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17 Gunmen Dead In Thai Military Base Attack: Army


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Fourth Army’s spokesman Col Pramote Prom-in told Thai television that information about the planned attack was provided local residents. He put the number of insurgents at about 100.

So we can all expect more bombs to go off in the markets in that area. Seems kind of stupid of the military to provide that type of information.

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CNN TV just broadcast a report with photos in their headlines. Unfortunately, much of the world doesn't know north Thailand from south Thailand, so all they hear is that a bunch of muslim jihadists attacked a Thai military base somewhere in Thailand, so that makes Thailand too dangerous to visit.

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It could have all been avoided by a curfew.

It could all have been avoided If Thailand could find some way of getting rid of the Muslims, or at least closing down their Mosques, there's a war going on down there, and also in other Muslim infected countries that the UK and US among others are fighting in. Get rid of the Muslims and you get rid of the trouble, but unfortunately, it's been left too late.

if you steal something and the owner complains about it and wants to attack you .Then the sollution is to get rid of the owner ?

It seems you dont know sh#t about the problem,you dont know thais stole a complete malay kingdom and tries to make them speak thai and convert them

to budism? You did not know this ?

Why do you give stupid comments like that,if you dont know sh#t about it?

Learn your history and you will understand the problems .

So where is the Sultan (not King) of Pattani today so that we might hand back to him his Sultanate (not Kingdom)?

If fact, I don't ever remember seeing a Sultanate of Pattani appearing in the media demanding his stolen land back, just a ragbag of Muslim troublemakers.

Plenty of Muslims live peacefully throughout the Thai kingdom with the same rights and privileges as those Muslims in the three southern states, but I don't see any of these other Muslims causing civil unrest throughout Thailand. They seem to be quite content to be called Thai.

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they were warned it would happen yet only managed to kill 17, must be very poor shots. Why wasnt a kill zone set up?, claymores and some well set up MG's would have removed them all, sounds like the "army" wanted to have some free target practice rather than removing all the scum, very poor result.

Figured all of that out from a small media snipett and no recon or nothin'! clap2.gifcheesy.gif They just better consult you first next timetongue.png
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seems no many readers know the facts about the south ?

In 1786, Siam (as Thailand was then called) expanded its influence(stole) to include

Patani and thus ended the Patani kingdom’s reign as a regional power.

In the process, Siam appointed leaders loyal to Siam to replace the existing rulers of

Patani and this led to the isolation of existing elites. This historical annexation

of the south serves as a more convincing reason behind the ongoing contention

between Malay Muslims and Siamese.

So they stole this muslim Kingdom ,kicked out the leaders and put their own puppet regime in.

The original not thai speaking people and non budist were forced to speak thai and become budists.

Well this will never happen ,this is so unfair ,they will rather die .

So all they do is to try to get back what is theirs.

Only sollution is to give those provonces back to the rightfull owners.But they wont loose face on this ,because they gave away parts of thailand on 14 different occasions and Rama5 said this was enough ,no more land could be given away.

I hope they win .But the chanse is small,look what happened in Ireland,Yougoslavia,mozambique,korea ,Vietnam..........

And i hope not to read those ignorant comments

If you want to give the members here a history lesson you should make sure the info you putting out is correct and not some jibberish who looks like it been copied from an pro Al Qaeda website coffee1.gif ..............

why dont you look for yourself on a webside you choose yourself?

History is not made up ,facts are facts.

Well it seems that ignorant people here dont want the thruth,they only want to hear "jibberish" and stay dum .ok i let you be as you like .

I`m indeed quite familiar with the history of the South and so are quite few of the TV members.And the ones who aren`t can look up a rwebsite by themselves and get reliable info if interested.....................................................sadly the info you`ve provided is not very reliable at all !!!

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These cowards murdered teachers, monks, children, women: CIVILIANS. Their crimes are despicable.

Well done Thai Army! Although the score should have been better. none of these terrorists should have escaped, but captured and brought to justice

I liked your idea right up until you said captured.sad.png

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The way the Thai government in Bangkok along with most of its citizens around the country and the super powers worldwide are ignoring this prolonged and continuing conflict is amazing to me. What will it take for the world police (USA, UK and France) to get involved help protect the people of the Deep South here in Thailand? Maybe after another insurgence strike with a higher profile target like some tourist places in Phuket or Pattaya will make the outside world help and take notice of this terrible conflict and loss of lives here in Thailand?

I hope not.

They asked PM Thaksin Shinnawatra when the problems first arose if Thailand needed any help, but Thailand refused and said that they can deal with their problems by themselves. It was around the time when there was a war on drugs campaign around 2004.

this started a long time before Taskin was in office. Who is that offered help? What type of help? i dont see anyone being able to help.
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seems no many readers know the facts about the south ?

In 1786, Siam (as Thailand was then called) expanded its influence(stole) to include

Patani and thus ended the Patani kingdom’s reign as a regional power.

In the process, Siam appointed leaders loyal to Siam to replace the existing rulers of

Patani and this led to the isolation of existing elites. This historical annexation

of the south serves as a more convincing reason behind the ongoing contention

between Malay Muslims and Siamese.

So they stole this muslim Kingdom ,kicked out the leaders and put their own puppet regime in.

The original not thai speaking people and non budist were forced to speak thai and become budists.

Well this will never happen ,this is so unfair ,they will rather die .

So all they do is to try to get back what is theirs.

Only sollution is to give those provonces back to the rightfull owners.But they wont loose face on this ,because they gave away parts of thailand on 14 different occasions and Rama5 said this was enough ,no more land could be given away.

I hope they win .But the chanse is small,look what happened in Ireland,Yougoslavia,mozambique,korea ,Vietnam..........

And i hope not to read those ignorant comments

If you want to give the members here a history lesson you should make sure the info you putting out is correct and not some jibberish who looks like it been copied from an pro Al Qaeda website coffee1.gif ..............

why dont you look for yourself on a webside you choose yourself?

History is not made up ,facts are facts.

Well it seems that ignorant people here dont want the thruth,they only want to hear "jibberish" and stay dum .ok i let you be as you like .

I`m indeed quite familiar with the history of the South and so are quite few of the TV members.And the ones who aren`t can look up a rwebsite by themselves and get reliable info if interested.....................................................sadly the info you`ve provided is not very reliable at all !!!

Why is it some one comes along and justifies the terrorists actions with three hundred year old coffee1.gif information. Why not go back to the 15 hundreds or the eleventh century or the days when Buddha walked on the earth.

People should grow up and realize this is 2013 not 1786.wai2.gif

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The way the Thai government in Bangkok along with most of its citizens around the country and the super powers worldwide are ignoring this prolonged and continuing conflict is amazing to me. What will it take for the world police (USA, UK and France) to get involved help protect the people of the Deep South here in Thailand? Maybe after another insurgence strike with a higher profile target like some tourist places in Phuket or Pattaya will make the outside world help and take notice of this terrible conflict and loss of lives here in Thailand?

I hope not.

They asked PM Thaksin Shinnawatra when the problems first arose if Thailand needed any help, but Thailand refused and said that they can deal with their problems by themselves. It was around the time when there was a war on drugs campaign around 2004.

this started a long time before Taskin was in office. Who is that offered help? What type of help? i dont see anyone being able to help.

Well said

Perhaps glassdude007 would like to turn Thailand into another Iraq or Afghanistan. Both of which involved more than a few terrorists. Also if glassdude007 looks closely both cases involved throwing the ruling powers out of office and in one case hanging the leader. Fortunately that is not going to happen as the war hawks (profiters) in the stated are gone.

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It could have all been avoided by a curfew.

It could all have been avoided If Thailand could find some way of getting rid of the Muslims, or at least closing down their Mosques, there's a war going on down there, and also in other Muslim infected countries that the UK and US among others are fighting in. Get rid of the Muslims and you get rid of the trouble, but unfortunately, it's been left too late.

So Thailand should get rid of all the Muslims in Thailand. So that would mean there is no freedom of religion in Thailand. Getting rid of all the Muslims you mean the peaceful ones too. So the ones in Bangkok and other provinces in Thailand, get rid of them? where should thailand send them? Maybe Thailand should not stop there and get rid of all the expats since there are occasional problems from time to time with expats. Maybe you should move to North Korea where there are no muslims. You should really think before you speak and show how much of a biggot you are. Just in case you dont know (biggot: a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed , belief, or opinion)
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"It,s a shame, for Thailand to have all this militant muslim murderer in the country.

Today the army make a good things,to try to get an end of this bloody killing from mslim separatists.

If it,s possible at all.???

May the attacker REST IN HELL !

This are the only place for this people " who not care about other peoples lifa and religion.



"Anyone who has no qualms about killing innocent people do not deserve the oxygen in our atmosphere. The killing of teachers & those who came to help the rice farmers is abhorrent, not to mention bombs which do not discriminate between man, woman or child."

"It could have all been avoided by a curfew."

"It could all have been avoided If Thailand could find some way of getting rid of the Muslims, or at least closing down their Mosques, there's a war going on down there, and also in other Muslim infected countries that the UK and US among others are fighting in. Get rid of the Muslims and you get rid of the trouble, but unfortunately, it's been left too late."

"These are not Muslims but greedy land grabbers -

they pretend to benefit the poor but just want to get rich...

they don't care about anyone or anything except riches for themselves.

The army should protect the locals by coming down on these "Gunmen"

so they cannot steal more land from the poor."

".... You hope terrorism win? Since when Muslims win anything by diplomacy anyway? The only thing they know is reign of terror. And who stole what? How can you steal a chunk of land? This is BS Muslim propaganda to recruit more militants and increase hate and anger against Thailand.

Get your facts straight before make an argument next time. Period!"


Profound ignorance, jingoism, and post-colonial attitudes expressed on TV know no bounds when certain topics come up, and the South is certainly one of them.

"How can you steal a chunk of land?" Consult the British, French, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, German, Italian, and US empires, please.

"Greedy land-grabbers"? Who are we kidding? Just who is controlling the land in the South?

"Since when Muslims win anything by diplomacy anyway?" Think about what you have just said.

And if you think that the US and French would make good policemen, you've missed a little something in SE Asian history.

Very few people are sufficiently crazy to want innocent people killed. (Though governments routinely practice mass murder.) But apparently no one wants to bring up the Tak Bai massacre, where nearly 100 unarmed prisoners were killed by the Thai military. That inflamed a region that was already in crisis.

lucjoker is right to remind us of history, though things are rarely simple. Pattani has always had a rather cosmopolitan history, with many players mingling and contributing to its identity. In the end, though, we would be senile were we to ignore the utter domination that has been exercised by Bangkok over this place, which has a fierce notion of its identity and does not want to lose it. The domination is in the name of profit, by the way; the rubber plantations and fishing are extremely lucrative. Natives have been stripped of their land and their fishing rights, and native resources and fisheries have been gutted.

For more, read Sanitsuda Ekachai.


I've read that 85% of the administrative and governmental personnel of the South are Buddhist while the population is overwhelmingly Muslim. How can that be just, or lead to anything but trouble? How would any of us feel if we were ruled by outsiders? Clearly, big money does not want the status quo to change-- there is a lot of wealth being pulled out of that tragic land.

I deplore violence, and condemn its use. Nevertheless, if we examine our own histories, many of us hail from countries who struggled for independence, and employed violence during that struggle. That you could float the Queen Mary (if she were still floatable) in the blood shed in our own revolutionary histories should give us pause before we pass judgment. Facile condemnations are not helpful in resolving difficulties of this kind. We condemn others for what our own countries practiced, and are still practicing.

Recently the government of the Philippines, after decades of violence, has agreed in principle to home rule for its Muslim districts. How much bloodshed could have been avoided if this approach had been employed earlier? How much longer will the situation in the South continue to wreck the lives of innocent people before the Thai government comes to grips with facts on the ground?

Edited by DeepInTheForest
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"It,s a shame, for Thailand to have all this militant muslim murderer in the country.

Today the army make a good things,to try to get an end of this bloody killing from mslim separatists.

If it,s possible at all.???

May the attacker REST IN HELL !

This are the only place for this people " who not care about other peoples lifa and religion.



"Anyone who has no qualms about killing innocent people do not deserve the oxygen in our atmosphere. The killing of teachers & those who came to help the rice farmers is abhorrent, not to mention bombs which do not discriminate between man, woman or child."

"It could have all been avoided by a curfew."

"It could all have been avoided If Thailand could find some way of getting rid of the Muslims, or at least closing down their Mosques, there's a war going on down there, and also in other Muslim infected countries that the UK and US among others are fighting in. Get rid of the Muslims and you get rid of the trouble, but unfortunately, it's been left too late."

"These are not Muslims but greedy land grabbers -

they pretend to benefit the poor but just want to get rich...

they don't care about anyone or anything except riches for themselves.

The army should protect the locals by coming down on these "Gunmen"

so they cannot steal more land from the poor."

".... You hope terrorism win? Since when Muslims win anything by diplomacy anyway? The only thing they know is reign of terror. And who stole what? How can you steal a chunk of land? This is BS Muslim propaganda to recruit more militants and increase hate and anger against Thailand.

Get your facts straight before make an argument next time. Period!"


Profound ignorance, jingoism, and post-colonial attitudes expressed on TV know no bounds when certain topics come up, and the South is certainly one of them.

"How can you steal a chunk of land?" Consult the British, French, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, German, Italian, and US empires, please.

"Greedy land-grabbers"? Who are we kidding? Just who is controlling the land in the South?

"Since when Muslims win anything by diplomacy anyway?" Think about what you have just said.

And if you think that the US and French would make good policemen, you've missed a little something in SE Asian history.

Very few people are sufficiently crazy to want innocent people killed. (Though governments routinely practice mass murder.) But apparently no one wants to bring up the Tak Bai massacre, where nearly 100 unarmed prisoners were killed by the Thai military. That inflamed a region that was already in crisis.

lucjoker is right to remind us of history, though things are rarely simple. Pattani has always had a rather cosmopolitan history, with many players mingling and contributing to its identity. In the end, though, we would be senile were we to ignore the utter domination that has been exercised by Bangkok over this place, which has a fierce notion of its identity and does not want to lose it. The domination is in the name of profit, by the way; the rubber plantations and fishing are extremely lucrative. Natives have been stripped of their land and their fishing rights, and native resources and fisheries have been gutted.

For more, read Sanitsuda Ekachai.


I've read that 85% of the administrative and governmental personnel of the South are Buddhist while the population is overwhelmingly Muslim. How can that be just, or lead to anything but trouble? How would any of us feel if we were ruled by outsiders? Clearly, big money does not want the status quo to change-- there is a lot of wealth being pulled out of that tragic land.

I deplore violence, and condemn its use. Nevertheless, if we examine our own histories, many of us hail from countries who struggled for independence, and employed violence during that struggle. That you could float the Queen Mary (if she were still floatable) in the blood shed in our own revolutionary histories should give us pause before we pass judgment. Facile condemnations are not helpful in resolving difficulties of this kind. We condemn others for what our own countries practiced, and are still practicing.

Recently the government of the Philippines, after decades of violence, has agreed in principle to home rule for its Muslim districts. How much bloodshed could have been avoided if this approach had been employed earlier? How much longer will the situation in the South continue to wreck the lives of innocent people before the Thai government comes to grips with facts on the ground?

Really not sure what you are getting at. You say

"I've read that 85% of the administrative and governmental personnel of the South are Buddhist while the population is overwhelmingly Muslim. How can that be just, or lead to anything but trouble? How would any of us feel if we were ruled by outsiders? Clearly, big money does not want the status quo to change-- there is a lot of wealth being pulled out of that tragic land."

What other religion in the world insists on being the ruling class. You are right in line with Islam beliefs If they have there way the whole world will be ruled by Muslims.

Then you went on to say

"Recently the government of the Philippines, after decades of violence, has agreed in principle to home rule for its Muslim districts. How much bloodshed could have been avoided if this approach had been employed earlier? How much longer will the situation in the South continue to wreck the lives of innocent people before the Thai government comes to grips with facts on the ground?"

Think of all the bloodshed that could have been avoided if the Muslims hadn't taken there better than thou attitude.

The south of Thailand is plagued with the same disease that plagues many countries Muslims desire to take over. Some with rampant uncontrolled birth in foreign nations.Some with guns and bombs. I realize that to your Muslim mind that is OK because Allah said it but it is not OK to the rest of the world.

Let the Muslims inflict there religion on Muslims and stop trying to take over the world.

It will be interesting to see how long it will be before the Muslims in the Philippines start to demand more.sad.png

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The way the Thai government in Bangkok along with most of its citizens around the country and the super powers worldwide are ignoring this prolonged and continuing conflict is amazing to me. What will it take for the world police (USA, UK and France) to get involved help protect the people of the Deep South here in Thailand? Maybe after another insurgence strike with a higher profile target like some tourist places in Phuket or Pattaya will make the outside world help and take notice of this terrible conflict and loss of lives here in Thailand?

I hope not.

You can't get them. Never. And you can't discourage them.

It's not like they were in uniform, or wearing a "shoot me" T-shirt. They are civilians, dressed as such, and live with and blend into regular neighborhoods.

In order to take them out, you'd have to kill civilians. You'd have to do what happened with Osama Bin Laden when they stormed a home and were willing to kill civilians if necessary. The civilians are considered "innocents" even though they know they are hiding terrorists and/or living with them. When you kill non-combatants, even those who are complicit, you are criticized worldwide, and made into the bad guy.

They won't quit because they believe that dying for Allah is the highest and best thing they can do. Who before has fought an enemy who actually wants to die, since the suicide Japanese fighter pilots who rammed ships in WWI?

I'll repeat. The Western allies haven't outright won a war since WWII. Not N. Korea or 'Nam or Iraq nor will it be Afghanistan. When you have new rules of war that make it a criminal offense to kill a non-combatant, the soldiers back off from those neighborhoods or get killed by snipers themselves. They don't know who they are at war with until there is a surprise attack or random bombing.

In WWII this wasn't an issue and whole cities were bombed to convince the "people" that they wanted a war to end. Berlin, Nagasaki... even atomic bombs and it was over. Today that's unthinkable. But had it not been done, many Western Europeans might be doing the goose step today.

Also, from WWII back, most adversaries wore uniforms and formed fighting forces to confront. Now, they dress like civilians and blend in. They infiltrate. They fight guerrilla style. You can't whip that with today's rules.

Besides, if the US got involved, not only wouldn't there be a victory, but the US would once again be blamed for the whole thing. Right now it's possible to realize that this Muslim terrorist thing isn't caused by the US. It's happening in the Philippines and everywhere around the world.

Wait until these bastards really get started in France and England. France now has a population that's 20% Muslim. Britain has been letting them move in in droves even after the London train station bombing.

We really aren't very smart.

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Really not sure what you are getting at. You say

"I've read that 85% of the administrative and governmental personnel of the South are Buddhist while the population is overwhelmingly Muslim. How can that be just, or lead to anything but trouble? How would any of us feel if we were ruled by outsiders? Clearly, big money does not want the status quo to change-- there is a lot of wealth being pulled out of that tragic land."

What other religion in the world insists on being the ruling class. You are right in line with Islam beliefs If they have there way the whole world will be ruled by Muslims.

Then you went on to say

"Recently the government of the Philippines, after decades of violence, has agreed in principle to home rule for its Muslim districts. How much bloodshed could have been avoided if this approach had been employed earlier? How much longer will the situation in the South continue to wreck the lives of innocent people before the Thai government comes to grips with facts on the ground?"

Think of all the bloodshed that could have been avoided if the Muslims hadn't taken there better than thou attitude.

The south of Thailand is plagued with the same disease that plagues many countries Muslims desire to take over. Some with rampant uncontrolled birth in foreign nations.Some with guns and bombs. I realize that to your Muslim mind that is OK because Allah said it but it is not OK to the rest of the world.

Let the Muslims inflict there religion on Muslims and stop trying to take over the world.

It will be interesting to see how long it will be before the Muslims in the Philippines start to demand more.sad.png

Are you sure you've thought this through? Who's taking over who?

If Muslims are taking over in the South, how come the government is overwhelmingly Buddhist? Why are the resources being exploited by non-Malay Muslims?

And like others, I find the religious framing of this struggle to be disingenuous. It's about more than religion, isn't it?

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Wait until these bastards really get started in France and England. France now has a population that's 20% Muslim. Britain has been letting them move in in droves even after the London train station bombing.

We really aren't very smart.

I think there is a good chance that the next generation of muslims in France, UK will turn against the islamists and their fathers.

They want drugs, sex and rock'n roll as anybody else does and at some point will show the finger to the islamist elders for sure. We just have to hold out until this happens. Many Turks in Germany have adopted western lifestyle.

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From a master's thesis posted by a certain Sara Jones:

The Second Wave of Separatism: Islamic Identity (Late 1950s – 2000)

The second wave of separatism initially began as an ethnic movement but became

an Islamic movement due to external factors imposed on the southern provinces. Both

religious and economic factors played key roles in the inflamed situation in the south.

There were obvious economic gaps between the different ethnic groups in the south;

Malay-Muslims were mostly poor farmers while the Chinese and Buddhist Thais made

up the majority of landowners and merchants. Under the martial law of Sarit Thanarat

(1957-1963), Thai Buddhists (mostly poor farmers from the Northeastern provinces)

were encouraged to settle in the “troubled” southern provinces and guaranteed seven to

ten acres of land per family. “The policy was undertaken to encourage assimilation and to

increase government control of the area, a policy which the government assumed would

be useful in its war against the terrorists.”69 During the 1960s and early 1970s,

approximately 160,000 Buddhist Thais migrated to the southern provinces—the Malay-

Muslim population objected to this encroachment and attempted Thai-icization of their



To me, it is clear that there has been an attempt to exert domination by the government. The flooding of the area with farmers from the north was ill-considered, an obvious power play. It was one of many.

None of this is to excuse violence, by the way. But the narrative adopted by many in this forum is limited, and needs to be called out.

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The policy now, according to my lady (it has just been told in the Thai language news outlets) is that Yingluck has made an announcement that she will use Thai taxpayers money to compensate the families of the terrorists whom were killed in the attempt to overrun the base and kill the marines.

Shows a complete lack of understanding on how to do anything except smile and say "na ha"..

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It could have all been avoided by a curfew.

This is a good point. Having a curfew that the army is strictly enforcing would certainly put pressure on the insurgents/terrorists.

The problem seems to be that soldiers return to the barracks and the terrorists know that.

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The policy now, according to my lady (it has just been told in the Thai language news outlets) is that Yingluck has made an announcement that she will use Thai taxpayers money to compensate the families of the terrorists whom were killed in the attempt to overrun the base and kill the marines.

Shows a complete lack of understanding on how to do anything except smile and say "na ha"..

Compensation for terrorists is PTP policy. Amnesty should be suggested next.

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It could have all been avoided by a curfew.

It could all have been avoided If Thailand could find some way of getting rid of the Muslims, or at least closing down their Mosques, there's a war going on down there, and also in other Muslim infected countries that the UK and US among others are fighting in. Get rid of the Muslims and you get rid of the trouble, but unfortunately, it's been left too late.

What are you trying to say? Start a genocide against all Thai Muslim's because of 10,000 or so terrorists or sympathizer?

H.M. the king loves all Thai people and doesn't differentiate if they are Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, Hindu's or whatever religion.

I have met many Thai Muslim's and they love the king and the Kingdom of Thailand.

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Not a cure,but would help ease tensions: Enact serious discipline for the Army brass who allowed nearly a hundred detained Muslim men to die while in army custody. Thaksin was PM and proclaimed, at the time of of Tak Bai, that he was in charge, so (of course) no one wound up getting disciplined for severe dereliction of duty. Those 70+ unnecessary deaths must be a dire sore point for the Muslim community.

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The way the Thai government in Bangkok along with most of its citizens around the country and the super powers worldwide are ignoring this prolonged and continuing conflict is amazing to me. What will it take for the world police (USA, UK and France) to get involved help protect the people of the Deep South here in Thailand? Maybe after another insurgence strike with a higher profile target like some tourist places in Phuket or Pattaya will make the outside world help and take notice of this terrible conflict and loss of lives here in Thailand?

I hope not.

I wonder if the problems in the South with the Malay Muslims goes way back for what THailand did in the second world war for Japan. Gave Japan permission to land their forces in the South where they attacted Malaya and Burma, and Thailand declared war on UK and USA.

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The way the Thai government in Bangkok along with most of its citizens around the country and the super powers worldwide are ignoring this prolonged and continuing conflict is amazing to me. What will it take for the world police (USA, UK and France) to get involved help protect the people of the Deep South here in Thailand? Maybe after another insurgence strike with a higher profile target like some tourist places in Phuket or Pattaya will make the outside world help and take notice of this terrible conflict and loss of lives here in Thailand?

I hope not.

I wonder if the problems in the South with the Malay Muslims goes way back for what THailand did in the second world war for Japan. Gave Japan permission to land their forces in the South where they attacted Malaya and Burma, and Thailand declared war on UK and USA.


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It could have all been avoided by a curfew.

It could all have been avoided If Thailand could find some way of getting rid of the Muslims, or at least closing down their Mosques, there's a war going on down there, and also in other Muslim infected countries that the UK and US among others are fighting in. Get rid of the Muslims and you get rid of the trouble, but unfortunately, it's been left too late.

So Thailand should get rid of all the Muslims in Thailand. So that would mean there is no freedom of religion in Thailand. Getting rid of all the Muslims you mean the peaceful ones too. So the ones in Bangkok and other provinces in Thailand, get rid of them? where should thailand send them? Maybe Thailand should not stop there and get rid of all the expats since there are occasional problems from time to time with expats. Maybe you should move to North Korea where there are no muslims. You should really think before you speak and show how much of a biggot you are. Just in case you dont know (biggot: a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed , belief, or opinion)

You are so correct with this guy, my Dad used to say to me, Son put your brain into operation before you open your mouth.

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"We learned of the attack in advance from defected militants," Pramote told Thai television - Why are they making these public announcements, you would think that it will slow down the defection rates or at least provides intelligence to the insurgents.

Will the authorities now be providing protection for the defectors families?

Seems that bit of intel should have been left out. Why would you inform the muslim terrorist of you source? It seems so stupid to me.

In addition, what is thier objective, these Muslim terrorist. I know they hate the US, but why are they killing Buddhist?

Tell me that Muslims aren't by nature a violent people. Cowards all.

Go Marines!!!

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"We learned of the attack in advance from defected militants," Pramote told Thai television - Why are they making these public announcements, you would think that it will slow down the defection rates or at least provides intelligence to the insurgents.

Will the authorities now be providing protection for the defectors families?

Seems that bit of intel should have been left out. Why would you inform the muslim terrorist of you source? It seems so stupid to me.

In addition, what is thier objective, these Muslim terrorist. I know they hate the US, but why are they killing Buddhist?

Tell me that Muslims aren't by nature a violent people. Cowards all.

Go Marines!!!

As a starting point to understand the conflict, from a Thai perspective, have a read of a paper written by a Thai Army Colonel who attended the Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies in Australia.


Muslims are not by nature cowards & violent, that is just a bigoted statement.

Edited by simple1
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