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Foreign Mafia Running Pattaya

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There is no mafia running Pattaya, let alone a foreign one. Thai society can be fairly described as organized crime, but it isn't foreign to Pattaya. Most of the crimes can be explained by the viciousness of the natives, and foreigners just like them attracted to the place. It's like 'criminals and addicts all over the world, unite!'


Regardless of how crappy the journalism or inaccurate the details or 'typically American' the attitude, Pattaya is pretty disgusting to anyone who cares about healthy lifestyles and human dignity. How many of you would want your daughters walking its miracle mile every night? Or starring in Thai internet porn? Or grinning from the photos of Thai Visa's 'love link' advertisements? I didn't think so.

and have you been to Pattaya?rolleyes.gif

Lets play a game where you name locations which you have visited, the only rule is can not mention soi 6, walking street, or anything up to 3 road.

Game on, lets hear itwhistling.gif

Been there done that, more than once, alone and with my wife, probably been in every province in Thailand as well as 150 countries around the world. What's your point? Just playing games? I'll pass on that, got some other things to do...


There is no mafia running Pattaya, let alone a foreign one. Thai society can be fairly described as organized crime, but it isn't foreign to Pattaya. Most of the crimes can be explained by the viciousness of the natives, and foreigners just like them attracted to the place. It's like 'criminals and addicts all over the world, unite!'

I am no expect or claim to be, but here is my educated guess of how the tide may turn if the authorities do not begin placing tighter controls on undesirable aliens within the Kingdom:

At the moment the organised foreign criminals, who are the minority and Thai criminals are working hand in glove with each other, although I guess that the Thais, mafia and corrupt scum officials have the upper hand, are calling most of the shots and hold the most power.

But in the foreseeable future, this could all change. Once the foreigners begin gaining more and more footholds in Pattaya and who now appears to be spreading their tentacles to Phuket, than I see trouble afoot, even the possibility of bloodshed if the Thais tolerance levels are pushed to the limits.

The whole systems in these areas are rotten to the core and it`s starting to notice, even on the International scene.

For those who have lived in Thailand a very long time like myself, will know that the Thai philosophy is; we’ll ignore the volcano for the time being, but if and when it erupts, then we will deal with it. And this is how I see the situation regarding the Russians and other foreigners trying to grab a piece of the action in Pattaya, as a volcano waiting to erupt.

Watch this space.


Typical American.........they think that all crime is some kind of organized.

Conspiracy theories and maffia.............problem with Pattaya is, that most crimes are NOT organized.

Typical TWITT saying its typical American


And who give them visa to stay in Thailandcheesy.gif

tit for tat butter for fat - love to see the competition between mafia and police. both collecting on second road. what you .ot aware of this? wait still to come and join the party. chinese and Indians

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I saw 2 Japanese guys covered in tats, must have been yakuza

Later I saw 2 Chinese guys also with tats, they must be triads

Little later I saw them talk to each other , so I guess yakuza and triads are taking over town.

Really makes you wonder how many cells the author OP is short off

When i see people with lots of tattoos i just presume they're w4nkers!

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I have often wondered why most americans seem to have no clue what's going in the world around them, but it all makes sense to me now. Their newspapers and "journalists" are of the same quality as the Thai ones :-)

You simply making such an ignorant statement pretty much confirms you have no idea whats going on in the world around you. Let me guess. Youre from Manchester or some other depressing UK hellpit right?

I read your first post and thought yeah hes right, but then you post this useless drivel................I wonder if you have actually been to any of the UK hellpits like Manchester? I for one have and have also been to many shitpits in the US and can quite honestly say i would rather be in this hellpit (Manchester) than anywhere over there. Your comments stink of total ignorance bordering on racism. The statement about many Americans being ignorant of the outside world definitely seems correct for you as i assume you are one and also in my experience in the states i also found many there did not know or care that much of what was even going on outside of their state never mind country. Yes no doubt there are many well educate rational people there but i can only go of my personal experience and not just my bigoted views of another country like yourself. The bible bashers and so called do gooders control most of your so called free speech. And before i get jumped on for yank bashing, i aint, just defending my own city/country from this idiots ignorant UK bashing generalisms.

Pattaya's reputation precedes it, and anyone who tells people they are going there is almost always marked as a sex tourist or monger. I agree that patts and the areas surrounding it have some very beautiful places to visit but there and maybe Phuket have a more party/ drinking atmosphere which tend to attract the rowdier crowd. I for one would avoid maybe wrongly on the reputation, but for me there are far more attractive options all over Thailand without such a seedy rep.

The article was indeed full of huge assumptions and uneducated statements but one thing is for sure, child prostitution exists in Thailand and because of the situation with corrupt officials it makes it far more easier for organized gangs from anywhere to play this sick game. They will never fix the problem until they fix the officials...........problem with that is that the officials who can actually do anything about it enjoy their large amount of tea money also........A vicious circle which i think can never be reversed as corruption and bribery is entrenched in Thai society from top too bottom. Just look at whos running the country. Anyone who messes with children should be castrated at least if not imprisoned where the population can make their own punishments, the people in power who turn a blind eye to this also deserve the same fate.

Prostitution as we all know is known as the worlds oldest profession and not just in Asia. I have nothing against a woman willingly entering this trade but the lack of control in areas like Pattaya tend to lead to people pushing the boundaries of business and then attracting the scum who prey on these situations, be them gangsters or the pervert customers. I can honestly say though i have never knowingly come across any pedos in Thailand so i guess its quite underground but it can only become more widespread if it is not stepped on.


Typical American.........they think that all crime is some kind of organized.

Conspiracy theories and maffia.............problem with Pattaya is, that most crimes are NOT organized.

"Typical American" ? I am American and have never thought all crime is organized and don't know anyone else who thinks that.

Sorry......probably I've been watching too much "24". smile.png


If you know anyone who owns or operates any nightclubs in Bangkok, they will tell you of the tea money for the various mafias,police mafia, military mafia, Israel mafia, Russian mafia, etc. Usually, it's a protection against these other mafias and business as usual.


Anyone who actually believes that the Russian mafia controls anything has obviously forgotten where they are. IF there even is a Russian mafia it will be controlled by the Thai police. NO ONE takes rice from a Thai's rice bowl.

I'm sorry, but you know little about the Russian Mafia, about its' reach, or about how it operates in Pattaya.

If you knew as much about the red mafia as you claim, you would know the current "war against russian businesses and tourism agencies" is actually a war to keep the Red fellas out of Phuket. Greedy Thais from Phuket have seen the Police get half a bowl of Rice whilst Russians dined with a full bowl for years, and are afraid of the same fate.

Go to Pattaya, find the right mentality and meet the right people - then come back and comment on the state of the Thieves in Pattaya.


And who give them visa to stay in Thailandcheesy.gif

Totally in agreement.

How on earth are mafia or gangsters getting visas? It's true the authorities are concerned by their presence and increasing numbers but also while scratching their <deleted> trying to figure out what to do with them, they continue to take the back handers/brown envelopes of cash to turn a blind eye and issue them with visas!

In Russia, Mafia are not seen as a disease as they are in the west. They are seen as a useful tool to make things happen. These are the thieves.

What we would consider Mafia, are called Suki in Russia - they are not the ones operating in Russia. If they were, the bodies would be on the streets.

If they are not criminals, and seen as a useful tool within the system, they will not have a criminal record. This is why they are here - the definition of Mafia is different in Russia than it is in the west, it is a cultural grey spot.


This is nothing new. Everyone knows this and no one in the police force will do anything about it. This place has become the biggest dump in Thailand.

"Has Become"

Hhmmm ! seemed to have heard that 10 years ago & then again 5 years ago

We still like Patts & avoid certain areas at certain times like everywhere else we travek & live

There is organised crime everywhere , some places are just a bit more blatant



Why is not mentioned, who are the foreign maffia. For sure this reaction will be deleted, as Thai people never mention the real truth. Because behind the name "foreign maffia", you must think of the Jewish maffia, hiding many time under Russian Maffia. Everywhere there is money, you will find jews to take advantage of it. And Jews already own Hollywood and are worldwide the promotors of porno, prostitution and slave trade, Israël is the promised land for organized crime and has nothing to do with "the only democracy" in the Middle East. Simply said it is a dictatorial "Apartheids" State.


And who give them visa to stay in Thailandcheesy.gif

Totally in agreement.

How on earth are mafia or gangsters getting visas? It's true the authorities are concerned by their presence and increasing numbers but also while scratching their <deleted> trying to figure out what to do with them, they continue to take the back handers/brown envelopes of cash to turn a blind eye and issue them with visas!

In Russia, Mafia are not seen as a disease as they are in the west. They are seen as a useful tool to make things happen. These are the thieves.

What we would consider Mafia, are called Suki in Russia - they are not the ones operating in Russia. If they were, the bodies would be on the streets.

If they are not criminals, and seen as a useful tool within the system, they will not have a criminal record. This is why they are here - the definition of Mafia is different in Russia than it is in the west, it is a cultural grey spot.

So because they do not have criminal records, they aren't/can't be mafia? What's your exact point?


First this is an article that was written for the most leftist liberal news(?) service inthe US. Huffington even kisses Obama's assets.

Now on to the article. I agree with the posts that the American's tend to forget that like all the other problems they left behind in Vietnam they also left Khaosan Road and Walking Street. Let's face it the vets that came to Thailand for R and R them came to let loose get laid, smoke some weed and get drunk. These bars were created by them for them. To be honest it was the war that educated me about Thailand.

Huff also forgot to mention that these houses only exist because of the people that come here. If the god people of England , Australia and the UK decided not to come here then it would not exist.

As for the mafia yep you definitely do not want the Russians as they will not pay as much kick back to the police.

They left behind Khaosan Road? Say what? I stayed on Khaosan Road in 1987 when it was just a few guesthouses and small restaurants. As far as I know it only really got started as a backpackers center a few years before that. Of course now it is a frigging zoo and full of bars and clubs, but I really doubt the American presence during the Vietnam War had absolutely anything to do with it. Did you mean Patpong Road, perhaps? Even then, I think it's development had more to do with German sex tourists in the 70 and 80s.

Virtually every nightspot that existed in Thailand during the Vietnam War is long gone.

During the Vietnam War the GIs that came to Bangkok for R&R were catered to by establishments set up on Petchburi Road Extension just for that purpose. The nightspots had the usual drinks and hostesses and loud music appealing to American teenagers. They are all gone now though some of the hotels still remain but usually in a rather decrepit state. It was after all 40 to 45 years ago. Patpong Rd was mainly for European tourists. Prostitution existed long, long before GIs came here and has continued long after they left. There is a vast commercial sex industry in Thailand though visitors (and most Thais) only see the few spots that cater to foreigners.


A few MORE posts have been removed from view. I highly recommend stopping the personal attacks. Which are a clear violation of forum rules.

Debates are OK, personal attacks are not.

Future violations of this rule will result in suspensions being handed out.



Anyone who actually believes that the Russian mafia controls anything has obviously forgotten where they are. IF there even is a Russian mafia it will be controlled by the Thai police. NO ONE takes rice from a Thai's rice bowl.

I'm sorry, but you know little about the Russian Mafia, about its' reach, or about how it operates in Pattaya.

If you knew as much about the red mafia as you claim, you would know the current "war against russian businesses and tourism agencies" is actually a war to keep the Red fellas out of Phuket. Greedy Thais from Phuket have seen the Police get half a bowl of Rice whilst Russians dined with a full bowl for years, and are afraid of the same fate.

Go to Pattaya, find the right mentality and meet the right people - then come back and comment on the state of the Thieves in Pattaya.

I know nothing about the Russian mafia, HOWEVER, I have been in Thailand for a long time and I know the Thai government. You seem to be ignorant of the depth of corruption within the Thai government. That's where the total power lies. If anyone attempts to oppose them, they will be dead or will have a one way ticket back to their home country.

IF the Russian mafia operates in Thailand, you can be sure that it is controlled by the Thai political system. It's all about money. Pay the right people and you will have the freedom to create your own mafia.


"By American standards, it's not a lot of money. The low price of sex in Pattaya's red-light district is a draw for many sex tourists. It is often as low as eight US dollars.

Ummmm....$8.00usd REALLY!? I need to know where they went to come up with this amount??? blink.png


Reading about the term "Mafia" it would seem it was first used by the Cosa Nostra in Sicily but it wasn't until after Mussolini virtually destroyed Costra Nostra and Carlo Gambino and Joseph Bonanno bailed out and went to New York that the name "Mafioso" was used openly.

Capone, Luciano etc inherited the name made it famous and the next thing we know everyone uses the name but the Russian refer to themselves as either Bratva or Vorovskoy mir and they are not one big happy family under one big boss. It would appear they all are similar in make up but do their own thing.

We all know Thailand has more than it's fair share of corruption and you wouldn't want to be crossing the wrong people. It would seem to me it's not the best place in the world for any foreigner to come barging into and setting up an organized crime syndicate as the Thai's own version of the Mafia wouldn't exactly lie down and let you come in and take over. Sure they might get in toe with some high flyer..A general for example but if you make friends one General you'll make 10 other other Generals you worst enemy.

The Russian may have a few hookers working for them here and there, they may even be involved in some comparatively small way in drugs but the Corleone's of Thailand.......I doubt it very much.


"By American standards, it's not a lot of money. The low price of sex in Pattaya's red-light district is a draw for many sex tourists. It is often as low as eight US dollars.

Ummmm....$8.00usd REALLY!? I need to know where they went to come up with this amount??? blink.png

232 baht is a common price point. Ya right. Walking down the street I often here, "hey mister I want 232 baht."biggrin.png Anyone find the Chocolate Butterfly bar yet?


I saw 2 Japanese guys covered in tats, must have been yakuza

Later I saw 2 Chinese guys also with tats, they must be triads

Little later I saw them talk to each other , so I guess yakuza and triads are taking over town.

Really makes you wonder how many cells the author OP is short off

When i see people with lots of tattoos i just presume they're w4nkers!


I saw 2 Japanese guys covered in tats, must have been yakuza

Later I saw 2 Chinese guys also with tats, they must be triads

Little later I saw them talk to each other , so I guess yakuza and triads are taking over town.

Really makes you wonder how many cells the author OP is short off

When i see people with lots of tattoos i just presume they're w4nkers!




The mafia is thick in the air here. The violence level actually seems low for the level of mafia. It can only get worse. Who in Thai politics would have the massive cajones (very life threatening) to take on the mafia forces as was done in Sicily?

Being a bit dramatic. Last time I checked the mob in Sicily are locals. In Pattaya its non-local Russians that were talking about here. The russian mob is there because local authorities permit them to be there. The authorities can just sit back, collect retirement and let the Russians do their thing. The russians are just tenants and can easily be evicted at any time. Dont let the whole LOS thing fool you, Thailand has its own mafia and they can be just as ruthless as any other.

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I saw 2 Japanese guys covered in tats, must have been yakuza

Later I saw 2 Chinese guys also with tats, they must be triads

Little later I saw them talk to each other , so I guess yakuza and triads are taking over town.

Really makes you wonder how many cells the author OP is short off

When i see people with lots of tattoos i just presume they're w4nkers!

I tend to follow the rule of never judging a book by the cover. Works well too.


Under some circumstances in to mention one example: Arizona USA, Children under 15 can quite legally Marry.

So perhaps as usual The American bigots should put their own house in order before talking nonesense in other countries (probably for profit). cheesy.gif

So, I suppose your country's house is in full order, huh? No flies on you.

Ultimately, even if everything in that tabloid article WAS true, there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. I'd also like to alert 'authorities' to the rampant corruption within the Thai Police force, but who would give a crap ? If its not the Russians in Pattaya, its the Chinese-Thais in Bangkok - we all love a good conspiracy, I guess, but I have no more control over this than I have over the Lebanese gangs in Sydney. I can vote with my feet - sure - but I only know of one country where the Russian mafia has been given the heave-ho, and I base that purely on hearsay.

The story goes that the Russians (I know they arent ALL Russians, but bear with me) sent men into Romania to strongarm the local crime bosses into submission - I believe this allegedly occurred somewhere in the 90s. Each of the men was returned to their next of kin - at least their heads were - neatly packed in cardboard boxes. The story goes that the Russians lost interest in Romania from that point on.

Whether its a bar story or not, two things stood out for me :

- would Romanians sleep any more soundly knowing that their homegrown psycopaths were still calling the shots on the crime front ?

- any country wanting to rid themselves of the Russian mafia - or any such group - needs to send a message (ok, ok) that anyone rocking up to their country uninvited will be leaving very quickly

As long as there is enough money crossing enough palms in Pattaya, I suspect that it will be business as usual - I'd like to think that any foreign organised criminals entrenched in Pattaya are bright enough to realise that any changes to the facade are going to adversely affect their interests. If anything raises my hackles, its the thought that the cops are getting even more tea money to ignore criminals, but none of that is particularly new. For me, the canary in the cage will be the day I go to Soi 6 and find it overrun with Chinese and Russian tourists - Walking St and surrounds might as well be in Bangkok for all I care.

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Typical American.........they think that all crime is some kind of organized.

Conspiracy theories and maffia.............problem with Pattaya is, that most crimes are NOT organized.

I'm told that he could have found the same underage abuse within metres of Time Square! He should sort that out first.
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