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Tourist Visa To Us For Gf

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soory if this has been covered before but here's my situation. i need to go back to the US for 1 year and want to take my GF. she has no money in the bank but she has some land in her name.

i'm US passpport. would it be better if we were married when applying for tourist visa? since she has no money, i assume that would help for the fanancial suport. i guess i could transfer a bunch of money to her bank account but i suspect the imigration office would think that fishy is money suddenly appreared out of no where. what do you think?

she has 2 kids that will stay here and we have land and a house (in my company name but she's the majority share holder).

what do you think are her chances of getting a tourist visa and what about marriage first?

thanks, steve

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My guess is that her chance of obtaining a tourist visa are probably very small single and even married there will be serious concerns that you are using this to bypass the normal immigrant visa vetting procedures. Is your proof of return to Thailand good enough to convince a skeptic? If not you might want to consider other options such as finance visa and get married in the US?

There is a great deal of information on the US Embassy Bangkok website and many links to detailed information.

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As you are a US passport holder, being connected to you may make it harder for her to get a tourist visa! If you are married, they would wonder why she did not apply for an immigrant visa on the basis of marriage.

If you choose to, you would be free to remain in the US indefinitely. If she applies for a tourist visa, then she would have to show that she has stronger ties to return to Thailand than remaining with you in the US. Consequently, you would also have to convince the Embassy that this would not happen.

If you are not married, the visa officer would think it fishy if money suddenly appeared out of nowhere. See details of a similar problem concerning insufficient of funds in Is There A Problem With Visa Company?, Visa given, 2 weeks later call and say come back.

See also USA visitor visa and Vistor visa to USA for further guidance.

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My guess is that her chance of obtaining a tourist visa are probably very small single and even married there will be serious concerns that you are using this to bypass the normal immigrant visa vetting procedures. Is your proof of return to Thailand good enough to convince a skeptic? If not you might want to consider other options such as finance visa and get married in the US?

There is a great deal of information on the US Embassy Bangkok website and many links to detailed information.

it sounds like you are saying more chance married than single? i didn't see any answer to this question on the embassy website. but i think it makes sense that if we are married and i can show a serious intent to return to thailand, such as land, house, workpermit, etc, then i expect they would take that into consideration? i hope so?

can i accompany her to the interview or must she go alone? also, do they usually interview in english or thai?

thanks again, steve

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As you are a US passport holder, being connected to you may make it harder for her to get a tourist visa! If you are married, they would wonder why she did not apply for an immigrant visa on the basis of marriage.

she would say we have no intension of staying there, just visiting my family for a few weeks. don't you think that would sound ok?

can someone please tell me, do i get to talk to the officer too or only her? her english is ok but for sure she will get nervous in front of officials.

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If needed, they should provide a translater. You can always make a request to see the interviewing officer. I don't know what their position is.

Don't panic! The links that I gave tells you what they require.

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The US Consulate interview will be in Thai unless she wants to speak English. You can sit in general area and if they want to confirm something they will call you. You will not be permitted to sit in unless asked AFAIK.

There is no way she is going to be allowed to remain in the USA for one year; even if she does obtain a tourist visa. And you do not do a border run like here. You might use this "year" to determine if you are really made for each other rather than rush into something?

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The US Consulate interview will be in Thai unless she wants to speak English. You can sit in general area and if they want to confirm something they will call you. You will not be permitted to sit in unless asked AFAIK.

There is no way she is going to be allowed to remain in the USA for one year; even if she does obtain a tourist visa. And you do not do a border run like here. You might use this "year" to determine if you are really made for each other rather than rush into something?

we've been together for 2 years already and have joint bank acounts to prove it. i just talked to my thai friend who is married to an american and she got a 10 year tourist visa and she can stay up to 6 months per visit. she showed that she was married but did not show bank books and was approved in less than 5 minultes.

she also said it would be a bad idea for me to try talk to the officer and that my gf/wife should be confident enough to do it by herself.

thx, steve

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That is correct - but she must show a reason for the tourist visa rather than the immigrant visa most new wives would be applying for. For that her ties/and yours to Thailand will be a critical factor. If you have several years together perhaps it is time to marry and then apply for the visit visa. You will most likely not have any trouble but be sure to include any information that shows you will not be staying in the US long term to make it easier for the Consular officer. As your friend said you should not have to say anything unless asked (perhaps to confirm a paper statement or such). Good luck.

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