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Briton Lee Aldhouse Pleads Not Guilty To Phuket Murder

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Aldhouse was suffering from an illness and that a doctor’s certificate to confirm this would be presented to the court at a later date.

She said that the lawyer had requested that the court take this into consideration when deciding on any sentence for Aldhouse.

Sounds like the lawyer assumes Aldhouse is going to be found guilty! Even so, I don't see why being ill should stop somebody being sentenced to life.

The doctors certificate would be presented to the court at a later date,he must be in the same bar as the lawyer.
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The story does seem odd, with no lawyer, the statement [elsewhere] that he could still face the death penalty but as I understood it the Thai authorities advised the UK that he would not face execution [despite the victim's family's enthusiasm for it] and indeed I thought that the rules meant no EU citizen could be extradited to face such a sentence from the EU.

Ultimately he should be provided with the facilities to tell his side of the events, that is what a court of law is about. The Judge [remember no jury] must evaluate and establish to his satisfaction the truth of the events and make an adjudication under the law.

As an aside if he is found guilty and sentenced to more than 15 years he will automatically come under the "high security" prison regime which will preclude his being held at Phuket.

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This is IMO really, really bad. Continuing with the trial without his lawyer present?

From what I've heard I don't believe one iota of his story, but that does not change the fact that he is entitled to a proper defense, and it sounds like he did not get that today.

I see, you mean a proper defense like the murdered man got ?


This is IMO really, really bad. Continuing with the trial without his lawyer present?

From what I've heard I don't believe one iota of his story, but that does not change the fact that he is entitled to a proper defense, and it sounds like he did not get that today.

I tend to agree with you on this. Sounds like his lawyer not only suggested he pleed guilty but demanded it. I suppose because he feels they do not have any defense at all and knowing the system here, felt strongly it was better this way for his client. So I guess he either washed his hands of this case, or didn't feel a need to be their, perhaps knowing, or not knowing, his client was pleading differently.

I don't know for sure if the lawyer was right, but time will tell if he was or not. Seems like nobody here believes his story, so they probably won't in court either. Murder carries the Death Penalty in Thailand but less likely if he pleeded guilty. But maybe part of his condition to be returned to Thailand was that they will not impose it on him. So I guess he has nothing to lose by pleading not guilty.

The one thing nobody can blame him on is being nervous in the Court Room. Who wouldn't be if they were charged with Murder, don't understand the language or law, and your lawyer didn't even show up for your first day of court. No justification for that at all, I think.


I am not familiar with the crime itself and to be honest i don't want to know.

where most comment target this fellow in their comment, the most disturbing fact is the lawyer who "had other things to do then come up to court in a MURDER case"

For those who don't see the reality show behind this disgusting behavior from "his lawyer"

You and me, as foreigners....are fair game when it comes to a courtcase, under almost ALL circumstances.

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This piece of English crap is going to kill himself,,, which is ok with me as he is a low life looking for his dog, which brings a question,,, is the dog still alive??? the American that kicked his face in is not, so where is the dog,,,I'm an animal lover,,,,,,,,,, Better yet I have never been in that 7/11 and had knifes thrown at me???? it must be a British thing,,,,, the law between the Thais and the Brits is simple,,, you plead guilty to your crimes and get life if you waste the courts time then you get the death penalty,,,, I pray to god that this piece of garbidge gets life in a Thai prison,,,, the pitbull will be now known as the pumping chawawwara,,,, I hope Martin Carpenter the British council has a lot of vasalean for this garbidge from England he will need it

What a mindless,,,,,,, racist post this is....... What a lot of crap!,,,,,,,, and what's with all the commas and question marks???? Maybe you've got the shakes from too much alcohol. Maybe I'm being a little unfair; you should receive some credit for attempting to spell and punctuate, but even if you had half achieved this, the content still would make no sense. But I guess everyone loves a trier, so, bless you.
  • Like 2

Following this one with interest. Doesn't sound like the accused has much of a defence...especially with an absent lawyer on the opening day.

When are we likely to see a verdict?


This piece of English crap is going to kill himself,,, which is ok with me as he is a low life looking for his dog, which brings a question,,, is the dog still alive??? the American that kicked his face in is not, so where is the dog,,,I'm an animal lover,,,,,,,,,, Better yet I have never been in that 7/11 and had knifes thrown at me???? it must be a British thing,,,,, the law between the Thais and the Brits is simple,,, you plead guilty to your crimes and get life if you waste the courts time then you get the death penalty,,,, I pray to god that this piece of garbidge gets life in a Thai prison,,,, the pitbull will be now known as the pumping chawawwara,,,, I hope Martin Carpenter the British council has a lot of vasalean for this garbidge from England he will need it

You need to check up on Thailand law a little bit.

The law in Thailand is, if you plead guilty then your sentence is cut in half. I believe the death Penalty was taken off the table to allow for extradition.

The lawyer not showing up is very strange, must be some type of move by the lawyer, I cant believe a high profile case like this with plenty of time to clear schedules that the lawyer could not be there, gotta be something behind this move. I would also like to know the illness he has, I would not be surprised if he says he was jacked up on steroids.

maybe the illness is "loose bowels" and the only way he can stop or slow it down is when he opens his mouth, re his version of events, but then the judge would not really need a doctor to confirm that......


The more I think about it...regards the lack of an appeal to the EU....no lawyer present to represent him and a shambles (it sounds like) of an appearance in court....I wonder if he is of sound mind?


Perhaps the same rules apply as with the police general who stated that since the woman had a meal with the man it was not rape. Perhaps if you have a beer with someone it is not murder


This is IMO really, really bad. Continuing with the trial without his lawyer present?

From what I've heard I don't believe one iota of his story, but that does not change the fact that he is entitled to a proper defense, and it sounds like he did not get that today.

IMHO: without a doubt the best post on the topic thus far! A bit of common sense. 50 percent of the remaining posts are just illogical crap, TV's judges, jurys and executioners at their best.

He's had more than two years to come up with a story and this is the best he can do?


He doesn't look like a Mensa candidate.

Neither does Stephen Hawkings

Stephen Hawkings has an alibi.
  • Like 2

Personally I am glad he changed his plea to not guilty, this means he will get no time cut off his sentence for a guilty plea, if found guilty.

I would guess his lawyer thought the evidence against him is overwhelming and the best outcome for him would be to plead guilty and recieve a reduced sentence.

There is no excuse for a lawyer not showing up in a murder case, even if it was sentencing and the accused was to plead guilty.

My guess is the lawyer will turn up next time with his tail between his legs and change the plea back to guilty. Not sure if the judge will be at all amused.


This piece of English crap is going to kill himself,,, which is ok with me as he is a low life looking for his dog, which brings a question,,, is the dog still alive??? the American that kicked his face in is not, so where is the dog,,,I'm an animal lover,,,,,,,,,, Better yet I have never been in that 7/11 and had knifes thrown at me???? it must be a British thing,,,,, the law between the Thais and the Brits is simple,,, you plead guilty to your crimes and get life if you waste the courts time then you get the death penalty,,,, I pray to god that this piece of garbidge gets life in a Thai prison,,,, the pitbull will be now known as the pumping chawawwara,,,, I hope Martin Carpenter the British council has a lot of vasalean for this garbidge from England he will need it

Maybe some grammar and spelling lessons would be a good idea.

Back to the point, looks like this one will be in the monkey house for a long, long time.


This piece of English crap is going to kill himself,,, which is ok with me as he is a low life looking for his dog, which brings a question,,, is the dog still alive??? the American that kicked his face in is not, so where is the dog,,,I'm an animal lover,,,,,,,,,, Better yet I have never been in that 7/11 and had knifes thrown at me???? it must be a British thing,,,,, the law between the Thais and the Brits is simple,,, you plead guilty to your crimes and get life if you waste the courts time then you get the death penalty,,,, I pray to god that this piece of garbidge gets life in a Thai prison,,,, the pitbull will be now known as the pumping chawawwara,,,, I hope Martin Carpenter the British council has a lot of vasalean for this garbidge from England he will need it

I gather you are not an admirer and do not believe his story. However it is for the court to decide if his 'cock & bull' story is believable. They will examine witnesses and also listen to his account. If he is found guilty then I would be in favour of the harshest possible penalty.

I am as appalled by this whole matter as the posters on this site, and for once can understand the harshness of many comments. BUT it has often been said on this forum that people are judged by the press and the Thai system before they have had a fair trial, and that that is not justice. Whatever the feelings it is hypercritical of posters to want 'fairness' in many cases outlined on this forum, yet happily condemn before trial in this case. Let the trial be held and give him his chance to put his case. If he is found guilty I will be amongst those on this forum who wish him the worst possible future.

I guess you must be an embarresed English man/women,,,, but I was there and saw what happened ,,,,did you????????????????????? Proberly NOT

Who do you think you are that you can tar every Englishman with the same brush?

Not just this piece of crap but you had to add English piece of crap.

Must be a Brit thing you say your just a great stirrer of sh*t.

Yes let the piece of sh*t rot but why be such a <deleted> about it.

My country England does have its fair share of idiots as do most countries.

I served in the military and I am proud of my country even if its not quite GREAT Britain anymore.

Whats your problem? Where are you from that is so great?

You come across as someone whose been there done that so give it a rest bashing flower

The amount of times i hear limeys throwing around the word yank......

Get over it crybaby....if u have an issue..heres a tissue

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He's had more than two years to come up with a story and this is the best he can do?


He doesn't look like a Mensa candidate.

I agree, however he does make a passable pit bull.smile.png
  • Like 1

He's had more than two years to come up with a story and this is the best he can do?


He doesn't look like a Mensa candidate.

I agree, however he does make a passable pit bull.smile.png

He should change his ring name to Running Pussy which is not bull.

The facts are this he got his head kicked in by the American Marine and somehow managed to loss his dog at the Longfelows house.

7/11 is giving out free knifes to kill people with

This pitbull bum bandit looses his dog around the home of the American that kicked the crap out of him and he ACCIDENTLY stabs the guy twice

The british A**hole has still not located his dog,,, he left his dog behind when he took off back to England,,, didn't seem to worry about the dog

7/11 has cctv of him stealing the knife

Garbidge brit is seen outside of Sunshine bar when Longfellow was dancing after kicking the crap out of British garbidge

This British guy needs to spend the rest of his life in Thai prison just to work on his BS and grow a brain......................

I take it you are not British, my dear fellow..,,...

  • Like 2

You and me, as foreigners....are fair game when it comes to a courtcase, under almost ALL circumstances.

Absolutely and the UK should not be extraditing its citizens to Thailand; we should be doing as the French do, trial by jury at home where a fair trial is better guaranteed.

Several reasons why he should not be tried in Thailand:

  • Thai officials have stated he could have faced the death penalty, therefore reneging on their promise and a condition of his extradition from Britain.
  • No lawyer present on the first day of trial yet the trial proceeds
  • No jury system to establish guilt or innocence; it is solely up to a judge
  • Held on remand for 6+ months until a continuation. The trial itself could take years to complete with appeals.
  • No proper translation or explanations provided to the accused.
  • Coercion to plead guilty without even allowing the accused to mount a defence
  • Inhumane prison conditions which infringe upon human rights.

  • Like 1

You and me, as foreigners....are fair game when it comes to a courtcase, under almost ALL circumstances.

Absolutely and the UK should not be extraditing its citizens to Thailand; we should be doing as the French do, trial by jury at home where a fair trial is better guaranteed.

Several reasons why he should not be tried in Thailand:

  • Thai officials have stated he could have faced the death penalty, therefore reneging on their promise and a condition of his extradition from Britain.
  • No lawyer present on the first day of trial yet the trial proceeds
  • No jury system to establish guilt or innocence; it is solely up to a judge
  • Held on remand for 6+ months until a continuation. The trial itself could take years to complete with appeals.
  • No proper translation or explanations provided to the accused.
  • Coercion to plead guilty without even allowing the accused to mount a defence
  • Inhumane prison conditions which infringe upon human rights.

Poor Mr. Aldhouse is now currently receiving the wages of sin.


You and me, as foreigners....are fair game when it comes to a courtcase, under almost ALL circumstances.

Absolutely and the UK should not be extraditing its citizens to Thailand; we should be doing as the French do, trial by jury at home where a fair trial is better guaranteed.

Several reasons why he should not be tried in Thailand:

  • Thai officials have stated he could have faced the death penalty, therefore reneging on their promise and a condition of his extradition from Britain.
  • No lawyer present on the first day of trial yet the trial proceeds
  • No jury system to establish guilt or innocence; it is solely up to a judge
  • Held on remand for 6+ months until a continuation. The trial itself could take years to complete with appeals.
  • No proper translation or explanations provided to the accused.
  • Coercion to plead guilty without even allowing the accused to mount a defence
  • Inhumane prison conditions which infringe upon human rights.

Poor Mr. Aldhouse is now currently receiving the wages of sin.

And IF he cowardly has to stab someone to death after losing a fist fight, he deserves them.

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