres some stats, normal dogs up there by a long way

Another great bit of Pattaya's jurno work dog terrorizers village yet showed no sign of aggression when approached. do people actually buy this stuff?

The study concluded that dog attacks were most common with the following breeds:

  • Labrador retrievers: 13.3%
  • Pit Bulls: 8.4%
  • German Shepherds: 7.8%
  • Rottweilers: 3.9%
  • Chows: 3.5%

Labradors????? These dogs are the best for being trained as guide dogs etc. If they are the worst dogs for attacking people, then we may as well exterminate every dog in the world so everyone can walk the streets in safety, from dogs that is.


I remember in NZ many years ago and adult male being killed by one of these on his own out on a farm. It just ripped him to bits. In the 70's in NZ there were heaps of dumb nice dogs around like afgan hounds and Irish Setters (I had one) plus lots of others harmless breeds plus dobermans. Now there are heavyset pitbull types and Staffies everywhere and yes sadly most of the owners look like there dogs

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Actually, the most dangerous dog breeds are in fact.

1. Pit Bulls

2. Rotweilers

3. German Sherpherds

4. Huskies

5. Alaskan Malamutes

6. Doberman Pinschers

7. Chow Chow

8. Presa Canario

9. Boxer

10. Dalmatin




Some lists are a little different but they show the Pit Bull as the most dangerous dog.

I love dogs and have owned a German Shepherd, Huskey and now have a Chocolate lab. I have never seen any unwarranted aggression from these dogs.

I have never heard of a Lab killing anyone but the newspapers and internet document many incidents of Pit Bulls killing or seriously injuring people, other dogs, cats, etc. I wouldn't put out rat poison as you never know what will eat it and where it will die (maybe a rat that crawls in your wall and die, stinking up your house). Police routinely shoot to kill Pit Bulls in Texas since they are so dangerous yet are often out walking around threatening or attacking people, etc.



Pit Bulls that snap usually end up attacking their owners or nearby children or the elderly. Its legal for most of us to carry guns in Texas for protection, but its a hassle I would rather not have to deal with on a daily basis however, I have one if needed to protect my family from pit bulls, criminals, etc. One other defense against an attacking pit bull is to choke it to death with its collar or a belt as this guy had to do http://www.chron.com...roe-1798758.php


Actually, the most dangerous dog breeds are in fact.

1. Pit Bulls

2. Rotweilers

3. German Sherpherds

4. Huskies

5. Alaskan Malamutes

6. Doberman Pinschers

7. Chow Chow

8. Presa Canario

9. Boxer

10. Dalmatin




Some lists are a little different but they show the Pit Bull as the most dangerous dog.

I love dogs and have owned a German Shepherd, Huskey and now have a Chocolate lab. I have never seen any unwarranted aggression from these dogs.

I have never heard of a Lab killing anyone but the newspapers and internet document many incidents of Pit Bulls killing or seriously injuring people, other dogs, cats, etc. I wouldn't put out rat poison as you never know what will eat it and where it will die (maybe a rat that crawls in your wall and die, stinking up your house). Police routinely shoot to kill Pit Bulls in Texas since they are so dangerous yet are often out walking around threatening or attacking people, etc.



Pit Bulls that snap usually end up attacking their owners or nearby children or the elderly. Its legal for most of us to carry guns in Texas for protection, but its a hassle I would rather not have to deal with on a daily basis however, I have one if needed to protect my family from pit bulls, criminals, etc. One other defense against an attacking pit bull is to choke it to death with its collar or a belt as this guy had to do http://www.chron.com...roe-1798758.php

I found Shepherds to be the most dominant and aggressive dogs. Before i moved to Thailand, in Oz i had a bullmastiff and when it was a pup, Shepherds always attacked it for no reason what so ever.

my pit does not attack anyone or anything just for fun, so i guess again down to the owners


One post removed and a quoted reply

Also an profane and infammatory post

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


The <deleted> who owned this dog should be put down at the same time,i was at the market a few weeks ago when a heavilly tatood guy was there with his wife and two kids buying one ,what a w---er!!!

If he bought a pitbull, then the moron will regret that in not a far future. Those and children do not match!

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