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Ferang Female ######!


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Goody goody for you flummoxed, you managed to get yourself published on stickman's site. You've had your say, I am sure you feel much better now. Now go away. Post your BS in some other site, thank you.

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Goody goody for you flummoxed, you managed to get yourself published on stickman's site. You've had your say, I am sure you feel much better now. Now go away. Post your BS in some other site, thank you.

Respect SB! :D

Thing is. . . .it makes me larrrf. These farang guys are obviously so insecure in the company of strong, independent women, who posess the ablilty to formulate credible opinions and express intelligent points of view. They feel threatened - they MUST do - otherwise why do they feel the need to drone on in this way - throwing their rattles outta the pram - and to devote web space to doing so ?????? . . .its a joke! :o


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A famous scientist once wrote that there is no such thing as magic, only technology we don't understand. In the same frame of mind there is no such thing as BS, only opinion with which one does not agree.

My Thai partner is the most opinionated and strong willed woman I have met, that's one of the things I love about her. My point is that like many Asian women, she manages to maintain a feminine quality that has been bred out of you lot, despite her strong will and intelligence......note what I say here as you are under the impression I like submissive women. You are so wrong.

It is an old chestnut of feminist types, that you should accuse me of liking submissive women. On the contrary.....I just like my women to be, well, womanly. Got it?!

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A famous scientist once wrote that there is no such thing as magic, only technology we don't understand. In the same frame of mind there is no such thing as BS, only opinion with which one does not agree.

My Thai partner is the most opinionated and strong willed woman I have met, that's one of the things I love about her. My point is that like many Asian women, she manages to maintain a feminine quality that has been bred out of you lot, despite her strong will and intelligence......note what I say here as you are under the impression I like submissive women. You are so wrong.

It is an old chestnut of feminist types, that you should accuse me of liking submissive women. On the contrary.....I just like my women to be, well, womanly. Got it?!

No actually - I don't get it!

What I don't 'GET' is the way in which you make sweeping generalizations about both Thai and Western women. Implying quite blatently in your last message that apparantly 'all' western women are unable to maintain femininity & beauty . The way in which you describe farang women as 'you lot' only serves to reinforce your ignorance and basic descriminatory stance on this matter. Tut tut . . . .discrimination . . .not good . . . .and how sad in this day and age!

I haven't made any judgement or indeed accusation about the type of women you 'like' - nor am I interested in your personal taste - so don't presume I am under any 'impression' . . . .I am under no impression, therefore I am not 'wrong' as you were so quick to point out!

The vehemence of your response ammuses me . . . . .

Oh . . .and pray tell . . .what indeed are 'feminist types' . . .could they possibly be women who are

" most opinionated and strong willed "


"manage to maintain a feminine quality "


"strong will and intelligence"

I'm interested in your definition . . . .because I am all of the above . . .and so it seems, is your Thai girlfriend!


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People who like to make broad generalizations do so out of fear and ignorance. You can feel whatever the heck you like flummoxed, my point being that I DON'T PARTICULARLY WANT TO HEAR YOUR OPINION AND NOR DO I CARE @#!% ALL ABOUT YOUR OPINION.

Point made?? Point taken I hope. This is the farang women in thailand forum, not the saddened bitter farang men who live in thailand and hate farang women forum.

Your BS (and yes, it is your opinion but that doesn't make it right) has been heard over and over again on this forum and is not welcome. GET IT NOW??? :o:D

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Guest IT Manager
A famous scientist once wrote that there is no such thing as magic, only technology we don't understand. In the same frame of mind there is no such thing as BS, only opinion with which one does not agree.

My Thai partner is the most opinionated and strong willed woman I have met, that's one of the things I love about her. My point is that like many Asian women, she manages to maintain a feminine quality that has been bred out of you lot, despite her strong will and intelligence......note what I say here as you are under the impression I like submissive women. You are so wrong.

It is an old chestnut of feminist types, that you should accuse me of liking submissive women. On the contrary.....I just like my women to be, well, womanly. Got it?!

Fummox when you say opinionated does that go along the lines "give me your wallet dope"? I am going to the shop dope?

I find western women to be rather particular about their company so chances are that your problem originates there.

IMHO it would be interesting to see your lady with a bunch of western women, probably of intellectual superiority to your own, and see who goes home with whom.


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Mmmm, flummoxed, so sad, do you think that we haven't heard this crap before & as sbk has pointed out, we don't care. Good for you, you've got a thai bird, big <deleted>@*ing whoop dee doo. Go spend time with her & I hope for her sake that you have better manners with her than you do with other women.

Interestingly, assuming that you re causacian, you must at least have a mother, maybe sisters, a favorite aunt, grandmother??? Are they "one of you lot" too. Think about it next time you make sweeping & insulting coments about farang women, ok?

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I just like my women to be, well, womanly. Got it?!

My problem is I'm too womanly - thinking about a reduction

:o lol lol hence the big nicks hey Nat :D

Nothing wrong with womanly grrlfriend . . .absolutely nothing attractive about a stick insect :D

"This is the farang women in thailand forum, not the saddened bitter farang men who live in thailand and hate farang women forum"

RESEPCT big stylee SB!

"it would be interesting to see your lady with a bunch of western women, probably of intellectual superiority to your own, and see who goes home with whom"

Right on man! :D

"Good for you, you've got a thai bird, big <deleted>@*ing whoop dee doo. Go spend time with her & I hope for her sake that you have better manners with her than you do with other women"

Couldn't have put it better myself Boo . . . .

Keep on truckin' guys! :D


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hmm.. interesting user name, flummoxed. Wonder if he is confusing or just confused?? :D

Bad day to start it with SBK! cat woke me up at 6:30 am standing on my bladder, pretty bad PMT, fly flew into my coffee this morning and then an annoying poster on my favorite forum! I was really enjoying that big pants conversation until it got so rudely interrupted. What are Nat and Boo up to in Bangkok? :o

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What are Nat and Boo up to in Bangkok? :o

Mischief :D

Boo can't get enough of me, keeps coming back for more :D

Actually sbk we're thinking of coming to visit you in the sticks :D

We can resume the big panty convo now. Being an aussie I love my thongs :D but some of those nonna jocks (a term coined by myself and some aussie friends while we were young - to help with the definition 'nonna' means grandmother in italian) have very pretty lace designs, plus claim to not only control the tummy but give the butt an instant lift - my mum swears by them.

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cat woke me up at 6:30 am standing on my bladder, pretty bad PMT

lol :o

sbk - what YOU need is a good old pair of big 'Bridget Jones' pants.

They act as excellent bladder-protectors for early morning cat-attacks!

They're fab for keeping the tummy warm during 'that' time of the month and therefore reducing those awful crampy things!

As Nat so rightly said - they 'hold it in' whatever time of the month it is :D

AND they give your a*s a great big lift so its up there with them best of 'em!!

What more could you want - they're a must for any chicks 'bottom' drawer ['scuse the punn] :D Hope this brightens up your day :D


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Mission acomplished

just confused I guess. :o

Thanks for the big panty tip, I always wondered about that, never could get with the thong idea, spent too much time trying to get it out of my bum, can't imagine voluntarily putting it back! :D

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never could get with the thong idea, spent too much time trying to get it out of my bum, can't imagine voluntarily putting it back! :o

sbk you're doing it all wrong - it's suppose to stay in there :D eventually you no longer feel it :D

There is always the commando option, usually reserved for the walk of shame :D:D

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never could get with the thong idea, spent too much time trying to get it out of my bum, can't imagine voluntarily putting it back!  :o

sbk you're doing it all wrong - it's suppose to stay in there :D eventually you no longer feel it :D

lol - yeh- its supposed to stay there . . . .eventually it disintergrates!! lol :D

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Think about it

Boo Not trying to start anything but I have heard those words (If you think about it) (thing) spoken to myself and other men many times in recent years, and always buy females never another man. I really can't decide if it's just a poke, a reminder that men don't think about things the first time around, or a feeble attempt to add some measure of validity to a point they are haveing trouble getting across. Annoying words-----If you think about it :o:D

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Sorry to say Marshy, I have found women often have to repeat themselves to get their point across or have to say something to show that they have made a point 'cause more often than not, the man is not listening or not thinking about it! Its interesting that we rarely have this issue with each other cause we do generally listen. funny how such a small thing (and so easy to do) raises such big issues.

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Sorry to say Marshy, I have found women often have to repeat themselves to get their point across or have to say something to show that they have made a point 'cause more often than not, the man is not listening or not thinking about it! Its interesting that we rarely have this issue with each other cause we do generally listen. funny how such a small thing (and so easy to do) raises such big issues.

I'm always listening intently the first time around to whatever anyone has to say women and men alike cause some of what's said is so far off it becomes interesting. The second time?----Well it's understandable why the automatic auditory dissabling system takes over. :D:D

Hope I don't get torched but i'm inclined to agree with the generalization that (modern women) (21st century American) have a bit to much starch in there corset. :o

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Hope I don't get torched but i'm inclined to agree with the generalization that (modern women) (21st century American) have a bit to much starch in there corset.  :D

Hope I don't get torched but i'm inclined to agree with the generalization that modern men (21st century , who lurk around womens forums) have a bit too much b/s dribbling from their mouths :o

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