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Women Arrested For Pimping 11-Year-Old Girl On Bangkok's Soi Cowboy


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I could not care less about the pedophile, rot or die I don't care. I care about the girl and her life. The story did not use the word rape or forced. Was the Swede a shitty scum bag --- I didnt read that bit. was she pimped or sold ? I dont know I dont think It matters. Why is sex always assumed . Would it be too much to imagine the guy may want to adopt, you jus dont know, you just attack and kill kill. Ever heard of hearing both sides of a story.


what a cretin you are.....just meet and adopt an 11yo in soi cowboy....

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Umm, all these shocked and horrified netizens over this act. Just where do you think you are? I find this act appalling, but no more so than say, thousands of extra-judicial murders in the name of the drug war or towing a boat full of refugees out to sea and setting them adrift with no food or water or say, loading a shipping container full of refugees and dumping it in the Gulf of Thailand. Your western sensibilities cloud your judgement when you make the mistake of thinking that the majority of Thais are actually civilized.


A child is a child no matter where you are and is deserving of responsible care and protection.

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I could not care less about the pedophile, rot or die I don't care. I care about the girl and her life. The story did not use the word rape or forced. Was the Swede a shitty scum bag --- I didnt read that bit. was she pimped or sold ? I dont know I dont think It matters. Why is sex always assumed . Would it be too much to imagine the guy may want to adopt, you jus dont know, you just attack and kill kill. Ever heard of hearing both sides of a story.


what a cretin you are.....just meet and adopt an 11yo in soi cowboy....


I have no idea where you would meet and adopt an 11 year old ---do you? It would seem like a good place to start. As you are so wise tell us Oh great one where do you meet 11 year olds to adopt or take care of and offer a family life away from squaller and deprivation.

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Maybe unrelated to the OP....but IMO Soi Cowboy should be bulldozed anyway!


I'm guessing THAT is probably in the works already.

Been some talk for the past few years that Soi Cowboy

just ain't making the money it used to and there are

a bunch of people with the necessary dinero to mow

the place down and build more lucrative possibilities.

We shall see.

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I could not care less about the pedophile, rot or die I don't care. I care about the girl and her life. The story did not use the word rape or forced. Was the Swede a shitty scum bag --- I didnt read that bit. was she pimped or sold ? I dont know I dont think It matters. Why is sex always assumed . Would it be too much to imagine the guy may want to adopt, you jus dont know, you just attack and kill kill. Ever heard of hearing both sides of a story.


what a cretin you are.....just meet and adopt an 11yo in soi cowboy....


I have no idea where you would meet and adopt an 11 year old ---do you? It would seem like a good place to start. As you are so wise tell us Oh great one where do you meet 11 year olds to adopt or take care of and offer a family life away from squaller and deprivation.

Are you being serious here? Is this a wind up on your part?

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Shocking Yes.. surprising NO !

It's about time they shut Pattaya down..


Hmmm, Soi Cowboy is located in Bangkok, but that said,

Pattaya could use a little sweep or two IMO of course.

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I could not care less about the pedophile, rot or die I don't care. I care about the girl and her life. The story did not use the word rape or forced. Was the Swede a shitty scum bag --- I didnt read that bit. was she pimped or sold ? I dont know I dont think It matters. Why is sex always assumed . Would it be too much to imagine the guy may want to adopt, you jus dont know, you just attack and kill kill. Ever heard of hearing both sides of a story.


what a cretin you are.....just meet and adopt an 11yo in soi cowboy....


I have no idea where you would meet and adopt an 11 year old ---do you? It would seem like a good place to start. As you are so wise tell us Oh great one where do you meet 11 year olds to adopt or take care of and offer a family life away from squaller and deprivation.


you're just taking the piss aren't you.....

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I could not care less about the pedophile, rot or die I don't care. I care about the girl and her life. The story did not use the word rape or forced. Was the Swede a shitty scum bag --- I didnt read that bit. was she pimped or sold ? I dont know I dont think It matters. Why is sex always assumed . Would it be too much to imagine the guy may want to adopt, you jus dont know, you just attack and kill kill. Ever heard of hearing both sides of a story.


what a cretin you are.....just meet and adopt an 11yo in soi cowboy....


I have no idea where you would meet and adopt an 11 year old ---do you? It would seem like a good place to start. As you are so wise tell us Oh great one where do you meet 11 year olds to adopt or take care of and offer a family life away from squaller and deprivation.


you're just taking the piss aren't you.....

I hope so, I really do. Madness otherwise.

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After reading your first post I thought nothing on this thread could be more crass or wilfully blind to reality, Quote

You might want reconsider your use name.

'Blue spunk' hardly conjures up an image of a man standing on high moral ground preaching of child molestation.

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After reading your first post I thought nothing on this thread could be more crass or wilfully blind to reality, Quote

You might want reconsider your use name.

'Blue spunk' hardly conjures up an image of a man standing on high moral ground preaching of child molestation.

It's blues. Punk, apologist.

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After reading your first post I thought nothing on this thread could be more crass or wilfully blind to reality, Quote

You might want reconsider your use name.

'Blue spunk' hardly conjures up an image of a man standing on high moral ground preaching of child molestation.

It's blues. Punk, apologist.

Doh....shoulda used a capital P hey

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Whilst on many a trip to Cowboy with o'seas people for a gander, I can't say I have ever seen children (under 18's) other than the flower girl and young boy who frequent the streets. I am sure I could well have missed youngster and certainly they would have stuck out like a sore thumb, but I consider Nana and Patpong as the 'no-go' areas as I always find Cowboy more of a laugh than a hunting ground. It is also groups like S.I.S.H.A. who take care of these low lifes who traffic in kids and pedophilia. I continue to support them and if I ever see anything untowards I will be the first to contact both Tong Lor Police (their jurisdiction) and S.I.S.H.A. as we all should.

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you're just taking the piss aren't you.....

I hope so, I really do. Madness otherwise.


I was beginning to realize you were not capable of a sensible conversation.

You realise you've lost the argument don't you. Apologist.


Sounds like a few boys of 11 are arguing in vain for nothing.

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Incidents like this are the dreadful downside of

Thailand. When you have westerners who will

take advantage of the circumstances of these

poor people. I hope and prayer for this young

girl that she may now have a chance of a better


Westerner customers are only an infinitesimal drop in the ocean regarding child prostitution in Asia. Unfortunately, that's the error of most people's perception, including the groups who are out to help the children.

Edited by happysanook
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"I have, and since I work for the Catholic Church it appalls me that anyone would even suggest such a thing."

Yes that bastion against kiddy fiddlers...actually I guess to be fair they are only interested in young boys...

Edited by Greer
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Maybe unrelated to the OP....but IMO Soi Cowboy should be bulldozed anyway!

Right on cue.. You do realise that the farang side of the P4P industry is tiny compared to the one that caters to locals right? You on the other hand are a few neon lights and decide to preach.

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It's really the Swede who is the guilty party here--the "Johns" get off while the poor and disadvantaged women get arrested and shamed. For Shame to the societies that allow men to purchase and exploit people like this, while the victims of these "victimless crimes" a re the ones put in jail for prostitution and the "Johns" just go on to other prostitutes.

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It's really the Swede who is the guilty party here--the "Johns" get off while the poor and disadvantaged women get arrested and shamed. For Shame to the societies that allow men to purchase and exploit people like this, while the victims of these "victimless crimes" a re the ones put in jail for prostitution and the "Johns" just go on to other prostitutes.

Selling an 11 yr old girl for prostitution is a "Victimless Crime." Are you for real? What about the slab of meat that is being sold to a pedophile so he can feed?

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I suspect this happens much more than is known and for the pleasure of Thai men more that foreigners . Really Shocking !!!

u r correct ...have seen this in philippines as well ...foreigners r often only the punching bags and diversions for the far greater abuse from locals ..

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shocked, not just by the story, but by the fact some people are trying to justify any of this.

the "customer" is helping the girl avoid physical injury from old military ordnance, giving her a chance to escape poverty, what tripe.

peds are not stupid, in fact most are very cunning they have to be, they know their actions are evil, not in their minds but in the mind of most well socially adjusted people, but no, not on TV, i am just stunned sometimes, with people trying to make any justification for this crime..

then as always a debate starts, the thais do it more than the foreigners, who cares if it involves young people it is about economic exploitation, it does not make it right.

thai men dont see themselves as peds when they go into those revolting up-country brothels/karoke, it is the norm of their brothel hopping existence.

do i see them as sex offenders, yes of course.

the foreigners make the news when involved, thais using the market aimed at them very rarely, when you find out who runs them in your locality, you understand why the thai scene is mostly untouched, people with much local power and influence, life does not hold much value for them.

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Sad when greed, the lack of basic moral standards and a sick mind
get together. As for the guy, they should lock him up and give photos of
his own siblings and all youngsters in his family to his fellow
paedophile inmates...
quote Tacky Too, Not sure if it is clear if the Swede involved actually initiated the arrest or was complicit.
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