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Aussie Student Going To Study In Bkk.

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Hi everyone Im new to this forum so please excuse my arrogance which im guessing is a highly repetive topic for u. I have searched through the forum and other parts of the site but it still seems over my head. I went to thailand after I finished high school last novemeber and loved it their. I have since decided I want to go to bkk to study at a private uni. Anyway, Im just trying to figure out what sort of visa I will need, Also will I have to provide any evidence or documents to prove I am going their to study to get a certain visa ? only asking because I wont be able to provide any of this as I will organise it all when I am over their. If this is not possible what other options do I have instead of saying I am going their to study ? Could I just get a one year multible entry visa and just say I am going on a long backpacking holiday to Thailand and the other countries surrounding it ? The main point is to just get over their and only have to do a visa run every 3 months, Just wondering which is the best method or explanation to use. I am 18 years old and living In Australia.

Any help would be greatly appreaciated thanks.

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Hi, I am here as a student too, however everything was organised for me by Monash Abroad at Monash in Melbourne. Anyway, I can tell you what to do for a visa.

1. Apply to the uni you want to study at and get a course offer letter. Then take that letter and go to the Thai consulate in St Kilda Road (assuming you are from Melbourne). They do it on the spot. Its a non-imm ED visa, Pay an extra $20 and they make it a multiple entry for you;.

2.When you get to Thailand, the university will take care of getting it extended for you. It is soooooo simple and the university staff and people at immigration really are so nice. Dont believe what you read on this board.

However, my advise to you is to enroll at a uni in Aus and then go on exchange, much easier. It is not worth your while to study at a private uni here..no matter how much you like the culture or what ever!! get a grip mate...its your life you are playing with! you will find it hard to get work when you graduate and go back to Australia with a thai degree..sorry but thats the truth!

Another option is to enroll at a uni in Aus that has a campus here, that way you can still pay via HECS...check out Swinburne Uni for eg..my old undergraduate uni.

Good luck!

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Hi, Thanks for ur reply. So is getting a letter from the uni the only way I can go to get a multible entry visa ? Is their anything else I could do or say to get a multible entry visa without doing that and without having to enroll in uni here ? What im saying is, can I say something totally different to what I really am going to be doing their or is that not possible because I will have to always show documentation >?


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Hi, Thanks for ur reply. So is getting a letter from the uni the only way I can go to get a multible entry visa ? Is their anything else I could do or say to get a multible entry visa without doing that and without having to enroll in uni here ? What im saying is, can I say something totally different to what I really am going to be doing their or is that not possible because I will have to always show documentation >?


Where in Australia are you going to apply for the visa, and why is it difficult to provide a letter from the Thai university? Also, ignore the previous erroneous advice about $20 extra for a multiple entry visa. In Australia ( since August 2003 ) the fee is $90 for a single entry non-immigrant visa, and $225 for multiple entries.

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Questions: Are you planning a full degree in Thailand, a semester or longer? What kind of program are you interested in? Why private? Do you speak Thai?

Your best choice is NOT to wait until you get here to apply to the university. The study abroad advisors at the campus you apply for will be able to guide you through the process and will be a good resourse for you. I highly suggest using their expertise. A student Visa will give you the most flexability and be the easiest to obtain once enrolled. Not to mention you will lessen the risk of getting sent home if you lie about your tourist visa. Big no no.

Many Thai universities have full programs taught completly in English but the courses are limited to specific degrees like South East Asian Studies, Hospitality, Nursing...

Are you currently enrolled in a Uni at home? If not I wouldn't worry about exchange programs. Your education will be exactly the same as direct enrollment and at a fraction of the cost. You can always talk to a study abroad advisor at the campus your are at or plan to go to and ask about transferring credits from teh Thai university. This is really all an exchange program is but they charge a lot for the guananteed transfer. Typically Most AUS Uni's will transfeer credits without too many problems. If you are interested ina full degree here then of course an exchange would be pointless.

My suggestion would be to surf the web looking for english offered programs and see if you find a match.

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I have a couple of contacts here who are in educational services and can provide you no cost advice on your options and educational opportunities here. Contact me directly at [email protected] for the addresses and other information, as I do not want to post their email addresses here.

Comment: The advice on getting accepted BEFORE you come to Thailand is sound. I believe it is the only you can get a student visa, unless you are able to justify another type of visa and then apply for school while you are here (I did it this way).

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