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Major 'dildo'-dealer Arrested In Thailand


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Major 'dildo'-dealer arrested in Thailand

Police are now looking for the buyers but the source added "these matters are hidden and the effects most often used in private". An 30 day amnesty is under consideration in which any such effects can be handed back. "We will ask no questions, even if the effect appears to have been used" said the source.
Several of the effects was later found missing from the station. It is assumed that they have been taken by polimen who themselves wanted to investigate the criminal usage of the articles further.

investigate the criminal usage, hmmmmmm

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Major 'dildo'-dealer arrested in Thailand
Police are now looking for the buyers but the source added "these matters are hidden and the effects most often used in private". An 30 day amnesty is under consideration in which any such effects can be handed back. "We will ask no questions, even if the effect appears to have been used" said the source.


Several of the effects was later found missing from the station. It is assumed that they have been taken by polimen who themselves wanted to investigate the criminal usage of the articles further.
investigate the criminal usage, hmmmmmm

This is such a joke.. Khmer shop owners keep wooden dildo's around in the most unlikely shapes and sizes and plastic dildos are criminal.......? :-)

Then again, if i wanted to live in a place that made sense all the time I'd move to Sweden. :o



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gees and my mate with his Thai wife were going to start a similar business !!! She is straight as a plank but reckons that most Thai women would be avid shoppers for something like a good vibrator. Thus the idea to start a business selling the stuff. Given Thai men's record for massage parlours and the like I am not surprised that a Thai woman might entertain the idea of a mechanical friend.

It's good to get the ins and outs of news from people on this forum. :o

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"Almost all of the items were much bigger than the real thing, even if it said 'natural size' on the package. Who can use a monstrum on 10 or 12 centimeters lenght for anything pleasurable is beyond my imagination" said one of the officers.

So it must be true,, Thai Men have small dicks,, ( hope they never have to strip search me, they will think I have elephantiasis.) and I didnt think I was that well hung :o

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Well, I did not know that Thai men have the small dickwats, so having one the size of some proportion other than mention I guess is what women want. Now being a fella with the proper flagpole and bearings intact, one can pump it up and presto viola!!!!!!!!!!! Whoooooooooooooooooo wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. :o


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For a moment I thought this was another thread about that shirtless (witless?) goof with the extasy down his pants "MAJOR DILDO ARRESTED".

If sex toys are illegal, whats with every bloody market in Thailand selling ben-wa balls?


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######, to answer your question>>>>> Absolutely yes perhaps a thousand times. Some girls in Bangkok when I was there in the past gave me some incredible shows> showing me how they love using my American Toy!!!!!!! Even Tiger here loves her french tickler too!!!!!!!! :D:D:o:D These have always been a girls favorite satisfier, but I cannot answer to you as to why and what it is that they feel for these darn things. Only a woman can explain it hopefully to us male species of the kind. But never the less to me it is a blessing in disquise which gives me a breather in between my camel humps.!!!!!

Daveyoti :D

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Do battery dildo's chip teeth ?

Dunno. Suck on one and see what happens. I'm sure we can organise a whip round for some false teeth if something goes wrong. :o

I've seen battery-operated dildos for sale in Bangkok department stores. All very open, in glass display cases. Admittedly this was a few years ago, and they were rather plain looking, if you get my drift.

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Do battery dildo's chip teeth ?

Dunno. Suck on one and see what happens. I'm sure we can organise a whip round for some false teeth if something goes wrong. :D

I've seen battery-operated dildos for sale in Bangkok department stores. All very open, in glass display cases. Admittedly this was a few years ago, and they were rather plain looking, if you get my drift.

Were test drives allowed...Try before you buy ... so to speak :o

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Dr PP that would be the ultimate>>>>> imagine them having test rooms while we wait outside sitting down as they try them out for size, then hearing these girls squeal with ultimate delight at full pitch!!!!!!!!!!!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwww!!!!!!!!! :o:D:D

Daveyoti :D:D

PS They can name it " Ultimate Self Serve Sex" or USSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Were test drives allowed...Try before you buy ... so to speak

I'm buggered if I'm going to test drive a dildo. :D

Try before you buy I always say David. You never know :o

Never know what Doc? Like, when you're gonna find a use for a dildo? Illuminate and elucidate your secret fetish Doc? :D

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Were test drives allowed...Try before you buy ... so to speak

I'm buggered if I'm going to test drive a dildo. :D

Try before you buy I always say David. You never know :o

Never know what Doc? Like, when you're gonna find a use for a dildo? Illuminate and elucidate your secret fetish Doc? :D

A strapon perhaps ... give it a try before I buy :D

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to the assembled...

I had a 'complete' physical examination once in California that included a prostate examination. The nurse in charge of the examination eyes narrowed with sadistic pleasure as she greased up the speculum with K-Y. As it turned out, it wasn't that bad...she fingered about the old prostate and it felt...nice. Not that I looked to get buggered afterwards but everything OK in clinical conditions.

Later in a knocking shop in Jakarta, I noted that the lady had an assortment of dildos in her kit. I asked for what purpose and she said that some of her clients liked insertion while she was down on a blowjob. Never tried it meself but obviously SOME OF YOU GUYS HAVE and are not copping to it.

So...in the interest of mutual cultural understanding appreciate that thais have small dicks and probably smaller <deleted> and could not countenance a woman easing something thereto. The suggestion thereof would intimidate the baddest BKK cop and his 'dirty harry' .44 mag...any display must be destroyed...after suitable online female orifice testing, of course...

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Later in a knocking shop in Jakarta, I noted that the lady had an assortment of dildos in her kit. I asked for what purpose and she said that some of her clients liked insertion while she was down on a blowjob. Never tried it meself but obviously SOME OF YOU GUYS HAVE and are not copping to it.

some men can be so anal at times :o apparently the male g spot resides in the prostate :D

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