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What would happen with the pound on that day uk leave the eu?

When Is the election about this?

Nothing would happen on the day, because it would move either way in advance. Most likely it would strengthen, as UK would be better off outside the EU. It wouldn't need to keep paying billions to prop up failed EU states. UK would be better as a free market economy, instead of some bit-part player in some nightmare socialist state.

Referendum won't be until 2017 at the earliest. As the Tories have no chance of winner the next election, there probably won't be a referendum at all, as Labour and Lib Dems don't believe in letting people decide. They are nanny state political parties that will decide for the population. But who knows, come election time, people may vote Tory just so they can get out of the EU. I hope so. The EU is a complete failure, and the sooner it's disbanded, the better. The longer it goes on, the worse the fall-out will be when it eventually falls apart. And it has no hope whatsoever of still being around in a couple of decades time. The whole thing will implode.If the UK can get out before that happens, then it can limit the damage to itself. Even with the GBP falling, I would rather be holding that than holding Euros. When the EU collapses, Euros will be worthless. Can't wait to pick up some cheap property in the EU. There will be bargains that you wouldn't even dream about.

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Yes espasaly in Greece the houses are cheap now!

I still wonder why there was no election in a democracy, people want euro or not only in uk and Sweden people can see no!

EU is terrified of letting people decide, because they know that the EU will end if people are given a chance to decide. The only people that want the EU are the ones from poor countries who get handouts. The EU is one of the biggest disasters ever. Seems calm at the moment, but when it implodes, it will probably come without any warning. Once one country goes down, all the rest will follow like dominoes toppling over. And after the chaos, everyone will be better off. Just look at Iceland - outside the EU, and they have recovered better and faster than any EU country.

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