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I did a quick contrast adjust just to enhance the blacks and not

a complete levels/exposure/contrast adjust to correct a pic.

As I stated it was a 10 second or less job in ACSsee & not

in Photoshop...where it would have taken me around 15 minutes

or longer. I did it just to show DAL a few pointers & am glad others

have chimed in with tips also. thumbsup.gif

  • Like 1

Cheating here...Kandal Province, Kampuchea 1989.

The Vietnamese troops just left Phnom Penh a few

days earlier and the Khmer Rouge were still active

in the province. I went for a stroll along old HWY 151

(the dirt road you see in the pix) for about 20 kilometers;

here's 3 of perhaps 200+ exposures on that day.




Before the KR days the road was known

as a semi improved road (highway) and

paved with stones & bitumen good enough

for heavy vehicles to travel. It ran up to Kg

Chhanang...and further northwards into

Laos. But that was a very long time ago.


Any chance you could do a thread on the same lines?



Cheating here...Kandal Province, Kampuchea 1989.

The Vietnamese troops just left Phnom Penh a few

days earlier and the Khmer Rouge were still active

in the province. I went for a stroll along old HWY 151

(the dirt road you see in the pix) for about 20 kilometers;

here's 3 of perhaps 200+ exposures on that day.




Before the KR days the road was known

as a semi improved road (highway) and

paved with stones & bitumen good enough

for heavy vehicles to travel. It ran up to Kg

Chhanang...and further northwards into

Laos. But that was a very long time ago.


Any chance you could do a thread on the same lines?


Come Monday (not the Jimmy Buffet song) I'll see if it can be

accomplished...considering a thread like this really has

nothing to do with LOS but it does have a lot to do with

Southeast Asia and since LOS is a part of SEA....???

Watch this space...but not too closely as it's bad for

the eyes.


This photo was originally taken in colour but due to poor settings by me it came out badly exposed.

I tried to salvage it by changing it to B/W because I like the expressions on the ladies faces.


  • Like 2

Thank you for the memories Sunshine, great shots.The Phnom Penh street shots of the unpaved roads and the fires really conjure up the atmosphere of the amazing place that was PP in the 90's.The only camera i had when i was there was the original Lomo, a fun little camera of the time but not worthy of the situation , all my pictures now lost and my memory going it was great to have a trigger to some great times .

  • Like 1

Thank you for the memories Sunshine, great shots.The Phnom Penh street shots of the unpaved roads and the fires really conjure up the atmosphere of the amazing place that was PP in the 90's.The only camera i had when i was there was the original Lomo, a fun little camera of the time but not worthy of the situation , all my pictures now lost and my memory going it was great to have a trigger to some great times .

Thank you much Watutsi...thank you much. You are welcome! Crying shame about your

pix...I lost all my pix of Kampooch during the war years (1972-1975) when the movers the

military hired "lost" my entire shipment from Japan to the USA back in the late 70's. 10

years of my life are missing...that's a hard nut to chew...even today when I think about it.

However...life goes on. There are a few of us old Kampooch hands still kicking around

these days and they have posted some "me" pix" from those days (daze?) so all

is not lost...but little remains. Please stay tuned as I'll most likely post more from the

89-mid 90's period...When Cambodia offered a measure of danger.

Re..Khmer Smile...nobody...not even myself can comprehend what this woman

endured under the KR.


This photo was originally taken in colour but due to poor settings by me it came out badly exposed.

I tried to salvage it by changing it to B/W because I like the expressions on the ladies faces.

The sticky rice ladythumbsup.gif


This photo was originally taken in colour but due to poor settings by me it came out badly exposed.

I tried to salvage it by changing it to B/W because I like the expressions on the ladies faces.

The sticky rice ladythumbsup.gif

You have got me a bit lost there DAL blink.png


@ shaggy....

"One of the happiest people I have known..........only ever seen her with a smile on her face smile.png.pagespeed.ce.CwSpBGGvqN.png"

I reckon she fancies you Shaggy!

  • Like 1

Don't forget to look at the first post in this thread where she tried to educate us as to the meaning of 'Street Photography'... as opposed to photographs of streets, roads and similar... whistling.gif

indeed, it is what brought me here only to be disappointed by how little of the thread is actually composed of street photography.


Don't forget to look at the first post in this thread where she tried to educate us as to the meaning of 'Street Photography'... as opposed to photographs of streets, roads and similar... whistling.gif

indeed, it is what brought me here only to be disappointed by how little of the thread is actually composed of street photography.

Well, how about you post some?

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