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Chalerm Parades Hmong Drug Suspects In Massive Meth Seizure At Police Sports Club


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The Germ Chalerm is what Thailand deserves. Funny how all the Takki supporting, brain-dead farangs keep quiet about him. But then again how could they possibly defend this retarded worm ?

Do other members remember when the China melomine tainted milk scandal happend. The said man was the Thai minister of Health at that time.

His reaction:

- No comment about the fact that children had died

- No action whatever to get milk packs from China off the shelves

- No comment about protecting Thai children

- No comment whatever in terms of what to do if you suspect your kids may have consumed said milk, etc.

But he did comment publically: 'don't say anything at all about this, we don't want to upset trade with China'.

Edited by scorecard
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Why one asks was the photo op at the Police Club ?

Was the reason due to the proximity of copious amounts of ear medicine in case Deputy P.M.Chalerm became sick and thus affected by the vapours due due to the excitement of it all.

Might he ( Chalerm) have thus been in need of a dose or two of his ear medicine so as to strengthen his resolve in fighting terrorism and crime ?

Ooop's sorry I forgot Chalerm told us there is nor was any terrorist activity in Thailand on his watch..whistling.gif

Or was it the ideal setting for a divvy up of the merchandise thus increasing the B.I.B. monthly income (on a sliding scale of course) as admitted by a sergeant involved in a Chinese New Years charity collection in a tailors shop recently?

Surely a secure Police Station would have been the correct location for this photo op?

Why do you think you are in a position to suggest whether one location is better than another to announce a successful investigation and what difference does it make where the announcement was made?

Because ... where the announcement was made doesn't make sense. Normally the " finger pointing, top-cop, stack-em high drugs (or guns) photo-op" is held in the sttion nearest the scene. What does make sense to me is that Chalerm needed a little more "face-time" after losing the curfew bid and he staged the Hmong scenario at the Police Sports Club to achieve that little kick in the pants for his detractors. IMHO of course.

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I thought the headlines was very clear and easy to understand. "Large, massive meth seizure made at police sports club. supects are Hmong drug dealers". wai.gif

At least that was my take until I actually read the article. Still not sure... laugh.png

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Do I see it correct in the picture in the OP that Chalerm is pulling the handcuffed suspect with his hair to look at him ?

Jeez that Chalerm is a brave guy !!

When they gonna put theis guy in a mental care institution. I mean Chalerm.

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yes, another piss poor and difficult to understand headline from Thalands "English" press

Yes, another piss poor comment re an easily understood headline.

I feel sorry that you suffer through life with such a piss poor sense of humor.


From TVF's resident "Mr. Chuckles" himself

thanks for proving my point..... :lol:

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buchholz is your man and he's got an incredible photo collection to back it up, aptly named "rightie1".

for the benefit of those posters that are blissfully uninformed, buchholz, on the avatar to your left, is a right-handed pitcher... AKA "rightie" wink.png

live and learn, muttley


Edited by Buchholz
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The Germ Chalerm is what Thailand deserves. Funny how all the Takki supporting, brain-dead farangs keep quiet about him. But then again how could they possibly defend this retarded worm ?

Nobody can, which is why nobody does......................

oh, those chalerm apologists are out there, alright...


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buchholz is your man and he's got an incredible photo collection to back it up, aptly named "rightie1".

for the benefit of those posters that are blissfully uninformed, buchholz, on the avatar to your left, is a right-handed pitcher... AKA "rightie" wink.png

live and learn, muttley


Isn't a pitcher a glass jug in your version of English? I still meant what I said the photo collection about it aptly named.

And while we're at it, that link of yours illustrating your "sense of humour" - well yes it does, but it's a simple kind of humour that relies on the misfortune of others, the Germans have a word for it, schadenfraude. I can see why Benny Hill was such a hit with American audiences.

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buchholz is your man and he's got an incredible photo collection to back it up, aptly named "rightie1".

for the benefit of those posters that are blissfully uninformed, buchholz, on the avatar to your left, is a right-handed pitcher... AKA "rightie" wink.png

live and learn, muttley


Isn't a pitcher a glass jug in your version of English? I still meant what I said the photo collection about it aptly named.


more backtracking... after another missed shot of its intended target.


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Do I see it correct in the picture in the OP that Chalerm is pulling the handcuffed suspect with his hair to look at him ?

Jeez that Chalerm is a brave guy !!

When they gonna put theis guy in a mental care institution. I mean Chalerm.

I always suspected: the guy must be a reincarnated barber or hairdresser!
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