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Thai Government Bans Xanax


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Although I don't take Xanax, it really makes me angry when governments ban substances that clearly have medicinal benefits. Case in point? Marijuana. It's been shown time and again to have pain relieving benefits for people suffering from some of the most painful/debilitating diseases. Another example? Ecstasy (or actually MDMA). Studies have shown it works wonders for combat veterans, domestic violence victims, or anyone else suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Last example? Ketamine. A rather obscure drug, but I just read a study where they actually found that Ketamine worked almost instantly to relieve major depressive disorder vs. traditional anti-depressant medications which can take between 2-4 weeks to start working. A much better option for that person who's on the ledge about to jump.

Now if you'll excuse me I have severe allergies and congestion, need to pop out and pick up some actifed. Oh wait... ermm.gif

I don't think it should be banned, but there's a big difference between marijuana, which is pretty harmless and not physically addictive, and Xanax, whose withdrawal symptoms are horrific and can last a year or more.

Edited by RogueLeader
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Although I don't take Xanax, it really makes me angry when governments ban substances that clearly have medicinal benefits. Case in point? Marijuana. It's been shown time and again to have pain relieving benefits for people suffering from some of the most painful/debilitating diseases. Another example? Ecstasy (or actually MDMA). Studies have shown it works wonders for combat veterans, domestic violence victims, or anyone else suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Last example? Ketamine. A rather obscure drug, but I just read a study where they actually found that Ketamine worked almost instantly to relieve major depressive disorder vs. traditional anti-depressant medications which can take between 2-4 weeks to start working. A much better option for that person who's on the ledge about to jump.

Now if you'll excuse me I have severe allergies and congestion, need to pop out and pick up some actifed. Oh wait... ermm.gif

I don't think it should be banned, but there's a big difference between marijuana, which is pretty harmless and not physically addictive, and Xanax, whose withdrawal symptoms are horrific and can last a year or more.

If that was the reason they banned Xanax (Alprazolam), then all benzothiazines should have been banned. But this isn't about benzothiazines, which are widely available at government hospitals (example lorazapam and diazapam). The only difference between these are their half-lifes during metabolism. Xanax has a relatively short half-life (measured in hours) which actually makes it a better sleep medicine because you don't wake up groggy, unlike diazapam which has a half-life that is days long. And as far as horrific withdrawal symptoms and 'addictive qualities', it really varies markedly from person to person. I've never found them 'addictive' and I've never suffered withdrawal symptoms.

So, basically the Thai MPs banned Xanax based on a knee-jerk reaction. Date rape drug. Criminy, you'd have to eat a handful for that effect. I think your date would notice the sediment in her nasty tasting drink. laugh.png What a laugh. We need to label Stupid those things that are truly stupid. And this (banning Alprazolam).....is really stupid. But - TIT

Edited by connda
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  • 1 month later...

Unless it is mentioned in an earlier post that I missed, the ban seems to be on Alprazolam.......not the branded 'Xanax' , which costs up to 5X more than the generic. Would the Thai Public Health Ministry be bending under the pre$$ure of the almighty Pfizer??

this kind of thing never happens in LOS, right wink.png

Earlier today, the Public Health Ministry issued a decree suspending the sale of Alprazolam, the generic name for Xanax, within Thailand

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I get Alprazolam from my doctor (shrink) @ samitivej, because of general anxiety. So does this mean my doc is no good?! I'd be happy to see what happens if I get caught with it, as I need it for real, not to use like rape drug obviously. They are crazy to ban it! I'm actually quiet angry now, because there are people like me who need it to survive almost outside.

If I don't take it, within an hour I get a panic attack outside.

I guess I'll be exempted and can carry some proof of evidence with me in my wallet from samitivej, well I hope so?

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  • 6 months later...

Unless it is mentioned in an earlier post that I missed, the ban seems to be on Alprazolam.......not the branded 'Xanax' , which costs up to 5X more than the generic. Would the Thai Public Health Ministry be bending under the pre$$ure of the almighty Pfizer??

this kind of thing never happens in LOS, right wink.png

Earlier today, the Public Health Ministry issued a decree suspending the sale of Alprazolam, the generic name for Xanax, within Thailand

Whilst the last post was spam, it meant I noticed this - Xanax is a trade name, it is still Alprazolam and is banned as well.

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  • 2 months later...

Are they serious? ROFL

I personaly am against the drug because it caused a paradox reaction in me ,personaly . I have accute and sustained anxiety and when I use the traditional methods like Xanax and Valium I slip into a delusional violent and psychotic state of mind. I had to find another way . I have used a couple natural alternitives for over a year and I have to say personaly in my experience a 750 Mg Dose of a natural amino acid called GABA and 50 to 100 mg of another amino called 5 HTP makes me as calm ,peacfull as if a person on Xanax or Valium and the drowseyness is far less than the traditional medication. I feel great with this stuff and I am able to function normaly with it. It also helps greatly with withdrawls from addictive substances by keeping your seratonin and dopamine where they should be. I'm not saying this is perfect for you ,It doesent work on everyone from what I hear but if it help you thats all that matters. It's cheap ,safe and effective. I take mine with a slow release niacin twice a day and I feel happy and ,calm while still being able to think and work to feed my family . Just try it and it may help you like it helped me.

Western medicine is contaminating your homeland . I am an American and I personal would rather see a tribal medicine man or healer than any western doctor . I had to seek a psychiatrist from India to help me because the medicines of my own land are all poison bar none.

I don't critcize anyone for their recreational use of any drug ,Your own will is determined by you and it's not my place to criticize you. My comment is only directed at those who need to find another solution to their mental wellbeing.

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