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Meteorite Hits Russia: Official

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Meteorite hits Russia: official

MOSCOW: Russia has been hit by what officials are describing as 'meteorite rain'.

Reuters reported that a powerful blast rocked the Urals region with bright objects falling from the sky.


"It was definitely not a plane," an emergency official told Reuters, without elaborating. "We are gathering the bits of information and have no data on the casualties so far."

An emergency official told RIA-Novosti that no one was hurt in a meteor shower. Local residents said they witnessed burning objects in the sky of the Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions.

Full story: http://www.smh.com.a...0215-2ei2j.html

-- The Sydney Morning Herald 2013-02-15

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The asteroid 2012 AD14 did not come alone? Might be worth of watching the sky for the next few days.



Meteorite explosion shakes Chelyabinsk

The Guardian, Agencies


MOSCOW: -- A meteorite has flared spectacularly in the sky and exploded over the Russian region of Chelyabinsk. Initial reports said more than 100 people were injured.

Fragments of at least one meteorite fell, causing flashes in the morning sky and sharp explosions, Russian officials said.

The ministry said some fragments fell near the town of Satka, about 120 miles (200km) from the regional capital city of Chelyabinsk.

The office of the governor of the region, which is in the Ural Mountains about 830 miles (1,500km) east of Moscow, said in a statement that many calls about injuries and damage to buildings had been received. But there were no immediate confirmed figures or specific reports on damage.

A spokeswoman for Russia’s emergency ministry, Irina Rossius, said that there was a meteor shower.


-- The Nation 2013-02-15


Some 400 Injured in Russian Meteor Shower

MOSCOW, February 15 (RIA Novosti) - The number of people who have sought medical help across three Russian regions hit by a meteorite shower on Friday has climbed to over 400, the Interior Ministry reported.

Hundreds suffered cuts from broken glass as the meteorites smashed windows in numerous buildings across the Chelyabinsk Region, officials said.

“The condition of at least three [people] is considered grave,” an Interior Ministry spokesman said.

At least six cities have been hit in three central regions of Russia. Some areas of neighboring Kazakhstan were also affected, Russian state officials confirmed on Friday.

The police are searching for the fallen meteorite pieces and protecting affected buildings from looting.

Reports are inconclusive about whether the storm was caused by was one large meteorite, or several smaller ones.

Residents of three villages in the Sverdlovsk region reported witnessing the shower, but no-one there was injured.

Source: http://en.rian.ru/sc.../179483483.html

-- RIA NOVOSTI 2013-02-15


On twitter, there is several hashtags for both events.

#meteor #RussianMeteor #asteroid #NEO (Near Earth Object) ..

It would be great to have science forum here on TV?


Indoor videos when the shock wave hit to the buildings. The number of people who are reported to be injured is now in hundreds. Hopefully not very seriously.


Russian Meteorite Not Asteroid Debris – Space Agency

MOSCOW, February 15 (RIA Novosti) – The meteorite that hit Russia’s Urals on Friday morning was not debris from the 2012 DA14 asteroid which is due to pass close by the Earth later the same day, the European Space Agency (ESA) said.

The agency’s experts confirmed there is no link between the meteorite and the asteroid, ESA said on its official Twitter, but provided no details of its analysis.

The 2012 DA14, which is roughly 50 meters (165 feet) in size, will pass 27,000 kilometers (17,100 miles) from the Earth – closer than satellites in the geosynchronous orbit, which is 36,000 kilometers.

The 2012 DA14 flyby will take place at 19:24 GMT, about 16 hours after the meteorite incident in Chelyabinsk Region which left at least 400 injured, mostly from glass broken by the shock wave as the meteorite flew past.

The asteroid was linked to the meteor by numerous media reports. Tatiana Bordovitsina, an astronomy professor at Tomsk State University in western Siberia, told RIA Novosti two hours before the ESA statement that the meteorite could have been debris preceding the asteroid, but said a more thorough examination of the incident was needed.

NASA confirmed that 2012 DA14 is not on collision course with the planet, but said if the asteroid hit the Earth, the resulting explosion would be 1,000 times more powerful than the nuclear bomb that obliterated Hiroshima in 1945.

Source: http://en.rian.ru/wo.../179485761.html

-- RIA NOVOSTI 2013-02-15


'It was like a scene from the Armageddon movie': More than 500 people injured, buildings smashed and Russian mobile network wiped out as meteorite shower causes widespread panic

  • Large object flashed across the sky at 9.20am local time (03.20 UK time)
  • Pictures show a streak of smoke followed by several bright blasts of flames
  • Three people had been hospitalised in a serious condition
  • 6,000 square feet of a roof at a zinc factory collapsed
  • Scientists are investigating whether or not the strike is related to Asteroid 2012 DA14, which is due to skim the orbit of the Earth later today


A terrifying meteorite shower hit Russia early this morning injuring more than 500 people, many of them hurt by broken glass.

The Urals region was struck by falling meteorite fragments which fell in the city of Chelyabinsk, 900 miles east of Moscow and close to the Kazakhstan border.

Brightly burning rocks could be seen for hundreds of kilometres as they crashed at around 9.20am local time (03.20 UK time).

Pictures show a streak of smoke followed by several bright blasts of flames and eyewitnesses spoke of several devastating explosions.

Full story: http://www.dailymail...read-panic.html

-- Daily Mail 2013-02-15



Australasia watches for asteroid DA14

SYDNEY: -- Astronomers in the southern hemisphere prepared for the closest passage to Earth of a recorded asteroid Friday, but said it was unlikely to be a spectacular event for the general public.

Despite being the size of a 9-storey building and passing nearly within 27,000 kilometres of the Earth, 2012 DA14 will not be a patch on the New Year’s Eve fireworks, the Sydney Observatory warned.

A timed exposure on a camera in Australia’s largest city might yield "a faint streak longer than the shorter streaks from stars,"and only if the weather is good, the observatory’s Nick Lomb said.

"The observations and imaging may not work, but it’s still worth trying if the sky is clear," Lomb said. "What have you to lose? Only a little bit of sleep!" The asteroid was to pass closest to Earth at 1924 GMT, which is 6:24 on Saturday morning in Sydney, or 3:24 am in Indonesia, which would be the best place to see it, said Thomas Djamaluddin, spokesman for the country’s Aeronautics and Space Agency.


-- The Nation 2013-02-15


The asteroid 2012 AD14 did not come alone? Might be worth of watching the sky for the next few days.

A very good point.

I wonder if this is fragments from the near miss we had recently?


The asteroid 2012 AD14 did not come alone? Might be worth of watching the sky for the next few days.

A very good point.

I wonder if this is fragments from the near miss we had recently?

The meteorite that hit Russia’s Urals on Friday morning was not debris from the 2012 DA14 asteroid which is due to pass close by the Earth later the same day, the European Space Agency (ESA) said.


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