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Thai Government Bans Xanax


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I agree with the Thai government, as much as possible of these chemical shit products from Pfizer and similar companies must be banned. Chemicals in your body can never give you any benifit.

This sort of comment always baffles me - your body is made 100% out of "chemicals" - and even if you were to narrow it to "exogenous chemicals" then I would just have to wonder if you plan to never eat or drink anything.

Drugs are usually modified natural substances and every man-made drug bar none, has toxic side effects. Can't see how anyone defends this shit (any drugs).

So you've never taken a para for a stinking headache, then? Millions would be dead without drugs (meds). If one is lacking said chemical (AartLiberty) and these synthetic chemicals give rise to relief by bringing about 'natural' chemicals, is that not a good thing? Side effects are also not necessarily attributed directly with the drug; the action of the drug on the organism (you) causes all sorts of things to be altered, giving rise to side effects. If there were no side effects, there would be no relief. Trick is to keep side effects minimal.

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I agree with the Thai government, as much as possible of these chemical shit products from Pfizer and similar companies must be banned. Chemicals in your body can never give you any benifit.

Though I do not have the same contempt for all drugs, since many can have benefits, especially in countries like Thailand (last I heard TB and Malaria were issues, along with other communicable diseases)

You will only see this in a country that does not have 2 drug company lobbiest for every politician. Course, if they did it would make the corruption we see hear in the US become out of control in Thailand. I'm am talking about politician talking money from these groups to get bills passes that would make more drugs available.

Xanax is abused, but as far as I know not for date rape. That's new to me. It is used (abused) here for it speed effects by students up late cramming for test and teenagers mostly, I think.

That being said, the Thai government dosen't seem too in touch with reality. Almost moronic, which is scary.

Actually the reverse. " Xanax is a drug prescribed to decrease anxiety and insomnia. It is a sedative, in the drug class of benzodiazephines, which depress the central nervous system in order to decrease anxiety." So no the student would not stay awake they would go to sleep.

And xanax is more associated with mild memory loss so not a drug to be used for cramming for exams.

Yes xanax has side effects but as a friend who had severe anxiety, had been through years of therapy, CBT and everything else alternative (he was a huge anti pharmaceutical stance guy) before he came to xanax said "the side effects of xanax aren't as bad as the effects of having anxiety so bad that I can't leave the house without shaking, not being able to hold down a job or provide for my family. I'll take all the the side effects of xanax to be able to do all those things."

Xanax has legitimate uses but from the little information that I'm reading it seems just like they are going to enforce the whole needing a prescription and going to a doctor or hospital rather than just getting it OTC. No different from Australia if this is the case.

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I agree with the Thai government, as much as possible of these chemical shit products from Pfizer and similar companies must be banned. Chemicals in your body can never give you any benifit.

Except to possibly SAVE YOUR LIFE!!!! Let me guess, you're a Scientologist, right?

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As if this will have ANY effect of the drug trade in Thailand.

Just as Thailand is known for being a knock-off capital for watches, clothing, etc, they are also known as the number 2 country behind India that attempts to send counterfeit drugs to the US. Won't be long before Somchai cranks up his pill press and starts passing off baby laxative as Xanax.

Edited by Maudib
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Wikipedia says......

Benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome—often abbreviated to benzo withdrawal—is the cluster of symptoms that emerge when a person who has taken benzodiazepines has developed a physical dependence and undergoes dosage reduction or discontinuation. It is characterized by often severe sleep disturbance, irritability, increased tension and anxiety, panic attacks, hand tremor, sweating, difficulty in concentration, confusion and cognitive difficulty, memory problems, dry retching and nausea, weight loss, palpitations, headache, muscular pain and stiffness, a host of perceptual changes, hallucinations, seizures, psychosis,[1] and suicide[2] (see "Signs and Symptoms" section below for full list). Further, these symptoms are notable for the manner in which they wax and wane and vary in severity from day to day or week by week instead of steadily decreasing in a straightforward linear manner.[3]

Benzodiazepine withdrawal is similar to alcohol and barbiturate withdrawal syndromes.[13] It can be severe and provoke life-threatening withdrawal symptoms, such as seizures,[14] particularly with abrupt or over-rapid dosage reduction from high doses or long time users.[4]

Those are the possible withdrawal symptoms if you take too much for too long. For alcoholics who suffer seizures when they stop drinking, benzodiazepines such as diazepam can literally be a lifesaver. It is no coincidence that the same symptoms they alleviate can reappear with a vengeance if you take them for a long time and then stop suddenly.
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I agree with the Thai government, as much as possible of these chemical shit products from Pfizer and similar companies must be banned. Chemicals in your body can never give you any benifit.

This sort of comment always baffles me - your body is made 100% out of "chemicals" - and even if you were to narrow it to "exogenous chemicals" then I would just have to wonder if you plan to never eat or drink anything.

Your body is not made of of synthetic chemicals. Therein lies the difference. Drugs of any description are usually a bandaid for the symptom rather than treat the causes. Drugs are usually modified natural substances and every man-made drug bar none, has toxic side effects. Can't see how anyone defends this shit (any drugs).

Well if your God-given body is healthy enough you don't need to take medicine then you should be happy. But many people in this world have cancer, infections, diseases, insomnia, hypothyroidism, and on and on that unfortunately need to use these "chemicals" to have a reasonable quality of life. Do you wish all these sick people to just go away and die or live a life of hell just because you feel you don't need the drugs. My God. I hope you don't sick and need medicine someday that some arrogant idiot decided to ban. If you want to go live in the dark ages, please go ahead but don't take the rest of us with you.

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I agree with the Thai government, as much as possible of these chemical shit products from Pfizer and similar companies must be banned. Chemicals in your body can never give you any benifit.

Here come the crazies pushing their barrows.

So I should stop my wife who has been HIV positive for 21 years from taking her medication and allow her to die from TB, diabetes or some other opportunistic disease? Should we consign Sir Alexander Fleming and his associates to Purgatory?

Get real sunshine and then go seeking for help with your affliction.

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I agree with the Thai government, as much as possible of these chemical shit products from Pfizer and similar companies must be banned. Chemicals in your body can never give you any benifit.

I disagree.

Were it not for chemo, my Mother would be dead now.......

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I agree with the Thai government, as much as possible of these chemical shit products from Pfizer and similar companies must be banned. Chemicals in your body can never give you any benifit.

Wander down to the corners of Sukh 3 - 5. Want do you want?

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This is a ridiculous ban. I've used Xanax over the past 15 years from time to time to relax the mind so I was able to sleep when in heavy stress. I have never once had any side effect. It is so mild and gentle, I cannot imagine it would be the cause of any so called "date rape". Better to ban alcohol which is 100 times more effective than Xanax to cause a woman to become more willing.

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I agree with the Thai government, as much as possible of these chemical shit products from Pfizer and similar companies must be banned. Chemicals in your body can never give you any benifit.

best go anorexic then, have you read a food label lately, trying telling a cancer patient morphine is not good for you body. So chemo not good to fight cancer, and all the Aids drugs on the market that extend life. Ever wondered why life expectancy has gone up.
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I agree with the Thai government, as much as possible of these chemical shit products from Pfizer and similar companies must be banned. Chemicals in your body can never give you any benifit.

This sort of comment always baffles me - your body is made 100% out of "chemicals" - and even if you were to narrow it to "exogenous chemicals" then I would just have to wonder if you plan to never eat or drink anything.

Your body is not made of of synthetic chemicals. Therein lies the difference. Drugs of any description are usually a bandaid for the symptom rather than treat the causes. Drugs are usually modified natural substances and every man-made drug bar none, has toxic side effects. Can't see how anyone defends this shit (any drugs).

Sorry guys but i just have to reply to the two anti drug statements here, having suffered from grand mal seizures and their related effects for 10 years, finding a drug(not a benzo) that has stopped seizures for 12 years now and allowed me to live a life has been of enormous benefit and i will defend this so called shit to my death bed. The article does say that xanax can still be sold at state hospitals so is still available for those that have a medical need for it.

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I agree with the Thai government, as much as possible of these chemical shit products from Pfizer and similar companies must be banned. Chemicals in your body can never give you any benifit.

best go anorexic then, have you read a food label lately, trying telling a cancer patient morphine is not good for you body. So chemo not good to fight cancer, and all the Aids drugs on the market that extend life. Ever wondered why life expectancy has gone up.

Life expectancy in Thailand has gone up? Stats please wai2.gif

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I agree with the Thai government, as much as possible of these chemical shit products from Pfizer and similar companies must be banned. Chemicals in your body can never give you any benifit.

This sort of comment always baffles me - your body is made 100% out of "chemicals" - and even if you were to narrow it to "exogenous chemicals" then I would just have to wonder if you plan to never eat or drink anything.

Your body is not made of of synthetic chemicals. Therein lies the difference. Drugs of any description are usually a bandaid for the symptom rather than treat the causes. Drugs are usually modified natural substances and every man-made drug bar none, has toxic side effects. Can't see how anyone defends this shit (any drugs).

Sorry guys but i just have to reply to the two anti drug statements here, having suffered from grand mal seizures and their related effects for 10 years, finding a drug(not a benzo) that has stopped seizures for 12 years now and allowed me to live a life has been of enormous benefit and i will defend this so called shit to my death bed. The article does say that xanax can still be sold at state hospitals so is still available for those that have a medical need for it.

That would seem to be what has prompted the ban. See you in line at the hospital.

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I agree with the Thai government, as much as possible of these chemical shit products from Pfizer and similar companies must be banned. Chemicals in your body can never give you any benifit.

"Chemicals in your body can never give you any benifit." - is this a joke ? Or possibly irony ? So no chemotherapy for cancer ?; no analgesics for severe pain ?; no anesthetics ?... etc... etc ... Why on earth 6 people 'liked' this....baffling.

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I agree with the Thai government, as much as possible of these chemical shit products from Pfizer and similar companies must be banned. Chemicals in your body can never give you any benifit.

If I were to believe that you actually lived in a manner approximating the one your words suggest, you would be facing a fairly short life expectancy.

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