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Party Monk Defrocked Over Drugs, Sex Romp In Phuket


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Party monk defrocked over drugs, sex romp in Phuket

Phuket Gazette


Lt Col Akanit (left) speaks with now-defrocked Phra Piroj, as the senior monk at Laem Petch temple, Phra Kru Mahapongsak Taechawanno, looks on. Photo: Kritsada Mueanhawong

PHUKET: -- A monk and two female friends having a sex party in a Patong hotel room were busted by police for drug use yesterday, and the monk was subsequently defrocked.

After receiving a tip from local residents, police raided a hotel room at the southern end of Patong Beach.

newsjs“We went to the location provided and found a monk and two women in the room,” said Patong Deputy Superintendent Akanit Danpitaksat.

“In the room we found used drug paraphernalia, monk Phra Piroj Suwanno, 47, from Nakhon Sawan, and two women, Ms Numfon, 39, and Ms Suriya, 43,” Lt Col Akanit explained.

All three tested positive for drugs, he added.

“The women told police that Phra Piroj was their friend. He travelled from Nakhon Sawan to Phuket and rented the room in Patong. They said they took drugs and had a sex party,” he said.

Phra Piroj was handed over to the senior monk at Laem Petch temple in Patong, where he was defrocked and cast out of the monkhood.

“We have yet to charge any of the suspects as we are still waiting for laboratory results from the Regional Medical Sciences Center in Phuket to confirm the drug use,” Col Akanit said.

“The drug tests we did initially were preliminary tests only. They can be used to place suspects under arrest, but cannot be used in a court of law,” he explained.

Source: http://www.phuketgaz...uket-20151.html


-- Phuket Gazette 2013-02-07

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One of many many monks up to naughtiness I think. Then again any cult that demands celibacy from its followers will end up with many who eventually need to blow their gasket on hookers or whatever warm body they may have access to in the temple.

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Last Sunday I was riding towards my friends home. On the way, there were 2 monks walking on the street. They waved me to slow down, asking for an ride. I thought why not.

After I stopped one monk shake his head and and said it't not going to work with two of them.

He offered an lucky bracelet which I took.

But after this he asked for money to go to Bangkok with an bus. I must say I was annoyed as real monks should never ask for money so I gave him the bracelet back.

When I got to friends house I told the story to friends wife. She called to the local police to check these monks. After 45 minutes got an call back from police. The monks were already gone, by the time police got to the scene.

Even tough I'm pretty much atheist I still think that the monks offer good example of patience and self control in this country. Therefore I'm happy to see that if there is monks gone bad, it's not just 'mai pen rai' attitude, but people still take these cases seriously.

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One of many many monks up to naughtiness I think. Then again any cult that demands celibacy from its followers will end up with many who eventually need to blow their gasket on hookers or whatever warm body they may have access to in the temple.

Buddhism is not a cult.....although there are cult like sects within it..(such as Dhammakaya).

It does demand celibacy from the monks and novices, but they are free to leave. If you can't stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen....if you can't keep the precepts, then disrobe.

but we know that many 'monks' ordain not for the correct reason...to gain enlightenment....but because it is an easy life and can be profitable too for those with no morals.

However do not tar all with the same brush.

Why is Dhamakaya considered by many, like yourself, a cult? I've been there myself and though I don't subscribe to any religion I hardly can say that my observations were led me to be witness to cult activities. They are different from Theravada Buddhism no doubt. But they are not isolating members from friends and families or anything that I can see that is traditionally a cult like activity.

They abandoned the idea that one must live many lives to find Nirvana for a more shall we say "Christian idea" that they have Nirvana in them already. In other words they can find salvation in this life. Which is why it must be so appealing to the masses.

Edited by Unwisemonkey
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One of many many monks up to naughtiness I think. Then again any cult that demands celibacy from its followers will end up with many who eventually need to blow their gasket on hookers or whatever warm body they may have access to in the temple.

Buddhism is not a cult.....although there are cult like sects within it..(such as Dhammakaya).

It does demand celibacy from the monks and novices, but they are free to leave. If you can't stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen....if you can't keep the precepts, then disrobe.

but we know that many 'monks' ordain not for the correct reason...to gain enlightenment....but because it is an easy life and can be profitable too for those with no morals.

However do not tar all with the same brush.

Why is Dhamakaya considered by many, like yourself, a cult? I've been there myself and though I don't subscribe to any religion I hardly can say that my observations were led me to be witness to cult activities. They are different from Theravada Buddhism no doubt. But they are not isolating members from friends and families or anything that I can see that is traditionally a cult like activity.

They abandoned the idea that one must live many lives to find Nirvana for a more shall we say "Christian idea" that they have Nirvana in them already. In other words they can find salvation in this life. Which is why it must be so appealing to the masses.

I think you're missing how the word "cult" is used here - not in the sense of some mind-control, brainwashed following of a charismatic leader; but in the technical sense in that they are a splinter group off of traditional Buddhism. By that definition, some consider Buddhism a Hindu cult; and similarly that's why Christians refer to Mormonism and other groups as cults.

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By that definition, some consider Buddhism a Hindu cult; and similarly that's why Christians refer to Mormonism and other groups as cults.

Following that logic christianity and islam are just cults of judaism, which got it roots probably from hindu.

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By that definition, some consider Buddhism a Hindu cult; and similarly that's why Christians refer to Mormonism and other groups as cults.

Following that logic christianity and islam are just cults of judaism, which got it roots probably from hindu.

Judaism most definitely did not originate from Hinduism.

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Last year I was visiting the monks in a temple in Laos. I climbed the tower to check out the view of the area. I looked down at the buildings below and there was a monk crowched down on the verandah by himself having a romantic time alone with his right hand inside his robe. He did not know that I was in the tower... until I rang the bell and he looked up shocked and ran away

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By that definition, some consider Buddhism a Hindu cult; and similarly that's why Christians refer to Mormonism and other groups as cults.

Following that logic christianity and islam are just cults of judaism, which got it roots probably from hindu.

Judaism most definitely did not originate from Hinduism.

I would not be so sure. Most of the religions have common things. Stories which are reinvented again to their own usages.

Some time ago I saw an good 'fact sheet' which showed well how things has been copied from hinduism to either judaism or christianity. Unfortunately I could not find it now. I'll post it here if I do.

In general there is one powerful religion, which holds the power. Some the people wish to have more power and do an religious revolution by giving a birth to a new god and say that he/she is the person who holds the ultimate power, cleans up the bad things of the previous religion and should be followed unless the common men wish to go to the hell. Every now and then this happens all over again. It's more of the power games of the people, than anything else.

Here is one stories about the similarities fo christianity and hinduism. Search for more.


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I have lived in the Monasteries here , and have found most of the Monks to just be plain people..crazy.gif

Some are great and I respect them.wai.gif

while others are getting by , day to day and learning..

Some were corrupted con men and I was surprised at first , but learned, to be suspicious of anything that walks and talks.

The monks taught me that just wearing a Robe and looking like a Monk does not mean these are good people , some were hiding in the Wat from police, debts, family, responsibilities and commitments +++w00t.gif

So , Judging by the look of a person, what they wear , how the cut their hair , etc is not very smart .. hit-the-fan.gif


I often see the orange clad in the malls here, looking at cellphones, dvd players, cameras or whatever. Do they thinkthey are invisible. If my thai were good enough, I would ask them. Like someone said, they have an easy life where, often poor, people give them money for doing nothing except for some chanting sometimes.

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Many criminals and "ne'er do wells" join the monk-hood immediately after being released from prison for a three month stint that is the "done" thing to do.

Therefore, when you meet a monk, you'll never know if he's a saint, or scum.

Saint or scum they are all human beings with the same goal of avoiding suffering whilst running the other way towards pleasure, and if they are in a position deserving respect but are abusing it then they are especially to be pitied because of the huge karma they are creating.

In the Buddha's eyes all beings are to be pitied unless they have reached the point of no return and are on the way to Nibbana, because they could suffer in the cycle of rebirth for another ten lives or ten billion lives.

Compassion is love for all beings...combined with pity for those still ignorant of the truth.

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Saint or scum they are all human beings with the same goal of avoiding suffering whilst running the other way towards pleasure, and if they are in a position deserving respect but are abusing it then they are especially to be pitied because of the huge karma they are creating.

In the Buddha's eyes all beings are to be pitied unless they have reached the point of no return and are on the way to Nibbana, because they could suffer in the cycle of rebirth for another ten lives or ten billion lives.

Compassion is love for all beings...combined with pity for those still ignorant of the truth.

You're right..........unless of course, that it's all <deleted> anyway.

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I heard a story just yesterday that turned my stomach.

A friend and his wife visited their local temple to offer a gift of food. For some reason, they wanted to give it to the head monk and were directed to his room. After my friend knocked three times, the monk opened the door a fraction and asked that the food be left outside. My friend said that, through the opening, he could see two young boys in the room.

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I heard a story just yesterday that turned my stomach.

A friend and his wife visited their local temple to offer a gift of food. For some reason, they wanted to give it to the head monk and were directed to his room. After my friend knocked three times, the monk opened the door a fraction and asked that the food be left outside. My friend said that, through the opening, he could see two young boys in the room.

...and...were they naked...or just temple boys......what did he do...just leave it at that?

I would have pushed the door open and asked for an explanation...if he had nothing to hide then he couldn't object could he?

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I think you're missing how the word "cult" is used here - not in the sense of some mind-control, brainwashed following of a charismatic leader; but in the technical sense in that they are a splinter group off of traditional Buddhism. By that definition, some consider Buddhism a Hindu cult; and similarly that's why Christians refer to Mormonism and other groups as cults.

Sorry, but that's complete rubbish. Type "define cult" into Google to find out what this is; but religious sub-sects are called Denominations.

Edited by timbothaivisa
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One of many many monks up to naughtiness I think. Then again any cult that demands celibacy from its followers will end up with many who eventually need to blow their gasket on hookers or whatever warm body they may have access to in the temple.

Buddhism is not a cult.....although there are cult like sects within it..(such as Dhammakaya).

It does demand celibacy from the monks and novices, but they are free to leave. If you can't stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen....if you can't keep the precepts, then disrobe.

but we know that many 'monks' ordain not for the correct reason...to gain enlightenment....but because it is an easy life and can be profitable too for those with no morals.

However do not tar all with the same brush.

Why is Dhamakaya considered by many, like yourself, a cult? I've been there myself and though I don't subscribe to any religion I hardly can say that my observations were led me to be witness to cult activities. They are different from Theravada Buddhism no doubt. But they are not isolating members from friends and families or anything that I can see that is traditionally a cult like activity.

They abandoned the idea that one must live many lives to find Nirvana for a more shall we say "Christian idea" that they have Nirvana in them already. In other words they can find salvation in this life. Which is why it must be so appealing to the masses.

I beg to differ about this being a "Christian idea". Mahayana Buddhists (Japan, China, Tibet, Vietnam, Korea) have held this philosophy since before the birth of the Christ. I think they got it from their Mahayana brethren.

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Judaism most definitely did not originate from Hinduism. I second that

Read the history beyond your own domain and you might find some different answers.

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By that definition, some consider Buddhism a Hindu cult; and similarly that's why Christians refer to Mormonism and other groups as cults.

Following that logic christianity and islam are just cults of judaism, which got it roots probably from hindu.

Judaism most definitely did not originate from Hinduism.

I would not be so sure. Most of the religions have common things. Stories which are reinvented again to their own usages.

Some time ago I saw an good 'fact sheet' which showed well how things has been copied from hinduism to either judaism or christianity. Unfortunately I could not find it now. I'll post it here if I do.

Please do!

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